blob: 1d32fb5b39e7111f44b403ad5599bfb91c9955d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#error \
"Do not include absl_status.h directly or use its status codes.\nInclude error.h and use rom_error_t."
// Note: the status definitions were taken directly from the abseil-cpp
// library, and in particular from the file:
// The copyright is preserved below:
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2019 The Abseil Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* This enum was taken directly from the abseil-cpp library:
* These error codes serve as general error classifications which are used to
* build up more specific error codes.
* DO NOT USE THESE CODES DIRECTLY. Use these codes to build per-module error
* codes in error.h. Although these error codes are generally used at
* Google by RPC servers, the advice about how to use them and how to
* categorize errors is generally sound.
typedef enum absl_status_code {
// StatusCode::kOk
// kOK (gRPC code "OK") does not indicate an error; this value is returned on
// success. It is typical to check for this value before proceeding on any
// given call across an API or RPC boundary. To check this value, use the
// `absl::Status::ok()` member function rather than inspecting the raw code.
kOk = 0,
// StatusCode::kCancelled
// kCancelled (gRPC code "CANCELLED") indicates the operation was cancelled,
// typically by the caller.
kCancelled = 1,
// StatusCode::kUnknown
// kUnknown (gRPC code "UNKNOWN") indicates an unknown error occurred. In
// general, more specific errors should be raised, if possible. Errors raised
// by APIs that do not return enough error information may be converted to
// this error.
kUnknown = 2,
// StatusCode::kInvalidArgument
// kInvalidArgument (gRPC code "INVALID_ARGUMENT") indicates the caller
// specified an invalid argument, such a malformed filename. Note that such
// errors should be narrowly limited to indicate to the invalid nature of the
// arguments themselves. Errors with validly formed arguments that may cause
// errors with the state of the receiving system should be denoted with
// `kFailedPrecondition` instead.
kInvalidArgument = 3,
// StatusCode::kDeadlineExceeded
// kDeadlineExceeded (gRPC code "DEADLINE_EXCEEDED") indicates a deadline
// expired before the operation could complete. For operations that may change
// state within a system, this error may be returned even if the operation has
// completed successfully. For example, a successful response from a server
// could have been delayed long enough for the deadline to expire.
kDeadlineExceeded = 4,
// StatusCode::kNotFound
// kNotFound (gRPC code "NOT_FOUND") indicates some requested entity (such as
// a file or directory) was not found.
// `kNotFound` is useful if a request should be denied for an entire class of
// users, such as during a gradual feature rollout or undocumented allow list.
// If, instead, a request should be denied for specific sets of users, such as
// through user-based access control, use `kPermissionDenied` instead.
kNotFound = 5,
// StatusCode::kAlreadyExists
// kAlreadyExists (gRPC code "ALREADY_EXISTS") indicates the entity that a
// caller attempted to create (such as file or directory) is already present.
kAlreadyExists = 6,
// StatusCode::kPermissionDenied
// kPermissionDenied (gRPC code "PERMISSION_DENIED") indicates that the caller
// does not have permission to execute the specified operation. Note that this
// error is different than an error due to an *un*authenticated user. This
// error code does not imply the request is valid or the requested entity
// exists or satisfies any other pre-conditions.
// `kPermissionDenied` must not be used for rejections caused by exhausting
// some resource. Instead, use `kResourceExhausted` for those errors.
// `kPermissionDenied` must not be used if the caller cannot be identified.
// Instead, use `kUnauthenticated` for those errors.
kPermissionDenied = 7,
// StatusCode::kResourceExhausted
// kResourceExhausted (gRPC code "RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED") indicates some resource
// has been exhausted, perhaps a per-user quota, or perhaps the entire file
// system is out of space.
kResourceExhausted = 8,
// StatusCode::kFailedPrecondition
// kFailedPrecondition (gRPC code "FAILED_PRECONDITION") indicates that the
// operation was rejected because the system is not in a state required for
// the operation's execution. For example, a directory to be deleted may be
// non-empty, an "rmdir" operation is applied to a non-directory, etc.
// Some guidelines that may help a service implementer in deciding between
// `kFailedPrecondition`, `kAborted`, and `kUnavailable`:
// (a) Use `kUnavailable` if the client can retry just the failing call.
// (b) Use `kAborted` if the client should retry at a higher transaction
// level (such as when a client-specified test-and-set fails, indicating
// the client should restart a read-modify-write sequence).
// (c) Use `kFailedPrecondition` if the client should not retry until
// the system state has been explicitly fixed. For example, if an "rmdir"
// fails because the directory is non-empty, `kFailedPrecondition`
// should be returned since the client should not retry unless
// the files are deleted from the directory.
kFailedPrecondition = 9,
// StatusCode::kAborted
// kAborted (gRPC code "ABORTED") indicates the operation was aborted,
// typically due to a concurrency issue such as a sequencer check failure or a
// failed transaction.
// See the guidelines above for deciding between `kFailedPrecondition`,
// `kAborted`, and `kUnavailable`.
kAborted = 10,
// StatusCode::kOutOfRange
// kOutOfRange (gRPC code "OUT_OF_RANGE") indicates the operation was
// attempted past the valid range, such as seeking or reading past an
// end-of-file.
// Unlike `kInvalidArgument`, this error indicates a problem that may
// be fixed if the system state changes. For example, a 32-bit file
// system will generate `kInvalidArgument` if asked to read at an
// offset that is not in the range [0,2^32-1], but it will generate
// `kOutOfRange` if asked to read from an offset past the current
// file size.
// There is a fair bit of overlap between `kFailedPrecondition` and
// `kOutOfRange`. We recommend using `kOutOfRange` (the more specific
// error) when it applies so that callers who are iterating through
// a space can easily look for an `kOutOfRange` error to detect when
// they are done.
kOutOfRange = 11,
// StatusCode::kUnimplemented
// kUnimplemented (gRPC code "UNIMPLEMENTED") indicates the operation is not
// implemented or supported in this service. In this case, the operation
// should not be re-attempted.
kUnimplemented = 12,
// StatusCode::kInternal
// kInternal (gRPC code "INTERNAL") indicates an internal error has occurred
// and some invariants expected by the underlying system have not been
// satisfied. This error code is reserved for serious errors.
kInternal = 13,
// StatusCode::kUnavailable
// kUnavailable (gRPC code "UNAVAILABLE") indicates the service is currently
// unavailable and that this is most likely a transient condition. An error
// such as this can be corrected by retrying with a backoff scheme. Note that
// it is not always safe to retry non-idempotent operations.
// See the guidelines above for deciding between `kFailedPrecondition`,
// `kAborted`, and `kUnavailable`.
kUnavailable = 14,
// StatusCode::kDataLoss
// kDataLoss (gRPC code "DATA_LOSS") indicates that unrecoverable data loss or
// corruption has occurred. As this error is serious, proper alerting should
// be attached to errors such as this.
kDataLoss = 15,
// StatusCode::kUnauthenticated
// kUnauthenticated (gRPC code "UNAUTHENTICATED") indicates that the request
// does not have valid authentication credentials for the operation. Correct
// the authentication and try again.
kUnauthenticated = 16,
// StatusCode::DoNotUseReservedForFutureExpansionUseDefaultInSwitchInstead_
// NOTE: this error code entry should not be used and you should not rely on
// its value, which may change.
// The purpose of this enumerated value is to force people who handle status
// codes with `switch()` statements to *not* simply enumerate all possible
// values, but instead provide a "default:" case. Providing such a default
// case ensures that code will compile when new codes are added.
kDoNotUseReservedForFutureExpansionUseDefaultInSwitchInstead_ = 20
} absl_status_t;
#ifdef __cplusplus