blob: 541625b649e045e12ae2de0b5271adb4371815b2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import re
from import MutableMapping
from typing import Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple
from .lib import check_keys, check_str, check_int, check_bool, check_list
'name': ['s', "name of the item"],
'desc': ['s', "description of the item"],
'type': ['s', "item type. int by default"],
'default': ['s', "item default value"],
'local': ['pb', "to be localparam"],
'expose': ['pb', "to be exposed to top"],
'randcount': [
's', "number of bits to randomize in the parameter. 0 by default."
'randtype': ['s', "type of randomization to perform. none by default"],
class BaseParam:
def __init__(self, name: str, desc: Optional[str], param_type: str): = name
self.desc = desc
self.param_type = param_type
def apply_default(self, value: str) -> None:
if self.param_type[:3] == 'int':
'default value for parameter {} '
'(which has type {})'
.format(, self.param_type))
self.default = value
def as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
rd = {} # type: Dict[str, object]
rd['name'] =
if self.desc is not None:
rd['desc'] = self.desc
rd['type'] = self.param_type
return rd
class LocalParam(BaseParam):
def __init__(self,
name: str,
desc: Optional[str],
param_type: str,
value: str):
super().__init__(name, desc, param_type)
self.value = value
def expand_value(self, when: str) -> int:
return int(self.value, 0)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("When {}, the {} value expanded as "
"{}, which doesn't parse as an integer."
.format(when,, self.value)) from None
def as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
rd = super().as_dict()
rd['local'] = True
rd['default'] = self.value
return rd
class Parameter(BaseParam):
def __init__(self,
name: str,
desc: Optional[str],
param_type: str,
default: str,
expose: bool):
super().__init__(name, desc, param_type)
self.default = default
self.expose = expose
def as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
rd = super().as_dict()
rd['default'] = self.default
rd['expose'] = 'true' if self.expose else 'false'
return rd
class RandParameter(BaseParam):
def __init__(self,
name: str,
desc: Optional[str],
param_type: str,
randcount: int,
randtype: str):
assert randcount > 0
assert randtype in ['perm', 'data']
super().__init__(name, desc, param_type)
self.randcount = randcount
self.randtype = randtype
def apply_default(self, value: str) -> None:
raise ValueError('Cannot apply a default value of {!r} to '
'parameter {}: it is a random netlist constant.'
.format(, value))
def as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
rd = super().as_dict()
rd['randcount'] = self.randcount
rd['randtype'] = self.randtype
return rd
class MemSizeParameter(BaseParam):
def __init__(self,
name: str,
desc: Optional[str],
param_type: str):
super().__init__(name, desc, param_type)
def _parse_parameter(where: str, raw: object) -> BaseParam:
rd = check_keys(raw, where,
# TODO: Check if PascalCase or ALL_CAPS
name = check_str(rd['name'], 'name field of ' + where)
r_desc = rd.get('desc')
if r_desc is None:
desc = None
desc = check_str(r_desc, 'desc field of ' + where)
# TODO: We should probably check that any register called RndCnstFoo has
# randtype and randcount.
if name.lower().startswith('rndcnst') and 'randtype' in rd:
# This is a random netlist constant and should be parsed as a
# RandParameter.
randtype = check_str(rd.get('randtype', 'none'),
'randtype field of ' + where)
if randtype not in ['perm', 'data']:
raise ValueError('At {}, parameter {} has a name that implies it '
'is a random netlist constant, which means it '
'must specify a randtype of "perm" or "data", '
'rather than {!r}.'
.format(where, name, randtype))
r_randcount = rd.get('randcount')
if r_randcount is None:
raise ValueError('At {}, the random netlist constant {} has no '
'randcount field.'
.format(where, name))
randcount = check_int(r_randcount, 'randcount field of ' + where)
if randcount <= 0:
raise ValueError('At {}, the random netlist constant {} has a '
'randcount of {}, which is not positive.'
.format(where, name, randcount))
r_type = rd.get('type')
if r_type is None:
raise ValueError('At {}, parameter {} has no type field (which is '
'required for random netlist constants).'
.format(where, name))
param_type = check_str(r_type, 'type field of ' + where)
local = check_bool(rd.get('local', 'false'), 'local field of ' + where)
if local:
raise ValueError('At {}, the parameter {} specifies local = true, '
'meaning that it is a localparam. This is '
'incompatible with being a random netlist '
'constant (how would it be set?)'
.format(where, name))
r_default = rd.get('default')
if r_default is not None:
raise ValueError('At {}, the parameter {} specifies a value for '
'the "default" field. This is incompatible with '
'being a random netlist constant: the value will '
'be set by the random generator.'
.format(where, name))
expose = check_bool(rd.get('expose', 'false'),
'expose field of ' + where)
if expose:
raise ValueError('At {}, the parameter {} specifies expose = '
'true, meaning that the parameter is exposed to '
'the top-level. This is incompatible with being '
'a random netlist constant.'
.format(where, name))
return RandParameter(name, desc, param_type, randcount, randtype)
# This doesn't have a name like a random netlist constant. Check that it
# doesn't define randcount or randtype.
for fld in ['randcount', 'randtype']:
if fld in rd:
raise ValueError("At {where}, the parameter {name} specifies "
"{fld} but the name doesn't look like a random "
"netlist constant. To use {fld}, prefix the name "
"with RndCnst."
.format(where=where, name=name, fld=fld))
if name.lower().startswith('memsize'):
r_type = rd.get('type')
if r_type is None:
raise ValueError('At {}, parameter {} has no type field (which is '
'required for memory size parameters).'
.format(where, name))
param_type = check_str(r_type, 'type field of ' + where)
if rd.get('type') != "int":
raise ValueError('At {}, memory size parameter {} must be of type integer.'
.format(where, name))
local = check_bool(rd.get('local', 'false'), 'local field of ' + where)
if local:
raise ValueError('At {}, the parameter {} specifies local = true, '
'meaning that it is a localparam. This is '
'incompatible with being a memory size parameter.'
.format(where, name))
expose = check_bool(rd.get('expose', 'false'),
'expose field of ' + where)
if expose:
raise ValueError('At {}, the parameter {} specifies expose = '
'true, meaning that the parameter is exposed to '
'the top-level. This is incompatible with '
'being a memory size parameter.'
.format(where, name))
return MemSizeParameter(name, desc, param_type)
r_type = rd.get('type')
if r_type is None:
param_type = 'int'
param_type = check_str(r_type, 'type field of ' + where)
local = check_bool(rd.get('local', 'true'), 'local field of ' + where)
expose = check_bool(rd.get('expose', 'false'), 'expose field of ' + where)
r_default = rd.get('default')
if r_default is None:
raise ValueError('At {}, the {} param has no default field.'
.format(where, name))
default = check_str(r_default, 'default field of ' + where)
if param_type[:3] == 'int':
'default field of {}, (an integer parameter)'
if local:
if expose:
raise ValueError('At {}, the localparam {} cannot be exposed to '
'the top-level.'
.format(where, name))
return LocalParam(name, desc, param_type, value=default)
return Parameter(name, desc, param_type, default, expose)
# Note: With a modern enough Python, we'd like this to derive from
# "MutableMapping[str, BaseParam]". Unfortunately, this doesn't work with
# Python 3.6 (where isn't subscriptable).
# So we derive from just "MutableMapping" and tell mypy not to worry
# about it.
class Params(MutableMapping): # type: ignore
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.by_name = {} # type: Dict[str, BaseParam]
def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> BaseParam:
return self.by_name[key]
def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None:
del self.by_name[key]
def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: BaseParam) -> None:
self.by_name[key] = value
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
return iter(self.by_name)
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self.by_name)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{type(self).__name__}({self.by_name})"
def add(self, param: BaseParam) -> None:
assert not in self.by_name
self.by_name[] = param
def apply_defaults(self, defaults: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> None:
for idx, (key, value) in enumerate(defaults):
param = self.by_name[key]
if param is None:
raise KeyError('Cannot find parameter '
'{} to set default value.'
def _expand_one(self, value: str, when: str) -> int:
# Check whether value is already an integer: if so, return that.
return int(value, 0)
except ValueError:
param = self.by_name.get(value)
if param is None:
raise ValueError('Cannot find a parameter called {} when {}. '
'Known parameters: {}.'
', '.join(self.by_name.keys())))
# Only allow localparams in the expansion (because otherwise we're at
# the mercy of whatever instantiates the block).
if not isinstance(param, LocalParam):
raise ValueError("When {}, {} is a not a local parameter."
.format(when, value))
return param.expand_value(when)
def expand(self, value: str, where: str) -> int:
# Here, we want to support arithmetic expressions with + and -. We
# don't support other operators, or parentheses (so can parse with just
# a regex).
# Use re.split, capturing the operators. This turns e.g. "a + b-c" into
# ['a ', '+', ' b', '-', 'c']. If there's a leading operator ("+a"),
# the first element of the results is an empty string. This means
# elements with odd positions are always operators and elements with
# even positions are values.
acc = 0
is_neg = False
for idx, tok in enumerate(re.split(r'([+-])', value)):
if idx == 0 and not tok:
if idx % 2:
is_neg = (tok == '-')
term = self._expand_one(tok.strip(),
'expanding term {} of {}'
.format(idx // 2, where))
acc += -term if is_neg else term
return acc
def as_dicts(self) -> List[Dict[str, object]]:
return [p.as_dict() for p in self.by_name.values()]
class ReggenParams(Params):
def from_raw(where: str, raw: object) -> 'ReggenParams':
ret = ReggenParams()
rl = check_list(raw, where)
for idx, r_param in enumerate(rl):
entry_where = 'entry {} in {}'.format(idx + 1, where)
param = _parse_parameter(entry_where, r_param)
if in ret:
raise ValueError('At {}, found a duplicate parameter with '
'name {}.'
return ret
def get_localparams(self) -> List[LocalParam]:
ret = []
for param in self.by_name.values():
if isinstance(param, LocalParam):
return ret