blob: 24c696ca24c006ab71a0cea0065513c05916e5a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This auxiliary chip sim cfg specification focuses on chip level rom functional tests.
# Please see chip_sim_cfg.hjson for full setup details.
# Note: Please maintain alphabetical order.
tests: [
// ROM E2E tests.
name: rom_e2e_smoke
uvm_test_seq: chip_sw_base_vseq
sw_images: ["//sw/device/silicon_creator/rom/e2e:rom_e2e_smoke:1:signed"]
en_run_modes: ["sw_test_mode_rom"]
run_opts: ["+sw_test_timeout_ns=20000000"]
// Signed chip-level tests to be run with ROM, instead of test ROM.
name: chip_sw_uart_smoketest_signed
uvm_test_seq: chip_sw_uart_smoke_vseq
sw_images: ["//sw/device/tests:uart_smoketest_signed:1:signed"]
en_run_modes: ["sw_test_mode_rom"]
run_opts: ["+sw_test_timeout_ns=20000000"]
run_timeout_mins: 180
// ROM func tests to be run with test ROM.
name: rom_keymgr_functest
uvm_test_seq: chip_sw_base_vseq
sw_images: ["//sw/device/silicon_creator/lib/drivers:keymgr_functest:1"]
en_run_modes: ["sw_test_mode_test_rom"]
run_opts: ["+sw_test_timeout_ns=10000000"]
regressions: [
name: rom_functests
tests: ["rom_keymgr_functest"]
name: signed
tests: ["chip_sw_uart_smoketest_signed"]