blob: 1b3e9eeed979f9d0903c55b7df62369939644767 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
name: "lc_ctrl"
import_testplans: ["hw/dv/tools/dvsim/testplans/csr_testplan.hjson",
testpoints: [
name: smoke
desc: '''
Smoke test accessing lc_ctrl state transition datapath.
- Initialize lc_ctrl by sending pwrmgr req and otp_ctrl valid random data.
- Request a valid next LC state by writing CSRs: `transition_target`,
`transition_token*`, and `transition_cmd`.
- After lc_ctrl initialization finishes, check lc_ctrl broadcast outputs, check
the value of lc_state and lc_transition_cnt CSRs, and check device_id and id_state
- After lc_ctrl state transition request, check status to ensure the transition is
valid and successful.
- Check token matching for both conditional and unconditional requests.
- Once the transition is successful, check lc_ctrl broadcast outputs are all turned
stage: V1
tests: ["lc_ctrl_smoke"]
name: state_post_trans
desc: '''
This test is based on smoke test.
After smoke sequence, this test adds additional lc_state transition request before
issuing reset. This should happen regardless if the transition is successful.
Use scoreboard to ensure lc_ctrl ignores this additional lc_state transition request
and check state count.
stage: V2
tests: ["lc_ctrl_state_post_trans"]
name: regwen_during_op
desc: '''
`Transition_regwen` is RO register and it gates bunch of write access of other
- Check `transition_regwen` register is set to 1 during lc_state transition request.
- Check that accessing its locked CSRs is gated during the transition operation.
stage: V2
tests: ["lc_ctrl_regwen_during_op"]
name: lc_prog_failure
desc: '''
This test checks lc_program failure by setting the error bit after otp program request.
- Check if status register reflects the correct error bit.
- Check if lc_program_failure alert is triggered.
- Check if lc_state moves to escalation state.
stage: V2
tests: ["lc_ctrl_prog_failure"]
name: lc_state_failure
desc: '''
This test checks lc_state failure by:
- Driving invalid data to lc_ctrl input `otp_lc_data_i` fields `lc_state` and `lc_cnt`.
- Backdoor changing lc_ctrl FSM's to invalid value.
For invalid value, the testbench will test using random value and valid `A/B/C/D`
values with different orders.
- Check if status register reflects the correct error bit.
- Check if lc_state_failure alert is triggered.
- Check if lc_state moves to escalation state.
stage: V2
tests: ["lc_ctrl_state_failure"]
name: lc_errors
desc: '''
This test randomly executes the error senarios:
- otp_ctrl input lc_trans_cnt reaches 16
- lc_ctrl state transition request is invalid
- input LC token does not match the output from otp_ctrl
- flash rma responses to lc_ctrl request with error
- lc_ctrl clock bypass responses with error
- input otp_lc_data's error bit is set to 1
Note that all the above scenarios except the last one requires a reset to recover.
- Check if status register reflects the correct error bit.
- Check if lc_state moves to correct exit state.
- Check if lc_trans_cnt is incremented.
stage: V2
tests: ["lc_ctrl_errors"]
name: security_escalation
desc: '''
This test checks two security escalation responses:
- wipe secrets: permanently asserts lc_escalate_en signal
- scrap state: lc_ctrl moves to escalation state, check the state will be cleared up
upon next power cycle
stage: V2
tests: ["lc_ctrl_security_escalation",
name: jtag_access
desc: '''
This test checks jtag debug interface in lc_ctrl.
This test will use both JTAG TAP and TLUL to access the CSR space.
All above CSR sequences should be accessible via both interfaces.
stage: V2
tests: ["lc_ctrl_jtag_access",
name: jtag_priority
desc: '''
This test covers a corner case in JTAG and TLUL interfaces.
- Issue mux_claim operation from TLUL and JTAG interfaces at the same time.
- Ensure TAP interface has the priority.
- Ensure right after the mux_claim operation, the non-prioritized interface returns 0
from the CSR readings. This checking ensures there is no token leakage between
stage: V2
tests: ["lc_ctrl_jtag_priority"]
name: stress_all
desc: '''
- Combine above sequences in one test to run sequentially, except csr sequence.
- Random selection of Tilelink or JTAG CSR for each sequence
- Randomly add reset between each sequence.
stage: V2
tests: ["lc_ctrl_stress_all"]
covergroups: [
name: err_inj_cg
desc: '''
Indicates what error conditions have been injected.
name: lc_ctrl_fsm_cg
desc: '''
lc_ctrl_fsm states and arcs