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<p class="intro__body">
OpenTitan is the first open source project building a transparent, high-quality reference design and integration
guidelines for silicon root of trust (RoT) chips.
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<h2 class="sr-only">Benefits</h2>
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<h3 class="benefit__headline h2">Transparent</h3>
<p class="benefit__body bodytext bodytext--large">
Anyone can inspect, evaluate, and contribute to OpenTitan's design
and documentation to help build a more transparent, trustworthy
silicon RoT for all.
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<h3 class="benefit__headline h2">High quality</h3>
<p class="benefit__body bodytext bodytext--large">
OpenTitan's aim is to build and maintain a high-quality
logically-secure silicon design, including reference firmware,
verification collateral, and technical documentation.
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<h3 class="benefit__headline h2">Flexible</h3>
<p class="benefit__body bodytext bodytext--large">
Adopters can reduce costs and reach more customers by using a
vendor- and platform-agnostic silicon RoT design that can be
integrated into data center servers, storage devices, peripherals and
other hardware.
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<h2 class="sr-only">Learn more</h2>
<p class="cta__body quote">
OpenTitan helps to make the silicon root of trust (RoT) more transparent,
trustworthy, and ultimately, secure.
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<h2 class="h2">Features</h2>
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<h3 class="h3 feature__headline">Independently managed</h3>
<p class="bodytext feature__body">
OpenTitan is stewarded by
<a href="{{ .Site.Params.partner_lowrisc }}">lowRISC</a>, a
not-for-profit company that uses collaborative engineering to
develop and maintain open source silicon designs and tools for the
long term.
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<h3 class="h3 feature__headline">Open source</h3>
<p class="bodytext feature__body">
OpenTitan is an open source project with leading not-for-profit,
academic, and commercial organizations committed to its development
and expansion.
<li class="feature-list__item">
<h3 class="h3 feature__headline">Security through transparency</h3>
<p class="bodytext feature__body">
As an open source project, OpenTitan enables the larger community
to proactively audit, evaluate, and improve the security properties
of the design.
<li class="feature-list__item">
<h3 class="h3 feature__headline">High-quality IP</h3>
<p class="bodytext feature__body">
OpenTitan is developed by engineers and researchers from ETH
Zürich, G+D Mobile Security, Google, lowRISC, Nuvoton Technology,
and Western Digital. Our community brings ideas and expertise from
a variety of perspectives.
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<h3 class="h3 feature__headline">Modern architecture</h3>
<p class="bodytext feature__body">
OpenTitan is designed to serve as the system root of trust by
actively mediating access to the first-stage boot firmware. It is
built upon the quality constructs and security principles used to
<a href="{{ .Site.Params.announce_url }}">Google's Titan chips</a>.
<li class="feature-list__item">
<h3 class="h3 feature__headline">Vendor- and platform-agnostic</h3>
<p class="bodytext feature__body">
Because it is not proprietary to a specific vendor or platform,
OpenTitan can be integrated with data center servers, peripherals,
storage devices, and other hardware, helping you reduce costs and reach more
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<h2 class="sr-only">Contribute to OpenTitan</h2>
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<h2 class="h2">Partners</h2>
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