blob: 39fe73a018b3f040faa271c27abd9127c667fd58 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
build_cmd: "{job_prefix} vcs"
build_ex: "{build_dir}/simv"
run_cmd: "{job_prefix} {build_ex}"
// Indicate the tool specific helper sources - these are copied over to the
// {tool_srcs_dir} before running the simulation.
tool_srcs: ["{proj_root}/hw/dv/tools/vcs/*"]
build_opts: ["-sverilog -full64 -licqueue -kdb -ntb_opts uvm-1.2",
"-o {build_ex}",
"-f {sv_flist}",
// Turn on warnings for non-void functions called with return values ignored
// Below option required for $error/$fatal system calls
"-assert svaext",
// Force unique and priority to evaluate compliance checking only on the stable
// and final value of the selection input at the end of a simulation timestep.
// See
"-xlrm uniq_prior_final",
// Force DPI-C compilation in C99 mode
"-CFLAGS \"--std=c99\"",
// Without this magic LDFLAGS argument below, we get compile time errors with
// VCS on Google Linux machines that look like this:
// .../ undefined reference to `snpsReallocFunc'
// .../ undefined reference to `snpsCheckStrdupFunc'
// .../ undefined reference to `snpsGetMemBytes'
"-LDFLAGS \"-Wl,--no-as-needed\"",
// This option enables the following: (needed for uvm_hdl_*)
// - Read capability on registers, variables, and nets
// - Write (deposit) capability on registers and variables
// - Force capability on registers, variables, and nets
run_opts: ["-licqueue",
"-ucli -do {tool_srcs_dir}/vcs.tcl",
// Disable the display of the SystemVerilog assert and cover statement summary
// at the end of simulation. This summary is list of assertions that started but
// did not finish because the simulation terminated, or assertions that did not
// fire at all. The latter is analyzed anyway in the collected coverage. Neither
// of these is useful in regular simulations.
"-assert nopostproc",
// Coverage related.
cov_db_dir: "{scratch_path}/coverage/{build_mode}.vdb"
// Individual test specific coverage data - this will be deleted if the test fails
// so that coverage from failiing tests is not included in the final report.
cov_db_test_dir_name: "{run_dir_name}.{seed}"
cov_db_test_dir: "{cov_db_dir}/snps/coverage/db/testdata/{cov_db_test_dir_name}"
// Merging coverage.
// "cov_db_dirs" is a special variable that appends all build directories in use.
// It is constructed by the tool itself.
cov_merge_dir: "{scratch_base_path}/cov_merge"
cov_merge_db_dir: "{cov_merge_dir}/merged.vdb"
cov_merge_cmd: "{job_prefix} urg"
cov_merge_opts: ["-full64",
"-flex_merge drop",
"-group merge_across_scopes",
"-parallel_split 20",
// Use cov_db_dirs var for dir args; append -dir in front of each
'''{eval_cmd} dirs=`echo {cov_db_dirs}`; dir_args=; \
for d in $dirs; do dir_args="$dir_args -dir $d"; done; \
echo $dir_args
"-dbname {cov_merge_db_dir}"]
// Generate coverage reports in text as well as html.
cov_report_dir: "{scratch_base_path}/cov_report"
cov_report_cmd: "{job_prefix} urg"
cov_report_opts: ["-full64",
"-dir {cov_merge_db_dir}",
"-group instcov_for_score",
"-line nocasedef",
"-format both",
"-elfile {vcs_cov_excl_files}",
"-report {cov_report_dir}"]
cov_report_txt: "{cov_report_dir}/dashboard.txt"
cov_report_page: "dashboard.html"
// Analyzing coverage - this is done by invoking --cov-analyze switch. It opens up the
// GUI for visual analysis.
cov_analyze_dir: "{scratch_base_path}/cov_analyze"
cov_analyze_cmd: "{job_prefix} verdi"
cov_analyze_opts: ["-cov",
"-covdir {cov_merge_db_dir}",
"-line nocasedef"
"-elfile {vcs_cov_excl_files}"]
// Vars that need to exported to the env.
exports: [
// Defaults for VCS
cov_metrics: "line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert"
vcs_cov_hier: ""
vcs_cov_assert_hier: ""
vcs_cov_excl_files: []
// pass and fail patterns
build_fail_patterns: ["^Error-.*$"]
run_fail_patterns: ["^Error-.*$"] // Null pointer error
build_modes: [
name: vcs_waves
is_sim_mode: 1
build_opts: ["-debug_access+all"]
name: vcs_cov
is_sim_mode: 1
build_opts: [// Enable the required cov metrics
"-cm {cov_metrics}",
// Set the coverage hierarchy
// Set the assert coverage hierarchy
// Cover all continuous assignments
"-cm_line contassign",
// Dump toggle coverage on mdas, array of structs and on ports only
"-cm_tgl mda+structarr+portsonly",
// Ignore initial blocks for coverage
"-cm_report noinitial",
// Filter unreachable/statically constant blocks
// Don't count coverage that's coming from zero-time glitches
"-cm_glitch 0",
// Ignore warnings about not applying cm_glitch to path and FSM
// Coverage database output location
"-cm_dir {cov_db_dir}"]
run_opts: [// Enable the required cov metrics
"-cm {cov_metrics}",
// Same directory as build
"-cm_dir {cov_db_dir}",
// Don't output cm.log which can be quite large
"-cm_log /dev/null",
// Provide a name to the coverage collected for this test
"-cm_name {cov_db_test_dir_name}"]
name: vcs_xprop
is_sim_mode: 1
build_opts: ["-xprop={tool_srcs_dir}/xprop.cfg"]
name: vcs_profile
is_sim_mode: 1
build_opts: ["-simprofile"]
run_opts: ["-simprofile {profile}"]
name: vcs_loopdetect
is_sim_mode: 1
build_opts: ["+vcs+loopreport", "+vcs+loopdetect"]
run_opts: ["+vcs+loopreport", "+vcs+loopdetect"]