blob: 654c5dda74ef927907af1651973dff9e318c64c5 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
This script generates various descriptions of the ROM_EXT manifest format based
on the `sw/device/rom_exts/manifest.hjson` machine-readable description of that
The main part of `mainfest.hjson` is a list of fields described using a list of
dicts. These features are given in sequential order.
Each dict can describe one of the following kinds of data format features:
- `type: reserved` which is a reserved area of a certain size. These definitions
are not named, and definitions are not produced for them.
- `type: field` which is a readable field of a certain size. We generate
definitions for the start offset of the field, and for the field size (in both
bytes and words). These must have a name.
- `type: offset` which is a named offset into the ROM_EXT image. This implicitly
has a size of zero, but no size definitions are given for these fields.
Offsets with an alignment can move any features that follow them. These must
have a name.
All data format features have a default alignment of 32-bits. This alignment can
be reduced or expanded with the `alignment` key.
All sizes and alignments are given in *bits*, not bytes.
All fields and offsets must have a name, and optionally a description in the
`desc` key.
The generator currently produces the following files (into the given output
- `template.h`, from `sw/device/rom_exts/manifest.h.tpl` which provides field
size and offset preprocessor definitions for use from C.
import argparse
from pathlib import Path
import hjson
from mako.template import Template
from topgen.c import MemoryRegion, Name
DESC = """ROM_EXT manifest generator"""
USAGE = """
rom-ext-manifest-generator --input-dir:
Directory where manifest.hjson and manifest.h.tpl reside.
rom-ext-manifest-generator --output-dir:
Directory where manifest.h will be created.
class MemoryOffset(object):
def __init__(self, name, offset): = name
self.offset = offset
def offset_name(self):
return + Name(["offset"])
def generate_cheader(fields, input_dir, output_dir):
""" Generates C header file from the `template_file`.
It produces a list of tuples with a field name and the `MemoryRegion`
object, which is used in the `template_path`. The resulting header file is
placed into `output_path`.
template_path = input_dir / 'manifest.h.tpl'
output_path = output_dir / 'manifest.h'
base_name = Name.from_snake_case("ROM_EXT")
regions = []
offsets = []
current_offset_bytes = 0
for field in fields:
required_alignment_bits = field.get("alignment", 32)
assert required_alignment_bits % 8 == 0
required_alignment_bytes = required_alignment_bits // 8
# The 8-byte two-step
# This ends up aligning `current_offset_bytes` to `required_alignment_bytes`
# that is greater than or equal to `current_offset_bytes`.
current_offset_bytes = (current_offset_bytes + required_alignment_bytes - 1) \
& ~(required_alignment_bytes - 1)
if field['type'] == "offset":
offset_name = base_name + Name.from_snake_case(field['name'])
offset = MemoryOffset(offset_name, current_offset_bytes)
offsets.append((field['name'], offset))
assert field['size'] % 8 == 0
size_bytes = field['size'] // 8
if field['type'] == "field":
region_name = base_name + Name.from_snake_case(field['name'])
region = MemoryRegion(region_name, current_offset_bytes, size_bytes)
regions.append((field['name'], region))
current_offset_bytes += size_bytes
with'r') as f:
template = Template(
header = template.render(regions=regions, offsets=offsets)
with'w') as f:
print('Template sucessfuly written to {}.'.format(output_path))
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
help='Manifest hjson and template directory.')
help='Manifest header output directory.')
args = parser.parse_args()
manifest_hjson_file = args.input_dir / 'manifest.hjson'
with'r') as hjson_file:
obj = hjson.loads(
generate_cheader(obj['fields'], args.input_dir, args.output_dir)
if __name__ == '__main__':