| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // |
| // interface for input data from LC, OTP and flash |
| interface keymgr_if(input clk, input rst_n); |
| |
| import uvm_pkg::*; |
| |
| lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t keymgr_en; |
| lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_keymgr_div_t keymgr_div; |
| otp_ctrl_part_pkg::otp_hw_cfg_t otp_hw_cfg; |
| otp_ctrl_pkg::otp_keymgr_key_t otp_key; |
| flash_ctrl_pkg::keymgr_flash_t flash; |
| |
| keymgr_pkg::hw_key_req_t kmac_key; |
| keymgr_pkg::hw_key_req_t hmac_key; |
| keymgr_pkg::hw_key_req_t aes_key; |
| |
| keymgr_pkg::hw_key_req_t kmac_key_exp; |
| keymgr_pkg::hw_key_req_t hmac_key_exp; |
| keymgr_pkg::hw_key_req_t aes_key_exp; |
| |
| // connect KDF interface for assertion check |
| wire keymgr_pkg::kmac_data_req_t kmac_data_req; |
| wire keymgr_pkg::kmac_data_rsp_t kmac_data_rsp; |
| |
| // indicate if check the key is same as expected or shouldn't match to any meaningful key |
| bit is_kmac_key_good; |
| bit is_hmac_key_good; |
| bit is_aes_key_good; |
| |
| // when kmac sideload key is generated, kmac may be used to do other OP, but once the OP is done, |
| // it should automatically switch back to sideload key |
| bit is_kmac_sideload_avail; |
| keymgr_env_pkg::key_shares_t kmac_sideload_key_shares; |
| |
| keymgr_env_pkg::key_shares_t keys_a_array[string][string]; |
| |
| string msg_id = "keymgr_if"; |
| |
| task automatic init(); |
| // This life cycle signal must be stable before |
| // the key manager comes out of reset. |
| // The power/reset manager ensures that |
| // this sequencing is correct. |
| keymgr_en = lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t'($urandom); |
| |
| // async delay as these signals are from different clock domain |
| #($urandom_range(1000, 0) * 1ns); |
| keymgr_en = lc_ctrl_pkg::On; |
| keymgr_div = 64'h5CFBD765CE33F34E; |
| otp_hw_cfg.data.device_id = 'hF0F0; |
| otp_key = otp_ctrl_pkg::OTP_KEYMGR_KEY_DEFAULT; |
| flash = flash_ctrl_pkg::KEYMGR_FLASH_DEFAULT; |
| endtask |
| |
| // reset local exp variables when reset is issued |
| task automatic reset(); |
| kmac_key_exp = '0; |
| hmac_key_exp = '0; |
| aes_key_exp = '0; |
| is_kmac_key_good = 0; |
| is_hmac_key_good = 0; |
| is_aes_key_good = 0; |
| is_kmac_sideload_avail = 0; |
| endtask |
| |
| // randomize otp, lc, flash input data |
| task automatic drive_random_hw_input_data(); |
| lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_keymgr_div_t local_keymgr_div; |
| bit [keymgr_pkg::DevIdWidth-1:0] local_otp_device_id; |
| otp_ctrl_pkg::otp_keymgr_key_t local_otp_key; |
| flash_ctrl_pkg::keymgr_flash_t local_flash; |
| |
| // async delay as these signals are from different clock domain |
| #($urandom_range(1000, 0) * 1ns); |
| |
| `DV_CHECK_STD_RANDOMIZE_WITH_FATAL(local_keymgr_div, |
| !(local_keymgr_div inside {0, '1});, , msg_id) |
| keymgr_div = local_keymgr_div; |
| |
| `DV_CHECK_STD_RANDOMIZE_WITH_FATAL(local_otp_device_id, |
| !(local_otp_device_id inside {0, '1});, , msg_id) |
| otp_hw_cfg.data.device_id = local_otp_device_id; |
| |
| local_otp_key.valid == 1; |
| !(local_otp_key.key_share0 inside {0, '1}); |
| !(local_otp_key.key_share1 inside {0, '1});, , msg_id) |
| otp_key = local_otp_key; |
| |
| foreach (local_flash.seeds[i]) { |
| !(local_flash.seeds[i] inside {0, '1}); |
| }, , msg_id) |
| flash = local_flash; |
| endtask |
| |
| // update kmac key for comparison during KDF |
| function automatic void update_kdf_key(keymgr_env_pkg::key_shares_t key_shares, |
| keymgr_pkg::keymgr_working_state_e state, |
| bit good_key = 1); |
| |
| kmac_key_exp <= '{1'b1, key_shares[0], key_shares[1]}; |
| is_kmac_key_good = good_key; |
| endfunction |
| |
| // store internal key once it's available and use to compare if future OP is invalid |
| function automatic void store_internal_key(keymgr_env_pkg::key_shares_t key_shares, |
| keymgr_pkg::keymgr_working_state_e state); |
| |
| keys_a_array[state.name]["Internal"] = key_shares; |
| endfunction |
| |
| // update sideload key for comparison |
| // if it's good key, store it to compare for future invalid OP |
| function automatic void update_sideload_key(keymgr_env_pkg::key_shares_t key_shares, |
| keymgr_pkg::keymgr_working_state_e state, |
| keymgr_pkg::keymgr_key_dest_e dest = keymgr_pkg::Kmac, |
| bit good_key = 1); |
| case (dest) |
| keymgr_pkg::Kmac: begin |
| kmac_key_exp <= '{1'b1, key_shares[0], key_shares[1]}; |
| is_kmac_key_good <= good_key; |
| is_kmac_sideload_avail <= 1; |
| kmac_sideload_key_shares <= key_shares; |
| end |
| keymgr_pkg::Hmac: begin |
| hmac_key_exp <= '{1'b1, key_shares[0], key_shares[1]}; |
| is_hmac_key_good <= good_key; |
| end |
| keymgr_pkg::Aes: begin |
| aes_key_exp <= '{1'b1, key_shares[0], key_shares[1]}; |
| is_aes_key_good <= good_key; |
| end |
| default: `uvm_fatal("keymgr_if", $sformatf("Unexpect dest type %0s", dest.name)) |
| endcase |
| |
| if (good_key) keys_a_array[state.name][dest.name] = key_shares; |
| endfunction |
| |
| // if kmac sideload key is available, switch to it after an operation is completed |
| // if not available, de-assert valid after done is asserted |
| initial begin |
| forever begin |
| @(posedge clk); |
| if (kmac_data_rsp.done) begin |
| if (is_kmac_sideload_avail) begin |
| kmac_key_exp <= '{1'b1, kmac_sideload_key_shares[0], kmac_sideload_key_shares[1]}; |
| is_kmac_key_good <= 1; |
| end else begin |
| kmac_key_exp.valid <= 0; |
| end |
| end // kmac_data_rsp.done |
| end // forever |
| end |
| |
| // check if key is invalid, it should not match to any of the meaningful keys |
| initial begin |
| fork |
| forever begin |
| @(posedge clk); |
| if (!is_kmac_key_good) check_invalid_key(kmac_key, "KMAC"); |
| end |
| forever begin |
| @(posedge clk); |
| if (!is_hmac_key_good) check_invalid_key(hmac_key, "HMAC"); |
| end |
| forever begin |
| @(posedge clk); |
| if (!is_aes_key_good) check_invalid_key(aes_key, "AES"); |
| end |
| join |
| end |
| |
| function automatic void check_invalid_key(keymgr_pkg::hw_key_req_t act_key, string key_name); |
| if (rst_n && act_key.valid) begin |
| foreach (keys_a_array[i, j]) begin |
| `DV_CHECK_NE({act_key.key_share1, act_key.key_share0}, keys_a_array[i][j], |
| $sformatf("%s key at state %s from %s", key_name, i, j), , msg_id) |
| end |
| end |
| endfunction |
| |
| `define KM_ASSERT(NAME, SEQ) \ |
| `ASSERT(NAME, SEQ, clk, !rst_n || keymgr_en != lc_ctrl_pkg::On) |
| |
| `KM_ASSERT(CheckKmacKey, is_kmac_key_good && kmac_key_exp.valid -> kmac_key == kmac_key_exp) |
| |
| `KM_ASSERT(CheckKmacKeyValid, kmac_key_exp.valid == kmac_key.valid) |
| |
| // TODO update hmac and aes checker later |
| //`KM_ASSERT(HmacKeyStable, $stable(hmac_key_exp) |=> $stable(hmac_key)) |
| //`KM_ASSERT(HmacKeyUpdate, !$stable(hmac_key_exp) |=> hmac_key == hmac_key_exp) |
| |
| //`KM_ASSERT(AesKeyStable, $stable(aes_key_exp) |=> $stable(aes_key)) |
| //`KM_ASSERT(AesKeyUpdate, !$stable(aes_key_exp) |=> aes_key == aes_key_exp) |
| |
| `undef KM_ASSERT |
| endinterface |