| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| |
| #include "sw/device/lib/base/bitfield.h" |
| |
| #include "sw/device/silicon_creator/lib/absl_status.h" |
| |
| #ifdef __cplusplus |
| extern "C" { |
| #endif |
| |
| /** |
| * List of modules which can produce errors. |
| * |
| * Choose a two-letter identifier for each module and encode the module |
| * identifier the concatenated ASCII representation of those letters. |
| */ |
| enum module_ { |
| kModuleUnknown = 0, |
| kModuleAlertHandler = 0x4148, // ASCII "AH". |
| kModuleUart = 0x4155, // ASCII "UA". |
| kModuleHmac = 0x4d48, // ASCII "HM". |
| kModuleSigverify = 0x5653, // ASCII "SV". |
| kModuleKeymgr = 0x4d4b, // ASCII "KM". |
| kModuleManifest = 0x414d, // ASCII "MA". |
| kModuleMaskRom = 0x524d, // ASCII "MR". |
| kModuleRomextimage = 0x4552, // ASCII "RE". |
| kModuleInterrupt = 0x5249, // ASCII "IR". |
| }; |
| |
| /** |
| * Field definitions for the different fields of the error word. |
| */ |
| #define ROM_ERROR_FIELD_ERROR ((bitfield_field32_t){.mask = 0xFF, .index = 24}) |
| ((bitfield_field32_t){.mask = 0xFFFF, .index = 8}) |
| #define ROM_ERROR_FIELD_STATUS ((bitfield_field32_t){.mask = 0xFF, .index = 0}) |
| |
| /** |
| * Helper macro for building up error codes. |
| * @param status_ An appropriate general status code from absl_staus.h. |
| * @param module_ The module identifier which produces this error. |
| * @param error_ The unique error id in that module. Error ids must not |
| * repeat within a module. |
| */ |
| #define ERROR_(error_, module_, status_) \ |
| ((error_ << 24) | (module_ << 8) | (status_)) |
| |
| // clang-format off |
| // Use an X-macro to facilitate writing unit tests. |
| // Note: This list is extend-only and you may not renumber errors after they |
| // have been created. This is required for error-space stability |
| // after the ROM is frozen. |
| #define DEFINE_ERRORS(X) \ |
| X(kErrorOk, 0x739), \ |
| X(kErrorUartInvalidArgument, ERROR_(1, kModuleUart, kInvalidArgument)), \ |
| X(kErrorUartBadBaudRate, ERROR_(2, kModuleUart, kInvalidArgument)), \ |
| X(kErrorHmacInvalidArgument, ERROR_(1, kModuleHmac, kInvalidArgument)), \ |
| X(kErrorSigverifyBadEncodedMessage, ERROR_(1, kModuleSigverify, kInvalidArgument)), \ |
| X(kErrorSigverifyBadExponent, ERROR_(2, kModuleSigverify, kInvalidArgument)), \ |
| X(kErrorKeymgrInternal, ERROR_(1, kModuleKeymgr, kInternal)), \ |
| X(kErrorManifestBadLength, ERROR_(1, kModuleManifest, kInternal)), \ |
| X(kErrorManifestBadEntryPoint, ERROR_(2, kModuleManifest, kInternal)), \ |
| X(kErrorManifestBadCodeRegion, ERROR_(3, kModuleManifest, kInternal)), \ |
| X(kErrorRomextimageInvalidArgument, ERROR_(1, kModuleRomextimage, kInvalidArgument)), \ |
| X(kErrorRomextimageInternal, ERROR_(2, kModuleRomextimage, kInternal)), \ |
| X(kErrorAlertBadIndex, ERROR_(1, kModuleAlertHandler, kInvalidArgument)), \ |
| X(kErrorAlertBadClass, ERROR_(2, kModuleAlertHandler, kInvalidArgument)), \ |
| X(kErrorAlertBadEnable, ERROR_(3, kModuleAlertHandler, kInvalidArgument)), \ |
| X(kErrorAlertBadEscalation, ERROR_(4, kModuleAlertHandler, kInvalidArgument)), \ |
| X(kErrorMaskRomBootFailed, ERROR_(1, kModuleMaskRom, kFailedPrecondition)), \ |
| /* The high-byte of kErrorInterrupt is modified with the interrupt cause */ \ |
| X(kErrorInterrupt, ERROR_(0, kModuleInterrupt, kUnknown)), \ |
| X(kErrorUnknown, 0xFFFFFFFF) |
| // clang-format on |
| |
| #define ERROR_ENUM_INIT(name_, value_) name_ = value_ |
| |
| /** |
| * Unified set of errors for Mask ROM and ROM_EXT. |
| */ |
| typedef enum rom_error { |
| } rom_error_t; |
| |
| /** |
| * Evaluate an expression and return if the result is an error. |
| * |
| * @param expr_ An expression which results in an rom_error_t. |
| */ |
| #define RETURN_IF_ERROR(expr_) \ |
| do { \ |
| rom_error_t local_error_ = expr_; \ |
| if (local_error_ != kErrorOk) { \ |
| return local_error_; \ |
| } \ |
| } while (0) |
| |
| #ifdef __cplusplus |
| } |
| #endif |