blob: 3875b520450b6846bebe7a56f99ef8ae672315ee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Description: sysrst_ctrl combo Module
module sysrst_ctrl_combo import sysrst_ctrl_reg_pkg::*; (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
// (Optionally) inverted input signals on AON clock
input pwrb_int_i,
input key0_int_i,
input key1_int_i,
input key2_int_i,
input ac_present_int_i,
input ec_rst_l_int_i,
// CSRs synced to AON clock
input sysrst_ctrl_reg2hw_ec_rst_ctl_reg_t ec_rst_ctl_i,
input sysrst_ctrl_reg2hw_key_intr_debounce_ctl_reg_t key_intr_debounce_ctl_i,
input sysrst_ctrl_reg2hw_com_sel_ctl_mreg_t [NumCombo-1:0] com_sel_ctl_i,
input sysrst_ctrl_reg2hw_com_det_ctl_mreg_t [NumCombo-1:0] com_det_ctl_i,
input sysrst_ctrl_reg2hw_com_out_ctl_mreg_t [NumCombo-1:0] com_out_ctl_i,
output sysrst_ctrl_hw2reg_combo_intr_status_reg_t combo_intr_status_o,
// Output signals on AON clock
output sysrst_ctrl_combo_intr_o,
output bat_disable_hw_o,
output gsc_rst_o,
output ec_rst_l_hw_o
// There are four possible combos
// Each key combo can select different triggers
logic [NumCombo-1:0] combo_bat_disable;
logic [NumCombo-1:0] combo_ec_rst_l;
logic [NumCombo-1:0] combo_gsc_rst;
logic [NumCombo-1:0] combo_intr_pulse;
for (genvar k = 0 ; k < NumCombo ; k++) begin : gen_combo_trigger
// Generate the trigger for each combo
logic trigger_h, trigger_l;
sysrst_ctrl_combotrg u_combo_trg (
logic cfg_combo_en;
assign cfg_combo_en = com_sel_ctl_i[k].pwrb_in_sel.q |
com_sel_ctl_i[k].key0_in_sel.q |
com_sel_ctl_i[k].key1_in_sel.q |
com_sel_ctl_i[k].key2_in_sel.q |
//Instantiate the combo detection state machine
logic combo_det;
sysrst_ctrl_combofsm # (
) u_combo_fsm (
//Instantiate the combo action module
sysrst_ctrl_comboact u_combo_act (
// bat_disable
// If any combo triggers bat_disable, assert the signal
assign bat_disable_hw_o = |(combo_bat_disable);
// If any combo triggers GSC or EC RST(active low), assert the signal
assign gsc_rst_o = |(combo_gsc_rst);
assign ec_rst_l_hw_o = &(combo_ec_rst_l);
// Write interrupt status registers using the synced IRQ pulses.
assign {,,,} = combo_intr_pulse;
assign sysrst_ctrl_combo_intr_o = |combo_intr_pulse;
assign combo_intr_status_o.combo0_h2l.d = 1'b1;
assign combo_intr_status_o.combo1_h2l.d = 1'b1;
assign combo_intr_status_o.combo2_h2l.d = 1'b1;
assign combo_intr_status_o.combo3_h2l.d = 1'b1;