blob: 27766c8e644e8d505a070955564b7e03cfd29a89 [file] [log] [blame]
## Copyright lowRISC contributors. ##
## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. ##
## SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 ##
## Entry point test Makefile forr building and running tests. ##
## These are generic set of option groups that apply to all testbenches. ##
## This flow requires the following options to be set: ##
## DV_DIR - current dv directory that contains the test Makefile ##
## DUT_TOP - top level dut module name ##
## TB_TOP - top level tb module name ##
## DOTF - .f file used for compilation ##
## COMPILE_KEY - compile option set ##
## TEST_NAME - name of the test to run - this is supplied on the command line ##
DV_DIR := $(shell dirname $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
export DUT_TOP := rv_dm
export TB_TOP := tb
FUSESOC_CORE := lowrisc:dv:rv_dm_sim:0.1
COMPILE_KEY ?= default
UVM_TEST ?= rv_dm_base_test
UVM_TEST_SEQ ?= rv_dm_base_vseq
## A D D I N D I V I D U A L T E S T S B E L O W ##
TEST_NAME ?= rv_dm_sanity
UVM_TEST ?= rv_dm_base_test
UVM_TEST_SEQ ?= rv_dm_base_vseq
ifeq (${TEST_NAME},rv_dm_sanity)
UVM_TEST_SEQ = rv_dm_sanity_vseq
ifeq (${TEST_NAME},rv_dm_csr_hw_reset)
UVM_TEST_SEQ = rv_dm_csr_vseq
RUN_OPTS += +csr_hw_reset
RUN_OPTS += +en_scb=0
ifeq (${TEST_NAME},rv_dm_csr_rw)
UVM_TEST_SEQ = rv_dm_csr_vseq
RUN_OPTS += +csr_rw
RUN_OPTS += +en_scb=0
ifeq (${TEST_NAME},rv_dm_csr_bit_bash)
UVM_TEST_SEQ = rv_dm_csr_vseq
RUN_OPTS += +csr_bit_bash
RUN_OPTS += +en_scb=0
ifeq (${TEST_NAME},rv_dm_csr_aliasing)
UVM_TEST_SEQ = rv_dm_csr_vseq
RUN_OPTS += +csr_aliasing
RUN_OPTS += +en_scb=0
# TODO: remove this test if there are no memories in the DUT
ifeq (${TEST_NAME},rv_dm_mem_walk)
UVM_TEST_SEQ = rv_dm_csr_vseq
RUN_OPTS += +csr_mem_walk
RUN_OPTS += +en_scb=0
## Include the tool Makefile below ##
## Dont add anything else below it! ##
include ${DV_DIR}/../../../dv/tools/Makefile