| # Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| # |
| # Generate a baremetal application for the microcontroller |
| |
| GENHDRS = uart_regs.h gpio_regs.h spi_device_regs.h flash_ctrl_regs.h |
| |
| PROGRAM ?= boot_rom |
| PROGRAM_CFLAGS = -Wall -g -Os |
| ifeq ($(SIM),1) |
| endif |
| ARCH = rv32imc |
| # ARCH = rv32im # to disable compressed instructions |
| SRCS = uart.c gpio.c spi_device.c flash_ctrl.c bootstrap.c $(PROGRAM).c |
| RV_TOOLS ?= /tools/riscv/bin |
| |
| |
| CC = ${RV_TOOLS}/riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc |
| |
| OBJCOPY ?= $(subst gcc,objcopy,$(wordlist 1,1,$(CC))) |
| OBJDUMP ?= $(subst gcc,objdump,$(wordlist 1,1,$(CC))) |
| REGTOOL = ../../util/regtool.py |
| |
| LINKER_SCRIPT ?= link.ld |
| CRT ?= crt0.S |
| CFLAGS ?= -march=$(ARCH) -mabi=ilp32 -static -mcmodel=medany \ |
| -fvisibility=hidden -nostdlib -nostartfiles $(PROGRAM_CFLAGS) |
| |
| OBJS := ${SRCS:.c=.o} ${CRT:.S=.o} |
| DEPS = $(OBJS:%.o=%.d) |
| |
| OUTFILES = $(PROGRAM).elf $(PROGRAM).vmem $(PROGRAM).bin $(PROGRAM).dis $(PROGRAM).map |
| |
| all: $(OUTFILES) |
| |
| $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -T $(LINKER_SCRIPT) $(OBJS) -o $@ $(LIBS) -Xlinker -Map=${PROGRAM}.map |
| |
| %.dis: %.elf |
| $(OBJDUMP) -SD $^ > $@ |
| |
| # Note: this target requires the srecord package to be installed. |
| # XXX: This could be replaced by objcopy once |
| # https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=19921 |
| # is merged. |
| # XXX: Currently the start address 0x1000 is hardcoded. It could/should be |
| # read from the elf file, but is lost in the bin file. |
| # Switching to objcopy will resolve that as well. |
| %.vmem: %.bin |
| srec_cat $^ -binary -offset 0x0 -byte-swap 4 -o $@ -vmem |
| |
| %.bin: %.elf |
| $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $^ $@ |
| |
| %.o: %.c |
| $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -MMD -c $(INCS) -o $@ $< |
| |
| %.o: %.S |
| $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -MMD -c $(INCS) -o $@ $< |
| |
| # Can't find a way to use % twice in RHS, this based on stackoverflow |
| GENHDR_BASE = $(subst _regs.h,,$(GENHDRS)) |
| define header_gen |
| $1.c: $1_regs.h |
| |
| $1_regs.h: ../../hw/ip/$1/doc/*.hjson |
| if [ -f ../../hw/ip/$1/doc/$1.hjson ]; then \ |
| $(REGTOOL) -D -o $1_regs.h ../../hw/ip/$1/doc/$1.hjson ; \ |
| else \ |
| $(REGTOOL) -D -o $1_regs.h ../../hw/ip/$1/doc/$1_reg.hjson ; \ |
| fi |
| endef |
| $(foreach f,$(GENHDR_BASE),$(eval $(call header_gen,$f))) |
| |
| -include $(DEPS) |
| |
| clean: |
| $(RM) -f *.o *.d *.bin *.vmem *.dis *.elf *.map $(GENHDRS) |
| |
| distclean: clean |
| $(RM) -f $(OUTFILES) |