| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // |
| |
| // --------------------------------------------- |
| // Configuration class for TileLink agent |
| // --------------------------------------------- |
| class tl_agent_cfg extends dv_base_agent_cfg; |
| |
| virtual tl_if vif; |
| // TileLink conformance level supported by this agent |
| // Right now only TL-UL is supported |
| tl_level_e tl_level = kTLUL; |
| |
| // Maximum number of outstanding transactions supported by the DUT. |
| // 0: Unlimited from the host perspective, might be back-pressured by the device |
| // 1: Only single transaction at a time |
| // n: Number of maximum oustanding requests |
| |
| // This is initialized to an arbitrary value. The DUT may actually support higher or lower than |
| // this number. Calculating exactly how many outstanding transactions the DUT supports is hard to |
| // determine. For most comportable IPs, it will likely be less than 16. The testbench attempts to |
| // pump the DUT with as many transactions as possible. The missing coverage in |
| // `tl_agent_cov::max_outstanding_cfg` will then indicate what the design actually supported. |
| // The designer must then confirm if that looks correct (in the coverage report), and then this |
| // value is updated accordingly in the DUT's test / env class. |
| // |
| // Note that this is a device constant. It should only be set within the scope of the test class' |
| // build_phase. Once set, it MUST NOT BE modified whatsoever. |
| int unsigned max_outstanding_req = 16; |
| |
| // If allow_a_valid_drop_wo_a_ready then the host can de-assert valid if there is no response from |
| // the device on the A channel. The other knobs control how this works. Each transaction has a |
| // "valid_len". If the host hasn't seen a ready after holding valid high for that many cycles, it |
| // will de-assert valid for a time before retrying. |
| // |
| // If use_seq_item_a_valid_len is true then valid_len will be read from the sequence item (field |
| // a_valid_len). If not, it will be picked uniformly between a_valid_len_min and a_valid_len_max. |
| bit allow_a_valid_drop_wo_a_ready = 1; |
| bit use_seq_item_a_valid_len; |
| int unsigned a_valid_len_min = 1; |
| int unsigned a_valid_len_max = 10; |
| |
| // Knobs controlling when we de-assert valid in device mode: see above for the host mode |
| // equivalent. |
| bit use_seq_item_d_valid_len; |
| bit allow_d_valid_drop_wo_d_ready; |
| int unsigned d_valid_len_min = 1; |
| int unsigned d_valid_len_max = 10; |
| |
| // TileLink channel valid delay (host mode) |
| bit use_seq_item_a_valid_delay; |
| int unsigned a_valid_delay_min = 0; |
| int unsigned a_valid_delay_max = 10; |
| |
| // TileLink channel ready delay (host mode) |
| int unsigned d_ready_delay_min = 0; |
| int unsigned d_ready_delay_max = 10; |
| |
| // TileLink channel ready delay (device mode) |
| int unsigned a_ready_delay_min = 0; |
| int unsigned a_ready_delay_max = 10; |
| |
| // TileLink channel ready delay (device mode) |
| bit use_seq_item_d_valid_delay; |
| int unsigned d_valid_delay_min = 0; |
| int unsigned d_valid_delay_max = 10; |
| |
| // TL spec requires host to set d_ready = 1 when a_valid = 1, but some design may not follow this |
| // rule. Details at #3208. Use below knob to control |
| bit host_can_stall_rsp_when_a_valid_high = 0; |
| |
| // knob for device to enable/disable same cycle response |
| bit device_can_rsp_on_same_cycle = 0; |
| |
| // A configuration flag for the monitor that configures whether it should synchronise concurrent A |
| // and D transactions or not. See note above the definition of channel_dir_port in tl_monitor.sv |
| // for details. |
| bit synchronise_ports = 1'b0; |
| |
| // for same cycle response, need to know when a_valid and other data/control are available, so |
| // that monitor can sample it, then send to sequence to get data for response in the same cycle |
| // 10 means 10% of TL clock period. This var is only use when device_can_rsp_on_same_cycle = 1 |
| time time_a_valid_avail_after_sample_edge = 1ns; |
| |
| // Sets the valid a_source width. The DUT may support fewer bits than the whole SourceWidth bits. |
| int unsigned valid_a_source_width = SourceWidth; |
| |
| // Maintains a queue of a_source values used in previous TL requests. |
| // |
| // The queue size maxes out at max_outstanding_req value, beyond which the a_source values can |
| // be recycled. The a_source value for a new request is randomized such that it does not match any |
| // in this queue. The new a_source is pushed into the back of the queue and the oldest one is |
| // popped from the front when the max size is reached. |
| // |
| // NOTE: If a tl_seq_item is being constructed for a new host request (whether in the TL |
| // sequences, adapter or elsewhere), it is mandatory to constrain the tl_seq_item::a_source to NOT |
| // match what already exists in the queue. Otherwise, it will violate the spec and the design will |
| // end up throwing assertion errors. It is recommended to use the `randomize_a_source_in_req()` |
| // function below to achieve this. |
| bit [SourceWidth-1:0] a_source_pend_q[$]; |
| |
| // Records the a_source value that was last released from the `a_source_pend_q` pool. |
| // We influence the randomization of a new req's a_source to reuse this 20% (also a knob) of the |
| // time. The initial value is randomized (see post_randomize()). |
| protected bit [SourceWidth-1:0] last_a_source_released; |
| |
| // Sets the randomization dist weight for a new a_source value to be constrained to the last |
| // a_source released. This only ATTEMPTS to set the a_source to the last_a_source_released value - |
| // it is not always guaranteed even at 100%, especially if the test does non-blocking accessses. |
| rand int unsigned use_last_a_source_released_pct = 20; |
| |
| // The monitor detects reset and maintains the value below. |
| bit reset_asserted; |
| |
| constraint a_source_eq_last_a_source_released_pct_c { |
| use_last_a_source_released_pct <= 100; |
| use_last_a_source_released_pct dist { |
| [0:19] :/ 1, |
| [20:59] :/ 1, |
| [60:99] :/ 1, |
| 100 :/ 1 |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| // TLUL allows host to switch content if the item isn't accepted. RAL doesn't provide interface |
| // to control this. Use this knob to allow tl_reg_adapter to randomize req_abort_after_a_valid_len |
| // Note: below set the chance to abort after a_valid_len in tl_reg_adapter. if > 0, csr access may |
| // return UVM_NOT_OK when the item is aborted without accepted. |
| int unsigned csr_access_abort_pct_in_adapter = 0; |
| |
| // Indicate whether to check TLUL errors. |
| // Added to allow some TLUL checks to be ignored on certain scenarios. |
| bit check_tl_errs = 1'b1; |
| |
| // Invalidate drive option |
| // Setting these to '1', make driver send 'x' during invalidate cycle. |
| // Setting these to '0', make driver send 'random value' during invalidate cycle. |
| rand bit invalidate_a_x; |
| rand bit invalidate_d_x; |
| |
| constraint invalidate_a_channel_op_c { |
| invalidate_a_x dist { 1 := 7, 0 := 3}; |
| } |
| constraint invalidate_d_channel_op_c { |
| invalidate_d_x dist { 1 := 7, 0 := 3}; |
| } |
| |
| |
| `uvm_object_utils_begin(tl_agent_cfg) |
| `uvm_field_int(max_outstanding_req, UVM_DEFAULT) |
| `uvm_field_enum(tl_level_e, tl_level, UVM_DEFAULT) |
| `uvm_field_int(a_ready_delay_min, UVM_DEFAULT) |
| `uvm_field_int(a_ready_delay_max, UVM_DEFAULT) |
| `uvm_field_int(d_ready_delay_min, UVM_DEFAULT) |
| `uvm_field_int(d_ready_delay_max, UVM_DEFAULT) |
| `uvm_field_int(host_can_stall_rsp_when_a_valid_high, UVM_DEFAULT) |
| `uvm_field_int(device_can_rsp_on_same_cycle, UVM_DEFAULT) |
| `uvm_field_int(time_a_valid_avail_after_sample_edge, UVM_DEFAULT) |
| `uvm_field_int(csr_access_abort_pct_in_adapter, UVM_DEFAULT) |
| `uvm_object_utils_end |
| `uvm_object_new |
| |
| function void post_randomize(); |
| // We want to randomize the initial value of last_a_source_released, while respecting any |
| // constraints on a_source in the tl_seq_item (and its extensions). So we do it here instead. |
| tl_seq_item dummy = tl_seq_item::type_id::create("dummy"); |
| randomize_a_source_in_item(.item(dummy), .use_last_a_source_released(1'b0)); |
| last_a_source_released = dummy.a_source; |
| endfunction |
| |
| // Randomizes a_source within an item (protected function). |
| // |
| // This function takes the tl_seq_item object to specifically randomize the a_source such that it |
| // does not match an existing one in the a_source_q. This randomization also takes into account |
| // any existing constriants on a_source that may exist in the class definition. The new a_source |
| // value is randomized to be equal to the last a_source released from the a_source_pend_q |
| // 20% of the time (weight is configurable). |
| // |
| // For actual reqs made out to the DUT, use randomize_a_source_in_req(). |
| protected function void randomize_a_source_in_item(tl_seq_item item, |
| bit use_last_a_source_released); |
| bit [SourceWidth - 1 : 0] a_source; |
| |
| // Use std::randomize instead of calling item.randomize(a_source). item.randomize will invoke |
| // post_randomize. If user does sth after post_randomize before calling finish_item, invoking |
| // post_randomize may override that. |
| // For example, if we use item.randomize(a_source) |
| // item.randomize(); // in post_randomize, instr_type is set to False |
| // item.instr_type = True; |
| // finish_item(item); // finish_item will call randomize_a_source_in_item. |
| // // item.randomize(a_source) will invoke post_randomize, instr_type is set |
| // // to False again. |
| // use soft constraint as seq may still send req when all the valid a_source are used |
| (!reset_asserted) -> soft !(a_source inside {a_source_pend_q}); |
| // Set the upper a_source bits that are unused to 0. |
| (a_source >> valid_a_source_width) == 0; |
| // We cannot guarantee that last_a_source_released is not in a_source_pend_q, |
| // especially if the test does non-blocking accesses. If the a_source for the new req |
| // needs to be equal to last_a_source_released, we will need the bottom constraint to be a |
| // soft one to *potentially* avoid violating the previous constraint. Only way to guarantee |
| // that the new a_source == last_a_source_released is to ensure the test only does blocking |
| // accesses. |
| use_last_a_source_released && !(last_a_source_released inside {a_source_pend_q}) |
| -> soft (a_source == last_a_source_released);) |
| item.a_source = a_source; |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("a_source_pend_q: %p a_source: %0h", a_source_pend_q, item.a_source), UVM_DEBUG) |
| endfunction |
| |
| // Randomizes the a_source for a 'real' req (public version of the above function). |
| // |
| // Invokes randomize_a_source_in_item() and adds the a_source for the new req to the queue. |
| virtual function void randomize_a_source_in_req(tl_seq_item item); |
| bit use_last_a_source_released; |
| use_last_a_source_released = ($urandom_range(1, 100) <= use_last_a_source_released_pct); |
| randomize_a_source_in_item(item, use_last_a_source_released); |
| add_to_a_source_pend_q(item.a_source); |
| endfunction |
| |
| // Adds a_source to the a_source_pend_q. |
| // |
| // Ensures that the queue does not exceed the max outstanding req size. Pops the oldest a_source |
| // used to last_a_source_released. |
| virtual function void add_to_a_source_pend_q(bit [SourceWidth-1:0] a_source); |
| if (reset_asserted) return; |
| if (a_source_pend_q.size() == max_outstanding_req) begin |
| last_a_source_released = a_source_pend_q.pop_front(); |
| end |
| a_source_pend_q.push_back(a_source); |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("a_source_pend_q: %p", a_source_pend_q), UVM_DEBUG) |
| endfunction |
| |
| // Removes the last used a_source from a_source_pend_q. |
| // |
| // Invoked by the tl_host_base_seq::get_base_response() which overrides the default UVM |
| // implementation. It is recommended that all TL host sequence flavors that do not extended from |
| // tl_host_base_seq invoke this function similarly to avoid running out of a_source IDs when |
| // creating non-blocking requests. |
| virtual function void remove_from_a_source_pend_q(bit [SourceWidth-1:0] a_source); |
| int result[$]; |
| |
| // Responses can return out of order, so the a_source can be anywhere in the queue. |
| result = a_source_pend_q.find_first_index with (item == a_source); |
| if (result.size() == 1) begin |
| a_source_pend_q.delete(result.pop_front()); |
| last_a_source_released = a_source; |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("a_source_pend_q: %p", a_source_pend_q), UVM_DEBUG) |
| end |
| endfunction |
| |
| endclass |