blob: d58217f525ecff10f951fafe673df40c5019f115 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// REQ/ACK synchronizer
// This module synchronizes a REQ/ACK handshake across a clock domain crossing.
// Both domains will see a handshake with the duration of one clock cycle.
// Notes:
// - Once asserted, the source (SRC) domain is not allowed to de-assert REQ without ACK.
// - The destination (DST) domain is not allowed to send an ACK without a REQ.
// - When resetting one domain, also the other domain needs to be reset with both resets being
// active at the same time.
// - This module works both when syncing from a faster to a slower clock domain and vice versa.
// - Internally, this module uses a non-return-to-zero, two-phase handshake protocol. Assuming the
// DST domain responds with an ACK immediately, the latency from asserting the REQ in the
// SRC domain is:
// - 1 source + 2 destination clock cycles until the handshake is performed in the DST domain,
// - 1 source + 2 destination + 1 destination + 2 source clock cycles until the handshake is
// performed in the SRC domain.
// For further information, see Section 8.2.4 in H. Kaeslin, "Top-Down Digital VLSI Design: From
// Architecture to Gate-Level Circuits and FPGAs", 2015.
`include ""
module prim_sync_reqack (
input clk_src_i, // REQ side, SRC domain
input rst_src_ni, // REQ side, SRC domain
input clk_dst_i, // ACK side, DST domain
input rst_dst_ni, // ACK side, DST domain
input logic req_chk_i, // Used for gating assertions. Drive to 1 during normal operation.
input logic src_req_i, // REQ side, SRC domain
output logic src_ack_o, // REQ side, SRC domain
output logic dst_req_o, // ACK side, DST domain
input logic dst_ack_i // ACK side, DST domain
// req_chk_i is used for gating assertions only.
logic unused_req_chk;
assign unused_req_chk = req_chk_i;
// Types
typedef enum logic {
} sync_reqack_fsm_e;
// Signals
sync_reqack_fsm_e src_fsm_ns, src_fsm_cs;
sync_reqack_fsm_e dst_fsm_ns, dst_fsm_cs;
logic src_req_d, src_req_q, src_ack;
logic dst_ack_d, dst_ack_q, dst_req;
logic src_handshake, dst_handshake;
assign src_handshake = src_req_i & src_ack_o;
assign dst_handshake = dst_req_o & dst_ack_i;
// Move REQ over to DST domain.
prim_flop_2sync #(
) req_sync (
.clk_i (clk_dst_i),
.rst_ni (rst_dst_ni),
.d_i (src_req_q),
.q_o (dst_req)
// Move ACK over to SRC domain.
prim_flop_2sync #(
) ack_sync (
.clk_i (clk_src_i),
.rst_ni (rst_src_ni),
.d_i (dst_ack_q),
.q_o (src_ack)
// REQ-side FSM (SRC domain)
always_comb begin : src_fsm
src_fsm_ns = src_fsm_cs;
// By default, we keep the internal REQ value and don't ACK.
src_req_d = src_req_q;
src_ack_o = 1'b0;
unique case (src_fsm_cs)
EVEN: begin
// Simply forward REQ and ACK.
src_req_d = src_req_i;
src_ack_o = src_ack;
// The handshake is done for exactly 1 clock cycle.
if (src_handshake) begin
src_fsm_ns = ODD;
ODD: begin
// Internal REQ and ACK have inverted meaning now. If src_req_i is high again, this signals
// a new transaction.
src_req_d = ~src_req_i;
src_ack_o = ~src_ack;
// The handshake is done for exactly 1 clock cycle.
if (src_handshake) begin
src_fsm_ns = EVEN;
//VCS coverage off
// pragma coverage off
default: ;
//VCS coverage on
// pragma coverage on
// ACK-side FSM (DST domain)
always_comb begin : dst_fsm
dst_fsm_ns = dst_fsm_cs;
// By default, we don't REQ and keep the internal ACK.
dst_req_o = 1'b0;
dst_ack_d = dst_ack_q;
unique case (dst_fsm_cs)
EVEN: begin
// Simply forward REQ and ACK.
dst_req_o = dst_req;
dst_ack_d = dst_ack_i;
// The handshake is done for exactly 1 clock cycle.
if (dst_handshake) begin
dst_fsm_ns = ODD;
ODD: begin
// Internal REQ and ACK have inverted meaning now. If dst_req goes low, this signals a new
// transaction.
dst_req_o = ~dst_req;
dst_ack_d = ~dst_ack_i;
// The handshake is done for exactly 1 clock cycle.
if (dst_handshake) begin
dst_fsm_ns = EVEN;
//VCS coverage off
// pragma coverage off
default: ;
//VCS coverage on
// pragma coverage on
// Registers
always_ff @(posedge clk_src_i or negedge rst_src_ni) begin
if (!rst_src_ni) begin
src_fsm_cs <= EVEN;
src_req_q <= 1'b0;
end else begin
src_fsm_cs <= src_fsm_ns;
src_req_q <= src_req_d;
always_ff @(posedge clk_dst_i or negedge rst_dst_ni) begin
if (!rst_dst_ni) begin
dst_fsm_cs <= EVEN;
dst_ack_q <= 1'b0;
end else begin
dst_fsm_cs <= dst_fsm_ns;
dst_ack_q <= dst_ack_d;
// SRC domain can only de-assert REQ after receiving ACK.
`ASSERT(SyncReqAckHoldReq, $fell(src_req_i) && req_chk_i |->
$fell(src_ack_o), clk_src_i, !rst_src_ni || !rst_dst_ni || !req_chk_i)
// DST domain cannot assert ACK without REQ.
`ASSERT(SyncReqAckAckNeedsReq, dst_ack_i |->
dst_req_o, clk_dst_i, !rst_src_ni || !rst_dst_ni)
// Always reset both domains. Both resets need to be active at the same time.
`ASSERT(SyncReqAckRstSrc, $fell(rst_src_ni) |->
(##[0:$] !rst_dst_ni within !rst_src_ni [*1:$]),
clk_src_i, 0)
`ASSERT(SyncReqAckRstDst, $fell(rst_dst_ni) |->
(##[0:$] !rst_src_ni within !rst_dst_ni [*1:$]),
clk_dst_i, 0)