blob: 6822095172f60486734ba6dc12809ca61753ecf7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// This models a body line in an OTBN trace entry (type '<', '>', 'R' or 'W').
// Each of these lines is of the format
// TYPE ' ' LOC ': ' VALUE
// and we parse them accordingly here. The point is that we want to merge
// successive writes to the same location and thus need to unpack things enough
// to see them.
class OtbnTraceBodyLine {
// Parse a line into this object, based on the format above. On success,
// return true. On failure, write an error message to stderr (using src to
// say where the line came from) and return false.
bool fill_from_string(const std::string &src, const std::string &line);
bool operator==(const OtbnTraceBodyLine &other) const;
// Return the location that is being read or written
const std::string &get_loc() const { return loc_; }
// Return the original string format for the entry
const std::string &get_string() const { return raw_; }
std::string raw_;
char type_;
std::string loc_;
std::string value_;
class OtbnTraceEntry {
enum trace_type_t {
virtual ~OtbnTraceEntry(){};
// Parse a trace entry from the RTL into this object. On an error, print a
// message to stderr and return false.
bool from_rtl_trace(const std::string &trace);
bool compare_rtl_iss_entries(const OtbnTraceEntry &other,
bool no_sec_wipe_data_chk,
std::string *err_desc) const;
void print(const std::string &indent, std::ostream &os) const;
void take_writes(const OtbnTraceEntry &other, bool other_first);
trace_type_t trace_type() const { return trace_type_; }
// True if this is an acceptable line to follow other (assumed to
// have been of type Stall or WipeInProgress)
bool is_compatible(const OtbnTraceEntry &other) const;
// True if this entry is "partial" (Stall or WipeInProgress)
bool is_partial() const;
// True if this entry is "final" (Exec or WipeComplete)
bool is_final() const;
static bool check_entries_compatible(
trace_type_t type, const std::string &key,
const std::vector<OtbnTraceBodyLine> &rtl_lines,
const std::vector<OtbnTraceBodyLine> &iss_lines,
bool no_sec_wipe_data_chk, std::string *err_desc);
static trace_type_t hdr_to_trace_type(const std::string &hdr);
trace_type_t trace_type_;
std::string hdr_;
// The register writes for this trace entry, keyed by destination
std::map<std::string, std::vector<OtbnTraceBodyLine>> writes_;
class OtbnIssTraceEntry : public OtbnTraceEntry {
bool from_iss_trace(const std::vector<std::string> &lines);
// Fields that are populated from the "special" line for ISS entries
struct IssData {
uint32_t insn_addr;
std::string mnemonic;
IssData data_;