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// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
name: "uart"
import_testplans: ["hw/dv/tools/dvsim/testplans/csr_testplan.hjson",
testpoints: [
name: smoke
desc: '''
- UART smoke test with few bytes transmitted and received asynchronously and
in parallel with scoreboard checks
- TX and RX have 2 independent threads respectively.
- program one Tx item in register and wait for it to complete at uart interface,
before send another one
- sequencally send one Rx byte, then immediately read from register and check it'''
stage: V1
tests: ["uart_smoke"]
name: base_random_seq
desc: '''
- This is the basic sequence that is extended by most of random sequence.
- TX and RX have 2 independent threads respectively.
- TX: keep programming csr wdata with random delay when fifo isn't full
- RX: 2 processes. One is to send item through uart interface when fifo isn't full
and the other is to read csr rdata when fifo isn't empty'''
stage: V2
tests: ["uart_tx_rx"]
name: parity
desc: '''Send / receive bytes with parity and odd parity enabled randomly.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["uart_smoke", "uart_tx_rx"]
name: parity_error
desc: '''
- Enable parity and randomly set even/odd parity
- Inject parity error randomly on data sent from rx and ensure the interrupt is
stage: V2
tests: ["uart_rx_parity_err", "uart_intr"]
name: watermark
desc: '''
- Program random tx/rx fifo watermark level and keep sending random tx/rx data
to fifo.
- As the number of pending data entries in the tx/rx fifo reaches the programmed
watermark level (fifo size >= watermark level), ensure that the watermark interrupt
is asserted
- Ensure interrupt stays asserted until cleared as well as fifo level dropped.
The tx/rx watermark interrupt is sticky'''
stage: V2
tests: ["uart_tx_rx", "uart_intr"]
name: fifo_full
desc: '''Send over 32 bytes of data but stop when fifo is full'''
stage: V2
tests: ["uart_fifo_full"]
name: fifo_overflow
desc: '''
- Keep sending over 32 bytes of data over tx/rx fifo
- Ensure excess data bytes are dropped and check overflow interrupt
- This uart_fifo_overflow_vseq is extent from uart_fifo_full_vseq and override the
constraint to be able to send data over fifo size'''
stage: V2
tests: ["uart_fifo_overflow"]
name: fifo_reset
desc: '''
- Fill up the tx/rx fifo. After a random number of bytes shows up on fifo, reset
the fifo and ensure that the remaining data bytes do not show up
- this sequence is extent from uart_fifo_overflow_vseq, so it can also reset when fifo
is at any level, including full or overflow'''
stage: V2
tests: ["uart_fifo_reset"]
name: rx_frame_err
desc: '''
- Inject frame error in parity and non-parity cases by not setting stop bit = 1
- Ensure the interrupt gets asserted'''
stage: V2
tests: ["uart_intr"]
name: rx_break_err
desc: '''
- Program random number of break detection characters
- create a frame error scenario and send random number of 0 bytes
- If that random number exceeds the programmed break characters
- Ensure that the break_err interrupt is asserted'''
stage: V2
tests: ["uart_intr"]
name: rx_timeout
desc: '''
- Program timeout_ctrl register to randomize the timeout. Send random number of
data over rx
- Wait until it's about to timeout, then check timeout interrupt doesn't fire. Wait
for timeout and check timeout interrupt fires
- Wait until it's about to timeout, then use either read csr rdata or send RX item
through uart interface to reset timeout timer in order to ensure timeout never
stage: V2
tests: ["uart_intr"]
name: perf
desc: '''Run fifo_full_vseq with very small delays'''
stage: V2
tests: ["uart_perf"]
name: sys_loopback
desc: '''
- Enable system looback, then drive uart TX and data will be loopbacked through RX
- After loopback is done, uart.RDATA will be equal to the data programmed to
stage: V2
tests: ["uart_loopback"]
name: line_loopback
desc: '''
- Enable line loopback and drive uart_rx with random data and random delay
- Check uart_tx has same value as uart_rx. There is not synchronizer register between
uart_rx and uart_tx during line loopback'''
stage: V2
tests: ["uart_loopback"]
name: rx_noise_filter
desc: '''
- Use 16x fast clk to sample it, data on uart_rx need to be stable for 3 clocks,
otherwise, data change won't be taken
- Enable noise filter and drive many glitches. Each glitch doesn't lasts less than
3 clocks
- Ensure the noise will be filterred out and it doesn't affect next normal
stage: V2
tests: ["uart_noise_filter"]
name: rx_start_bit_filter
desc: '''
- Start bit should last for at least half baud clock, otherwise, it will be dropped
- It's always enabled. Drive start bit for less than half cycle.
- Ensure the start bit will be dropped'''
stage: V2
tests: ["uart_rx_start_bit_filter"]
name: tx_overide
desc: '''Enable override control and use register programming to drive uart output
stage: V2
tests: ["uart_tx_ovrd"]
name: rx_oversample
desc: '''
- Use 16x baud clock to sample uart rx
- Drive uart rx with 16 bits value, using 16x baud clock
- Read RX oversampled value and ensure it's same as driven value'''
stage: V2
tests: ["uart_rx_oversample"]
name: long_b2b_transfer
desc: '''
- Reduce delay to fill TX fifo and read RX fifo to ensure back2back transfers
- Use long back2back transfer to ensure clock difference won't be accumulated across transactions
- Uart monitor checks the clock offset between sender and receiver is never over 1/4 of the period'''
stage: V2
tests: ["uart_long_xfer_wo_dly"]
name: stress_all
desc: '''
- Combine above sequences in one test to run sequentially, except csr sequence and
uart_rx_oversample_vseq (requires zero_delays)
- Randomly add reset between each sequence'''
stage: V2
tests: ["uart_stress_all"]
name: stress_all_with_reset
desc: '''Have random reset in parallel with stress_all and tl_errors sequences'''
stage: V2
tests: ["uart_stress_all_with_rand_reset"]
covergroups: [
name: foo_cg
desc: '''