blob: 0157e2de5837f80d0b01b9f7987d8806720ebe93 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Flash executable runtime initialization code.
// NOTE: The "ax" flag below is necessary to ensure that this section
// is allocated space in ROM by the linker.
.section .crt, "ax"
.extern main
* Callable entry point for flash.
* This sets up the stack, zeroes `.bss`, and sets up `.data`.
* It then jumps into main.
.globl _start
// Set up the stack. We have no expectation that the rom that
// jumps here will have the correct stack start linked in.
la sp, _stack_start
// Set up the global pointer. This requires that we disable linker relaxations
// (or it will be relaxed to `mv gp, gp`).
.option push
.option norelax
la gp, __global_pointer$
.option pop
// Set up the new interrupt vector.
la t0, _vectors_start
csrw mtvec, t0
// Zero out the `.bss` segment.
// We use `t0` and `t1` to represent the start and end pointers
// of `.bss`.
la t0, _bss_start
la t1, _bss_end
bge t0, t1, bss_zero_loop_end
sw zero, 0(t0)
addi t0, t0, 0x4
ble t0, t1, bss_zero_loop
// Initialize the `.data` segment from the `.idata` segment.
// We use `t0` and `t1` to represent the start and end pointers
// of `.data`, `t2` to represent the start pointer of `.idata`
// (which has the same length as `.data`) and `t3` is a scratch
// register for the copy.
la t0, _data_start
la t1, _data_end
la t2, _data_init_start
bge t0, t1, data_copy_loop_end
lw t3, 0(t2)
sw t3, 0(t0)
addi t0, t0, 0x4
addi t2, t2, 0x4
ble t0, t1, data_copy_loop
// Jump into the C program entry point. This is your standard
// C `main()`, so we need to pass dummy values for `argc` and `argv`.
li a0, 0x0 // argc = 0
li a1, 0x0 // argv = NULL
call main
// Loop forever if main somehow returns.
j 1b