blob: f582c2930e406d01f4c93cafba862108ad492e44 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Testbench module for prim_lfsr. Intended to use with a formal tool.
module prim_lfsr_tb #(
parameter int unsigned InDw = 1,
parameter int unsigned OutDw = 1,
parameter int unsigned GalXorMinLfsrDw = 4,
parameter int unsigned GalXorMaxLfsrDw = 64,
parameter int unsigned FibXnorMinLfsrDw = 3,
parameter int unsigned FibXnorMaxLfsrDw = 168,
parameter int unsigned NumDuts = FibXnorMaxLfsrDw - FibXnorMinLfsrDw + 1 +
GalXorMaxLfsrDw - GalXorMinLfsrDw + 1,
// LFSRs up to this bitwidth are checked for maximum length
parameter int unsigned MaxLenSVAThresh = 10
) (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
input [NumDuts-1:0] en_i,
input [NumDuts-1:0][InDw-1:0] data_i,
output logic [NumDuts-1:0][OutDw-1:0] data_o
for (genvar k = GalXorMinLfsrDw; k <= GalXorMaxLfsrDw; k++) begin : gen_gal_xor_duts
prim_lfsr #(
// disabled for large LFSRs since this becomes prohibitive in runtime
.MaxLenSVA(k <= MaxLenSVAThresh)
) i_prim_lfsr (
for (genvar k = FibXnorMinLfsrDw; k <= FibXnorMaxLfsrDw; k++) begin : gen_fib_xnor_duts
prim_lfsr #(
// disabled for large LFSRs since this becomes prohibitive in runtime
.MaxLenSVA(k <= MaxLenSVAThresh)
) i_prim_lfsr (
.en_i(en_i[k - FibXnorMinLfsrDw + GalXorMaxLfsrDw - GalXorMinLfsrDw + 1]),
.data_i(data_i[k - FibXnorMinLfsrDw + GalXorMaxLfsrDw - GalXorMinLfsrDw + 1]),
.data_o(data_o[k - FibXnorMinLfsrDw + GalXorMaxLfsrDw - GalXorMinLfsrDw + 1])
endmodule : prim_lfsr_tb