blob: 791f7c744ef689724722f320dde165b15b5a9bde [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This script converts all SystemVerilog RTL files to Verilog and then
# runs Yosys.
# The following tools are required:
# - sv2v: SystemVerilog-to-Verilog converter from
# - yosys: synthesis tool from
# Usage:
# 2>&1 | tee syn.std
# use fusesoc to generate file list
\rm -Rf build
fusesoc --cores-root .. sim --build-only formal > /dev/null 2>&1
# copy all files into directory "syn_out"
\rm -Rf syn_out
mkdir syn_out
cp build/formal_0/src/*/*/*.sv build/formal_0/src/*/*/*/*.sv syn_out
# convert all RTL files to Verilog
cd syn_out
# TODO: delete below file for now because sv2v currently crashes with it
\rm -f
for file in *.sv; do
module=`basename -s .sv $file`
echo $file
sv2v --oneunit * $file > ${module}.v
# remove *pkg.v files (they are empty files and not needed)
\rm -Rf *_pkg.v
# run yosys
# for now, read in each verilog file into Yosys and only output errors
# and warnings
for file in *.v; do
yosys -QTqp "read_verilog ${file}"
cd -
# TODOs:
# - add LEC to check if generated Verilog is equivalent to original SV
# - add full yosys synthesis for all modules
# - add final LEC check (RTL-versus-netlist)