blob: 12eadf2ab1701a3ea33c47bb6d3e8d3f40ac68ea [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# portions adapted from the javascript wavedrom.js
# see LICENSE.wavedrom
import io
import logging as log
from wavegen import wavesvg_data
# Generate brick: follows wavedrom.js
def gen_brick(texts, extra, times):
res = []
# length of four indicates 2 phases each with 2 bricks
if (len(texts) == 4):
if extra != int(extra):
log.error("Clock must have an integer period")
for j in range(times):
for i in range(int(extra)):
for i in range(int(extra)):
return res
if (len(texts) == 1):
t1 = texts[0]
t1 = texts[1]
for i in range(times * int(2 * (extra + 1)) - 1):
return res
# Generate first brick in a line: follows wavedrom.js
def gen_first_wavebrick(text, extra, times):
gentext = {
'p': ['pclk', '111', 'nclk', '000'],
'n': ['nclk', '000', 'pclk', '111'],
'P': ['Pclk', '111', 'nclk', '000'],
'N': ['Nclk', '000', 'pclk', '111'],
'l': ['000'],
'L': ['000'],
'0': ['000'],
'h': ['111'],
'H': ['111'],
'1': ['111'],
'=': ['vvv-2'],
'2': ['vvv-2'],
'3': ['vvv-3'],
'4': ['vvv-4'],
'5': ['vvv-5'],
'd': ['ddd'],
'u': ['uuu'],
'z': ['zzz']
return gen_brick(gentext.get(text, ['xxx']), extra, times)
# Generate subsequent bricks: text contains before and after states
# Follows wavedrom
def gen_wavebrick(text, extra, times):
# new states that have a hard edge going in to them
new_hardedges = {
'p': 'pclk',
'n': 'nclk',
'P': 'Pclk',
'N': 'Nclk',
'h': 'pclk',
'l': 'nclk',
'H': 'Pclk',
'L': 'Nclk'
# new state with a soft edge
new_softedges = {
'0': '0',
'1': '1',
'x': 'x',
'd': 'd',
'u': 'u',
'z': 'z',
'=': 'v',
'2': 'v',
'3': 'v',
'4': 'v',
'5': 'v'
# state we are coming from
old_edges = {
'p': '0',
'n': '1',
'P': '0',
'N': '1',
'h': '1',
'l': '0',
'H': '1',
'L': '0',
'0': '0',
'1': '1',
'x': 'x',
'd': 'd',
'u': 'u',
'z': 'z',
'=': 'v',
'2': 'v',
'3': 'v',
'4': 'v',
'5': 'v'
# tags (basically the colour) -- js had two arrays for this
tags = {
'p': '',
'n': '',
'P': '',
'N': '',
'h': '',
'l': '',
'H': '',
'L': '',
'0': '',
'1': '',
'x': '',
'd': '',
'u': '',
'z': '',
'=': '-2',
'2': '-2',
'3': '-3',
'4': '-4',
'5': '-5'
# drawing for the second half of the new state
new_secondbricks = {
'p': '111',
'n': '000',
'P': '111',
'N': '000',
'h': '111',
'l': '000',
'H': '111',
'L': '000',
'0': '000',
'1': '111',
'x': 'xxx',
'd': 'ddd',
'u': 'uuu',
'z': 'zzz',
'=': 'vvv-2',
'2': 'vvv-2',
'3': 'vvv-3',
'4': 'vvv-4',
'5': 'vvv-5'
phase2_firstbricks = {'p': 'nclk', 'n': 'pclk', 'P': 'nclk', 'N': 'pclk'}
phase2_secondbricks = {'p': '000', 'n': '111', 'P': '000', 'N': '111'}
xclude = {
'hp': '111',
'Hp': '111',
'ln': '000',
'Ln': '000',
'nh': '111',
'Nh': '111',
'pl': '000',
'Pl': '000'
secondbrick = new_secondbricks.get(text[1])
hardbrick = new_hardedges.get(text[1])
if hardbrick == None:
# a soft edge gets the brick type constructed from the
# old state, m, new state. Old and new states may have
# tags which basically represent the colour
newch = new_softedges.get(text[1])
oldch = old_edges.get(text[0])
if newch == None or oldch == None:
# unknown: can't find the characters to make an edge
return gen_brick(['xxx'], extra, times)
# soft curves
return gen_brick([
oldch + 'm' + newch + tags[text[0]] + tags[text[1]],
], extra, times)
specialcase = xclude.get(text)
if specialcase != None:
hardbrick = specialcase
# sharp curves
twophase = phase2_firstbricks.get(text[1])
if twophase == None:
# hlHL
return gen_brick([hardbrick, secondbrick], extra, times)
# pnPN
return gen_brick([
hardbrick, secondbrick, twophase,
], extra, times)
# text is the wave member of the signal object
# extra = hscale-1 ( padding )
def parse_wavelane(text, extra):
res = []
pos = 1
tlen = len(text)
subCycle = False
if tlen == 0:
return res;
next = text[0]
repeats = 1
while pos < tlen and (text[pos] == '.' or text[pos] == '|'):
pos += 1
repeats += 1
res = gen_first_wavebrick(next, extra, repeats)
while pos < tlen:
top = next
next = text[pos]
pos += 1
if next == '<': # sub-cycles on
subCycle = True
next = text[pos]
pos += 1
if next == '>': # sub-cycles off
subCycle = False
next = text[pos]
pos += 1
repeats = 1
while pos < tlen and (text[pos] == '.' or text[pos] == '|'):
pos += 1
repeats += 1
if subCycle:
res.extend(gen_wavebrick(top + next, 0, repeats - lane.period))
res.extend(gen_wavebrick(top + next, extra, repeats))
# res is array of half brick types, each is item is string
return res
def render_svghead(out, width, height, bricksused, svgn):
out.write(' <svg id="svgcontent_' + str(svgn) + '"\n')
out.write('height="' + str(height) + '" width="' + str(width) + '"\n')
out.write('viewBox="0 0 ' + str(width) + ' ' + str(height) + '">\n')
if len(bricksused) > 0:
for br in bricksused:
def render_svgtail(out):
def render_lanes_head(out, xoffset, yoffset, svgn):
out.write(' <g id="lanes_' + str(svgn) + '" transform="translate(' +
str(xoffset) + ', ' + str(yoffset) + ')">\n')
def render_events(out, svgn, events, edges):
out.write(' <g id="wavearcs_' + str(svgn) + '">\n')
for edge in edges:
sp_edge = edge.split(None, 1)"Edge " + str(edge) + " splits " + str(sp_edge))
ev_from = events.get(sp_edge[0][0])
ev_to = events.get(sp_edge[0][-1])
shape = sp_edge[0][1:-1]
if (len(sp_edge) > 1):
label = sp_edge[1]
label = ''
if ev_from == None or ev_to == None or len(shape) < 1:
log.warn("Could not find events for " + sp_edge[0])
dx = ev_to[0] - ev_from[0]
dy = ev_to[1] - ev_from[1]
# lx,ly is the center of the label, it may be adjusted
lx = (ev_to[0] + ev_from[0]) // 2
ly = (ev_to[1] + ev_from[1]) // 2
if shape[0] == '<' and shape[-1] == '>':
path_s = 'marker-end:url(#arrowhead);' \
'marker-start:url(#arrowtail);stroke:#0041c4;' \
shape = shape[1:-1]
elif shape[-1] == '>':
path_s = 'marker-end:url(#arrowhead);stroke:#0041c4;' \
shape = shape[:-1]
elif shape[0] == '<':
path_s = 'marker-start:url(#arrowtail);stroke:#0041c4;' \
shape = shape[1:]
path_s = 'fill:none;stroke:#00F;stroke-width:1'
# SVG uses the case to indicate abs or relative
path_type = 'M'
# always start at the from point
path_d = ' ' + str(ev_from)[1:-1]
if shape == '~':
path_d += (' c ' + str(0.7 * dx) + ', 0 ' + str(0.3 * dx) + ', ' +
str(dy) + ' ' + str(dx) + ', ' + str(dy))
elif shape == '-~':
path_d += (' c ' + str(0.7 * dx) + ', 0 ' + str(dx) + ', ' +
str(dy) + ' ' + str(dx) + ', ' + str(dy))
lx = ev_from[0] + dx * 0.75
elif shape == '~-':
path_d += (' c 0, 0 ' + str(0.3 * dx) + ', ' + str(dy) + ' ' +
str(dx) + ', ' + str(dy))
lx = ev_from[0] + dx * 0.25
elif shape == '-|':
path_d += ' ' + str(dx) + ',0 0,' + str(dy)
path_type = 'm'
lx = ev_to[0]
elif shape == '|-':
path_d += ' 0,' + str(dy) + ' ' + str(dx) + ',0'
path_type = 'm'
lx = ev_from[0]
elif shape == '-|-':
path_d += (' ' + str(dx / 2) + ',0 0,' + str(dy) + ' ' + str(
dx / 2) + ',0')
path_type = 'm'
else: # catch - here (and anything else)
path_d += ' ' + str(ev_to)[1:-1]
out.write(' <path id="gmark_' + sp_edge[0][0] + '_' +
sp_edge[0][-1] + '" d="' + path_type + path_d + '" style="' +
path_s + '"></path>\n')
if len(label) != 0:
out.write(' <rect height="9" '
'style="fill: rgb(255, 255, 255);" '
'width="' + str(5 * len(label)) + '" '
'x="' + str(lx - 2.5 * len(label)) + '" '
'y="' + str(ly - 8) + '"></rect>\n')
out.write(' <text style="font-size: 10px;" '
'text-anchor="middle" xml:space="preserve" '
'x="' + str(lx) + '" y="' + str(ly) + '">'
'<tspan>' + label + '</tspan></text>\n')
# Do events last so they are on top
for e in events:"Event " + e)
if e.islower():
(evx, evy) = events[e]
# rectangles are taller than in js because it looks better to me
out.write(' <rect y="' + str(evy - 8) + '" height="12" '
'x="' + str(evx - 3) + '" width="6" '
'style="fill: rgb(255, 255, 255);"></rect>\n')
out.write(' <text style="font-size: 8px;" '
'x="' + str(evx) + '" y="' + str(evy) + '" '
'text-anchor="middle">' + e + '</text>\n')
out.write(' </g>\n')
def render_wavelanes(out, xscale, yscale, lanes, svgn, events):
lnum = 0
x_edgeoff = 6
for lane in lanes:
phase = lane[5]
out.write(' <g id="wavelane_' + str(svgn) + '_' + str(lnum) + '"'
' transform="translate(0,' + str(lnum * yscale + 5) +
if len(lane[0]) != 0:
out.write(' <text x="-15" y="15" class="info" '
'text-anchor="end" xml:space="preserve">'
'<tspan>' + lane[0] + '</tspan></text>\n')
out.write(' <g id="wavelane_draw_' + str(svgn) + '_' +
str(lnum) + '" '
if phase < 0:
bnum = abs(phase)
lstart = 0
bnum = 0
lstart = phase
for x in lane[1][lstart:]:
out.write(' <use xlink:href="#' + x + '" '
'transform="translate(' + str(bnum * xscale) +
bnum += 1
dpos = 0
dend = len(lane[3])
period = lane[4]
if phase < 0:
i = 0
# start point ensures bnum below is never less than -1
i = phase // 2
if dend > 0 and lane[3][-1] == '!cdata!':
dend -= 1;
labelif = '01=2345ud'
labelif = '=2345'
scan_max = max(len(lane[2]), len(lane[6]))
while (i < scan_max):
bnum = i * 2 - phase
if (i < len(lane[2])):
x = lane[2][i]
if dpos < dend and x in labelif:
nslot = 1
while (i + nslot) < len(
lane[2]) and lane[2][i + nslot] == '.':
nslot += 1
xcenter = period * xscale * nslot + bnum * period * xscale
# the center needs to be offset by the width of the
# edge because that lives in the first brick
xcenter += x_edgeoff
out.write(' <text x="' + str(xcenter))
out.write('" y="' + str(yscale / 2) + '" '
'text-anchor="middle" xml:space="preserve">')
tspan_or_text(out, lane[3][dpos], True)
dpos = dpos + 1
if x == '|':
# render a gap (this diverges from how the js does it
# where it is in a different g
out.write(' <use xlink:href="#gap" transform="'
'translate(' +
str(period * (bnum * xscale + xscale)) + ')"'
if i < len(lane[6]):
ev = lane[6][i]
if ev != '.':
events[ev] = (period * bnum * xscale + x_edgeoff,
lnum * yscale + 2 + yscale // 2)
i += 1
out.write(' </g>\n </g>\n')
lnum += 1
def render_marks(out, nbricks, xscale, ylen, svgn):
out.write(' <g id="gmarks_' + str(svgn) + '">\n')
mnum = 0
for i in range(nbricks // 2):
out.write(' <path id="gmark_' + str(svgn) + '_' + str(mnum) +
'" '
'd="m ' + str(i * 2 * xscale) + ',0 0,' + str(ylen) + '" '
'style="stroke: rgb(136, 136, 136); '
'stroke-width:0.5; stroke-dasharray:1,3"'
mnum += 1
out.write(' </g>\n')
def tspan_or_text(out, text, outerspan):
if isinstance(text, str):
if outerspan: out.write('<tspan>')
if (outerspan): out.write('</tspan>')
if text[0] != 'tspan':
log.warn('Expecting tspan, got ' + str(text[0]))
if len(text) == 3 and isinstance(text[1], dict):
out.write('<tspan ')
for x in text[1]:
out.write(x + '="' + text[1][x] + '" ')
tspan_or_text(out, text[2], False)
for x in text[1:]:
tspan_or_text(out, x, False)
def render_caption(out, text, nbricks, xscale, yoffset):
out.write(' <text x="' + str(nbricks * xscale // 2) + '" '
'y="' + str(yoffset) + '" '
' text-anchor="middle" fill="#000" xml:space="preserve">')
tspan_or_text(out, text, True)
def render_ticktock(out, info, xoff, xsep, yoff, num):
# info could be a number/string representing the lowest tick number
# or a string containing a list of space separated labels
# or a list containing separate strings or a single string
if isinstance(info, int) or (isinstance(info, str) and info.isdecimal()):
base = int(info)
for i in range(num):
out.write('<text x="' + str(xoff + i * xsep) + '" y="' +
str(yoff) + '" '
'text-anchor="middle" class="muted" xml:space="preserve"'
'>' + str(i + base) + '</text>\n')
if isinstance(info, list):
if len(info) == 1:
labels = info[0].split()
labels = info
labels = info.split()
if num > len(labels):
num = len(labels)
for i in range(num):
out.write('<text x="' + str(xoff + i * xsep) + '" y="' +
str(yoff) + '" '
'text-anchor="middle" class="muted" xml:space="preserve"'
'>' + labels[i] + '</text>\n')
def render_lanes_tail(out):
out.write(' </g>\n')
# group array is [0=Name, 1=startlane, 2=endlane+1, 3=depth]
def render_groups(out, groups, yhead, yoff, snum):
gdepth = 0
if len(groups) == 0:
for gr in groups:
if gr[3] > gdepth:
gdepth = gr[3]
xgoff = 80 - gdepth * 25
out.write(' <g id="groups_' + str(snum) + '">\n')
gnum = 0
for gr in groups:
ymin = yhead + gr[1] * yoff
ylen = (gr[2] - gr[1]) * yoff
out.write(' <path id="group_' + str(snum) + '_' + str(gnum) +
'" ')
out.write('d="m ' + str(xgoff + 25 * gr[3]) + ',' + str(ymin + 3.5) +
' c -3,0 -5,2 -5,5 l 0,' + str(ylen - 16) + ' c 0,3 2,5 5,5"'
'style="stroke: rgb(0, 65, 196); stroke-width: 1; '
'fill: none;"></path>\n')
if len(gr[0]) > 0:
out.write(' <g transform="translate(' +
str(xgoff - 10 + 25 * gr[3]) + ',' +
str(ymin + ylen // 2) + ')">\n')
out.write(' <g transform="rotate(270)">\n')
out.write(' <text text-anchor="middle" class="info" '
'xml:space="preserve"><tspan>' + gr[0] +
'</tspan></text>\n </g>\n </g>')
gnum += 1
out.write(' </g>\n')
def parse_wave(x, hscale, lanes, groups, gdepth, bricksused):
sname = ""
wave = ''
node = ''
labels = []
bricks = []
extra = hscale - 1
phase = 0
xmax = 0
global prevdefs
if isinstance(x, list):
gname = x[0]
startlane = len(lanes)
for y in x[1:]:
ymax = parse_wave(y, hscale, lanes, groups, gdepth + 1, bricksused)
if ymax > xmax:
xmax = ymax
groups.append([gname, startlane, len(lanes), gdepth])
return xmax
if 'name' in x:
sname = x['name']
# period must be before wave because it changes extra
if 'period' in x:
fp = float(x['period'])
if fp < 0 or fp * 2 != int(fp * 2):
log.error("Period must be integer or 0.5")
extra = hscale * fp - 1
if 'phase' in x:
phase = int(x['phase'] * 2)
if 'wave' in x:
wave = x['wave']
bricks = parse_wavelane(wave, extra)
for br in bricks:
if not br in bricksused and not br in prevdefs:
if 'data' in x:
labels = x['data']
if isinstance(labels, str):
labels = labels.split()
if 'cdata' in x:
labels = x['cdata']
if isinstance(labels, str):
labels = labels.split()
if 'node' in x:
node = x['node']
lanes.append([sname, bricks, wave, labels, extra + 1, phase, node])
return len(bricks)
# obj is hjson parsed object with wavejson
# svg_num is a number that makes this svg unique. First one must be 0
def convert(obj, svg_num):
xs = 20 # x scale = width of cycle
ys = 20 # y scale = height of wave
yo = int(ys * 1.5) # y offest between lines of waves
xg = 150 # xoffset of waves (space for names and groups)
yh0 = 0 # height allocated for header tick/tock labels
yh1 = 0 # height allocated for header string
headtext = '' # header string
headticktock = 0 # does header have tick=1/tock=2
yf0 = 0 # height allocated for footer tick/tock labels
yf1 = 0 # height allocated for footer string
foottext = '' # footer string
footticktock = 0 # does footer have tick=1/tock=2
global prevdefs # holds bricks previously defined
events = {}
if svg_num == 0:
bricksused = ['gap']
prevdefs = []
bricksused = []
# section was parseConfig in js
if 'config' in obj and 'hscale' in obj['config']:
hscale = int(obj['config']['hscale'])"Set hscale to " + str(hscale))
hscale = 1
if 'head' in obj:
head = obj['head']
if 'tick' in head:
yh0 = 20
headtt = head['tick']
headticktock = 1
elif 'tock' in head:
yh0 = 20
headtt = head['tock']
headticktock = 2
if 'text' in head:
yh1 = 46
headtext = head['text']
if 'foot' in obj:
foot = obj['foot']
if 'tick' in foot:
yf0 = 20
foottt = foot['tick']
footticktock = 1
elif 'tock' in foot:
yf0 = 20
foottt = foot['tock']
footticktock = 2
if 'text' in foot:
yf1 = 46
foottext = foot['text']
if 'edge' in obj:
if 'arrows' not in prevdefs:
edges = obj['edge']"Got edge: " + str(edges))
edges = []
# build the signal bricks array
lanes = []
groups = []
xmax = 0
if 'signal' in obj:
for x in obj['signal']:
xlen = parse_wave(x, hscale, lanes, groups, 0, bricksused)
if xlen > xmax:
xmax = xlen"Got " + str(len(lanes)) + " lanes. xmax is " + str(xmax))
outbuf = io.StringIO()
height = len(lanes) * yo + yh0 + yh1 + yf0 + yf1
width = xg + xmax * xs + xs
wheight = len(lanes) * yo
render_svghead(outbuf, width, height, bricksused, svg_num)
render_lanes_head(outbuf, xg, yh0 + yh1, svg_num)
render_marks(outbuf, xmax, xs, wheight, svg_num)
if yh1 != 0:
render_caption(outbuf, headtext, xmax, xs, -33 if yh0 != 0 else -13)
if yf1 != 0:
render_caption(outbuf, foottext, xmax, xs,
wheight + (45 if yf0 != 0 else 25))
if headticktock == 1:
render_ticktock(outbuf, headtt, 0, 2 * xs, -5, xmax // 2)
if headticktock == 2:
render_ticktock(outbuf, headtt, xs, 2 * xs, -5, xmax // 2)
if footticktock == 1:
render_ticktock(outbuf, foottt, 0, 2 * xs, wheight + 15, xmax // 2)
if footticktock == 2:
render_ticktock(outbuf, foottt, xs, 2 * xs, wheight + 15, xmax // 2)
render_wavelanes(outbuf, xs, yo, lanes, svg_num, events)
if (len(events) > 0):
render_events(outbuf, svg_num, events, edges)
render_groups(outbuf, groups, yh0 + yh1, yo, svg_num)
generated = outbuf.getvalue()
return generated