blob: 072432c6773a5069049da2f58823d66f3c377186 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright lowRISC contributors. */
/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. */
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */
/* The interface for this file can be accessed through the following symbols.
* All of them are declared weak in this file, so can be overridden by code
* that links against this object:
* in_mod: INPUT
* 384 bytes
* The modulus
* rr: INPUT
* 384 bytes
* The Montgomery transformation constant R^2 = (2^3072)^2 mod N
* Subtracts the modulus M from A.
* Flags: After this subroutine, the C flag is set to 1 if the subtraction
* underflowed.
* This routine runs in variable time.
* @param[in] x16: dmem pointer to first limb of modulus M
* @param[in] [w4:w15]: operand A
* @param[in] w31: all-zero
* @param[out] [w16:w27]: result
* clobbered registers: x8 to x12, w2, w3, w16 to w27
* clobbered Flag Groups: FG0
/* Prepare temporary registers. */
li x8, 4
li x9, 2
li x10, 3
li x11, 16
/* Copy pointer to modulus. */
addi x12, x16, 0
/* Clear flags. */
bn.add w31, w31, w31
/* Subtract M from A. */
loopi 12, 4
/* w2 <= A[i] */
bn.movr x9, x8++
/* w3 <= M[i] */
bn.lid x10, 0(x12++)
/* w2 <= w2 - w3 */
bn.subb w2, w2, w3
/* out[i] <= w2 */
bn.movr x11++, x9
* Doubles a number and reduces modulo M in-place.
* Returns: C = (A + A) mod M
* Requires that A < M < 2^3072. Writes output to the A buffer in DMEM. This
* routine runs in variable time.
* Flags: Flags have no meaning beyond the scope of this subroutine.
* @param[in] x16: dmem pointer to first limb of modulus M
* @param[in] [w4:w15]: operand A
* @param[in] w31: all-zero
* @param[out] [w4:w15]: result C
* clobbered registers: x2, x3, x7 to x12, w2 to w27
* clobbered Flag Groups: FG0
/* Save copy of pointer to modulus. */
addi x12, x16, 0
/* Clear flags. */
bn.add w31, w31, w31
/* Compute aa=(A + A).
[w4:w15] <= (A+A) mod 2^3072 = aa[0:3071]*/
li x9, 2
li x10, 4
loopi 12, 3
/* w2 <= a[i] */
bn.movr x9, x10
/* w2 <= w2 + w2 */
bn.addc w2, w2, w2
/* aa[i] <= w2 */
bn.movr x10++, x9
/* Extract final carry bit from flags register.
x2 <= aa[3072] */
csrrs x2, 0x7c0, x0
andi x2, x2, 1
jal x1, subtract_modulus_var
/* Extract final borrow bit from flags register. */
csrrs x3, 0x7c0, x0
andi x3, x3, 1
* Select either aa or aa' based on carry/borrow bits.
* If aa < M, it follows that the carry bit aa[3072] = 0 (since M < 2^3072).
* It also follows that the borrow from subtracting M must be 1. In this
* case, select aa; otherwise, select aa-M.
/* x2 <= (!x2) & x3 */
xori x2, x2, 1
and x2, x2, x3
/* Select aa if x2 = 0, otherwise aa-M. */
bne x2, x0, sel_aa
/* Copy subtraction result to w4:w15. */
li x8, 4
li x11, 16
loopi 12, 2
bn.movr x8, x11++
addi x8, x8, 1
* Computes the R^2 Montgomery constant and stores it in DMEM.
* Returns RR = (2^3072)^2 mod M
* A note on bounds: This computation assumes that 2^3071 <= M < 2^3072. This
* agrees with FIPS 186-4 section B.3.1 (page 53), which states that the prime
* factors of the RSA modulus must be at least sqrt(2)*2^(nlen/2-1) (where nlen
* is the key length, 3072 in this case).
* The result is stored in dmem[rr]. This routine runs in variable time.
* Flags: Flags have no meaning beyond the scope of this subroutine.
* @param[in] dmem[in_mod] pointer to first limb of modulus M in dmem
* @param[in] dmem[m0inv] Montgomery constant (-(M^-1) mod 2^256)
* @param[out] dmem[rr] Montgomery constant (R^2) mod M
* clobbered registers: x0 to x3, x6 to x13, x16, x17, x19 to x22, x24,
* w2 to w31
* clobbered Flag Groups: FG0, FG1
.globl compute_rr
/* Prepare all-zero register. */
bn.xor w31, w31, w31
/* Set pointers to DMEM buffers. */
la x16, in_mod
la x17, m0inv
la x24, rr
/* Zero [w4:w15]. */
li x9, 4
li x10, 31
loopi 12, 1
bn.movr x9++, x10
/* w16 <= 1 */
bn.addi w16, w31, 1
/* [w4:w15] <= [w4:w16] >> 1 = 2^3701 */
bn.rshi w15, w16, w15 >> 1
/* Compute T = (2^96 * R) mod M = 2^96 (montgomery form).
T = [w4:w15] = (2^97 * 2^3071) mod M = (2^96 * R) mod M */
loopi 97,2
jal x1, double_mod_var
/* Store T in output buffer (in preparation for montmul).
dmem[rr] <= [w4:w15] = T */
li x8, 4
addi x21, x24, 0
loopi 12, 2
bn.sid x8, 0(x21++)
addi x8, x8, 1
/* Prepare pointers to temp regs for montmul. */
li x9, 3
li x10, 4
li x11, 2
/* Prepare a pointer to the w4 register for storing the result. */
li x8, 4
/* Five montgomery squares to compute RR = (T^(2^5) * R) mod M. */
loopi 5,9
/* [w4:w15] <= montmul(dmem[rr], dmem[rr]) */
addi x19, x24, 0
addi x20, x24, 0
jal x1, montmul
/* Store result: dmem[rr] <= [w4:w15] */
addi x21, x24, 0
addi x22, x8, 0
loopi 12, 2
bn.sid x22, 0(x21++)
addi x22, x22, 1
/* Input buffer for the Montgomery constant m0_inv. */
.section .data.m0inv
.weak m0inv
.zero 32
/* Input buffer for the modulus. */
.section .bss.in_mod
.weak in_mod
.zero 384
/* Output buffer for the Montgomery transformation constant R^2. */
.section .bss.rr
.weak rr
.zero 384