blob: 7f5d201a7433397150d9c452980999661cb14699 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file
* @brief <a href="/hw/ip/entropy_src/doc/">Entropy Source</a> Device Interface
* Functions
#include <stdint.h>
#include "sw/device/lib/base/macros.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/base/mmio.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_base.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/autogen/dif_entropy_src_autogen.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif // __cplusplus
* A single-bit RNG mode, where only one bit is sampled.
typedef enum dif_entropy_src_single_bit_mode {
* Single-bit-mode, sampling the zeroth bit.
kDifEntropySrcSingleBitMode0 = 0,
* Single-bit-mode, sampling the first bit.
kDifEntropySrcSingleBitMode1 = 1,
* Single-bit-mode, sampling the second bit.
kDifEntropySrcSingleBitMode2 = 2,
* Single-bit-mode, sampling the third bit.
kDifEntropySrcSingleBitMode3 = 3,
* Indicates that single-bit-mode is disabled.
kDifEntropySrcSingleBitModeDisabled = 4,
} dif_entropy_src_single_bit_mode_t;
* Main FSM state.
typedef enum dif_entropy_src_main_fsm {
kDifEntropySrcMainFsmStateIdle = 0x0f5,
kDifEntropySrcMainFsmStateBootHTRunning = 0x1d2,
kDifEntropySrcMainFsmStateBootPostHTChk = 0x16e,
kDifEntropySrcMainFsmStateBootPhaseDone = 0x08e,
kDifEntropySrcMainFsmStateStartupHTStart = 0x02c,
kDifEntropySrcMainFsmStateStartupPhase1 = 0x101,
kDifEntropySrcMainFsmStateStartupPass1 = 0x1a5,
kDifEntropySrcMainFsmStateStartupFail1 = 0x017,
kDifEntropySrcMainFsmStateContHTStart = 0x040,
kDifEntropySrcMainFsmStateContHTRunning = 0x1a2,
kDifEntropySrcMainFsmStateFWInsertStart = 0x0c3,
kDifEntropySrcMainFsmStateFWInsertMsg = 0x059,
kDifEntropySrcMainFsmStateSha3MsgDone = 0x10f,
kDifEntropySrcMainFsmStateSha3Prep = 0x0f8,
kDifEntropySrcMainFsmStateSha3Process = 0x0bf,
kDifEntropySrcMainFsmStateSha3Valid = 0x171,
kDifEntropySrcMainFsmStateSha3Done = 0x198,
kDifEntropySrcMainFsmStateSha3Quiesce = 0x1cd,
kDifEntropySrcMainFsmStateAlertState = 0x1fb,
kDifEntropySrcMainFsmStateAlertHang = 0x15c,
kDifEntropySrcMainFsmStateError = 0x13d
} dif_entropy_src_main_fsm_t;
* Firmware override parameters for an entropy source.
typedef struct dif_entropy_src_fw_override_config {
* Enables firmware to insert entropy bits back into the pre-conditioner block
* via `dif_entropy_fifo_write()` calls. This feature is useful when the
* firmware is required to implement additional health checks, and to perform
* known answer tests of the preconditioner function.
* To take effect, this requires the firmware override feature to be enabled.
bool entropy_insert_enable;
* This field sets the depth of the observe FIFO hardware buffer used when
* the firmware override feature is enabled.
uint8_t buffer_threshold;
} dif_entropy_src_fw_override_config_t;
* Runtime configuration for an entropy source.
* This struct describes runtime information for one-time configuration of the
* hardware.
typedef struct dif_entropy_src_config {
* If set, FIPS compliant entropy will be generated by this module after being
* processed by an SP 800-90B compliant conditioning function.
* Software may opt for implementing FIPS mode of operation without hardware
* support by setting this field to false. In such case, software is
* responsible for implementing the conditioning function.
bool fips_enable;
* If set, entropy will be routed to a firmware-visible register instead of
* being distributed to other hardware IPs.
bool route_to_firmware;
* If set, raw entropy will be sent to CSRNG, bypassing the conditioner block
* and disabling the FIPS flag. Note that the FIPS flag is different from
* running the block in FIPS mode. FIPS mode refers to running the entropy_src
* in continuous mode.
bool bypass_conditioner;
* Specifies which single-bit-mode to use, if any at all.
dif_entropy_src_single_bit_mode_t single_bit_mode;
* Controls the scope (either by-line or by-sum) of the health tests.
* If true, the Adaptive Proportion and Markov Tests will accumulate all RNG
* input lines into a single score, and thresholds will be applied to the sum
* of all the entropy input lines.
* If false, the RNG input lines are all scored individually. A statistical
* deviation in any one input line, be it due to coincidence or failure, will
* force rejection of the sample, and count toward the total alert count.
bool health_test_threshold_scope;
* The size of the window used for health tests.
* Units: bits
uint16_t health_test_window_size;
* The number of health test failures that must occur before an alert is
* triggered. When set to 0, alerts are disabled.
uint16_t alert_threshold;
} dif_entropy_src_config_t;
* A statistical test on the bits emitted by an entropy source.
typedef enum dif_entropy_src_test {
* An SP 800-90B repetition count test.
* This test screens for stuck bits, or a total failure of the noise source.
* This test fails if any sequence of bits repeats too many times in a row
* for too many samples.
kDifEntropySrcTestRepetitionCount = 0,
* An SP 800-90B symbol repetition count test.
* This is similar to the above, test but is performed on a symbol, instead of
* bit, basis.
kDifEntropySrcTestRepetitionCountSymbol = 1,
* An SP 800-90B adaptive proportion test.
* This test screens for statistical bias in the number of ones or zeros
* output by the noise source.
kDifEntropySrcTestAdaptiveProportion = 2,
* A bucket test.
* This test looks for correlations between individual noise channels.
kDifEntropySrcTestBucket = 3,
* A "Markov" test.
* This test looks for unexpected first-order temporal correlations
* between individual noise channels.
kDifEntropySrcTestMarkov = 4,
* A firmware-driven "mailbox" test.
* This test allows firmware to inspect 2kbit blocks of entropy, and signal
* potential concerns to the hardware.
kDifEntropySrcTestMailbox = 5,
/** \internal */
kDifEntropySrcTestNumVariants = 6,
} dif_entropy_src_test_t;
* Criteria used by various entropy source health tests to decide whether the
* test has failed.
typedef struct dif_entropy_src_health_test_config {
* The entropy source health test type to configure.
dif_entropy_src_test_t test_type;
* The high threshold for the health test.
uint32_t high_threshold;
* The low threshold for the health test.
* If the corresponding health test has no low threshold, set to 0, otherwise
* `dif_entropy_src_health_test_configure()` will return `kDifBadArg`.
uint32_t low_threshold;
} dif_entropy_src_health_test_config_t;
* Revision information for an entropy source.
* The fields of this struct have an implementation-specific interpretation.
typedef struct dif_entropy_src_revision {
uint8_t abi_revision;
uint8_t hw_revision;
uint8_t chip_type;
} dif_entropy_src_revision_t;
* Statistics on entropy source health tests.
typedef struct dif_entropy_src_health_test_stats {
* High watermark indicating the highest value emitted by a particular test.
uint16_t high_watermark[kDifEntropySrcTestNumVariants];
* Low watermark indicating the lowest value emitted by a particular test.
* Note, some health tests do not emit a low watermark as there is no low
* threshold. For these tests, this value will always be UINT16_MAX.
uint16_t low_watermark[kDifEntropySrcTestNumVariants];
* The number of times a particular test has failed above the high threshold.
uint32_t high_fails[kDifEntropySrcTestNumVariants];
* The number of times a particular test has failed below the low threshold.
* Note, some health tests do not have a low threshold. For these tests, this
* value will always be 0.
uint32_t low_fails[kDifEntropySrcTestNumVariants];
} dif_entropy_src_health_test_stats_t;
* Statistics on entropy source health tests failures that triggered alerts.
typedef struct dif_entropy_src_alert_fail_counts {
* The total number of test failures, across all test types, that contributed
* to the alerts fired.
uint16_t total_fails;
* The number of test failures, due to the specific test execeeding the high
* threshold, that cause alerts to be fired.
uint8_t high_fails[kDifEntropySrcTestNumVariants];
* The number of test failures, due to the specific test execeeding the low
* threshold, that cause alerts to be fired.
* Note, some health tests do not have a low threshold. For these tests, this
* value will always be 0.
uint8_t low_fails[kDifEntropySrcTestNumVariants];
} dif_entropy_src_alert_fail_counts_t;
* SHA3 state machine states.
* See `hw/ip/kmac/rtl/` for more details.
typedef enum dif_entropy_src_sha3_state {
kDifEntropySrcSha3StateIdle = 0,
kDifEntropySrcSha3StateAbsorb = 1,
kDifEntropySrcSha3StateSqueeze = 2,
kDifEntropySrcSha3StateManualRun = 3,
kDifEntropySrcSha3StateFlush = 4,
kDifEntropySrcSha3StateError = 5,
} dif_entropy_src_sha3_state_t;
* Debug status information.
typedef struct dif_entropy_src_debug_state {
* Depth of the entropy source FIFO.
* Valid range: [0, 7]
uint8_t entropy_fifo_depth;
* The current state of the SHA3 preconditioner state machine.
* See `dif_entropy_src_sha3_state_t` for more details.
dif_entropy_src_sha3_state_t sha3_fsm_state;
* Whether the SHA3 preconditioner has completed processing the current block.
bool sha3_block_processed;
* Whether the SHA3 preconditioner is in the squeezing state.
bool sha3_squeezing;
* Whether the SHA3 preconditioner is in the absorbed state.
bool sha3_absorbed;
* Whether the SHA3 preconditioner has is in an error state.
bool sha3_error;
* Whether the main FSM is in the idle state.
bool main_fsm_is_idle;
* Whether the main FSM is in the boot done state.
bool main_fsm_boot_done;
} dif_entropy_src_debug_state_t;
* Recoverable alerts.
typedef enum dif_entropy_src_alert_cause {
* Triggered when the FIPS_ENABLE field in the CONF register is set to an
* unsupported value.
kDifEntropySrcAlertFipsEnableField = 1U << 0,
* Triggered when the ENTROPY_DATA_REG_ENABLE field in the CONF register is
* set to an unsupported value.
kDifEntropySrcAlertEntropyDataRegEnField = 1U << 1,
* Triggered when the MODULE_ENABLE field in the MODULE_ENABLE register is set
* to an unsupported value.
kDifEntropySrcAlertModuleEnableField = 1U << 2,
* Triggered when the THRESHOLD_SCOPE field in the CONF register is set to an
* unsupported value.
kDifEntropySrcAlertThresholdScopeField = 1U << 3,
* Triggered when the RNG_BIT_ENABLE field in the CONF register is set to an
* unsupported value.
kDifEntropySrcAlertRngBitEnableField = 1U << 5,
* Triggered when the FW_OV_SHA3_START field in the FW_OV_SHA3_START register
* is set to an unsupported value.
kDifEntropySrcAlertFwOvSha3StartField = 1U << 7,
* Triggered when the FW_OV_MODE field in the FW_OV_CONTROL register is set to
* an unsupported value.
kDifEntropySrcAlertFwOvModeField = 1U << 8,
* Triggered when the FW_OV_ENTROPY_INSERT field in the FW_OV_CONTROL register
* is set to an unsupported value.
kDifEntropySrcAlertFwOvEntropyInsertField = 1U << 9,
* Triggered when the ES_ROUTE field in the ENTROPY_CONTROL register is set to
* an unsupported value.
kDifEntropySrcAlertEsRouteField = 1U << 10,
* Triggered when the ES_TYPE field in the ENTROPY_CONTROL register is set to
* an unsupported value.
kDifEntropySrcAlertEsTypeField = 1U << 11,
* Triggered when the main state machine detects a threshold failure state.
kDifEntropySrcAlertMainStateMachine = 1U << 12,
* Triggered when the internal entropy bus value is equal to the prior valid
* value on the bus, indicating a possible attack.
kDifEntropySrcAlertDuplicateValue = 1U << 13,
* Triggered when the ALERT_THRESHOLD register is not configured properly,
* i.e., the upper field must be the exact inverse of the lower field.
kDifEntropySrcAlertThresholdConfig = 1U << 14,
* All alert reasons.
* This is useful when clearing all recoverable alerts at once.
kDifEntropySrcAlertAllAlerts = (1U << 15) - 1,
} dif_entropy_src_alert_cause_t;
* Error codes (non-recoverable).
typedef enum dif_entropy_src_error {
* Triggered when a write error has been detected for the esrng FIFO.
kDifEntropySrcErrorRngFifoWrite = 1U << 0,
* Triggered when a read error has been detected for the esrng FIFO.
kDifEntropySrcErrorRngFifoRead = 1U << 1,
* Triggered when a state error has been detected for the esrng FIFO.
kDifEntropySrcErrorRngFifoState = 1U << 2,
* Triggered when a write error has been detected for the observe FIFO.
kDifEntropySrcErrorObserveFifoWrite = 1U << 3,
* Triggered when a read error has been detected for the observe FIFO.
kDifEntropySrcErrorObserveFifoRead = 1U << 4,
* Triggered when a state error has been detected for the observe FIFO.
kDifEntropySrcErrorObserveFifoState = 1U << 5,
* Triggered when a write error has been detected for the esfinal FIFO.
kDifEntropySrcErrorFinalFifoWrite = 1U << 6,
* Triggered when a read error has been detected for the esfinal FIFO.
kDifEntropySrcErrorFinalFifoRead = 1U << 7,
* Triggered when a state error has been detected for the esfinal FIFO.
kDifEntropySrcErrorFinalFifoState = 1U << 8,
* Triggered when an error has been detected for the acknowledgment stage
* state machine.
kDifEntropySrcErrorAckStateMachine = 1U << 9,
* Triggered when an error has been detected for the main state machine.
kDifEntropySrcErrorMainStateMachine = 1U << 10,
* Triggered when an error has been detected for a hardened counter.
kDifEntropySrcErrorHardenedCounter = 1U << 11,
} dif_entropy_src_error_t;
* Stops the current mode of operation and disables the entropy_src module
* @param entropy_src An entropy source handle.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_entropy_src_stop(const dif_entropy_src_t *entropy_src);
* Configures entropy source with runtime information.
* This function should only need to be called once for the lifetime of the
* `entropy` handle.
* @param entropy_src An entropy source handle.
* @param config Runtime configuration parameters.
* @param enabled The enablement state of the entropy source.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_entropy_src_configure(const dif_entropy_src_t *entropy_src,
dif_entropy_src_config_t config,
dif_toggle_t enabled);
* Configures entropy source firmware override feature with runtime information.
* This function should only need to be called once for the lifetime of the
* `entropy` handle.
* @param entropy_src An entropy source handle.
* @param config Runtime configuration parameters for firmware override.
* @param enabled The enablement state of the firmware override option.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_entropy_src_fw_override_configure(
const dif_entropy_src_t *entropy_src,
dif_entropy_src_fw_override_config_t config, dif_toggle_t enabled);
* Configures an entropy source health test feature with runtime information.
* This function should only need to be called once for each health test that
* requires configuration for the lifetime of the `entropy` handle.
* @param entropy_src An entropy source handle.
* @param config Runtime configuration parameters for the health test.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_entropy_src_health_test_configure(
const dif_entropy_src_t *entropy_src,
dif_entropy_src_health_test_config_t config);
* Enables/Disables the entropy source.
* @param entropy_src An entropy source handle.
* @param enabled The enablement state to configure the entropy source in.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_entropy_src_set_enabled(const dif_entropy_src_t *entropy_src,
dif_toggle_t enabled);
* Locks out entropy source functionality.
* This function is reentrant: calling it while functionality is locked will
* have no effect and return `kDifEntropySrcOk`.
* @param entropy_src An entropy source handle.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_entropy_src_lock(const dif_entropy_src_t *entropy_src);
* Checks whether this entropy source is locked.
* @param entropy_src An entropy source handle.
* @param[out] is_locked Out-param for the locked state.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_entropy_src_is_locked(const dif_entropy_src_t *entropy_src,
bool *is_locked);
* Queries the entropy_src source IP for its revision information.
* @param entropy_src An entropy source handle.
* @param[out] revision Out-param for revision data.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_entropy_src_get_revision(const dif_entropy_src_t *entropy_src,
dif_entropy_src_revision_t *revision);
* Queries the entropy source for health test statistics.
* @param entropy_src An entropy source handle.
* @param[out] stats Out-param for stats data.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_entropy_src_get_health_test_stats(
const dif_entropy_src_t *entropy_src,
dif_entropy_src_health_test_stats_t *stats);
* Queries the entropy source for health test failure statistics.
* @param entropy_src An entropy source handle.
* @param[out] counts Out-param for test failure data that triggers alerts.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_entropy_src_get_alert_fail_counts(
const dif_entropy_src_t *entropy_src,
dif_entropy_src_alert_fail_counts_t *counts);
* Checks to see if entropy is available for software consumption.
* @param entropy_src An entropy source handle.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_entropy_src_is_entropy_available(
const dif_entropy_src_t *entropy_src);
* Reads a word of entropy from the entropy source.
* @param entropy_src An entropy source handle.
* @param[out] word Out-param for the entropy word.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_entropy_src_non_blocking_read(
const dif_entropy_src_t *entropy_src, uint32_t *word);
* Performs a blocking read from the entropy pipeline through the observe FIFO,
* which contains post-test, unconditioned entropy.
* The entropy source must be configured with firmware override mode enabled,
* and the `len` parameter must be less than or equal to the FIFO threshold set
* in the firmware override parameters (that is, the threshold that triggers an
* interrupt). Additionally, `buf` may be `NULL`; in this case, reads will be
* discarded.
* @param entropy_src An entropy source handle.
* @param[out] buf A buffer to fill with words from the pipeline.
* @param len The number of words to read into `buf`.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_entropy_src_observe_fifo_blocking_read(
const dif_entropy_src_t *entropy_src, uint32_t *buf, size_t len);
* Performs a write to the entropy pipeline through the observe FIFO.
* Entropy source must be configured with firmware override and insert mode
* enabled, otherwise the function will return `kDifError`.
* @param entropy_src An entropy source handle.
* @param buf A buffer to push words from into the pipeline.
* @param len The number of words to write from `buf`.
* @param[out] written The number of words successfully written.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_entropy_src_observe_fifo_write(
const dif_entropy_src_t *entropy_src, const uint32_t *buf, size_t len,
size_t *written);
* Starts conditioner operation.
* Initializes the conditioner. Use the `dif_entropy_src_observe_fifo_write()`
* function to send data to the conditioner, and
* `dif_entropy_src_conditioner_stop()` once ready to stop the conditioner
* operation.
* This function is only available when firmware override mode is enabled. See
* `dif_entropy_src_fw_override_configure()` for more details.
* @param entropy_src An entropy source handle.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_entropy_src_conditioner_start(
const dif_entropy_src_t *entropy_src);
* Stops conditioner operation.
* The conditioner stops processing input data and deposits the result digest
* in the entropy source output buffer. This operation is only available in
* firmware override mode.
* @param entropy_src An entropy source handle.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_entropy_src_conditioner_stop(
const dif_entropy_src_t *entropy_src);
* Checks whether the firmware override write FIFO is full.
* @param entropy_src An entropy source handle.
* @param[out] is_full Whether the FIFO is full.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_entropy_src_is_fifo_full(const dif_entropy_src_t *entropy_src,
bool *is_full);
* Checks whether the firmware override read FIFO has overflowed.
* @param entropy_src An entropy source handle.
* @param[out] has_overflowed Whether the FIFO has overflowed, and data has been
* lost.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_entropy_src_has_fifo_overflowed(
const dif_entropy_src_t *entropy_src, bool *has_overflowed);
* Clears the firmware override read FIFO overflow status.
* @param entropy_src An entropy source handle.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_entropy_src_clear_fifo_overflow(
const dif_entropy_src_t *entropy_src);
* Read the firmware override FIFO depth.
* @param entropy_src An entropy source handle.
* @param[out] fifo_depth The FIFO depth.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_entropy_src_get_fifo_depth(
const dif_entropy_src_t *entropy_src, uint32_t *fifo_depth);
* Reads the debug status register.
* @param entropy_src An entropy source handle.
* @param[out] debug_state The current debug state of the IP.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_entropy_src_get_debug_state(
const dif_entropy_src_t *entropy_src,
dif_entropy_src_debug_state_t *debug_state);
* Reads the recoverable alert status register.
* @param entropy_src An entropy source handle.
* @param[out] alerts The alerts that were triggered (one or more
* `dif_entropy_src_alert_t`'s ORed together).
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_entropy_src_get_recoverable_alerts(
const dif_entropy_src_t *entropy_src, uint32_t *alerts);
* Clears the alerts that are recoverable.
* @param entropy_src An entropy source handle.
* @param alerts The alerts to be cleared (one or more
* `dif_entropy_src_alert_t`'s ORed together).
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_entropy_src_clear_recoverable_alerts(
const dif_entropy_src_t *entropy_src, uint32_t alerts);
* Reads the (nonrecoverable) error code status register.
* @param entropy_src An entropy source handle.
* @param[out] errors The errors that were triggered (one or more
* `dif_entropy_src_error_t`'s ORed together).
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_entropy_src_get_errors(const dif_entropy_src_t *entropy_src,
uint32_t *errors);
* Forces the hardware to generate a error for testing purposes.
* @param entropy_src An entropy source handle.
* @param error The error to force (for testing purposes).
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_entropy_src_error_force(const dif_entropy_src_t *entropy_src,
dif_entropy_src_error_t error);
* Reads the current main FSM state.
* @param entropy_src An entropy source handle.
* @param[out] state The current FSM state.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_entropy_src_get_main_fsm_state(
const dif_entropy_src_t *entropy_src, dif_entropy_src_main_fsm_t *state);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#endif // __cplusplus