| # Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| # |
| # Azure Pipelines CI build configuration |
| # Documentation at https://aka.ms/yaml |
| |
| variables: |
| # |
| # update the definitions in util/container/Dockerfile as well. |
| # |
| TOOLCHAIN_PATH: /opt/buildcache/riscv |
| VERIBLE_VERSION: v0.0-1213-g9e5c085 |
| RUST_VERSION: 1.52.1 |
| # Release tag from https://github.com/lowRISC/lowrisc-toolchains/releases |
| TOOLCHAIN_VERSION: 20210412-1 |
| # This controls where builds happen, and gets picked up by build_consts.sh. |
| BUILD_ROOT: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) |
| VIVADO_VERSION: "2020.1" |
| |
| trigger: |
| batch: true |
| branches: |
| include: |
| - "*" |
| tags: |
| include: |
| - "*" |
| pr: |
| branches: |
| include: |
| - "*" |
| |
| jobs: |
| - job: lint |
| displayName: Run code quality checks (quick lint) |
| pool: |
| vmImage: ubuntu-18.04 |
| steps: |
| - bash: | |
| sudo apt-get remove -y clang-6.0 libclang-common-6.0-dev libclang1-6.0 libllvm6.0 |
| displayName: Remove existing Clang installation |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| ## !!! |
| ## |
| ## The steps below here are duplicated in ci/jobs/quick-lint.sh |
| ## to allow developers to "run CI" locally. Keep them in sync. |
| ## |
| ## !!! |
| - bash: ci/scripts/show-env.sh |
| displayName: Display environment information |
| - bash: ci/scripts/lint-commits.sh $SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_TARGETBRANCH |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') |
| displayName: Check commit metadata |
| - bash: ci/scripts/check-licence-headers.sh $SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_TARGETBRANCH |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') |
| displayName: Check Licence Headers |
| - bash: ci/scripts/exec-check.sh |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') |
| displayName: Check executable bits |
| - bash: ci/scripts/check-ascii.sh |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') |
| displayName: Check for non-ASCII characters in source code |
| - bash: ci/scripts/python-lint.sh $SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_TARGETBRANCH |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') |
| displayName: Run Python lint (flake8) |
| continueOnError: true |
| - bash: ci/scripts/mypy.sh |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') |
| displayName: Run Python lint (mypy) |
| - bash: ci/scripts/check-generated.sh |
| displayName: Ensure all generated files are clean and up-to-date |
| - bash: ci/scripts/clang-format.sh $SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_TARGETBRANCH |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') |
| displayName: Use clang-format to check C/C++ coding style |
| - bash: ci/scripts/include-guard.sh $SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_TARGETBRANCH |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') |
| displayName: Check formatting on header guards |
| - bash: ci/scripts/verible-format.sh |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') |
| displayName: Check formatting of files on allow list with Verible |
| continueOnError: true |
| - bash: ci/scripts/verible-lint.sh rtl |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') |
| displayName: Style-Lint RTL Verilog source files with Verible |
| - bash: ci/scripts/verible-lint.sh dv |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') |
| displayName: Style-Lint DV Verilog source files with Verible |
| - bash: ci/scripts/build-docs.sh |
| displayName: Render documentation |
| - bash: ci/scripts/build-site.sh |
| displayName: Render landing site |
| - bash: ci/scripts/get-build-type.sh "$SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_TARGETBRANCH" "$(Build.Reason)" |
| displayName: Check what kinds of changes the PR contains |
| name: DetermineBuildType |
| |
| - job: slow_lints |
| displayName: Run code quality checks (in-depth lint) |
| dependsOn: lint |
| pool: |
| vmImage: ubuntu-18.04 |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| - bash: ci/scripts/check-vendoring.sh |
| displayName: Check vendored directories are up-to-date |
| |
| - job: sw_build |
| displayName: Build Software for Earl Grey toplevel design |
| dependsOn: lint |
| condition: and(succeeded(), eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.onlyDocChanges'], '0')) |
| pool: |
| vmImage: ubuntu-18.04 |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| - bash: | |
| set -x |
| sudo util/get-toolchain.py \ |
| --install-dir="$TOOLCHAIN_PATH" \ |
| --release-version="$TOOLCHAIN_VERSION" \ |
| --update |
| displayName: Install toolchain |
| - bash: | |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| ./meson_init.sh -A |
| ninja -C "$OBJ_DIR" all |
| displayName: Build embedded targets |
| - bash: | |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| ninja -C "$OBJ_DIR" test |
| displayName: Run unit tests |
| - bash: | |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| # Remove all Nexys Video-related build artifacts, which will be produced |
| # by the sw_build_nexysvideo job below (see comment there). |
| find "$BIN_DIR/sw/device" -name '*fpga_nexysvideo*' -type f -delete |
| displayName: Delete all Nexys Video build artifacts |
| - template: ci/upload-artifacts-template.yml |
| parameters: |
| includePatterns: |
| - "/sw/***" |
| |
| # Software targeting the Nexys Video board is produced by patching the source |
| # tree before building. This produces a full sw build tree, however only the |
| # artifacts with "nexysvideo" in the name are actually the ones we're looking |
| # for. Everything else will be discarded. |
| # TODO: This is a rather ugly hack, which will go away once we properly support |
| # building more than one top-level design with different parametrizations. |
| # Work towards this goal is tracked in issue #4669. |
| - job: sw_build_nexysvideo |
| displayName: Build Software for Earl Grey toplevel design targeting the Nexys Video board |
| dependsOn: lint |
| condition: and(succeeded(), eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.onlyDocChanges'], '0')) |
| pool: |
| vmImage: ubuntu-18.04 |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| - bash: | |
| set -x |
| sudo util/get-toolchain.py \ |
| --install-dir="$TOOLCHAIN_PATH" \ |
| --release-version="$TOOLCHAIN_VERSION" \ |
| --update |
| displayName: Install toolchain |
| - bash: | |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| ./hw/top_earlgrey/util/top_earlgrey_reduce.py |
| ./meson_init.sh -A |
| ninja -C "$OBJ_DIR" all |
| |
| # Delete all build artifacts which are *not* for the Nexys Video board. |
| find "$BIN_DIR/sw/device" -not -name '*fpga_nexysvideo*' -type f -delete |
| displayName: Build embedded targets |
| - bash: | |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| ninja -C "$OBJ_DIR" test |
| displayName: Run unit tests |
| - template: ci/upload-artifacts-template.yml |
| parameters: |
| includePatterns: |
| - "/sw/device/**/*nexysvideo*" |
| |
| # We continue building with GCC, despite defaulting to Clang. This is a copy of |
| # `sw_build` with `meson_init.sh` configured with the GCC toolchain, instead of |
| # the default toolchain. |
| - job: sw_build_gcc |
| displayName: Build Software for Earl Grey toplevel design (with GCC) |
| dependsOn: lint |
| condition: and(succeeded(), eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.onlyDocChanges'], '0')) |
| pool: |
| vmImage: ubuntu-18.04 |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| - bash: | |
| set -x |
| sudo util/get-toolchain.py \ |
| --install-dir="$TOOLCHAIN_PATH" \ |
| --release-version="$TOOLCHAIN_VERSION" \ |
| --update |
| displayName: Install toolchain |
| - bash: | |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| ./meson_init.sh -A \ |
| -t "$TOOLCHAIN_PATH/meson-riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc.txt" |
| ninja -C "$OBJ_DIR" all |
| displayName: Build embedded targets |
| - bash: | |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| ninja -C "$OBJ_DIR" test |
| displayName: Run unit tests |
| |
| - job: chip_earlgrey_verilator |
| displayName: Build Verilator simulation of the Earl Grey toplevel design |
| dependsOn: lint |
| condition: and(succeeded(), eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.onlyDocChanges'], '0')) |
| pool: |
| vmImage: ubuntu-18.04 |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| - bash: | |
| python3 --version |
| fusesoc --version |
| verilator --version |
| verible-verilog-lint --version |
| displayName: Display environment |
| - bash: | |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| mkdir -p "$OBJ_DIR/hw" |
| mkdir -p "$BIN_DIR/hw/top_earlgrey" |
| |
| # Compile the simulation without threading; the runners provided by |
| # Azure provide two virtual CPUs, which seems to equal one physical |
| # CPU (at most); the use of threading slows down the simulation. |
| fusesoc --cores-root=. \ |
| run --flag=fileset_top --target=sim --setup --build \ |
| --build-root="$OBJ_DIR/hw" \ |
| lowrisc:systems:chip_earlgrey_verilator \ |
| --verilator_options="--threads 4" |
| |
| cp "$OBJ_DIR/hw/sim-verilator/Vchip_earlgrey_verilator" \ |
| "$BIN_DIR/hw/top_earlgrey" |
| displayName: Build simulation with Verilator |
| - template: ci/upload-artifacts-template.yml |
| parameters: |
| includePatterns: |
| - "/hw/top_earlgrey/Vchip_earlgrey_verilator" |
| |
| - job: chip_englishbreakfast_verilator |
| displayName: Build Verilator simulation of the English Breakfast toplevel design |
| dependsOn: lint |
| condition: and(succeeded(), eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.onlyDocChanges'], '0')) |
| pool: |
| vmImage: ubuntu-18.04 |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| - bash: | |
| python3 --version |
| fusesoc --version |
| verilator --version |
| verible-verilog-lint --version |
| displayName: Display environment |
| - bash: | |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| mkdir -p "$OBJ_DIR/hw" |
| mkdir -p "$BIN_DIR/hw/top_englishbreakfast" |
| |
| # Compile the simulation without threading; the runners provided by |
| # Azure provide two virtual CPUs, which seems to equal one physical |
| # CPU (at most); the use of threading slows down the simulation. |
| fusesoc --cores-root=. \ |
| run --flag=fileset_topgen --target=sim --setup --build \ |
| --build-root="$OBJ_DIR/hw" \ |
| lowrisc:systems:chip_englishbreakfast_verilator \ |
| --verilator_options="--no-threads" |
| |
| cp "$OBJ_DIR/hw/sim-verilator/Vchip_englishbreakfast_verilator" \ |
| "$BIN_DIR/hw/top_englishbreakfast" |
| displayName: Build simulation with Verilator |
| - template: ci/upload-artifacts-template.yml |
| parameters: |
| includePatterns: |
| - "/hw/top_englishbreakfast/Vchip_englishbreakfast_verilator" |
| |
| - job: execute_verilated_tests |
| displayName: Execute tests on the Verilated system (excl. slow tests) |
| pool: ci-public |
| dependsOn: |
| - chip_earlgrey_verilator |
| - sw_build |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| - template: ci/download-artifacts-template.yml |
| parameters: |
| downloadPartialBuildBinFrom: |
| - chip_earlgrey_verilator |
| - sw_build |
| - bash: | |
| # Install an additional pytest dependency for result upload. |
| pip3 install pytest-azurepipelines |
| |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| pytest --version |
| pytest test/systemtest/earlgrey/test_sim_verilator.py \ |
| -m "not slow" \ |
| --log-cli-level=DEBUG \ |
| --test-run-title="Run system tests with Verilator simulation (excl. slow tests)" \ |
| --napoleon-docstrings |
| displayName: Execute tests |
| |
| # This test is in a separate job becuase it takes longer to complete. |
| - job: execute_silicon_creator_verilated_test |
| displayName: Execute silicon_creator test on the Verilated system |
| pool: ci-public |
| dependsOn: |
| - chip_earlgrey_verilator |
| - sw_build |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| - template: ci/download-artifacts-template.yml |
| parameters: |
| downloadPartialBuildBinFrom: |
| - chip_earlgrey_verilator |
| - sw_build |
| - bash: | |
| # Install an additional pytest dependency for result upload. |
| pip3 install pytest-azurepipelines |
| |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| pytest --version |
| pytest test/systemtest/earlgrey/test_sim_verilator.py \ |
| -k test_apps_selfchecking_silicon_creator[dif_uart_smoketest] \ |
| --log-cli-level=DEBUG \ |
| --test-run-title="Run silicon_creator system test with Verilator simulation" \ |
| --napoleon-docstrings |
| displayName: Execute silicon_creator test |
| |
| - template: ci/run-riscv-compliance.yml |
| parameters: |
| rvc_test_suites: |
| - rv32i |
| |
| - template: ci/run-riscv-compliance.yml |
| parameters: |
| rvc_test_suites: |
| - rv32im |
| - rv32imc |
| - rv32Zicsr |
| |
| - job: otbn_standalone_tests |
| displayName: Run OTBN Smoke Test |
| dependsOn: lint |
| condition: and(succeeded(), eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.hasOTBNChanges'], '1')) |
| pool: |
| vmImage: ubuntu-18.04 |
| timeoutInMinutes: 10 |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| - bash: | |
| set -x |
| sudo util/get-toolchain.py \ |
| --install-dir="$TOOLCHAIN_PATH" \ |
| --release-version="$TOOLCHAIN_VERSION" \ |
| --update |
| echo "##vso[task.prependpath]$TOOLCHAIN_PATH/bin" |
| displayName: Install toolchain |
| - bash: | |
| python3 --version |
| fusesoc --version |
| verilator --version |
| displayName: Display environment |
| - bash: | |
| make -C hw/ip/otbn/dv/otbnsim test |
| displayName: OTBN ISS Test |
| - bash: | |
| ./hw/ip/otbn/dv/smoke/run_smoke.sh |
| displayName: OTBN Smoke Test |
| - bash: | |
| make -C hw/ip/otbn/util asm-check |
| displayName: Assemble and link code snippets |
| |
| - job: chip_earlgrey_cw310 |
| displayName: Build CW310 variant of the Earl Grey toplevel design using Vivado |
| dependsOn: |
| - lint |
| # The bootrom is built into the FPGA image at synthesis time. |
| # Currently, we are still using the reduce script for the CW310 meaning we can re-use the |
| # software binaries built for the NexysVideo board. |
| - sw_build_nexysvideo |
| condition: and(succeeded(), eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.onlyDocChanges'], '0'), eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.onlyDvChanges'], '0')) |
| pool: ci-public |
| timeoutInMinutes: 120 # 2 hours |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| - template: ci/download-artifacts-template.yml |
| parameters: |
| downloadPartialBuildBinFrom: |
| - sw_build_nexysvideo |
| - bash: | |
| set -e |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| |
| module load "xilinx/vivado/$(VIVADO_VERSION)" |
| |
| mkdir -p "$OBJ_DIR/hw" |
| mkdir -p "$BIN_DIR/hw/top_earlgrey" |
| |
| ./hw/top_earlgrey/util/top_earlgrey_reduce.py |
| |
| BOOTROM_VMEM="$BIN_DIR/sw/device/boot_rom/boot_rom_fpga_nexysvideo.scr.40.vmem" |
| test -f "$BOOTROM_VMEM" |
| OTP_VMEM="$BIN_DIR/sw/device/otp_img/otp_img_fpga_nexysvideo.vmem" |
| test -f "$OTP_VMEM" |
| |
| fusesoc --cores-root=. \ |
| run --flag=fileset_top --target=synth --setup --build \ |
| --build-root="$OBJ_DIR/hw" \ |
| lowrisc:systems:chip_earlgrey_cw310 \ |
| --BootRomInitFile="$BOOTROM_VMEM" \ |
| --OtpCtrlMemInitFile="$OTP_VMEM" |
| |
| cp "$OBJ_DIR/hw/synth-vivado/lowrisc_systems_chip_earlgrey_cw310_0.1.bit" \ |
| "$BIN_DIR/hw/top_earlgrey" |
| displayName: Build bitstream with Vivado |
| - bash: | |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| echo Synthesis log |
| cat $OBJ_DIR/hw/synth-vivado/lowrisc_systems_chip_earlgrey_cw310_0.1.runs/synth_1/runme.log || true |
| |
| echo Implementation log |
| cat $OBJ_DIR/hw/synth-vivado/lowrisc_systems_chip_earlgrey_cw310_0.1.runs/impl_1/runme.log || true |
| condition: always() |
| displayName: Display synthesis and implementation logs |
| - template: ci/upload-artifacts-template.yml |
| parameters: |
| includePatterns: |
| - "/hw/top_earlgrey/lowrisc_systems_chip_earlgrey_cw310_0.1.bit" |
| |
| - job: chip_earlgrey_nexysvideo |
| displayName: Build NexysVideo variant of the Earl Grey toplevel design using Vivado |
| dependsOn: |
| - lint |
| # The bootrom is built into the FPGA image at synthesis time. |
| - sw_build_nexysvideo |
| condition: and(succeeded(), eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.onlyDocChanges'], '0'), eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.onlyDvChanges'], '0')) |
| pool: ci-public |
| timeoutInMinutes: 120 # 2 hours |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| - template: ci/download-artifacts-template.yml |
| parameters: |
| downloadPartialBuildBinFrom: |
| - sw_build_nexysvideo |
| - bash: | |
| set -e |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| |
| module load "xilinx/vivado/$(VIVADO_VERSION)" |
| |
| mkdir -p "$OBJ_DIR/hw" |
| mkdir -p "$BIN_DIR/hw/top_earlgrey" |
| |
| ./hw/top_earlgrey/util/top_earlgrey_reduce.py |
| |
| BOOTROM_VMEM="$BIN_DIR/sw/device/boot_rom/boot_rom_fpga_nexysvideo.scr.40.vmem" |
| test -f "$BOOTROM_VMEM" |
| OTP_VMEM="$BIN_DIR/sw/device/otp_img/otp_img_fpga_nexysvideo.vmem" |
| test -f "$OTP_VMEM" |
| |
| fusesoc --cores-root=. \ |
| run --flag=fileset_top --target=synth --setup --build \ |
| --build-root="$OBJ_DIR/hw" \ |
| lowrisc:systems:chip_earlgrey_nexysvideo \ |
| --BootRomInitFile="$BOOTROM_VMEM" \ |
| --OtpCtrlMemInitFile="$OTP_VMEM" |
| |
| cp "$OBJ_DIR/hw/synth-vivado/lowrisc_systems_chip_earlgrey_nexysvideo_0.1.bit" \ |
| "$BIN_DIR/hw/top_earlgrey" |
| displayName: Build bitstream with Vivado |
| - bash: | |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| echo Synthesis log |
| cat $OBJ_DIR/hw/synth-vivado/lowrisc_systems_chip_earlgrey_nexysvideo_0.1.runs/synth_1/runme.log || true |
| |
| echo Implementation log |
| cat $OBJ_DIR/hw/synth-vivado/lowrisc_systems_chip_earlgrey_nexysvideo_0.1.runs/impl_1/runme.log || true |
| condition: always() |
| displayName: Display synthesis and implementation logs |
| - template: ci/upload-artifacts-template.yml |
| parameters: |
| includePatterns: |
| - "/hw/top_earlgrey/lowrisc_systems_chip_earlgrey_nexysvideo_0.1.bit" |
| |
| - job: chip_englishbreakfast_cw305 |
| displayName: Build CW305 variant of the English Breakfast toplevel design using Vivado |
| dependsOn: |
| - lint |
| # The bootrom is built into the FPGA image at synthesis time. |
| # Currently, we can't have different versions of binaries in $BIN_DIR. Consequently, we are |
| # using the NexysVideo bootrom here and the resulting CW305 bitstream is not functional. |
| # By generating the CW305 bootrom binary we would break execute_fpga_tests executed on the |
| # NexysVideo. |
| - sw_build_nexysvideo |
| condition: and(succeeded(), eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.onlyDocChanges'], '0'), eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.onlyDvChanges'], '0')) |
| pool: ci-public |
| timeoutInMinutes: 120 # 2 hours |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| - template: ci/download-artifacts-template.yml |
| parameters: |
| downloadPartialBuildBinFrom: |
| - sw_build_nexysvideo |
| - bash: | |
| set -e |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| |
| module load "xilinx/vivado/$(VIVADO_VERSION)" |
| |
| mkdir -p "$OBJ_DIR/hw" |
| mkdir -p "$BIN_DIR/hw/top_englishbreakfast" |
| |
| BOOTROM_VMEM="$BIN_DIR/sw/device/boot_rom/boot_rom_fpga_nexysvideo.scr.40.vmem" |
| test -f "$BOOTROM_VMEM" |
| |
| fusesoc --cores-root=. \ |
| run --flag=fileset_topgen --target=synth --setup --build \ |
| --build-root="$OBJ_DIR/hw" \ |
| lowrisc:systems:chip_englishbreakfast_cw305 \ |
| --BootRomInitFile="$BOOTROM_VMEM" |
| |
| cp "$OBJ_DIR/hw/synth-vivado/lowrisc_systems_chip_englishbreakfast_cw305_0.1.bit" \ |
| "$BIN_DIR/hw/top_englishbreakfast" |
| displayName: Build bitstream with Vivado |
| - template: ci/upload-artifacts-template.yml |
| parameters: |
| includePatterns: |
| - "/hw/top_englishbreakfast/lowrisc_systems_chip_englishbreakfast_cw305_0.1.bit" |
| |
| - job: execute_fpga_tests_cw310 |
| displayName: Execute tests on ChipWhisperer CW310 FPGA board |
| pool: FPGA |
| timeoutInMinutes: 30 |
| dependsOn: |
| - chip_earlgrey_cw310 |
| - sw_build_nexysvideo |
| - sw_build |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| - template: ci/download-artifacts-template.yml |
| parameters: |
| downloadPartialBuildBinFrom: |
| - chip_earlgrey_cw310 |
| - sw_build_nexysvideo |
| - sw_build |
| - bash: | |
| set -e |
| |
| # Install an additional pytest dependency for result upload. |
| pip3 install pytest-azurepipelines |
| |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| pytest --version |
| pytest test/systemtest/earlgrey/test_fpga_cw310.py \ |
| --log-cli-level=DEBUG \ |
| --test-run-title="Run system tests on ChipWhisperer CW310 FPGA board" \ |
| --napoleon-docstrings |
| displayName: Execute tests |
| |
| - job: execute_fpga_tests_nexysvideo |
| displayName: Execute tests on Nexys Video FPGA board |
| pool: FPGA |
| timeoutInMinutes: 30 |
| dependsOn: |
| - chip_earlgrey_nexysvideo |
| - sw_build_nexysvideo |
| - sw_build |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| - template: ci/download-artifacts-template.yml |
| parameters: |
| downloadPartialBuildBinFrom: |
| - chip_earlgrey_nexysvideo |
| - sw_build_nexysvideo |
| - sw_build |
| - bash: | |
| set -e |
| |
| module load "xilinx/vivado/$(VIVADO_VERSION)" |
| |
| # Install an additional pytest dependency for result upload. |
| pip3 install pytest-azurepipelines |
| |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| pytest --version |
| pytest test/systemtest/earlgrey/test_fpga_nexysvideo.py \ |
| --log-cli-level=DEBUG \ |
| --test-run-title="Run system tests on Nexys Video FPGA board" \ |
| --napoleon-docstrings |
| displayName: Execute tests |
| |
| - job: deploy_release_artifacts |
| displayName: Package and deploy release distribution |
| pool: |
| vmImage: ubuntu-18.04 |
| dependsOn: |
| - lint |
| - sw_build |
| - chip_earlgrey_verilator |
| - chip_earlgrey_nexysvideo |
| condition: and(eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.onlyDocChanges'], '0'), eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.onlyDvChanges'], '0')) |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| - template: ci/download-artifacts-template.yml |
| parameters: |
| downloadPartialBuildBinFrom: |
| - sw_build |
| - sw_build_nexysvideo |
| - chip_earlgrey_verilator |
| - chip_earlgrey_nexysvideo |
| - chip_englishbreakfast_verilator |
| - bash: | |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| |
| util/make_distribution.sh |
| |
| tar --list -f $BIN_DIR/opentitan-*.tar.xz |
| # Put the resulting tar file into a directory the |publish| step below can reference. |
| mkdir "$BUILD_ROOT/dist-final" |
| mv $BIN_DIR/opentitan-*.tar.xz "$BUILD_ROOT/dist-final" |
| displayName: Create final dist directory out of partial ones |
| - publish: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/dist-final |
| artifact: opentitan-dist |
| displayName: Upload release artifacts as Azure artifact |
| - task: GithubRelease@0 |
| displayName: Upload to GitHub releases (only tags) |
| condition: and(succeeded(), startsWith(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/tags/')) |
| inputs: |
| gitHubConnection: opentitan-release-upload |
| repositoryName: lowrisc/opentitan |
| addChangeLog: false |
| assets: | |
| $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/dist-final/* |
| |
| |
| - job: build_docker_containers |
| displayName: "Build Docker Containers" |
| pool: |
| vmImage: ubuntu-18.04 |
| dependsOn: |
| - lint |
| steps: |
| - task: Docker@2 |
| displayName: Build Developer Utility Container |
| inputs: |
| command: build |
| Dockerfile: ./util/container/Dockerfile |
| buildContext: . |
| - task: Docker@2 |
| displayName: Build Documentation Builder Container |
| inputs: |
| command: build |
| tags: gcr.io/active-premise-257318/builder |
| Dockerfile: ./site/docs/builder.Dockerfile |
| buildContext: . |
| - task: Docker@2 |
| displayName: Build Documentation Redirector Container |
| inputs: |
| command: build |
| Dockerfile: ./site/redirector/Dockerfile |
| buildContext: ./site/redirector |