blob: 271d2b45f2f2d8429920b9517f842303d86443d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{ name: "lc_ctrl",
clock_primary: "clk_i",
bus_device: "tlul",
bus_host: "none",
scan: "true", // Enable `scanmode_i` port
regwidth: "32",
// Interrupts and Alerts //
alert_list: [
{ name: "lc_programming_failure",
desc: "This alert triggers if an error occurred during an OTP programming operation.",
{ name: "lc_state_failure",
desc: "This alert triggers if an error in the life cycle state or life cycle controller FSM is detected.",
// Parameters //
param_list: [
// Random netlist constants
{ name: "RndCnstLcKeymgrDivInvalid",
desc: "Compile-time random bits for lc state group diversification value",
type: "lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_keymgr_div_t",
randcount: "64",
randtype: "data",
{ name: "RndCnstLcKeymgrDivTestDevRma",
desc: "Compile-time random bits for lc state group diversification value",
type: "lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_keymgr_div_t",
randcount: "64",
randtype: "data",
{ name: "RndCnstLcKeymgrDivProduction",
desc: "Compile-time random bits for lc state group diversification value",
type: "lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_keymgr_div_t",
randcount: "64",
randtype: "data",
// Regular parameters
{ name: "NumTokenWords",
desc: "Number of 32bit words in a token.",
type: "int"
default: "4",
local: "true"
{ name: "CsrLcStateWidth",
desc: "Number of life cycle state enum bits.",
type: "int"
default: "4",
local: "true"
{ name: "CsrLcCountWidth",
desc: "Number of life cycle transition counter bits.",
type: "int"
default: "5",
local: "true"
{ name: "CsrLcIdStateWidth",
desc: "Number of life cycle id state enum bits.",
type: "int"
default: "2",
local: "true"
{ name: "NumDeviceIdWords",
desc: "Number of 32bit words in the Device ID.",
type: "int"
default: "8",
local: "true"
// Intermodule Connections //
inter_signal_list: [
// life cycle JTAG TAP
{ struct: "jtag"
type: "req_rsp"
name: "jtag"
act: "rsp"
package: "rv_dm_pkg"
// Escalation inputs from alert handler
{ struct: "esc_tx"
type: "uni"
name: "esc1_tx"
act: "rcv"
package: "prim_esc_pkg"
{ struct: "esc_rx"
type: "uni"
name: "esc1_rx"
act: "req"
package: "prim_esc_pkg"
{ struct: "esc_tx"
type: "uni"
name: "esc2_tx"
act: "rcv"
package: "prim_esc_pkg"
{ struct: "esc_rx"
type: "uni"
name: "esc2_rx"
act: "req"
package: "prim_esc_pkg"
// life cycle state broadcast from OTP
{ struct: "otp_lc_data"
type: "uni"
name: "otp_lc_data"
act: "rcv"
default: "'0"
package: "otp_ctrl_pkg"
// life cycle transition command to OTP
{ struct: "lc_otp_program"
type: "req_rsp"
name: "lc_otp_program"
act: "req"
default: "'0"
package: "otp_ctrl_pkg"
// life cycle token hashing command to OTP
{ struct: "lc_otp_token"
type: "req_rsp"
name: "lc_otp_token"
act: "req"
default: "'0"
package: "otp_ctrl_pkg"
// Life cycle broadcast signals
{ struct: "lc_tx"
type: "uni"
name: "lc_dft_en"
act: "req"
default: "lc_ctrl_pkg::Off"
package: "lc_ctrl_pkg"
{ struct: "lc_tx"
type: "uni"
name: "lc_nvm_debug_en"
act: "req"
default: "lc_ctrl_pkg::Off"
package: "lc_ctrl_pkg"
{ struct: "lc_tx"
type: "uni"
name: "lc_hw_debug_en"
act: "req"
default: "lc_ctrl_pkg::Off"
package: "lc_ctrl_pkg"
{ struct: "lc_tx"
type: "uni"
name: "lc_cpu_en"
act: "req"
default: "lc_ctrl_pkg::Off"
package: "lc_ctrl_pkg"
{ struct: "lc_tx"
type: "uni"
name: "lc_provision_wr_en"
act: "req"
default: "lc_ctrl_pkg::Off"
package: "lc_ctrl_pkg"
{ struct: "lc_tx"
type: "uni"
name: "lc_provision_rd_en"
act: "req"
default: "lc_ctrl_pkg::Off"
package: "lc_ctrl_pkg"
{ struct: "lc_tx"
type: "uni"
name: "lc_iso_flash_wr_en_o"
act: "req"
default: "lc_ctrl_pkg::Off"
package: "lc_ctrl_pkg"
{ struct: "lc_tx"
type: "uni"
name: "lc_keymgr_en"
act: "req"
default: "lc_ctrl_pkg::Off"
package: "lc_ctrl_pkg"
{ struct: "lc_tx"
type: "uni"
name: "lc_escalate_en"
act: "req"
default: "lc_ctrl_pkg::Off"
package: "lc_ctrl_pkg"
{ struct: "lc_tx"
type: "uni"
name: "lc_clk_byp_req"
act: "req"
default: "lc_ctrl_pkg::Off"
package: "lc_ctrl_pkg"
{ struct: "lc_tx"
type: "uni"
name: "lc_clk_byp_ack"
act: "rcv"
default: "lc_ctrl_pkg::Off"
package: "lc_ctrl_pkg"
{ struct: "lc_tx"
type: "uni"
name: "lc_flash_rma_req"
act: "req"
default: "lc_ctrl_pkg::Off"
package: "lc_ctrl_pkg"
{ struct: "lc_flash_rma_seed"
type: "uni"
name: "lc_flash_rma_seed"
act: "req"
default: "'0"
package: "lc_ctrl_pkg"
{ struct: "lc_tx"
type: "uni"
name: "lc_flash_rma_ack"
act: "rcv"
default: "lc_ctrl_pkg::Off"
package: "lc_ctrl_pkg"
// LC state diversification value for keymgr
{ struct: "lc_keymgr_div"
type: "uni"
name: "lc_keymgr_div"
act: "req"
default: "'0"
package: "lc_ctrl_pkg"
] // inter_signal_list
registers: [
// Status CSR //
{ name: "STATUS",
desc: "life cycle status register. Note that all errors are terminal and require a reset cycle.",
swaccess: "ro",
hwaccess: "hwo",
hwext: "true",
tags: [ // Life cycle internal HW will update status so could not auto-predict its value,
// After reset, the field READY will be set to 1, so it is excluded from reset CSR test
fields: [
{ bits: "0"
name: "READY"
desc: '''
This bit is set to 1 if the life cycle controller has successfully initialized and the
state exposed in !!LC_STATE and !!LC_TRANSITION_CNT is valid.
{ bits: "1"
desc: '''
This bit is set to 1 if the last life cycle transition request was successful.
Note that each transition attempt increments the !!LC_TRANSITION_CNT and
moves the life cycle state into POST_TRANSITION.
{ bits: "2"
desc: '''
This bit is set to 1 if the !!LC_TRANSITION_CNT has reached its maximum.
If this is the case, no more state transitions can be performed.
Note that each transition attempt increments the !!LC_TRANSITION_CNT and
moves the life cycle state into POST_TRANSITION.
{ bits: "3"
desc: '''
This bit is set to 1 if the last transition command requested an invalid state transition
(e.g. DEV -> RAW). Note that each transition attempt increments the !!LC_TRANSITION_CNT and
moves the life cycle state into POST_TRANSITION.
{ bits: "4"
desc: '''
This bit is set to 1 if the token supplied for a conditional transition was invalid.
Note that each transition attempt increments the !!LC_TRANSITION_CNT and
moves the life cycle state into POST_TRANSITION.
{ bits: "5"
desc: '''
This bit is set to 1 if flash failed to correctly respond to an RMA request.
Note that each transition attempt increments the !!LC_TRANSITION_CNT and
moves the life cycle state into POST_TRANSITION.
{ bits: "6"
name: "OTP_ERROR"
desc: '''
This bit is set to 1 if an error occurred during an OTP programming operation.
This error will move the life cycle state automatically to ESCALATE and raise an
lc_programming_failure alert.
{ bits: "7"
desc: '''
This bit is set to 1 if either the controller FSM state or the life cycle state is invalid or
has been corrupted as part of a tampering attempt. This error will move the life cycle state
automatically to ESCALATE and raise an lc_state_failure alert.
// Transition CMD CSRs //
desc: "Hardware mutex to claim exclusive access to the transition interface.",
swaccess: "rw",
hwaccess: "hrw",
hwqe: "true",
hwext: "true",
tags: [ // this register is only writable if the mutex has not been claimed already.
fields: [
{ bits: "7:0",
name: "START",
desc: '''
In order to have exclusive access to the transition interface, SW must first claim the associated
hardware mutex by writing 0xA5 to this register.
If the register reads back 0xA5, the mutex claim has been successful, and !!TRANSITION_REGWEN
will be set automatically to 1 by HW.
Write 0 to this register in order to release the HW mutex.
desc: '''
Register write enable for all transition interface registers.
swaccess: "ro",
hwaccess: "hwo",
hwext: "true",
tags: [ // life cycle internal HW will set this enable register to 0 when the hardware mutex has not been claimed or
// when the life cycle controller is busy and not ready to accept a transition command.
fields: [
bits: "0",
desc: '''
This bit is hardware-managed and only readable by software.
By default, this bit is set to 0 by hardware.
Once SW has claimed the !!CLAIM_TRANSITION_IF mutex, this bit will be set to 1.
Note that the life cycle controller sets this bit temporarily to 0 while executing a life cycle state
resval: 0,
desc: "Command register for state transition requests.",
swaccess: "r0w1c",
hwaccess: "hro",
hwqe: "true",
hwext: "true",
tags: [ // Write to TRANSITION_CMD randomly might cause invalid transition errors
fields: [
{ bits: "0",
name: "START",
desc: '''
Writing a 1 to this register initiates the life cycle state transition to the state
specified in !!TRANSITION_TARGET.
Note that not all transitions are possible, and certain conditional transitions require
an additional !!TRANSITION_TOKEN_0.
In order to have exclusive access to this register, SW must first claim the associated
hardware mutex via !!CLAIM_TRANSITION_IF.
{ multireg: {
desc: '''
128bit token for conditional transitions.
Make sure to set this to 0 for unconditional transitions.
Note that this register is shared with the life cycle TAP interface.
In order to have exclusive access to this register, SW must first claim the associated
hardware mutex via !!CLAIM_TRANSITION_IF.
count: "NumTokenWords", // 4 x 32bit = 128bit
swaccess: "rw",
hwaccess: "hrw",
hwqe: "true",
hwext: "true",
cname: "WORD",
tags: [ // To update this register, SW needs to claim the associated hardware mutex via
// CLAIM_TRANSITION_IF, so could not auto predict its value.
fields: [
{ bits: "31:0"
desc: "This register exposes the decoded life cycle state.",
swaccess: "rw",
hwaccess: "hrw",
hwqe: "true",
hwext: "true",
fields: [
{ bits: "CsrLcStateWidth-1:0"
name: "STATE"
desc: '''
Note that this register is shared with the life cycle TAP interface.
In order to have exclusive access to this register, SW must first claim the associated
hardware mutex via !!CLAIM_TRANSITION_IF.
tags: [ // To update this register, SW needs to claim the associated hardware mutex via
// CLAIM_TRANSITION_IF, so could not auto predict its value.
enum: [
{ value: "0",
name: "RAW",
desc: "Raw life cycle state after fabrication where all functions are disabled."
{ value: "1",
desc: "Unlocked test state where debug functions are enabled."
{ value: "2",
name: "TEST_LOCKED0",
desc: "Locked test state where where all functions are disabled."
{ value: "3",
desc: "Unlocked test state where debug functions are enabled."
{ value: "4",
name: "TEST_LOCKED1",
desc: "Locked test state where where all functions are disabled."
{ value: "5",
desc: "Unlocked test state where debug functions are enabled."
{ value: "6",
name: "TEST_LOCKED2",
desc: "Locked test state where debug all functions are disabled."
{ value: "7",
desc: "Unlocked test state where debug functions are enabled."
{ value: "8",
name: "DEV",
desc: "Development life cycle state where limited debug functionality is available."
{ value: "9",
name: "PROD",
desc: "Production life cycle state."
{ value: "10",
name: "PROD_END",
desc: "Production life cycle state."
{ value: "11",
name: "RMA",
desc: "RMA life cycle state."
{ value: "12",
name: "SCRAP",
desc: "SCRAP life cycle state where all functions are disabled."
// LC State CSR //
{ name: "LC_STATE",
desc: "This register exposes the decoded life cycle state.",
swaccess: "ro",
hwaccess: "hwo",
hwext: "true",
fields: [
{ bits: "CsrLcStateWidth-1:0"
name: "STATE"
desc: ""
enum: [
{ value: "0",
name: "RAW",
desc: "Raw life cycle state after fabrication where all functions are disabled."
{ value: "1",
desc: "Unlocked test state where debug functions are enabled."
{ value: "2",
name: "TEST_LOCKED0",
desc: "Locked test state where where all functions are disabled."
{ value: "3",
desc: "Unlocked test state where debug functions are enabled."
{ value: "4",
name: "TEST_LOCKED1",
desc: "Locked test state where where all functions are disabled."
{ value: "5",
desc: "Unlocked test state where debug functions are enabled."
{ value: "6",
name: "TEST_LOCKED2",
desc: "Locked test state where debug all functions are disabled."
{ value: "7",
desc: "Unlocked test state where debug functions are enabled."
{ value: "8",
name: "DEV",
desc: "Development life cycle state where limited debug functionality is available."
{ value: "9",
name: "PROD",
desc: "Production life cycle state."
{ value: "10",
name: "PROD_END",
desc: "Same as PROD, but transition into RMA is not possible from this state."
{ value: "11",
name: "RMA",
desc: "RMA life cycle state."
{ value: "12",
name: "SCRAP",
desc: "SCRAP life cycle state where all functions are disabled."
// The following states are temporary.
{ value: "13",
desc: "This state is temporary and behaves the same way as SCRAP."
{ value: "14",
name: "ESCALATE",
desc: "This state is temporary and behaves the same way as SCRAP."
{ value: "15",
name: "INVALID",
desc: '''
This state is reported when the life cycle state encoding is invalid.
This state is temporary and behaves the same way as SCRAP.
desc: "This register exposes the state of the decoded life cycle transition counter.",
swaccess: "ro",
hwaccess: "hwo",
hwext: "true",
fields: [
{ bits: "CsrLcCountWidth-1:0"
name: "CNT"
desc: '''
Number of total life cycle state transition attempts.
The life cycle controller allows up to 16 transition attempts.
If this counter is equal to 16, the !!LC_STATE is considered
to be invalid and will read as SCRAP.
If the counter state is invalid, the counter will have the
value 31 (i.e., all counter bits will be set).
{ name: "LC_ID_STATE",
desc: "This register exposes the id state of the device.",
swaccess: "ro",
hwaccess: "hwo",
hwext: "true",
fields: [
{ bits: "1:0"
name: "STATE"
desc: ""
enum: [
{ value: "0",
name: "BLANK",
desc: "The device has not yet been personalized."
{ value: "1",
desc: "The device has been personalized."
{ value: "2",
name: "INVALID",
desc: "The state is not valid."
// Device ID //
{ multireg: {
name: "DEVICE_ID",
desc: '''
This is the 256bit DEVICE_ID value that is stored in the HW_CFG partition in OTP.
If this register reads all-one, the HW_CFG partition has not been initialized yet or is in error state.
If this register reads all-zero, this is indicative that the value has not been programmed to OTP yet.
count: "NumDeviceIdWords", // 8 x 32bit = 256bit
swaccess: "ro",
hwaccess: "hwo",
hwext: "true",
cname: "WORD",
tags: [ // This value is driven by hardware.
fields: [
{ bits: "31:0"