blob: 9b003d27c3ec114502d7c90952867d8a2cc66f36 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include "sw/device/lib/flash_ctrl.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/base/log.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/base/memory.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/base/mmio.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/common.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/runtime/check.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/testing/test_main.h"
#define CHECK_ARRAYS_EQ(xs, ys, len) \
do { \
uint32_t *xs_ = (xs); \
uint32_t *ys_ = (ys); \
size_t len_ = (len); \
for (int i = 0; i < len_; ++i) { \
CHECK(xs_[i] == ys_[i]); \
} \
} while (false)
#define CHECK_EQZ(x) CHECK((x) == 0)
#define CHECK_NEZ(x) CHECK((x) != 0)
* Basic test of page erase / program / read functions
* Tests pages from both the data and info partitions
static void test_basic_io(void) {
// setup default access for data partition
flash_default_region_access(/*rd_en=*/true, /*prog_en=*/true,
// info partition has no default access, specifically setup a region
mp_region_t info_region = {
.num = 0x0,
.size = 0x1,
.part = kInfoPartition,
.rd_en = true,
.prog_en = true,
.erase_en = true,
uintptr_t flash_bank_1_addr = FLASH_MEM_BASE_ADDR + FLASH_BANK_SZ;
mmio_region_t flash_bank_1 = mmio_region_from_addr(flash_bank_1_addr);
// Test erasing flash data partition; this should turn the whole bank to all
// ones.
CHECK_EQZ(flash_page_erase(flash_bank_1_addr, kDataPartition));
for (int i = 0; i < FLASH_WORDS_PER_PAGE; ++i) {
CHECK_EQZ(~mmio_region_read32(flash_bank_1, i * sizeof(uint32_t)));
// Erasing flash info partition; this should turn the whole bank to all ones.
CHECK_EQZ(flash_page_erase(flash_bank_1_addr, kInfoPartition));
// Prepare an entire page of non-trivial data to program
// into flash.
uint32_t input_page[FLASH_WORDS_PER_PAGE];
uint32_t output_page[FLASH_WORDS_PER_PAGE];
memset(input_page, 0xa5, FLASH_WORDS_PER_PAGE * sizeof(uint32_t));
for (int i = 0; i < FLASH_WORDS_PER_PAGE; i += 2) {
input_page[i] ^= 0xffffffff;
// Attempt to live-program an entire page, where the overall
// payload is much larger than the internal flash FIFO.
CHECK_EQZ(flash_page_erase(flash_bank_1_addr, kDataPartition));
CHECK_EQZ(flash_write(flash_bank_1_addr, kDataPartition, input_page,
CHECK_EQZ(flash_read(flash_bank_1_addr, kDataPartition, FLASH_WORDS_PER_PAGE,
CHECK_ARRAYS_EQ(output_page, input_page, FLASH_WORDS_PER_PAGE);
// Check from host side also
for (int i = 0; i < FLASH_WORDS_PER_PAGE; i++) {
output_page[i] = mmio_region_read32(flash_bank_1, i * sizeof(uint32_t));
CHECK_ARRAYS_EQ(output_page, input_page, FLASH_WORDS_PER_PAGE);
// Similar check for info page
CHECK_EQZ(flash_page_erase(flash_bank_1_addr, kInfoPartition));
CHECK_EQZ(flash_write(flash_bank_1_addr, kInfoPartition, input_page,
CHECK_EQZ(flash_read(flash_bank_1_addr, kInfoPartition, FLASH_WORDS_PER_PAGE,
CHECK_ARRAYS_EQ(output_page, input_page, FLASH_WORDS_PER_PAGE);
uintptr_t flash_bank_0_last_page_addr = flash_bank_1_addr - FLASH_PAGE_SZ;
mmio_region_t flash_bank_0_last_page =
CHECK_EQZ(flash_page_erase(flash_bank_0_last_page_addr, kDataPartition));
for (int i = 0; i < FLASH_WORDS_PER_PAGE; ++i) {
~mmio_region_read32(flash_bank_0_last_page, i * sizeof(uint32_t)));
CHECK_EQZ(flash_write(flash_bank_0_last_page_addr, kDataPartition, input_page,
CHECK_EQZ(flash_read(flash_bank_0_last_page_addr, kDataPartition,
FLASH_WORDS_PER_PAGE, output_page));
CHECK_ARRAYS_EQ(output_page, input_page, FLASH_WORDS_PER_PAGE);
static void test_memory_protection(void) {
flash_default_region_access(/*rd_en=*/true, /*prog_en=*/true,
// A memory protection region representing the first page of the second bank.
mp_region_t protection_region = {
.num = 0x0,
.size = 0x1,
.part = kDataPartition,
.rd_en = true,
.prog_en = true,
.erase_en = true,
uintptr_t ok_region_start =
FLASH_MEM_BASE_ADDR + (protection_region.base * FLASH_PAGE_SZ);
uintptr_t ok_region_end =
ok_region_start + (protection_region.size * FLASH_PAGE_SZ);
mmio_region_t ok_region = mmio_region_from_addr(ok_region_start);
uintptr_t bad_region_start = ok_region_end;
// Erase good and bad regions.
CHECK_EQZ(flash_page_erase(ok_region_start, kDataPartition));
CHECK_EQZ(flash_page_erase(bad_region_start, kDataPartition));
// Turn off flash access by default.
flash_default_region_access(/*rd_en=*/false, /*prog_en=*/false,
// Attempt to perform a write.
uintptr_t region_boundary_start = bad_region_start - (FLASH_WORD_SZ * 2);
mmio_region_t region_boundary = mmio_region_from_addr(region_boundary_start);
// Place half the words in the good region and half in the bad
uint32_t words[(FLASH_WORD_SZ * 2 * 2) / sizeof(uint32_t)];
memset(words, 0xa5, ARRAYSIZE(words) * sizeof(uint32_t));
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(words); ++i) {
words[i] += i;
// Perform a partial write.
CHECK_NEZ(flash_write(region_boundary_start, kDataPartition, words,
// Words in the good region should still match, while words in the bad
// region should be all-ones, since we erased
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(words); ++i) {
uint32_t expected = 0xffffffff;
if (i < ARRAYSIZE(words) / 2) {
expected = words[i];
CHECK(mmio_region_read32(region_boundary, i * sizeof(uint32_t)) ==
// Attempt to erase bad page, which should fail.
CHECK_NEZ(flash_page_erase(bad_region_start, kDataPartition));
// Attempt to erase the good page, which should succeed.
CHECK_EQZ(flash_page_erase(ok_region_start, kDataPartition));
for (int i = 0; i < FLASH_WORDS_PER_PAGE; i++) {
CHECK_EQZ(~mmio_region_read32(ok_region, i * sizeof(uint32_t)));
bool test_main(void) {
LOG_INFO("flash test!");
flash_cfg_bank_erase(FLASH_BANK_0, /*erase_en=*/true);
flash_cfg_bank_erase(FLASH_BANK_1, /*erase_en=*/true);
flash_cfg_bank_erase(FLASH_BANK_0, /*erase_en=*/false);
flash_cfg_bank_erase(FLASH_BANK_1, /*erase_en=*/false);
return true;