blob: b8c4c9429db54dc5e95e4afe2f780a2d487c2509 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file
* @brief <a href="/hw/ip/csrng/doc/">CSRNG</a> Device Interface Functions
#include <stdint.h>
#include "sw/device/lib/base/mmio.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_warn_unused_result.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif // __cplusplus
* This API implements an interface for the CSRNG hardware.
* The API follows the naming conventions used in NIST SP 800-90Ar1:
* - Instantiate.
* - Update
* - Reseed
* - Generate
* - Uninstantiate
* The seed used for instantiation can either be provided directly in
* hardware by an entropy source module; or directly by software. See
* `dif_csrng_instantiate()` and `dif_csrng_entropy_src` for
* more details.
* The following sequence of operations are required to initialize
* and generate cryptographic entropy from the CSRNG module:
* - `dif_csrng_init()`
* - `dif_csrng_configure()`
* - `dif_csrng_instantiate()`
* - `dif_csrng_generate_start()`
* - `dif_csrng_uninstantiate()`
* The following functions can be used for reseed and update operations:
* - `dif_csrng_reseed()`
* - `dif_csrng_update()`
* The following utility functions are available to poll the state of
* the hardware:
* - `dif_csrng_get_cmd_interface_status()`
* - `dif_csrng_get_output_status()`
* Please see the following documentation for more information:
* Remaining work:
* - Add error status interface.
* - Add internal state control and debug interface.
* A toggle state: enabled, or disabled.
typedef enum dif_csrng_toggle {
* The "disabled" state.
* The "enabled" state.
} dif_csrng_toggle_t;
* Hardware instantiation parameters for CSRNG.
typedef struct dif_csrng_params {
* The base address for the CSRNG hardware registers.
mmio_region_t base_addr;
} dif_csrng_params_t;
* A handle to CSRNG.
* This type should be treated as opaque by users.
typedef struct dif_csrng {
dif_csrng_params_t params;
} dif_csrng_t;
* The result of a CSRNG operation.
typedef enum dif_csrng_result {
* Indicates that the operation succeeded.
kDifCsrngOk = 0,
* Indicates some unspecified failure.
kDifCsrngError = 1,
* Indicates that some parameter passed into a function failed a
* precondition.
* When this value is returned, no hardware operations occurred.
kDifCsrngBadArg = 2,
* Indicates that this operation has been locked out, and can never
* succeed until hardware reset.
kDifCsrngLocked = 3,
* Indicates that this operation failed due the hardware being
* busy. It is safe to retry at a later time.
kDifCsrngBusyError = 4,
* Indicates that this operation failed due to no output available
* in hardware. It is safe to retry at a later time.
kDifCsrngOutputReadyError = 5,
} dif_csrng_result_t;
* Enumeration of CSRNG command interface states.
typedef enum dif_csrng_cmd_status {
* The command interface is ready to accept commands.
* The command interface is processing a command.
* The command interface completed with an error.
// TODO: How does the command interface recover from an error.
// TODO: Add support for decoding ERR_CODE using, probably using
// a separate interface.
} dif_csrng_cmd_status_t;
* CSRNG consume seed from entropy source enable.
typedef enum dif_csrng_entropy_src_toggle {
* Seed material used as the only seed material.
* This configuration option will toggle the hardware state of the
* CSRNG to non-FIPS compliant until it is re-instantiated.
* Note: Software may opt to XOR the seed material with a seed to implement
* a software assisted FIPS mode of operation.
kDifCsrngEntropySrcToggleDisable = 1,
* Entropy source XOR'ed with the provided seed material.
kDifCsrngEntropySrcToggleEnable = 0,
} dif_csrng_entropy_src_toggle_t;
* CSRNG common transaction parameters.
typedef struct dif_csrng_seed_material {
* Number of uint32_t words in `seed_material`. Up to 12 words can be
* set to initialize the CSRNG. CSRNG will extend the `seed_material`
* to zeros if the provided value is less that 12.
size_t seed_material_len;
* Seed material used in CSRNG
uint32_t seed_material[12];
} dif_csrng_seed_material_t;
* Generated output state.
typedef struct dif_csrng_output_status {
* Set to true when there is cryptographic entropy data available to
* read using `dif_csrng_generate_end()`.
bool valid_data;
* Set to true when the cryptographic entropy data available to read
* is FIPS/CC compliant at the hardware level.
bool fips_mode;
} dif_csrng_output_status_t;
* CSRNG internal state selector ID.
typedef enum dif_csrng_internal_state_id {
* CSRNG instance assigned to Entropy Distribution Network (EDN) 0.
kCsrngInternalStateIdEdn0 = 0,
* CSRNG instance assigned to Entropy Distribution Network (EDN) 1.
kCsrngInternalStateIdEdn1 = 1,
* CSRNG instance assigned to software interface.
kCsrngInternalStateIdSw = 2,
} dif_csrng_internal_state_id_t;
* CSRNG internal state.
typedef struct dif_csrng_internal_state {
* Indicates the number of requests for pseudorandom bits since instantiation
* or reseeding.
uint32_t reseed_counter;
* Internal V working state with a 128bit block size.
uint32_t v[4];
* Internal key used to configure the internal CSRNG cipher.
uint32_t key[8];
* Set to true when the CSRNG instance has been instantiated.
bool instantiated;
* Set to true when FIPS compliant entropy was provided directly by the
* entropy source to instantiate or reseed the CSRNG instance.
bool fips_compliance;
} dif_csrng_internal_state_t;
* A CSRNG interrupt request type.
typedef enum dif_csrng_irq {
* Indicates command request completed.
* Indicates that a request for entropy has been made to the entropy
* source.
* Indicates command exception.
* Idicates that an internal FIFO or other fatal error occurred.
} dif_csrng_irq_t;
* A snapshot of the enablement state of the interrupts for CSRNG.
* This is an opaque type, to be used with the `dif_csrng_irq_disable_all()` and
* `dif_csrng_irq_restore_all()` functions.
typedef uint32_t dif_csrng_irq_snapshot_t;
* Creates a new handle for CSRNG.
* This function does not actuate the hardware.
* @param params Hardware instantiation parameters.
* @param[out] csrng Out param for the initialized handle.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_csrng_result_t dif_csrng_init(dif_csrng_params_t params,
dif_csrng_t *csrng);
* Configures CSRNG.
* This function should need to be called once for the lifetime of `csrng`.
* @param csrng A CSRNG handle.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_csrng_result_t dif_csrng_configure(const dif_csrng_t *csrng);
* Initializes CSRNG instance with a new seed value.
* `seed_material` is used as specified in NIST SP 800-90Ar1 section
* See `dif_csrng_entropy_src` for details on how this value
* is mixed with the CSRNG seed.
* `seed_material` can be NULL, in which case CSRNG will use a zero
* vector instead.
* @param csrng A CSRNG handle.
* @param entropy_src_enable Entropy source input enable.
* @param seed_material Seed initialization parameters.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_csrng_result_t dif_csrng_instantiate(
const dif_csrng_t *csrng, dif_csrng_entropy_src_toggle_t entropy_src_enable,
const dif_csrng_seed_material_t *seed_material);
* Reseeds CSRNG instance.
* When `seed_material.seed_material_len` is set to 0, only the entropy source
* seed is used to reseed the instance, otherwise it will be XOR'ed with the
* entropy source.
* @param csrng A CSRNG handle.
* @param seed_material Reseed parameters.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_csrng_result_t dif_csrng_reseed(
const dif_csrng_t *csrng, const dif_csrng_seed_material_t *seed_material);
* Updates CSRNG state.
* This function is similar to `dif_csrng_reseed()`, except:
* - Only `seed_material.seed_material` is used in the update operation.
* - The update operation does not reset the internal CSRNG reseed
* counter.
* @param csrng A CSRNG handle.
* @param seed_material Update parameters.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_csrng_result_t dif_csrng_update(
const dif_csrng_t *csrng, const dif_csrng_seed_material_t *seed_material);
* Requests cryptographic entropy bits from the CSRNG.
* The prediction resistance flag as specified in SP 800-90Ar1 section
* is not directily supported by the hardware. It is the
* responsibility of the caller to reseed as needed before calling
* this function.
* The CSRNG accepts generation requests with 128-bit granularity, with
* a minimum 128-bit request size. This function will increase the size
* of the request to align it to the nearest 128-bit boundary.
* @param csrng A CSRNG handle.
* @param len Number of uint32_t words to generate.
dif_csrng_result_t dif_csrng_generate_start(const dif_csrng_t *csrng,
size_t len);
* Reads the output of the last CSRNG generate call.
* This function blocks until all data is read from the CSRNG. The caller is
* responsible for making sure that the `len` parameter matches the length set
* in the `dif_csrng_generate_start()` call.
* `dif_csrng_get_output_status()` can be called before this function to ensure
* there is data availble in the CSRNG output buffer.
* @param csrng A CSRNG handle.
* @param[out] buf A buffer to fill with words from the pipeline.
* @param len The number of words to read into `buf`.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_csrng_result_t dif_csrng_generate_end(const dif_csrng_t *csrng,
uint32_t *buf, size_t len);
* Uninstantiates CSRNG
* Resets the CSRNG instance. Values in the CSRNG are zeroed out. This
* command effectively resets the CSRNG, clearing any errors that it
* may have encountered due to processing or entropy source errors.
* @param csrng An CSRNG handle.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_csrng_result_t dif_csrng_uninstantiate(const dif_csrng_t *csrng);
* Gets the current command interface status.
* This function can be called before or after any of the following functions:
* - `dif_csrng_instantiate()`
* - `dif_csrng_reseed()`
* - `dif_csrng_update()`
* - `dif_csrng_generate_start()`
* - `dif_csrng_uninstantiate()`
* @param csrng An CSRNG handle
* @param[out] status Command interface status.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_csrng_result_t dif_csrng_get_cmd_interface_status(
const dif_csrng_t *csrng, dif_csrng_cmd_status_t *status);
* Gets the current cryptographic entropy output data status.
* This function can be used before calling `dif_csrng_generate_end()` to
* check if there is data available to read.
* @param csrng A CSRNG handle.
* @param[out] status CSRNG output status.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_csrng_result_t dif_csrng_get_output_status(
const dif_csrng_t *csrng, dif_csrng_output_status_t *status);
* Gets the working state of a CSRNG instance.
* @param csrng A CSRNG handle
* @param instance_id CSRNG instance ID.
* @param[out] state The working state of a CSRNG instance.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_csrng_result_t dif_csrng_get_internal_state(
const dif_csrng_t *csrng, dif_csrng_internal_state_id_t instance_id,
dif_csrng_internal_state_t *state);
* Locks out CSRNG functionality.
* This function is reentrant: calling it while functionality is locked will
* have no effect and return `kDifCsrngOk`.
* @param csrng A CSRNG handle.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_csrng_result_t dif_csrng_lock(const dif_csrng_t *csrng);
* Checks whether this CSRNG is locked.
* @param csrng A CSRNG handle.
* @param[out] is_locked Out-param for the locked state.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_csrng_result_t dif_csrng_is_locked(const dif_csrng_t *csrng,
bool *is_locked);
* Returns whether a particular interrupt is currently pending.
* @param csrng A CSRNG handle.
* @param irq An interrupt type.
* @param[out] is_pending Out-param for whether the interrupt is pending.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_csrng_result_t dif_csrng_irq_is_pending(const dif_csrng_t *csrng,
dif_csrng_irq_t irq,
bool *is_pending);
* Acknowledges a particular interrupt, indicating to the hardware that it has
* been successfully serviced.
* @param csrng A CSRNG handle.
* @param irq An interrupt type.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_csrng_result_t dif_csrng_irq_acknowledge(const dif_csrng_t *csrng,
dif_csrng_irq_t irq);
* Checks whether a particular interrupt is currently enabled or disabled.
* @param csrng A CSRNG handle.
* @param irq An interrupt type.
* @param[out] state Out-param toggle state of the interrupt.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_csrng_result_t dif_csrng_irq_get_enabled(const dif_csrng_t *csrng,
dif_csrng_irq_t irq,
dif_csrng_toggle_t *state);
* Sets whether a particular interrupt is currently enabled or disabled.
* @param csrng A CSRNG handle.
* @param irq An interrupt type.
* @param state The new toggle state for the interrupt.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_csrng_result_t dif_csrng_irq_set_enabled(const dif_csrng_t *csrng,
dif_csrng_irq_t irq,
dif_csrng_toggle_t state);
* Forces a particular interrupt, causing it to be serviced as if hardware had
* asserted it.
* @param csrng A CSRNG handle.
* @param irq An interrupt type.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_csrng_result_t dif_csrng_irq_force(const dif_csrng_t *csrng,
dif_csrng_irq_t irq);
* Disables all interrupts, optionally snapshotting all toggle state for later
* restoration.
* @param csrng A CSRNG handle.
* @param[out] snapshot Out-param for the snapshot; may be `NULL`.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_csrng_result_t dif_csrng_irq_disable_all(
const dif_csrng_t *csrng, dif_csrng_irq_snapshot_t *snapshot);
* Restores interrupts from the given snapshot.
* This function can be used with `dif_csrng_irq_disable_all()` to temporary
* interrupt save-and-restore.
* @param csrng A CSRNG handle.
* @param snapshot A snapshot to restore from.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_csrng_result_t dif_csrng_irq_restore_all(
const dif_csrng_t *csrng, const dif_csrng_irq_snapshot_t *snapshot);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#endif // __cplusplus