| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| { |
| name: "chip" |
| |
| // TODO: remove the common testplans if not applicable |
| import_testplans: ["hw/dv/tools/dvsim/testplans/csr_testplan.hjson", |
| // TODO #5484, comment these 2 lines out because spi host memory is dummy |
| // "hw/dv/tools/dvsim/testplans/mem_testplan.hjson", |
| // Integrity error is tested in a SW test. |
| "hw/dv/tools/dvsim/testplans/tl_device_access_types_wo_intg_testplan.hjson", |
| "hw/ip/tlul/data/tlul_testplan.hjson", |
| "sw/device/silicon_creator/rom/data/rom_e2e_testplan.hjson", |
| "hw/top_earlgrey/data/chip_conn_testplan.hjson"] |
| |
| testpoints: [ |
| /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // IO Peripherals // |
| /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| // UART (pre-verified IP) integration tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_uart_tx_rx |
| desc: '''Verify transmission of data over the TX and RX port. |
| |
| SW test sends a known payload over the TX port. The testbench, at the same time |
| sends a known payload over RX. On reception, both payloads are checked for integrity. |
| SW validates the reception of TX watermark, RX watermark, and the TX empty interrupts. |
| Choosing the max supported baud rate for the UART is sufficient. |
| |
| Verify each UART instance at the chip level independently. Verify there is no aliasing |
| on all UART ports across the instances. |
| ''' |
| stage: V1 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_uart_tx_rx"] |
| tags: ["gls"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_uart_rx_overflow |
| desc: '''Verify the RX overflow interrupt. |
| |
| The testbench sends a random payload of size greater than the RX fifo size (32). The SW |
| ignores the received the data to allow the RX overflow interrupt to assert. |
| |
| Verify each UART instance at the chip level independently. Verify there is no aliasing |
| on all UART ports across the instances. |
| ''' |
| stage: V1 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_uart_tx_rx", "chip_sw_uart_tx_rx_idx1", "chip_sw_uart_tx_rx_idx2", |
| "chip_sw_uart_tx_rx_idx3"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_uart_rand_baudrate |
| desc: '''Verify UART transmission of data at various speeds. |
| |
| Randomly pick one of the UART instances and configure it to run with any of these baud |
| rates - 9600bps, 115200bps, 230400bps, 128Kbps, 256Kbps, 1Mkbps, 1.5Mkbps. |
| |
| ''' |
| stage: V1 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_uart_rand_baudrate"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_uart_tx_rx_alt_clk_freq |
| desc: '''Verify the transmission of UART via using external clock as uart core clock. |
| |
| Extend from chip_sw_uart_rand_baudrate with following added settings. |
| - Configure LC to RMA state, so that it allows clkmgr to use external clock. |
| - Configure clkmgr to select external clock. |
| - Randomize `HI_SPEED_SEL`, so that uart core clock frequency can be either |
| ext_clk_freq / 4 or ext_clk_freq / 2. |
| ''' |
| stage: V1 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_uart_tx_rx_alt_clk_freq", "chip_sw_uart_tx_rx_alt_clk_freq_low_speed"] |
| } |
| |
| // GPIO (pre-verified IP) integration tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_gpio_out |
| desc: '''Verify GPIO outputs. |
| |
| SW test configures the GPIOs to be in the output mode. The test walks a 1 through the |
| pins. The testbench checks the value for correctness and verifies that there is no |
| aliasing between the pins. |
| ''' |
| stage: V1 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_gpio"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_gpio_in |
| desc: '''Verify GPIO inputs. |
| |
| The SW test configures the GPIOs to be in input mode. The testbench walks a 1 through |
| the pins. SW test ensures that the GPIO values read from the CSR is correct. |
| ''' |
| stage: V1 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_gpio"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_gpio_irq |
| desc: '''Verify GPIO interrupts. |
| |
| The SW test configures the GPIOs to be in input mode and enables all of them to generate |
| an interrupt. The testbench walks a 1 through the pins. SW test ensures that the |
| interrupt corresponding to the right pin is seen. |
| ''' |
| stage: V1 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_gpio"] |
| } |
| |
| // SPI_DEVICE (pre-verified IP) integration tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_spi_device_tx_rx |
| desc: '''Verify the transmission of data on the chip's SPI device port in firmware mode with |
| single mode. |
| |
| - The testbench sends a known payload over the chip's SPI device input port. |
| - The SW test, at the same time sends a known payload out over the chip's SPI device |
| output port. |
| - On reception, both payloads are checked for integrity. |
| - SW validates the reception of RX fifo full, RX fifo over level, TX fifo under level, |
| RX overflow and TX underflow interrupts. |
| - Run with min (6MHz), typical (30-48Mhz) and max(48MHz) SPI clk frequencies. |
| should use |
| - Also, ensure that the spi_device does not receive transactions when the csb is high. |
| - TODO, consider to test this mode with a real use case. The actual use case of this |
| mdoe is not clear right now. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_spi_device_tx_rx"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_spi_device_flash_mode |
| desc: '''Verify the SPI device in flash mode. |
| |
| - SW puts the SPI device in flash mode |
| - Load a firmware image (bootstrap) through flash commands to the spi_device memory. |
| - SW verifies the integrity of the image upon reception by reading the spi_device |
| memory. |
| - Ensure the image is executed correctly |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_uart_tx_rx_bootstrap"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_spi_device_pass_through |
| desc: '''Verify the pass through mode from an end-to-end perspective. |
| |
| - Configure the SPI device and host in pass through mode. |
| - Program the cmd_filter_* CSRs to filter out random commands. |
| - Configure and enable both spi_host0 and spi_host1 |
| - Send a random flash commands over the SPI device interface (chip IOs) from the |
| testbench. |
| - Verify the flash commands which pass through spi_host0, are received on chip IOs. |
| - Verify that only the payloads that are not filtered show up on the SPI host interface |
| at chip IOs. |
| - Verify spi_host1 doesn't send out any data from spi_device |
| - Run with min (6MHz), typical (24Mhz) and max (30MHz) SPI clk frequencies. |
| - Run with single, dual and quad SPI modes. |
| - Testbench should test the following commands: |
| - Read Normal, Fast Read, Fast Dual, Fast Quad, Chip Erase, Program |
| |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_spi_device_pass_through"] |
| } |
| |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_spi_device_pass_through_flash_model |
| desc: '''Verify the command filtering mechanism in passthrough mode. |
| |
| - Extend the chip_spi_device_pass_through test. |
| - Connect with a real flash model on spi_host |
| - Verify that the flash commands are received and interpreted correctly in the flash |
| model |
| ''' |
| stage: V3 |
| tests: [] |
| } |
| |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_spi_device_pass_through_collision |
| desc: '''Verify the collisions on driving spi_host is handled properly |
| |
| - Enable upload related interrupts and configure the spi_device in passthrough mode. |
| - Configure a command slot to enable upload for a flash program/erase command. |
| - Excecute two parallel threads: |
| 1. SPI host agent. |
| - Send this command via an upstream SPI host agent, then the agent keeps sending |
| read_status to poll the busy bit. |
| - When the busy bit is low, issue a read command to read data from the downstream |
| SPI port, and check data correctness. |
| 2. A SW process. |
| - SW receives an upload interrupt and reads the command in the upload fifo to check. |
| - SW configures the SPI host that shows the same downstream port, to send the |
| uploaded command to the downstream SPI port. |
| - SW clears busy bit to allow the upstream SPI host to proceed to the next command. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: [] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_spi_device_tpm |
| desc: '''Verify the basic operation of the spi tpm mode.. |
| |
| - The testbench sends a known payload over the chip's SPI device tpm input port. |
| - The testbench sends a read command. |
| - The software test should playback the data received in the write command as the read |
| response. |
| - The testbench should check if the written and read data match. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_spi_device_tpm"] |
| } |
| |
| // SPI_HOST (pre-verified IP) integration tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_spi_host_tx_rx |
| desc: '''Verify the transmission of data on the chip's SPI host port. |
| |
| - Program the SPI host to send a known payload out of the chip on the SPI host ports. |
| - The testbench receives the payload and plays it back to the SPI host interface. |
| - The SW verifies the sent payload matches the read response and services SPI event |
| interrupts. |
| - Run with min and max SPI clk frequencies and with single, dual and quad SPI modes. |
| |
| Verify all SPI host instances in the chip. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_spi_host_tx_rx"] |
| } |
| |
| // I2C (pre-verified IP) integration tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_i2c_host_tx_rx |
| desc: '''Verify the transmission of data over the chip's I2C host interface. |
| |
| - Program the I2C to be in host mode. |
| - The SW test writes a known payload over the chip's I2C host interface, which is |
| received by the testbench. |
| - The testbench then loops this data back to the chip's I2C host and exercises the |
| read interface. |
| - SW validates the reception of FMT watermark and trans complete interrupts. |
| - SW validates that the data read matches the original data written. |
| - Verify the virtual / true open drain capability. |
| |
| Verify all instances of I2C in the chip. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_i2c_host_tx_rx"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_i2c_device_tx_rx |
| desc: '''Verify the transmission of data over the chip's I2C device interface. |
| |
| - Program the I2C to be in device mode. |
| - The testbench writes a known payload over the chip's I2C device interface, which is |
| received and verified by the SW test for correctness. |
| - The testbench reads and verifies a known payload over the chip's I2C device interface, |
| - SW validates the reception of tx empty and trans complete interrupts. |
| - Verify the virtual / true open drain capability. |
| |
| Verify all instances of I2C in the chip. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: [] |
| } |
| |
| // USB (pre-verified IP) integration tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_usb_fs_tx_rx |
| desc: '''Verify the transmission of single-ended data over the USB at full speed. As a part of |
| this test, the enablement of USB pullup is also expected to be verified. |
| |
| - Set `tx_differential_mode` to single-ended and `rx_differential_mode` to |
| differential. The other modes are not supported in OpenTitan. |
| - configure Link state to `Active`. |
| - Send and receive packets to fill the entire buffer. Ensure all the packets are |
| correct. |
| - Check interrupts (connected, pkt_received, pkt_sent, av_empty, rx_full) are triggered |
| correcly. |
| ''' |
| stage: V3 |
| tests: [] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_usb_vbus |
| desc: '''Verify that the USB device can detect the presence of VBUS from the USB host. |
| |
| - This test extends from `chip_usb_fs_df_tx_rx`, add below at the end of the sequence. |
| - VBUS is controlled by SW, through programming CSRs (`override_pwr_sense_en` and |
| `override_pwr_sense_val`) to connect / disconnect the USB. |
| - Disconnect the USB to trigger `disconnected` interrupt. |
| - Then reconnect it and check the `connected` interrupt. |
| - Re-enable data transfer and ensure data correctness. |
| - Observe valid reference pulse usb_ref_val/pulse_o. |
| ''' |
| stage: V3 |
| tests: [] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_usb_suspend |
| desc: '''Verify that the USB device can detect the presence of VBUS from the USB host. |
| |
| - This test extends from `chip_usb_fs_df_tx_rx`, add below at the end of the sequence. |
| - Configure USB device to enter `Suspend` state and ensure `link_suspend` interrupt is |
| triggered. |
| - Test these 2 power modes. |
| - Normal sleep: |
| - Configure pwrmgr to enter normal sleep mode, then clocks are disable while powers |
| are kept on. |
| - Resume the device through pinmux and check the `link_resume` interrupt. |
| - Ensure that previously enumerated information is kept. |
| - Deep sleep: |
| - Before entering deep sleep, store previously enumerated information in retention |
| RAM. (optional) |
| - Configure pwrmgr to enter deep sleep mode, and powers are turned off. |
| - Resume the device through pinmux and check the `link_resume` interrupt. |
| - Ensure that previously enumerated information and configuration (non-default |
| values) are wiped, as USB has been reset before wakeup. |
| - Restore previously enumerated information (if it's stored) or re-enumerate the |
| USB. |
| - Re-enable data transfer and ensure data correctness. |
| ''' |
| stage: V3 |
| tests: [] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_usb_sof |
| desc: '''Verify that USB can detect SOF and respond with `usb_ref_pulse_o` and |
| `usb_ref_val_o`. |
| |
| - Configure to enable `usb_ref_disable`. |
| - Send a frame with the same frame number as the USB device to trigger `frame` |
| interrupt. |
| - Ensure `usb_ref_pulse_o` and `usb_ref_val_o` behave correctly. |
| - Stop sending any frame and check the `host_lost` interrupt. Ensure `use_ref_*` behave |
| correctly. |
| ''' |
| stage: V3 |
| tests: [] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_usb_wake_debug |
| desc: '''Verify that `usb_state_debug_i` can be read from the CSR |
| |
| - Drive random value on `usb_state_debug_i`. |
| - Ensure the CSR `wake_debug` returns correctly value. |
| ''' |
| stage: V3 |
| tests: [] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_usb_enumeration |
| desc: '''Verify USB enumeration. Details are not clear. |
| |
| - TODO |
| ''' |
| stage: V3 |
| tests: [] |
| } |
| |
| // PINMUX & PADRING (pre-verified IP) integration tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_pin_mux |
| desc: '''Verify the MIO muxing at input and output sides. |
| |
| - Enable `stub_cpu` mode. |
| - Add a forcing interface to pinmux's pad-facing DIO and MIO ports, including the output |
| enables; and a sampling interface for the peripheral facing DIO and MIO ports. |
| - Similarly, add a driving / sampling interface for all DIOs and MIOs at the chip pads. |
| - In the output direction: |
| - Program all MIO outsel and pad attribute registers to random values. |
| - Force the pad-facing pinmux MIO ports and output enables to random values. |
| - Verify all MIO pad values for correctness. |
| - For the input direction: |
| - Program all MIO insel and pad attribute registers to random values. |
| - Drive the MIO pads to random values. |
| - Probe and sample the peripheral facing MIO ports of the pinmux and verify the values |
| for correctness. |
| - Follow a similar testing procedure for DIOs. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_padctrl_attributes"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_padctrl_attributes |
| desc: '''Verify pad attribute settings for all MIO and DIO pads. |
| |
| - Follow the same procedure as the `chip_pin_mux` test, ensuring the padctrl attribute |
| registers for all MIOs and DIOs are also randomized when verifying the outcomes. |
| - Verify weak pull enable, output inversion and virtual open drain and drive strength |
| (bit 0) signaling in the output direction. |
| - Verify weak pull enable and input inversion in the input direction. |
| - Verify multiple pad attributes for each pad set at the same time through |
| randomization. |
| |
| Cross-references the `chip_pin_mux` test. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_padctrl_attributes"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_sleep_pin_mio_dio_val |
| desc: '''Verify the MIO output values in any sleep states. |
| |
| - Pick between normal sleep and deep sleep randomly |
| - Pick between tie-0, tie-1, or High-Z randomly for all muxed, |
| dedicated outputs coming from non-AON IPs. |
| |
| SW programs the MIO OUTSEL CSRs to ensure that in sleep it randomly picks |
| between tie-0, tie-1 or hi-Z for all muxed outputs coming from non-AON IPs. If an AON |
| peripheral output is muxed, then that peripheral's output is selected to ensure in deep |
| sleep the peripheral can continue its signaling even in deep sleep. The testbench |
| verifies the correctness of the reflected values once the chip goes into deep sleep. |
| This is replicated for DIO pins as well. |
| |
| In this test, passthrough feature is not tested. The feature is |
| covered in other tests such as chip_sw_sleep_pwm_pulses. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_sleep_pin_mio_dio_val"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_sleep_pin_wake |
| desc: '''Verify pin wake up from any sleep states. |
| |
| Verify one of the 8 possible MIO or DIO pad inputs (randomly configured) can cause the |
| chip to wake up from sleep state. Verifying wake on posedge is sufficient for the chip |
| level integration testing. Upon wake up, SW reads the wake cause CSR to verify |
| correctness. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_sleep_pin_wake"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_sleep_pin_retention |
| desc: '''Verify the retention logic in pinmux that is activated during deep sleep. |
| |
| - Pick a pin (such as GPIO0) and enable it in output mode. Set a known value to it (0 or |
| 1) and verify the correctless of the value on the chip IO.. |
| - Program the pin's retention value during deep sleep to be opposite of the active power |
| value programmed in the previous step. |
| - Reuse an existing deep sleep / low power wake up test, such as |
| `chip_sw_sleep_pin_wake` test to enter low power. |
| - Once the chip enters the deep sleep state, verify that this pin holds the correct |
| retention value throughout the low power state. |
| - Wake up the chip from sleep using the chosen method. |
| - Verify the pin value at the chip IOs is no longer holding the retention value once the |
| chip is back in active power. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_sleep_pin_retention"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_tap_strap_sampling |
| desc: '''Verify tap accesses in different LC states. |
| |
| Verify pinmux can select the life_cycle, RISC-V, and DFT taps after reset. |
| Verify that in TEST_UNLOCKED* and RMA states, pinmux can switch between the three TAPs |
| without issuing reset. |
| Verify in PROD state, only the LC tap can be selected. |
| Verify in DEV state, only the LC tap and RISC-V taps can be selected. |
| Verify DFT test mode straps are sampled and output to AST via |
| top_earlgrey.dft_strap_test_o in TEST_UNLOCKED* and RMA states. |
| Verify top_earlgrey.dft_strap_test_o is always 0 in the states other than TEST_UNLOCKED* |
| and RMA, regardless of the value on DFT SW straps. |
| |
| Note: these tests require the ROM init stage to complete. So a test ROM image is loaded, |
| but the software does not test anything. The CPU boots and runs to completion while the |
| host (SV testbench) performs these stimulus / checks. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_tap_straps_dev", "chip_tap_straps_prod", "chip_tap_straps_rma"] |
| } |
| |
| // PATTGEN (pre-verified IP) integration tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_pattgen_ios |
| desc: '''Verify pattern generation to chip output pads. |
| |
| - Program the pattgen to generate a known pattern in each lane. |
| - Program the pinmux to route the chosen output to the chip IOs. |
| - Verify that the correct pattern is seen on the IOs by hooking up the pattgen monitor. |
| - Validate the reception of the done interrupt. |
| - Verify both pattgen channels independently. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_pattgen_ios"] |
| } |
| |
| // PWM (pre-verified IP) integration tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_sleep_pwm_pulses |
| desc: '''Verify PWM signaling to chip output pads during deep sleep. |
| |
| - Program each PWM output to pulse in a known pattern. |
| - Program the pinmux to route the chosen PWM output to the chip IOs. |
| - Program the pwrmgr to go to deep sleep state, with AON timer wakeup. |
| - Initiate the sleep state by issuing a WFI. |
| - Verify that in the sleep state, the PWM signals are active and pulsing correctly, by |
| hooking up the PWM monitor. |
| - Repeat the steps for all 6 PWM signals. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_sleep_pwm_pulses"] |
| } |
| |
| ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // System Peripherals // |
| ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| // XBAR (pre-verified IP) tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_data_integrity |
| desc: ''' |
| Verify the alert signaling mechanism due to integrity violations of load ops. |
| |
| An SW test which performs the following on main and retention SRAMs to verify the memory |
| end-to-end integrity scheme: |
| - Corrupt a random data / integrity bit in the memory using SV force. |
| - SW reads that address and the corrupted data is sent to ibex. |
| - Verify that ibex detects the integrity violation and triggers an alert. |
| - Check the alert up to the NMI phase and make sure that the alert cause is from Ibex. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_data_integrity_escalation"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_instruction_integrity |
| desc: ''' |
| Verify the alert signaling mechanism due to integrity violations of instruction fetches. |
| |
| An SW test which performs the following on main SRAM to verify the memory end-to-end |
| integrity scheme: |
| - Corrupt a data / integrity bit in a test function in the main SRAM using SV force. |
| - SW jumps to that test function in the main SRAM. |
| - Verify that ibex detects the integrity violation and triggers an alert. |
| - Check the alert up to the NMI phase and make sure that the alert cause is from Ibex. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_data_integrity_escalation"] |
| } |
| |
| // RV_DM (JTAG) tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_jtag_csr_rw |
| desc: ''' |
| Verify accessibility of all the CSRs in the chip over JTAG. |
| |
| - Shuffle the list of CSRs first to remove the effect of ordering. |
| - Write all CSRs via JTAG interface with a random value. |
| - Shuffle the list of CSRs yet again. |
| - Read all CSRs back and check their values for correctness while adhering to the CSR's |
| access policies. |
| - Accesses to CSRs external to `rv_dm` go through RV_DM SBA interface into the `xbar`. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_jtag_csr_rw"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_jtag_mem_access |
| desc: ''' |
| Verify accessibility of all the memories in the chip over JTAG. |
| |
| This test will target the following memories in the chip: |
| sram_main, sram_ret, otbn i|dmem, ROM |
| |
| - Shuffle the list of memories first to remove the effect of ordering. |
| - Write a location in a randomly chosen set of addresses within each memory via JTAG |
| interface with random values. |
| - For read-only memories, preload the memory with random data via backdoor. |
| - Shuffle the list of memories again. |
| - Read the previously written addresses in the memories back again and check the read |
| value for correctness. Pick some random addresses to verify in case of read-only |
| memories. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_jtag_mem_access"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_rv_dm_perform_debug |
| desc: ''' |
| - X-ref'ed with rom_e2e_jtag_inject from rom testplan. |
| - X-ref'ed with chip_sw_flash_lc_iso_part_sw_wr_en. |
| - X-ref'ed with manuf_cp_device_info_flash_wr from manufacturing testplan. |
| - Using the sram injection mechanism from rom_e2e_jtag_inject, load a SRAM program that |
| writes to isolated flash partition while the device is in TEST_UNLOCKED state. |
| - After writing, verify that the test program cannot read back the written value. |
| |
| ''' |
| stage: V3 |
| tests: [] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_rv_dm_ndm_reset_req |
| desc: '''Verify non-debug reset request initiated from RV_DM when the chip is awake. |
| |
| - Program some CSRs / mem that are under life cycle reset tree and system reset tree. |
| - Configure RV_DM to send NDM reset request to reset sytem reset tree. |
| - While NDM reset is ongoing, ensure the RV_DM debug module registers can still be |
| accessed. |
| - Read the programmed CSRs / mem to ensure that everything under system reset tree is |
| reset to the original values, while values under life cycle reset will be preserved. |
| - Read CSRs / mem in the debug domain to ensure that the values survive the reset. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_rv_dm_ndm_reset_req"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_rv_dm_ndm_reset_req_when_cpu_halted |
| desc: '''Verify non-debug reset request initiated from RV_DM when the CPU is in halted state. |
| |
| - Initialize the DUT in a HW-debug enabled life cycle state. |
| - Activate the RISCV debug module. |
| - Run some SW test on the CPU. |
| - Initiate a CPU halt request via JTAG. |
| - Wait for the CPU to be in halted state via JTAG by polling dmstatus.anyhalted. |
| - Deassert the CPU haltreq and verify that we are still in halted state. |
| - (Optional) Using the abstract command, read the dcsr register to verify the cause |
| reflects the debug halt request. |
| - Issue an NDM reset request. All non-debug parts of the chip should reset. Read the |
| dmstatus.anyhalted / dvstatus.allhalted and verify that they are cleared. |
| - De-assert the NDM reset request and wait for the CPU to reboot and finish the post-NDM |
| reset phase of the test. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_rv_dm_ndm_reset_req_when_cpu_halted"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_rv_dm_access_after_wakeup |
| desc: '''Verify RV_DM works after wakes up from sleep. |
| |
| - Put the chip into sleep mode and then wake up (both deep sleep and normal sleep). |
| - If waking up from normal sleep, an activation should not be required for RV_DM CSR |
| accesses to work. |
| - If waking up from deep sleep, an activation is required for RV_DM CSR accesses to work. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_rv_dm_access_after_wakeup"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_rv_dm_access_after_hw_reset |
| desc: '''Verify RV_DM works after a watchdog or escalated reset. |
| |
| - Access some RV_DM CSRs both before and after resets. |
| - An activation would be required, and the tap strap would also be sampled again. |
| ''' |
| stage: V3 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_rv_dm_access_after_escalation_reset"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_rv_dm_jtag_tap_sel |
| desc: '''Verify ability to select all available TAPs. |
| |
| - Put life cycle on Test or RMA state, so that TAPs can be selected between life cycle |
| RV_DM and DFT. |
| - Verify the TAP is selected correctly. |
| - X-ref'ed with chip_sw_tap_strap_sampling. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_tap_straps_rma"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_rv_dm_lc_disabled |
| desc: '''Verify that the debug capabilities are disabled in certain life cycle stages. |
| |
| - Put life cycle in a random life cycle state. |
| - Verify that the rv_dm bus device is inaccessible from the CPU as well as external |
| JTAG if the life cycle state is not in TEST_UNLOCKED*, DEV or RMA. |
| - The bus access check is performed by randomly reading or writing a CSR inside the |
| RV_DM and checking whether the TL-UL bus errors out. |
| - The JTAG access check is performed by writing and then reading a register that is |
| accessible via the TAP/DMI inside the RV_DM. If the JTAG wires are gated, it is |
| expected that the RV_DM returns all-zero instead of the written value. |
| - X-ref'ed with `chip_tap_strap_sampling` |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_rv_dm_lc_disabled"] |
| } |
| |
| // RV_TIMER (pre-verified IP) integration tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_timer |
| desc: '''Verify the timeout interrupt assertion. |
| |
| - Configure the RV_TIMER to generate interrupt after a set timeout. |
| - Issue a WFI to wait for the interrupt to trigger. |
| - Service the interrupt when it triggers; verify that it came from rv_timer. |
| - Verify that the interrupt triggered only after the timeout elapsed. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_rv_timer_irq"] |
| } |
| |
| // AON_TIMER (pre-verified IP) integration tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_aon_timer_wakeup_irq |
| desc: '''Verify the AON timer wake up interrupt in normal operating state. |
| |
| - Program the PLIC to let the AON timer wake up interrupt the CPU. |
| - Program the AON timer to generate the wake up timeout interrupt after some time. |
| - Issue a WFI to wait for the interrupt to trigger. |
| - Service the interrupt when it triggers; verify that it came from AON timer. |
| - Verify that the interrupt triggered only after the timeout elapsed. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_aon_timer_irq"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_aon_timer_sleep_wakeup |
| desc: '''Verify that AON timer can wake up the chip from a deep sleep state. |
| |
| - Read the reset cause register in rstmgr to confirm that the SW is in the POR reset |
| phase. |
| - Program the pwrmgr to go to deep sleep state (clocks off, power off). |
| - Program the AON timer to wake up the chip in a reasonable amount of time. |
| - Have the CPU issue WFI to signal the pwrmgr to go into sleep state. |
| - Verify via assertion checks, the wake up request occurs after the timeout has elapsed. |
| - After reset followed by AON timer wake up, read the reset cause register to confirm |
| the AON timer wake up phase. |
| - After the test sequence is complete, read the wake up threshold register - it should |
| not be reset. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_pwrmgr_smoketest"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_aon_timer_wdog_bark_irq |
| desc: '''Verify the watchdog bark reception in normal state. |
| |
| - Program the PLIC to let the wdog bark signal interrupt the CPU. |
| - Program the AON timer wdog to 'bark' after some time and enable the bark interrupt. |
| - Service the bark interrupt upon reception. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_aon_timer_irq"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_aon_timer_wdog_lc_escalate |
| desc: '''Verify that the LC escalation signal disables the AON timer wdog. |
| |
| - Program the AON timer wdog to 'bark' after some time and enable the bark interrupt. |
| - Start the escalation process and fail the test in the interrupt handler in case the |
| bark interrupt is fired. |
| - Program the alert handler to escalate on alerts upto phase 2 (i.e. reset) but the |
| phase 1 (i.e. wipe secrets) should occur and last during the time the wdog is |
| programed to bark and bite. |
| - Trigger an alert to cause an escalation condition before the bark signal asserts. |
| - After the reset ensure that the reset cause was due to the escalation to prove that |
| the wdog was disabled. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_aon_timer_wdog_lc_escalate"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_aon_timer_wdog_bite_reset |
| desc: '''Verify the watchdog bite causing reset in the normal state. |
| |
| - Read the reset cause register in rstmgr to confirm that the SW is in the POR reset |
| phase. |
| - Program the AON timer wdog to 'bark' after some time. |
| - Let the bark escalate to bite, which should result in a reset request. |
| - After reset, read the reset cause register in rstmgr to confirm that the SW is now in |
| the wdog reset phase. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_aon_timer_wdog_bite_reset"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_aon_timer_sleep_wdog_bite_reset |
| desc: '''Verify the watchdog bite causing reset in sleep state. |
| |
| - Repeat the steps in chip_aon_timer_wdog_bite_reset test, but with following changes: |
| - Program the pwrmgr to go to deep sleep state (clocks off, power off). |
| - Issue a WFI after programming the wdog, so that the reset request due to bite occurs |
| during deep sleep state. |
| - After reset, read the reset cause register in rstmgr to confirm that the SW is now in |
| the wdog reset phase. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_aon_timer_wdog_bite_reset"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_aon_timer_sleep_wdog_sleep_pause |
| desc: '''Verify that the wdog can be paused in sleep state. |
| |
| - Repeat the steps in chip_aon_timer_sleep_wakeup test, but with following changes: |
| - Program the wdog to 'bite' a little sooner than the AON timer wake up. |
| - Also, program the wdog to pause during sleep. |
| - Issue a WFI after programming the wdog, so that the reset request occurs during deep |
| sleep state. |
| - After reset followed by AON timer wake up, read the reset cause register to confirm |
| that the AON timer woke up the chip, not the wdog reset. |
| - Un-pause the wdog and service the bark interrupt. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_aon_timer_sleep_wdog_sleep_pause"] |
| } |
| |
| // PLIC integration tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_plic_all_irqs |
| desc: '''Verify all interrupts from all peripherals aggregated at the PLIC. |
| |
| The automated SW test enables all interrupts at the PLIC to interrupt the core. It uses |
| the `intr_test` CSR in each peripheral to mock assert an interrupt, looping through all |
| available interrupts in that peripheral. The ISR verifies that the right interrupt |
| occurred. This is used as a catch-all interrupt test for all peripheral integration |
| testing within which functionally asserting an interrupt is hard to achieve or not of |
| high value. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_plic_all_irqs"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_plic_sw_irq |
| desc: '''Verify the SW interrupt to the CPU. |
| |
| Enable all peripheral interrupts at PLIC. Enable all types of interrupt at the CPU core. |
| Write to the MSIP CSR to generate a SW interrupt to the CPU. Verify that the only |
| interrupt that is seen is the SW interrupt. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_plic_sw_irq"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_plic_fatal_alert |
| desc: '''Verify that the fatal alert is fired from PLIC due to bus integrity violation. |
| |
| - PLIC is a non-preverified IP, so it is necessary to test the assertion of fatal alert |
| via fault injection. |
| - In stub CPU mode, read a register in PLIC. |
| - Intercept the access in the SystemVerilog testbench and using force, inject an |
| integrity error on the command channel. |
| - Verify that the fatal alert fired on the PLIC output. |
| - Reboot the chip and this time, inject a fatal alert through violation of the reg |
| write-enable one hot check using the standardized sec_cm_pkg framework. |
| - Verify that the fatal alert fired on the PLIC output. |
| ''' |
| stage: V3 |
| tests: [] |
| } |
| |
| // CLKMGR tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_clkmgr_idle_trans |
| desc: '''Verify the ability to turn off the transactional clock via SW. |
| |
| Ensure that the clock to transactional units will be turned off after any activity |
| completes in the transactional IP. Verify it is off via spinwait in hints_status CSR. |
| Verify that turning off this clock does not affect the other derived clocks. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_aes_idle", |
| "chip_sw_hmac_enc_idle", |
| "chip_sw_kmac_idle", |
| "chip_sw_otbn_randomness"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_clkmgr_off_trans |
| desc: '''Verify the turned off transactional units. |
| |
| Verify CSR accesses do not complete in units that are off. Using the watchdog timers, |
| turn off a transactional unit's clock, issue a CSR access to that unit, verify a |
| watchdog event results, and verify the rstmgr crash dump info records the CSR address. |
| |
| A stretch goal is to check the PC corresponds to the code performing the CSR access |
| (stretch since it could be difficult to maintain this check). |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_clkmgr_off_aes_trans", |
| "chip_sw_clkmgr_off_hmac_trans", |
| "chip_sw_clkmgr_off_kmac_trans", |
| "chip_sw_clkmgr_off_otbn_trans"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_clkmgr_off_peri |
| desc: '''Verify the ability to turn off the peripheral clock via SW. |
| |
| Verify CSR accesses do not complete in peripherals that are off. Using the watchdog |
| timers, turn off a peripheral's clock, issue a CSR access to that peripheral, verify a |
| watchdog event results, and verify the rstmgr crash dump info records the CSR address. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_clkmgr_off_peri"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_clkmgr_div |
| desc: '''Verify clk division logic is working correctly. |
| |
| The IP level checks the divided clocks via SVA, and these are also bound at chip level. |
| Connectivity tests check peripherals are connected to the clock they expect. |
| Use the clkmgr count measurement feature to verify clock division. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_clkmgr_external_clk_src_for_sw_fast", |
| "chip_sw_clkmgr_external_clk_src_for_sw_slow", |
| "chip_sw_clkmgr_external_clk_src_for_lc"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_clkmgr_external_clk_src_for_lc |
| desc: '''Verify the clkmgr requests ext clk src during certain LC states. |
| |
| On POR lc asserts lc_clk_byp_req on some LC states, and de-asserts |
| it when lc_program completes. This also triggers divided clocks to step down. It may be |
| best to verify this via SVA, unless we implement clock cycle counters. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_clkmgr_external_clk_src_for_lc"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_clkmgr_external_clk_src_for_sw |
| desc: '''Verify SW causes the clkmgr requests ext clk src during certain LC states. |
| |
| In RMA and TEST_UNLOCKED lc states the external clock is enabled in response to |
| `extclk_ctrl.sel` CSR writes. In addition `extclk_ctrl.hi_speed_sel` CSR causes the |
| divided clocks to step down. Verify this via SVA bound to clkmgr, and clock cycle |
| counters. |
| X-ref with chip_sw_uart_tx_rx_alt_clk_freq, which needs to deal with this as well. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_clkmgr_external_clk_src_for_sw_fast", |
| "chip_sw_clkmgr_external_clk_src_for_sw_slow"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_clkmgr_jitter |
| desc: '''Verify the clock jitter functionality. |
| |
| Enable clock jitter setting the clkmgr `jitter_enable` CSR high. This causes the |
| jitter_o clkmgr output to toggle. Verify this output is connected to AST's |
| clk_src_sys_jen_i input using formal. |
| |
| X-ref with various specific jitter enable tests. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_clkmgr_jitter", |
| "chip_sw_flash_ctrl_ops_jitter_en", |
| "chip_sw_flash_ctrl_access_jitter_en", |
| "chip_sw_otbn_ecdsa_op_irq_jitter_en", |
| "chip_sw_aes_enc_jitter_en", |
| "chip_sw_hmac_enc_jitter_en", |
| "chip_sw_keymgr_key_derivation_jitter_en", |
| "chip_sw_kmac_mode_kmac_jitter_en", |
| "chip_sw_sram_ctrl_main_scrambled_access_jitter_en", |
| "chip_sw_edn_entropy_reqs_jitter"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_clkmgr_extended_range |
| desc: '''Verify that the system can run at a reduced, calibrated clock frequency. |
| |
| This test should check that the system can run at a reduced, calibrated clock frequency |
| (70MHz) with jitter enabled (which can lower the frequency down to ~55 MHz |
| momentarily). This option is intended as a fall-back in case there are issues running |
| the system with at 100MHz (calibrated). |
| |
| This testpoint can be covered by extending the DV environment to support the extended |
| range clock option via a flag, and running several existing chip-level tests with that |
| option. |
| |
| Test the following functionalities with reduced clock: |
| |
| - flash_ctrl initialization |
| - flash_ctrl program, read and erase operations |
| - AES, HMAC, KMAC and OTBN operations |
| - Keymgr key derivation |
| - Scramble-enabled access from the main SRAM |
| - Csrng edn concurrency |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_clkmgr_jitter_reduced_freq", |
| "chip_sw_flash_ctrl_ops_jitter_en_reduced_freq", |
| "chip_sw_flash_ctrl_access_jitter_en_reduced_freq", |
| "chip_sw_otbn_ecdsa_op_irq_jitter_en_reduced_freq", |
| "chip_sw_aes_enc_jitter_en_reduced_freq", |
| "chip_sw_hmac_enc_jitter_en_reduced_freq", |
| "chip_sw_keymgr_key_derivation_jitter_en_reduced_freq", |
| "chip_sw_kmac_mode_kmac_jitter_en_reduced_freq", |
| "chip_sw_sram_ctrl_main_scrambled_access_jitter_en_reduced_freq", |
| "chip_sw_flash_init_reduced_freq", |
| "chip_sw_csrng_edn_concurrency_reduced_freq"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_clkmgr_deep_sleep_frequency |
| desc: '''Verify the frequency measurement through deep sleep. |
| |
| Enable clock cycle counts. Put the chip in deep sleep. Upon wakeup reset the |
| clock measurements should be off, but the recoverable fault status should not |
| be cleared. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_ast_clk_outputs"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_clkmgr_sleep_frequency |
| desc: '''Verify the frequency measurement through shallow sleep. |
| |
| Enable clock cycle counts. Put the chip in shallow sleep with pwrmgr's CONTROL CSR |
| keeping some clocks disabled. Upon wakeup the clock measurements should be on, and the |
| recoverable fault status should show no errors for the disabled clocks. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_clkmgr_sleep_frequency"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_clkmgr_reset_frequency |
| desc: '''Verify the frequency measurement through reset. |
| |
| Enable clock cycle counts, configured to cause errors. Trigger a chip reset via SW. |
| After reset the clock measurements should be off and the recoverable fault status |
| should be cleared. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_clkmgr_reset_frequency"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_clkmgr_escalation_reset |
| desc: '''Verify the clock manager resets to a clean state after an escalation reset. |
| |
| Trigger an internal fatal fault for the regfile onehot checker and let it escalate to |
| reset. Upon alert escalation reset, the internal status should be clear and clkmgr |
| should not attempt to send out more alerts. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_all_escalation_resets"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_flash_ctrl_escalation_reset |
| desc: '''Verify the flash ctrl fatal error does not disturb escalation process |
| and operation of ibex core. |
| |
| Trigger an internal fatal fault (host_gnt_err) from flash_ctrl |
| and let it escalate to reset. Upon alert escalation reset, |
| the internal status should be clean and should not send out more alerts. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_flash_crash_alert"] |
| } |
| |
| // PWRMGR tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_pwrmgr_external_full_reset |
| desc: '''Verify the cold boot sequence by wiggling of chip's `POR_N`. |
| |
| This ensures that both FSMs are properly reset on the POR signal. The check is that |
| the processor ends up running. Also verify, the rstmgr recorded POR in `reset_info` CSR |
| by checking retention SRAM for reset_reason. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_pwrmgr_full_aon_reset"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_pwrmgr_random_sleep_all_wake_ups |
| desc: '''Verify that the chip can go into random low power states and be woken up by ALL wake |
| up sources. |
| |
| This verifies ALL wake up sources. This also verifies that the pwrmgr sequencing is |
| working correctly as expected. X-ref'ed with all individual IP tests. For each wakeup |
| source clear and enable `wake_info` CSR, enable the wakeup from that source with the |
| `wakeup_en` CSR, bring the chip to both normal and low power sleep, optionally |
| disabling the source's clock, have the source issue a wakeup event and verify |
| `wake_info` indicates the expected wakeup. |
| |
| Each test should perform a minimum of 2 low power transitions to ensure there are no |
| state dependent corner cases with wakeup interactions. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_pwrmgr_random_sleep_all_wake_ups"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_pwrmgr_normal_sleep_all_wake_ups |
| desc: '''Verify that the chip can go into normal sleep state and be woken up by ALL wake up |
| sources. |
| |
| This verifies ALL wake up sources. This also verifies that the pwrmgr sequencing is |
| working correctly as expected. X-ref'ed with all individual IP tests. For each wakeup |
| source clear and enable `wake_info` CSR, enable the wakeup from that source with the |
| `wakeup_en` CSR, bring the chip to normal sleep, optionally disabling the source's |
| clock, have the source issue a wakeup event and verify `wake_info` indicates the |
| expected wakeup. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_pwrmgr_normal_sleep_all_wake_ups"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_pwrmgr_sleep_all_reset_reqs |
| desc: '''Verify that the chip can go into normal sleep state and be reset by ALL reset req |
| sources. |
| |
| This verifies ALL reset sources. This also verifies that the pwrmgr sequencing is |
| working correctly as expected. X-ref'ed with all individual IP tests. For each reset |
| source, enable the source and bring the chip to low power, issue a reset, and verify the |
| rstmgr's `reset_info` indicated the expected reset by checking retention SRAM for |
| reset_reason. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_aon_timer_wdog_bite_reset"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_pwrmgr_deep_sleep_all_wake_ups |
| desc: '''Verify that the chip can go into deep sleep state and be woken up by ALL wake up |
| sources. |
| |
| This verifies ALL wake up sources. This also verifies that the pwrmgr sequencing is |
| working correctly as expected. X-ref'ed with all individual IP tests. Similar to |
| chip_pwrmgr_sleep_all_wake_ups, except `control.main_pd_n` is set to 0. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_pwrmgr_deep_sleep_all_wake_ups"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_pwrmgr_deep_sleep_all_reset_reqs |
| desc: '''Verify that the chip can go into deep sleep state and be reset up by ALL reset req |
| sources. |
| |
| This verifies ALL reset sources. |
| - 7 resets are generated randomly with deep sleeps |
| - POR (HW PAD) reset, SW POR, sysrst, wdog timer reset, esc rst, SW req |
| - esc reset is followd by normal mode because it does not work with sleep mode |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_pwrmgr_deep_sleep_all_reset_reqs"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_pwrmgr_normal_sleep_all_reset_reqs |
| desc: '''Verify that the chip can go into normal sleep state and be reset up by ALL reset req |
| sources. |
| |
| This verifies ALL reset sources. |
| - 7 resets are generated randomly with normal sleeps |
| - POR (HW PAD) reset, SW POR, sysrst, wdog timer reset, esc rst, SW req |
| - esc reset is followed by normal mode and cleared by reset because it does not work |
| with sleep mode |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_pwrmgr_normal_sleep_all_reset_reqs"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_pwrmgr_wdog_reset |
| desc: '''Verify that the chip can be reset by watchdog timer reset source. |
| |
| This verifies watchdog timer reset source. This also verifies that the pwrmgr sequencing |
| is working correctly as expected. X-ref'ed with all individual IP tests. Similar to |
| chip_pwrmgr_sleep_all_reset_reqs, except the chip is not put in low power mode. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_pwrmgr_wdog_reset"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_pwrmgr_aon_power_glitch_reset |
| desc: '''Verify the cold boot sequence through an AON power glitch. |
| |
| |
| Pulsing the AST vcaon_supp_i input causes an AON power glitch which becomes a POR. |
| This ensures that both FSMs are properly reset on the POR signal. The check is that |
| the processor ends up running. Also verify, the rstmgr recorded POR in `reset_info` CSR |
| by checking retention SRAM for reset_reason. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_pwrmgr_full_aon_reset"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_pwrmgr_main_power_glitch_reset |
| desc: '''Verify the effect of a glitch in main power rail. |
| |
| The vcmain_supp_i AST input is forced to drop once the test is running. This triggers |
| a MainPwr reset request, which is checked by reading retention SRAM's reset_reason to |
| see that the reset_info CSR's POR bit is not set when the test restarts. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_pwrmgr_main_power_glitch_reset"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_pwrmgr_random_sleep_power_glitch_reset |
| desc: '''Verify the effect of a glitch in main power rail in random sleep states. |
| |
| The vcmain_supp_i AST input is forced to drop right after putting the chip in a random |
| sleep state. This triggers a MainPwr reset request, which is checked by reading |
| retention SRAM's reset_reason to show that the reset_info CSR's POR bit is not set when |
| the test restarts. |
| |
| Note: the glitch has to be sent in a very narrow window: |
| - If sent too early the chip won't have started to process deep sleep. |
| - If too late the hardware won't monitor main power okay so the glitch will have no |
| effect, and the test will timeout. |
| |
| Each test should perform a minimum of 2 low power transitions to ensure there are no |
| state dependent corner cases with power glitch handling. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_pwrmgr_random_sleep_power_glitch_reset"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_pwrmgr_deep_sleep_power_glitch_reset |
| desc: '''Verify the effect of a glitch in main power rail in deep sleep. |
| |
| The vcmain_supp_i AST input is forced to drop right after putting the chip in deep |
| sleep. This triggers a MainPwr reset request, which is checked by reading retention |
| SRAM's reset_reason to show that the reset_info CSR's POR bit is not set when the test |
| restarts. |
| |
| Note: the glitch has to be sent in a very narrow window: |
| - If sent too early the chip won't have started to process deep sleep. |
| - If too late the hardware won't monitor main power okay so the glitch will have no |
| effect, and the test will timeout. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_pwrmgr_deep_sleep_power_glitch_reset"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_pwrmgr_sleep_power_glitch_reset |
| desc: '''Verify the effect of a glitch in main power rail in shallow sleep. |
| |
| The vcmain_supp_i AST input is forced to drop after putting the chip in shallow sleep. |
| This triggers a MainPwr reset request, which is checked by reading the retention SRAM's |
| reset_reason shows that the reset_info CSR's POR bit is not set when the |
| test restarts. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_pwrmgr_sleep_power_glitch_reset"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_pwrmgr_random_sleep_all_reset_reqs |
| desc: '''Verify that this chip can be reset by All available reset sources. |
| |
| - 12 resets are generated randomly with normal/deep sleeps |
| - POR (HW PAD) reset, SW POR, sysrst, wdog timer reset, esc rst, SW req |
| - esc reset is followd by normal mode because it does not work with sleep mode |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_pwrmgr_random_sleep_all_reset_reqs"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_pwrmgr_sysrst_ctrl_reset |
| desc: '''Verify the effect of a sysrst_ctrl output in main power rail. |
| |
| - Read the reset cause register in rstmgr to confirm that the SW is in the POR reset |
| phase. |
| - After sysrst reset is generated by forcing, read the reset cause register in rstmgr to |
| confirm that the SW is now in the sysrst reset phase. |
| - Generate sysrst by driving input PAD. |
| - After reset, read the reset cause register in rstmgr to confirm that the SW is now in |
| the sysrst reset phase. |
| - Program the AON timer wdog to 'bark' after some time. |
| - Let the bark escalate to bite, which should result in a reset request. |
| - After reset, read the reset cause register in rstmgr to confirm that the SW is now in |
| the wdog reset phase. |
| - Program the AON timer wdog to 'bark' after some time. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_pwrmgr_sysrst_ctrl_reset"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_pwrmgr_b2b_sleep_reset_req |
| desc: '''Verify that the pwrmgr sequences sleep_req and reset req coming in almost at the same |
| time, one after the other. Use POR_N PAD to trigger reset. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_pwrmgr_b2b_sleep_reset_req"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_pwrmgr_sleep_disabled |
| desc: '''Verify that the chip does not go to sleep on WFI when low power hint is 0. |
| |
| This calls WFI with low_power_hint disabled and pwrmgr interrupts enabled, |
| and fails if the pwrmgr ISR is called. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_pwrmgr_sleep_disabled"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_pwrmgr_escalation_reset |
| desc: '''Verify the power manager resets to a clean state after an escalation reset. |
| |
| Trigger an internal fatal fault for the regfile onehot checker and let it escalate to |
| reset. Upon alert escalation reset, the internal status should be clear and pwrmgr |
| should not attempt to send out more alerts. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_all_escalation_resets"] |
| } |
| |
| // RSTMGR tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_rstmgr_non_sys_reset_info |
| desc: '''Verify the `reset_info` CSR register for lc or higher resets. |
| |
| Generate the 5 types of reset at `lc` level or higher, and check the retention SRAM's |
| reset_reason to show that `reset_info` CSR is as expected. This and other rstmgr |
| testpoints that require different resets cross-reference the individual IP tests that |
| generate those resets, and this testpoint merely adds reset checks in them. Those IP |
| blocks are `pwrmgr`, `alert_handler`, `aon_timer`, and `sysrst_ctrl`. |
| |
| This should also check the reset's destination IP to make sure some reset side-effect |
| is present. Setting some `intr_enable` CSR bit when the test starts and checking it |
| after reset seems suitable. The `spi_host` IPs receive multiple resets so they will |
| need special consideration. |
| TODO(maturana) Add specific tests once they are developed. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_pwrmgr_smoketest"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_rstmgr_sys_reset_info |
| desc: '''Verify the `reset_info` CSR register for sys reset. |
| |
| Generate reset triggered by `rv_dm`, which results in a sys level reset, and check the |
| retention SRAM's reset_reason to show that the `reset_info` CSR is as expected. This |
| testpoint cross-reference the `rv_dm` tests that generate this reset, and this |
| testpoint merely adds reset checks in them. |
| |
| This should also check the reset's destination IP to make sure some reset side-effect |
| is present. Setting some `intr_enable` CSR bit when the test starts and checking it |
| after reset seems suitable. The `spi_host` IPs receive multiple resets so they will |
| need special consideration. |
| |
| X-ref with chip_rv_dm_ndm_reset_req. |
| |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_rv_dm_ndm_reset_req"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_rstmgr_cpu_info |
| desc: '''Verify the expected values from the `cpu_info` CSR on reset. |
| |
| For some software induced resets we can predict the expected contents of `cpu_info`; |
| reads of writes to unmapped addresses for example. Generate these resets and verify |
| the `cpu_info` register contents when reset is handled. |
| Refer to `chip_*sys_rstmgr_reset_info`. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_rstmgr_cpu_info"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_rstmgr_sw_req_reset |
| desc: '''Verify software requested device reset. |
| |
| Generate a reset request by directly writing the `reset_req` CSR. |
| The reset created should be identical to those caused by hardware sources. |
| After reset, the retention SRAM's reset_reason should show that the `reset_info` CSR |
| reflects that a software request was the reset cause. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_rstmgr_sw_req"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_rstmgr_alert_info |
| desc: '''Verify the expected values from the `alert_info` CSR on reset. |
| |
| Various alerts can be created, for example, timeouts, and integrity errors, and at |
| least part of the `alert_info` CSR can be predicted. To cause some of these to |
| cause a reset, mask the relevant processor interrupts. Trigger these resets and |
| verify the `alert_info` register contents when reset is handled. |
| Refer to `chip_*sys_rstmgr_reset_info`. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_rstmgr_alert_info"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_rstmgr_sw_rst |
| desc: '''Verify `sw_rst_ctrl_n` CSR resets individual peripherals. |
| |
| - Pick a rw type CSR in each peripheral and program arbitrary value |
| that does not cause any adverse side-effects. |
| - Pulse the reset to the peripheral via software. |
| - Read the resister after reset and verify it returns the reset value. |
| - Repeat these steps for each of these software resettable peripherals: |
| `spi_device`, `spi_host0`, `spi_host1`, `usb`, `i2c0`, `i2c1`, `i2c2`. |
| |
| Notice the two `spi_host` IPs receive two different resets, `spi_host*`. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_rstmgr_sw_rst"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_rstmgr_escalation_reset |
| desc: '''Verify the reset manager resets to a clean state after an escalation reset. |
| |
| Trigger an internal fatal fault for the regfile onehot checker and let it escalate to |
| reset. Upon alert escalation reset, the internal status should be clear and rstmgr |
| should not attempt to send out more alerts. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_all_escalation_resets"] |
| } |
| |
| // ALERT_HANDLER (pre-verified IP) integration tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_alert_handler_alerts |
| desc: '''Verify all alerts coming into the alert_handler. |
| |
| An automated SW test, which does the following (applies to all alerts in all IPs): |
| - Program the alert_test CSR in each block to trigger each alert one by one. |
| - Ensure that all alerts are properly connected to the alert handler and cause the |
| escalation paths to trigger. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_alert_test"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_alert_handler_escalations |
| desc: '''Verify all alert escalation paths. |
| |
| Verify all escalation paths triggered by an alert. |
| - Verify the first escalation results in NMI interrupt serviced by the CPU. |
| - Verify the second results in device being put in scrap state, via the LC JTAG TAP. |
| - Verify the third results in chip reset. |
| - Ensure that all escalation handshakes complete without errors. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_alert_handler_escalation"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_all_escalation_resets |
| desc: '''Verify escalation from all unit integrity errors |
| |
| Inject integrity errors in any unit that has a one-hot checker for CSR register |
| writes, and verify escalation is triggered. Allow escalation to go through reset. |
| Use the rstmgr alert info and the unit's fault CSRs to check the alert cause is right. |
| Each run of the test randomly chooses some one-hot checker for the error to be injected. |
| Keep state across resets in flash to check the expected interrupts and the right number |
| of resets occur. |
| - Verify the integrity error results in a regular interrupt. |
| - Verify the first escalation results in NMI serviced by the CPU. |
| - Verify the alert id in both these interrupts. |
| - Verify the unit's fault CSR correctly captured the fault kind. |
| - Verify any timer interrupts are disabled by escalation. |
| - Verify after the escalation reset all faults are cleared, and that the alert |
| info captured the correct alert. |
| - Check that no additional resets occur. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_all_escalation_resets"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_alert_handler_irqs |
| desc: '''Verify all classes of alert handler interrupts to the CPU. |
| |
| X-ref'ed with the automated PLIC test. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_plic_all_irqs"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_alert_handler_entropy |
| desc: '''Verify the alert handler entropy input to ensure pseudo-random ping timer. |
| |
| - Force `alert_handler_ping_timer` input signal `wait_cyc_mask_i` to `8'h07` to |
| shorten the simulation time. |
| - Verify that the alert_handler can request EDN to provide entropy. |
| - Ensure that the alert ping handshake to all alert sources and escalation receivers |
| complete without errors. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_alert_handler_entropy"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_alert_handler_crashdump |
| desc: '''Verify the alert handler crashdump signal. |
| |
| When the chip resets due to alert escalating to cause the chip to reset, verify the |
| reset cause to verify the alert crashdump. |
| |
| Xref'ed with chip_sw_rstmgr_alert_info. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_rstmgr_alert_info"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_alert_handler_ping_timeout |
| desc: '''Verify the alert senders' ping timeout. |
| |
| Set alert_handler's ping timeout cycle to 2 and enable alert_senders. Verify that |
| alert_handler detects the ping timeout and reflects it on the `loc_alert_cause` |
| register. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_alert_handler_ping_timeout"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_alert_handler_lpg_sleep_mode_alerts |
| desc: '''Verify alert_handler can preserve alerts during low_power mode. |
| |
| - Trigger fatal alerts for all IPs but configure alert_handler so it won't trigger |
| reset. |
| - Randomly enter normal or deep sleep mode. |
| - Wait random cycles then wake up from the sleep mode. |
| - After wake up from normal sleep mode, clear all alert cause registers and check that |
| all alerts are still firing after waking up. |
| - Repeat the previous steps for random number of iterations. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: [] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_alert_handler_lpg_sleep_mode_pings |
| desc: '''Verify alert_handler's ping mechanism works correctly during sleep and wake up. |
| |
| There are two scenarios to check: |
| - Configure alert_handler's ping timeout register to a reasonble value that won't cause |
| ping timeout in normal cases. |
| Then randomly enter and exit normal or deep sleep modes. |
| Check that no local alerts triggered in alert_handler. |
| This scenario ensures that ping mechanism won't send out spurious failure. |
| - Configure alert_handler's ping timeout register to a small value that will always |
| causes ping timeout. |
| Then randomly enter and exit normal or deep sleep modes. |
| Clear local alert cause register and check that alert ping timeout continue to fire |
| after wake up. |
| This scenario ensures the ping mechanism will continue to send out pings after waking |
| up from sleep modes. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_alert_handler_lpg_sleep_mode_pings"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_alert_handler_lpg_clock_off |
| desc: '''Verify alert_handler's works correctly when sender clock is turned off. |
| |
| - Configure clkmgr to randomly turn off one of the IP's clock and check alert_handler |
| won't trigger a ping timeout error on that block. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_alert_handler_lpg_clkoff"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_alert_handler_lpg_reset_toggle |
| desc: '''Verify alert_handler's works correctly when sender reset is toggled. |
| |
| - Configure rstmgr to randomly toggle one IP block's SW reset and check alert_handler |
| won't trigger a ping timeout error on that block. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_alert_handler_lpg_reset_toggle"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_alert_handler_reverse_ping_in_deep_sleep |
| desc: '''Verify escalation reverse ping timer disabled in sleep mode. |
| |
| Check that escalation receivers located inside always-on blocks do not auto-escalate |
| due to the reverse ping feature while the system is in deep sleep. |
| |
| ## Reverse ping timeout calculation |
| |
| The reverse ping timeout calculation is done using the following formula available in |
| `prim_esc_receiver`: |
| |
| ``` |
| 4 * N_ESC_SEV * (2 * 2 * 2^PING_CNT_DW) |
| ``` |
| |
| `pwrmgr` is the only block consuming the `N_ESC_SEV` and `PING_CNT_DW` compile time |
| parameters: |
| |
| ``` |
| alert_handler_reg_pkg::N_ESC_SEV = 4 |
| alert_handler_reg_pkg::PING_CNT_DW = 16 |
| ``` |
| |
| The alert escalation responder inside `pwrmgr` is connected to the `io_div4` clock, |
| yielding a target 24MHz frequency. The result expected timeout based on the above |
| parameters is thus: |
| |
| ``` |
| reverse_ping_timeout = 0.175s = (4 * 4 ( 2 * 2 * 2^16)) / 24e6 |
| ``` |
| |
| ## Procedure |
| |
| - On POR reset: |
| - Enable all alerts assigning them to ClassA. |
| - Enable all local alerts and assign to ClassB. |
| - Set escalation configuration to trigger before test wake up time. |
| - Set ping timeout to a time less than wake up time. |
| - Lock alert configuration and enable ping mechanism. |
| - Wait for polling counters to cycle through by busy polling on Ibex for |
| `reverse_ping_timeout >> 2` usec. |
| - Configure AON to wake up device at a later time, making sure it is greater than the |
| `reverse_ping_timeout` calculated in the previous section. |
| - Enter deep sleep. |
| - On wake up from sleep: |
| - Ensure reset status is low power exit. A `kDifRstmgrResetInfoEscalation` signals |
| that there was a local escalation and should result in test failure. |
| - Disable AON timer. |
| - Check there are no flagged local alerts. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_alert_handler_reverse_ping_in_deep_sleep"] |
| } |
| |
| // LC_CTRL (pre-verified IP) integration tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_lc_ctrl_alert_handler_escalation |
| desc: '''Verify that the escalation signals from the alert handler are connected to LC ctrl. |
| |
| - Trigger an alert to initiate the escalations. |
| - Check that the escalation signals are connected to the LC ctrl: |
| - First escalation has no effect on the LC ctrl. Read LC_STATE CSR to confirm |
| this is the case. |
| - Second escalation should cause the `lc_escalation_en` output to be asserted and for |
| the LC_STATE to transition to scrap state. Confirm by reading the LC_STATE CSR |
| - Verify that all decoded outputs except for escalate_en are |
| disabled. X-ref'ed with the respective IP tests that consume these signals. |
| |
| X-ref'ed with chip_sw_lc_ctrl_broadcast test, which verifies the connectivity of the LC |
| decoded outputs to other IPs. |
| X-ref'ed with alert_handler's escalation test. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_alert_handler_escalation"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_lc_ctrl_jtag_access |
| desc: '''Verify enable to access LC ctrl via JTAG. |
| |
| Using the JTAG agent, write and read LC ctrl CSRs, verify the read value for |
| correctness. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_tap_straps_dev", "chip_tap_straps_prod", "chip_tap_straps_rma"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_lc_ctrl_otp_hw_cfg |
| desc: '''Verify the device_ID and ID_state CSRs |
| |
| - Preload the hw_cfg partition in OTP ctrl with random data. |
| - Read the device ID and the ID state CSRs to verify their correctness. |
| - Reset the chip and repeat the first 2 steps to verify a different set of values. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_lc_ctrl_otp_hw_cfg"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_lc_ctrl_init |
| desc: '''Verify the LC ctrl initialization on power up. |
| |
| Verify that the chip powers up correctly on POR. |
| - The pwrmgr initiates a handshake with OTP ctrl and later, with LC ctrl in subsequent |
| FSM states. Ensure that the whole power up sequence does not hang. |
| - Verify with connectivity assertion checks, the handshake signals are connected. |
| - Ensure that no interrupts or alerts are triggered. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_lc_ctrl_transition"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_lc_ctrl_transitions |
| desc: '''Verify the LC ctrl can transit from one state to another valid state with the |
| correct tokens. |
| |
| - Preload OTP image with a LC state and required tokens to transfer to next state. |
| - Initiate an LC ctrl state transition via SW if CPU is enabled, or via JTAG interface |
| if CPU is disable. |
| - Ensure that the LC program request is received by the OTP ctrl. |
| - Verify the updated data output from OTP ctrl to LC ctrl is correct. |
| - Ensure that there is no background or otp_init error. |
| - Verify that the LC ctrl has transitioned to the programmed state after a reboot. |
| Re-randomize the lc_transition tokens and repeat the sequence above. |
| |
| X-ref'ed chip_sw_otp_ctrl_program. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_lc_ctrl_transition"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_lc_ctrl_kmac_req |
| desc: '''Verify the token requested from KMAC. |
| |
| - For conditional transition, the LC ctrl will send out a token request to KMAC. |
| - Verify that the KMAC returns a hashed token, which should match one of the |
| transition token CSRs. |
| |
| X-ref'ed with chip_kmac_lc_req. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_lc_ctrl_transition"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_lc_ctrl_key_div |
| desc: '''Verify the keymgr div output to keymgr. |
| |
| - Verify in different LC states, LC ctrl outputs the correct `key_div_o` to keymgr. |
| - Verify that the keymgr uses the given `key_div_o` value to compute the keys. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_keymgr_key_derivation_prod"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_lc_ctrl_broadcast |
| desc: '''Verify broadcast signals from lc_ctrl. |
| |
| - Preload the LC partition in the otp_ctrl with the following states: RMA, DEV, |
| - Verify that the following broadcast signals are having the right effect in the |
| respective IPs that consume them: |
| - lc_dft_en_o: impacts pinmux, pwrmgr, otp_ctrl, AST |
| - lc_hw_debug_en_o: impacts pinmux, pwrmgr, sram_ctrl (main and ret) & the rv_dm |
| - lc_keymgr_en_o: impacts keymgr |
| - lc_clk_byp_req_o: impacts clkmgr (handshake with lc_clk_byp_ack_i) |
| - lc_flash_rma_req_o: impacts flash_ctrl (handshake with lc_flash_ram_ack_i) |
| - lc_flash_rma_seed_o: impacts flash_ctrl |
| - lc_check_byp_en_o: impacts otp_ctrl |
| - lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en_o: impacts flash_ctrl & otp_ctrl |
| - lc_owner_seed_sw_rw_en_o: impacts flash_ctrl |
| - lc_iso_part_sw_rd_en_o: impacts flash_ctrl |
| - lc_iso_part_sw_wr_en_o: impacts flash_ctrl |
| - lc_seed_hw_rd_en_o: impacts flash_ctrl & otp_ctrl |
| - These outputs are enabled per the |
| [life cycle architecture spec]({{< relref "doc/security/specs/device_life_cycle/#architecture" >}}). |
| |
| X-ref'ed with the respective IP tests that consume these signals. |
| |
| Note that the following signals are already verified with connectivity tests and SVAs: |
| - lc_dft_en_o (AST connection) |
| - lc_cpu_en_o (rv_core_ibex) |
| - lc_nvm_debug_en_o (flash_ctrl) |
| - lc_escalate_en_o (multiple) |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: [ |
| "chip_prim_tl_access", // lc_dft_en_o: otp_ctrl |
| "chip_tap_straps_dev", // lc_dft_en_o, lc_hw_debug_en_o: pinmux |
| "chip_tap_straps_prod", // lc_dft_en_o, lc_hw_debug_en_o: pinmux |
| "chip_tap_straps_rma", // lc_dft_en_o, lc_hw_debug_en_o: pinmux |
| "chip_sw_rom_ctrl_integrity_check", // lc_dft_en_o, lc_hw_debug_en_o: pwrmgr |
| "chip_sw_clkmgr_external_clk_src_for_sw_fast", // lc_hw_debug_en_o: clkmgr |
| "chip_sw_clkmgr_external_clk_src_for_sw_slow", // lc_hw_debug_en_o: clkmgr |
| "chip_sw_sram_ctrl_execution_main", // lc_hw_debug_en_o: sram_ctrl main |
| "chip_rv_dm_lc_disabled" // lc_hw_debug_en_o: rv_dm |
| "chip_sw_keymgr_key_derivation", // lc_keymgr_en_o: keymgr |
| "chip_sw_clkmgr_external_clk_src_for_lc", // lc_clk_byp_req_o: clkmgr |
| "chip_sw_flash_rma_unlocked", // lc_flash_rma_req_o, lc_flash_rma_seed_o: flash_ctrl |
| "chip_sw_lc_ctrl_transition", // lc_check_byp_en_o: otp_ctrl |
| "chip_sw_flash_ctrl_lc_rw_en", // lc_creator*, lc_seed*, lc_owner*, lc_iso*: flash_ctrl |
| "chip_sw_otp_ctrl_lc_signals_test_unlocked0", // lc_seed_hw_rd_en_i, lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en_i, lc_keymgr_en_i: otp_ctrl |
| "chip_sw_otp_ctrl_lc_signals_dev", // lc_seed_hw_rd_en_i, lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en_i, lc_keymgr_en_i: otp_ctrl |
| "chip_sw_otp_ctrl_lc_signals_prod", // lc_seed_hw_rd_en_i, lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en_i, lc_keymgr_en_i: otp_ctrl |
| "chip_sw_otp_ctrl_lc_signals_rma", // lc_seed_hw_rd_en_i, lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en_i, lc_keymgr_en_i: otp_ctrl |
| ] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_lc_ctrl_kmac_error |
| desc: ''' |
| Verify the effect of KMAC returning an error during the hash generation of LC tokens. |
| |
| - Follow the steps in `chip_sw_lc_ctrl_kmac_req` test. |
| - While the KMAC is actively computing the digest, glitch the KMAC app sparse FSM to |
| trigger a fault. |
| - Verify that KMAC returns an error signal to the LC controller. |
| - TBD |
| ''' |
| stage: V3 |
| tests: [] |
| } |
| |
| |
| // SYSRST_CTRL (pre-verified IP) integration tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_sysrst_ctrl_inputs |
| desc: '''Verify that the SYSRST ctrl input pin values can be read. |
| |
| - Drive a known value on ac_reset, ec_rst_l, flash_wp_l, pwrb, lid_open and key* pins at |
| the chip inputs. |
| - Read the pin_in_value CSR to check for correctness. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_sysrst_ctrl_inputs"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_sysrst_ctrl_outputs |
| desc: '''Verify that the SYSRST ctrl output pin values can be set. |
| |
| - Drive a known value on ac_reset, ec_rst_l, flash_wp_l, pwrb, lid_open and key* pins |
| at the chip inputs. |
| - Verify that SYSRST ctrl correctly loops them back to the chip outputs. |
| - Write the pin_allowed_ctl register to allow some of the pins to be overridden with |
| either 0 or 1 or both. |
| - Write the pin_out_ctl register to enable the override on some of the pins. |
| - Write the pin_out_value register to set known values on those pins. |
| - Verify that at the chip outputs, pins on which override should be active is |
| reflecting the overridden values. All others should reflect the values driven on chip |
| inputs. |
| - Via assertion checks (or equivalent) verify that the transitions at the inputs |
| immediately reflect at the outputs, if not intercepted / debounced by sysrst_ctrl. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_sysrst_ctrl_outputs"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_sysrst_ctrl_in_irq |
| desc: '''Verify the SYSRST ctrl can detect an input combination to signal an interrupt. |
| |
| - Program a specific combination of transitions on pwrb, key*, ac_present and ec_reset_l |
| pins to trigger an interrupt by writing to key_intr_ctl register. |
| - Program the key_intr_debounce_ctl register to debounce an appropriate time. |
| - Enable the interrupt at SYSRST ctrl as well as at the PLIC. |
| - Create glitches only for some time less than detection time and check that there is no |
| - interrupt triggered. |
| - Glitch the inputs at the chip IOs before stabilizing on the programmed transitions. |
| - SW services the interrupt when triggered, verifies the pin input value and |
| key_intr_status for correctness and clears the interrupt status. |
| - Verify separately, each key combination sufccessfully generates an interrupt. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_sysrst_ctrl_in_irq"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_sysrst_ctrl_sleep_wakeup |
| desc: '''Verify the SYSRST ctrl can wake up the chip from deep sleep. |
| |
| - Read the reset cause register in rstmgr to confirm we are in POR reset phase. |
| - Program one of the com_sel_ctl_* CSRs to choose a set of inputs to be detected as |
| a low power wakeup signal for the pwrmgr. |
| - Program the associated detection timer. |
| - Program the detection outcome CSR's (com_out_ctl) interrupt bit to 1. |
| - Program the pwrmgr to put the chip in deep sleep state and wake up on chip wake up |
| event. |
| - Issue a WFI to bring the chip in low power state. |
| - After the chip has entered low power mode, set the SYSRST ctrl inputs at the chip IOs |
| to the programmed combination for the duration of the detection timer. |
| - Read the reset cause register to confirm wake up from low power exit phase. |
| - Read the pwrmgr wake up status register to confirm chip wake up. |
| - Read the pin input value and the combo_intr_status CSRs to verify the correct |
| combination on inputs woke up the chip from sleep. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_sysrst_ctrl_reset"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_sysrst_ctrl_reset |
| desc: '''Verify the SYSRST ctrl can reset the chip from normal state. |
| |
| - Read the reset cause register in rstmgr to confirm we are in POR reset phase. |
| - Program one of the com_sel_ctl_* CSRs to choose a set of inputs to be detected as |
| the chip reset signal. |
| - Program the associated detection timer. |
| - Program the detection outcome CSR's (com_out_ctl) chip reset bit to 1. |
| - After some time, set the SYSRST ctrl inputs at the chip IOs to the programmed |
| combination for the duration of the detection timer. |
| - The pwrmgr will power cycle the chip once it receives the chip reset input. |
| - Check that ec_rst_l and flash_wp_l (on pads IOR8 and IOR9) are asserted right after |
| the pwrmgr has power cycled the system. |
| - Read the reset cause register after boot up to confirm peripheral reset phase. |
| - Read the pwrmgr reset status register to confirm chip reset. |
| - Read the com_sel_ctl_* CSR in SYSRST ctrl we programmed earlier - it should have been |
| reset. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_sysrst_ctrl_reset"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_sysrst_ctrl_sleep_reset |
| desc: '''Verify the SYSRST ctrl can reset the chip from deep sleep. |
| |
| - Read the reset cause register in rstmgr to confirm we are in POR reset phase. |
| - Program one of the com_sel_ctl_* CSRs to choose a set of inputs to be detected as |
| the chip reset signal. |
| - Program the associated detection timer. |
| - Program the detection outcome CSR's (com_out_ctl) chip reset bit to 1. |
| - Program the pwrmgr to put the chip in deep sleep state and allow it to be reset by the |
| chip reset bit. |
| - Issue a WFI to bring the chip in low power state. |
| - After the chip has entered low power mode, set the SYSRST ctrl inputs at the chip IOs |
| to the programmed combination for the duration of the detection timer. |
| - The pwrmgr will power cycle the chip from the deep sleep state once it receives the |
| chip reset input. |
| - Read the reset cause register after boot up to confirm peripheral reset phase. |
| - Read the pwrmgr reset status register to confirm chip reset. |
| - Read the com_sel_ctl_* CSR in SYSRST ctrl we programmed earlier - it should have been |
| reset. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_sysrst_ctrl_reset"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_sysrst_ctrl_ec_rst_l |
| desc: '''Verify that the ec_rst_l stays asserted on power-on-reset until SW can control it. |
| |
| - Verify that ec_rst_l stays asserted as the chip is brought out of reset. |
| - Verify that the pin continues to remain low until SW is alive. |
| - Have the SW write to pin_allowed|out_ctrl CSRs to control the ec_rst_l value and |
| verify the value at the chip output. |
| - Optionally, also verify ec_rst_l pulse stretching by setting the ec_rst_ctl register |
| with a suitable pulse width. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_sysrst_ctrl_ec_rst_l"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_sysrst_ctrl_flash_wp_l |
| desc: '''Verify that the flash_wp_l stays asserted on power-on-reset until SW can control it. |
| |
| - Exactly the same as chip_sysrst_ctrl_ec_rst_l, but covers the flash_wp_l pin. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_sysrst_ctrl_ec_rst_l"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_sysrst_ctrl_ulp_z3_wakeup |
| desc: '''Verify the z3_wakeup signaling. |
| |
| - Start off with ac_present = 0, lid_open = 0 and pwrb = 0 at the chip inputs. |
| - Program the ulp_ac|lid|pwrb_debounce_ctl registers to debounce these inputs for an |
| appropriate time. |
| - Enable the ULP wakeup feature by writing to the ulp_ctl register. |
| - Read the ulp_wakeup register and verify that no wakeup event is detected, after some |
| amount of delay. |
| - Glitch the lid_open input at the chip IOs before stabilizing on value 1. |
| - Read the ulp_wakeup register to verify that the wakeup event is detected this time. |
| - Verify that the z3_wakeup output at the chip IOs is reflecting the value of 1. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: [ |
| "chip_sw_adc_ctrl_sleep_debug_cable_wakeup", |
| "chip_sw_sysrst_ctrl_ulp_z3_wakeup" |
| ] |
| } |
| |
| // ADC_CTRL (pre-verified IP) integration tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_adc_ctrl_debug_cable_irq |
| desc: '''Verify that the ADC correctly detects the voltage level programmed for each channel. |
| |
| - Program both ADC channels to detect mutually exclusive range of voltages. Setting only |
| one filter CSR is sufficient. |
| - Program the ADC intr ctrl CSR to detect the selected filter on both channels. |
| Enable the debug cable interrupt at ADC ctrl as well as PLIC. |
| - Enable the ADC ctrl to run with defaults in normal mode (depending on simulation |
| runtime). |
| - Verify through assertion checks, the ADC with AST stays powered down periodically in |
| slow scan mode. |
| - After some time, force the ADC output of AST to be a value within the programmed range |
| for each channel. Glitch it out of range for some time before stabilizing to ensure |
| that debouce logic works. |
| - Service the debug cable irq. Read the intr status register to verify that the selected |
| filter caused the interrupt to fire. Read the ADC channel value register to verify the |
| correctness of the detected value that was forced in the AST for each channel. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_adc_ctrl_sleep_debug_cable_wakeup"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_adc_ctrl_sleep_debug_cable_wakeup |
| desc: '''Verify that in deep sleep, ADC ctrl can signal the ADC within the AST to power down. |
| |
| - Read the reset cause register in rstmgr to confirm we are in POR reset phase. |
| - Follow the same steps as chip_adc_ctrl_debug_cable_irq, but instead of programming the |
| selected filter to interrupt, program it to wake up the chip from sleep. |
| - Program the pwrmgr to put the chip in deep sleep state and wake up on debug cable |
| detection. |
| - Issue a WFI to bring the chip in low power state. |
| - After some time, force the ADC output of AST to be a value within the programmed |
| filter range. That should cause the pwrmgr to wake up. |
| - Read the reset cause register to confirm wake up from low power exit phase. |
| - Read the pwrmgr wake up status register to confirm wake up was due to debug cable |
| detection. |
| - Read the ADC channel value register to verify the correctness of the detected value |
| that was forced in the AST. |
| - Repeat for both ADC channels. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_adc_ctrl_sleep_debug_cable_wakeup"] |
| } |
| |
| /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // Security Peripherals // |
| /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| // AES (pre-verified IP) integration tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_aes_enc |
| desc: '''Verify the AES operation. |
| |
| Write a 32-byte key and a 16-byte plain text to the AES registers and trigger the AES |
| computation to start. Wait for the AES operation to complete by polling the status |
| register. Check the digest registers for correctness against the expected digest value. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_aes_enc", |
| "chip_sw_aes_enc_jitter_en"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_aes_entropy |
| desc: '''Verify the AES entropy input used by the internal PRNGs. |
| |
| - Write the initial key share, IV and data in CSRs (known combinations). |
| - Configure the entropy_src to generate entropy in LFSR mode. |
| - Write the PRNG_RESEED bit to reseed the internal state of the PRNG. |
| - Poll the status idle bit to ensure reseed operation is complete. |
| - Trigger the AES operation to run and wait for it to complete. |
| - Check the digest against the expected value. |
| - Write the KEY_IV_DATA_IN_CLEAR and DATA_OUT_CLEAR trigger bits to 1 and wait for it to |
| complete by polling the status idle bit. |
| - Read back the data out CSRs - they should all read garbage values. |
| - Assertion check verifies that the IV are also garbage, i.e. different from the |
| originally written values. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_aes_entropy"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_aes_idle |
| desc: '''Verify AES idle signaling to clkmgr. |
| |
| - Write the AES clk hint to 0 within clkmgr to indicate AES clk can be gated and |
| verify that the AES clk hint status within clkmgr reads 0 (AES is disabled). |
| - Write the AES clk hint to 1 within clkmgr to indicate AES clk can be enabled. |
| - Initiate an AES operation with a known key, plain text and digest, write AES clk |
| hint to 0 and verify that the AES clk hint status within clkmgr now reads 1 (AES |
| is enabled), before the AES operation is complete. |
| - After the AES operation is complete verify that the AES clk hint status within |
| clkmgr now reads 0 again (AES is disabled). |
| - Write the AES clk hint to 1, read and check the AES output for correctness. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_aes_idle"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_aes_sideload |
| desc: '''Verify the AES sideload mechanism. |
| |
| - Configure the keymgr to generate an aes key. |
| - Configure the AES to use the sideloaded key. |
| - Load the plaintext into the AES. |
| - Trigger the AES encryption and wait for it to complete. |
| - Verify that the ciphertext is different from the plaintext. |
| - Load the ciphertext into the AES. |
| - Trigger the AES decryption and wait for it to complete. |
| - Verify that the output is equal to the plain text. |
| - Clear the key in the keymgr and decrypt the ciphertext again. |
| - Verify that output is not equal to the plain text. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_aes_sideload"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_aes_masking_off |
| desc: '''Verify the AES masking off feature for ES. |
| |
| - Perform known-answer test using CSRNG SW application interface. |
| - Verify CSRNG produces the deterministic seed leading to an all-zero output of the AES |
| masking PRNG. |
| - Configure EDN to perform a CSRNG instantiate followed by repeated generate and reseed |
| commands using the maximum amount of additional data and no entropy input in automatic |
| mode. |
| - Let CSRNG produce and forward to EDN the deterministic seed leading to an all-zero |
| output of the AES masking PRNG. |
| - Initialize AES and set the force_masks configuration bit. |
| - Configure an AES key of which the second share is zero. |
| - Trigger a reseed operation of the masking PRNG inside AES to load the deterministic |
| seed produced by CSRNG and distributed by EDN. |
| - Verify that the masking PRNG outputs an all-zero vector. |
| - Encrypt a message of multiple blocks using AES. |
| - Verify that the second share of the initial, intermediate and output state is zero. |
| - Verify that the second share of the SubBytes input and output is zero. |
| - Verify that the produced cipher text is correct. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2S |
| tests: ["chip_sw_aes_masking_off"] |
| } |
| |
| // HMAC (pre-verified IP) integration tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_hmac_enc |
| desc: '''Verify HMAC operation. |
| |
| SW test verifies an HMAC operation with a known key, plain text and digest (pick one of |
| the NIST vectors). SW test verifies the digest against the pre-computed value. Verify |
| the HMAC done and FIFO empty interrupts as a part of this test. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_hmac_enc", |
| "chip_sw_hmac_enc_jitter_en"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_hmac_idle |
| desc: '''Verify the HMAC clk idle signal to clkmgr. |
| |
| - Write the HMAC clk hint to 0 within clkmgr to indicate HMAC clk can be gated and |
| verify that the HMAC clk hint status within clkmgr reads 0 (HMAC is disabled). |
| - Write the HMAC clk hint to 1 within clkmgr to indicate HMAC clk can be enabled. |
| Verify that the HMAC clk hint status within clkmgr reads 1 (HMAC is enabled). |
| - Initiate an HMAC operation with a known key, plain text and digest. |
| Write HMAC clock hint to 0 and verify the HMAC clk hint status within clkmgr reads 1 |
| (HMAC is enabled), before the HMAC operation is complete. |
| - After the HMAC operation is complete, verify the digest for correctness. Verify that |
| the HMAC clk hint status within clkmgr now reads 0 again (HMAC is disabled). |
| - This process is repeated for two hmac operations needed to verify the resulting hmac |
| digest. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_hmac_enc_idle"] |
| } |
| |
| // KMAC pre-verified IP) integration tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_kmac_enc |
| desc: '''Verify the SHA3 operation. |
| |
| SW test verifies SHA3 operation with a known key, plain text and digest (pick one of |
| the NIST vectors). SW validates the reception of kmac done and fifo empty interrupts. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_kmac_mode_cshake", "chip_sw_kmac_mode_kmac", |
| "chip_sw_kmac_mode_kmac_jitter_en"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_kmac_app_keymgr |
| desc: '''Verify the keymgr interface to KMAC. |
| |
| - Configure the keymgr to start sending known message data to the KMAC. |
| - Keymgr should transmit a sideloaded key to the KMAC as well. |
| - KMAC should finish hashing successfully (not visible to SW) and return digest to |
| keymgr. |
| - This digest is compared against the known digest value for correctness. |
| - Verify that the keymgr has received valid output from the KMAC. |
| |
| X-ref'ed with keymgr test. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_keymgr_key_derivation"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_kmac_app_lc |
| desc: '''Verify the LC interface to KMAC. |
| |
| - Configure the LC_CTRL to start a token hash using KMAC interface. |
| - KMAC should finish hashing successfully (not visible to SW) and return digest to |
| LC_CTRL. |
| |
| X-ref'ed with LC_CTRL test/env. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_lc_ctrl_transition"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_kmac_app_rom |
| desc: '''Verify the ROM interface to KMAC. |
| |
| - Backdoor initialize ROM memory immediately out of reset. |
| - ROM will send message to the KMAC containing its memory contents, |
| - KMAC will hash and return the digest to the ROM. |
| - ROM will compare received digest against its first 8 logical memory lines for |
| correctness. |
| |
| X-ref'ed with ROM_CTRL test/env. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_kmac_app_rom"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_kmac_entropy |
| desc: '''Verify the EDN interface to KMAC. |
| |
| Requires `EnMasking` parameter to be enabled. |
| SW randomly configures the KMAC in any hashing mode/strength, and enable EDN mode. |
| Randomly enable/disable the `entropy_refresh`. |
| Randomly configure `wait_timer` values (zero for disable, non-zero for timer expire). |
| - Program `wait_timer` to a small value. |
| Check if EDN timeout error occurs after issuing the hashing op. |
| - Adjust `wait_timer` greater than expected EDN latency (with correct `prescaler` |
| too). Then check if Digest is correct. |
| KMAC should send EDN request after `entropy_ready` is set. |
| KMAC also should send out another request to EDN when either: |
| - kmac hash counter hits the configured threshold (assuming it is non-zero) |
| - Hash count exceeds the threshold. |
| SW verifies that KMAC produces the correct digest value. |
| |
| TODO: This is pending security review discussion. It is unclear if this feature will be |
| implemented. |
| |
| X-ref'ed with EDN test/env. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_kmac_entropy"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_kmac_idle |
| desc: '''Verify the KMAC idle signaling to clkmgr. |
| |
| - Write the KMAC clk hint to 0 within clkmgr to indicate KMAC clk can be gated and |
| verify that the KMAC clk hint status within clkmgr reads 0 (KMAC is disabled). |
| - Write the KMAC clk hint to 1 within clkmgr to indicate KMAC clk can be enabled. |
| Verify that the KMAC clk hint status within clkmgr reads 1 (KMAC is enabled). |
| - Initiate a KMAC operation with a known key, plain text and digest. |
| Write KMAC clock hint to 0 and verify the KMAC clk hint status within clkmgr reads 1 |
| (KMAC is enabled), before the KMAC operation is complete. |
| - After the KMAC operation is complete, verify the digest for correctness. Verify that |
| the KMAC clk hint status within clkmgr now reads 0 again (KMAC is disabled). |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_kmac_idle"] |
| } |
| |
| // ENTROPY_SRC (pre-verified IP) integration tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_entropy_src_ast_rng_req |
| //TODO(#13460): A dv enginner should add an assertion to check the connectivity for this test. |
| desc: '''Verify the RNG req to ast. |
| |
| - Program the entropy src in normal RNG mode. |
| - Route the entropy data received from RNG to the FIFO. |
| - Verify that the FIFO depth is non-zero via SW - indicating the reception of data over |
| the AST RNG interface. |
| - Verify the correctness of the received data with assertion based connectivity checks. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_entropy_src_ast_rng_req"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_entropy_src_csrng |
| desc: '''Verify the transfer of entropy bits to CSRNG. |
| |
| Verify the entropy valid interrupt. |
| At the CSRNG, validate the reception of entropy req interrupt. |
| |
| - Disable edn0, edn1, csrng and entropy_src, as these are enabled by the test ROM. |
| - Enable entropy_src in fips mode routing data to csrng. |
| - Enable csrng and enable the entropy request interrupt. |
| - Issue csrng instantiate and reseed commands. Check that for each csrng command, |
| there is a corresponding entropy request interrupt. |
| - Generate output and ensure the data output is valid, and that csrng is not reporting |
| any errors. |
| - Issue instantiate and reseed commands from edn0 and edn1. Check that for each |
| command, there is a corresponding entropy request interrupt. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_entropy_src_csrng"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_entropy_src_cs_aes_halt |
| desc: '''Verify the `entropy_src`'s aes halt handshake with CSRNG. |
| |
| - Through one of the application interfaces of CSRNG, issue a reseed command. This can |
| be done via a hardware peripheral requesting entropy via EDN. |
| - Through the SW application interface, issue a generate command. |
| - While the CSRNG is performing the generate operation, issue another reseed command |
| via the first application interface. Verify via backdoor probes, the SHA3 in the |
| entropy_src module is triggered at the same time the AES engine in CSRNG is |
| performing an operation. |
| - The second reseed command should trigger the entropy_src to request that the CSRNG |
| halts the AES engine until entropy is available. Verify via assertion checks, the halt |
| request successfully completed. Also verify that the AES engine is indeed paused |
| during this time. |
| |
| Note: There may be existing tests that already create this scenario. It should be |
| sufficient to augment those tests with the backdoor / assertion checks. |
| ''' |
| stage: V3 |
| tests: [] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_entropy_src_fuse_en_fw_read |
| desc: '''Verify the fuse input entropy_src. |
| |
| - Initialize the OTP with the fuse that controls whether the SW can read the entropy src |
| enabled. |
| - Read the OTP and verify that the fuse is enabled. |
| - Read the entropy_data_fifo via SW and verify that it reads valid values. |
| - Reset the chip, but this time, initialize the OTP with with the fuse disabled. |
| - Read the OTP and verify that fuse is disabled. |
| - Read the internal state via SW and verify that the entropy valid bit is zero. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_entropy_src_fuse_en_fw_read_test"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_entropy_src_known_answer_tests |
| desc: '''Verify our ability to run known-answer tests in SW. |
| |
| - Configure the device in firmware-bypass mode. |
| - Feed NIST test-defined entropy sequences into the conditioner |
| - Read the entropy_data_fifo via SW; verify that it reads the expected values. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_entropy_src_kat_test"] |
| } |
| |
| // CSRNG (pre-verified IP) integration tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_csrng_edn_cmd |
| desc: '''Verify incoming command interface from EDN. |
| |
| - Have each EDN instance issue an instantiate, reseed and generate command to CSRNG. |
| - On each command done, verify the reception of edn cmd req done interrupt. |
| - Run OTBN randomness test to test the output from EDN0 and EDN1. |
| - Check the data returned to EDN via connectivity assertion checks. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_entropy_src_csrng"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_csrng_fuse_en_sw_app_read |
| desc: '''Verify the fuse input to CSRNG. |
| |
| - Initialize the OTP with the fuse that control whether the SW can read the CSRNG state |
| enabled. |
| - Issue an instantiate command to request entropy. |
| - Verify that SW can read the internal state values. |
| - Reset the chip and repeat the steps above, but this time, initialized the OTP with |
| fuse disabled. |
| - Verify that the SW reads back all zeros when reading the internal state values. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_csrng_fuse_en_sw_app_read_test"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_csrng_lc_hw_debug_en |
| desc: '''Verify the effect of LC HW debug enable on CSRNG. |
| |
| lc_hw_debug_en is used to diversify the csrng seed. |
| - Configure entropy_src into bypassing the conditioner and directly inject known |
| entropy. |
| - Instantiate CSRNG with the known entropy while in TEST state (hw_debug_en = 1). |
| - Retrieve entropy from csrng and save it in flash and reset the system. |
| - Run the process again and ensure the exact same result can be reproduced (similar to |
| KAT). |
| - Advance the device to PROD or DEV state. |
| - Again configure entropy_src to bypass the conditioner and use direct injection. |
| - Instantiate CSRNG with the same fixed seed and fetch entropy again while in the NEW |
| state. |
| - The newly fetched entropy and the old entropy stored in flash should not match. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_csrng_lc_hw_debug_en_test"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_csrng_known_answer_tests |
| desc: '''Verify our ability to run known-answer tests in SW. |
| |
| - Configure the software instance with the expected seed (as per |
| the NIST-specified test for CTR_DRBG operation). Compare the |
| DRBG internal K and V state against the test vector expected |
| values. |
| - Perform generate operations as required by the test vector. |
| - Compare the results to test expectations. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_csrng_kat_test"] |
| } |
| |
| // EDN (pre-verified IP) integration tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_edn_entropy_reqs |
| desc: '''Verify the entropy requests from all peripherals. |
| |
| Verify that there are no misconnects between each peripheral requesting entropy. |
| TODO: system level scenario: have all entropy sources request entropy in the same test |
| one after to show boot to post boot load, cycling all entropy blocks off and on again. |
| Ensure there are no deadlocks and everything works as expected. |
| X'ref'ed with each IP test that requsts entropy from EDN. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_edn_entropy_reqs", |
| "chip_sw_csrng_edn_concurrency"] |
| } |
| |
| // KEYMGR (pre-verified IP) integration tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_keymgr_key_derivation |
| desc: '''Verify the keymgr advances to all states and generate identity / SW output. |
| |
| - In the SW test, write fixed value to OTP for root_key and write creator and owner |
| seeds in flash. And then roboot the chip. |
| - In the SV sequence, backdoor read Device ID and ROM digest through CSRs. |
| - For HardwareRevisionSecret, use the constant values in design. |
| - Configure the keymgr and advance to `CreatorRootKey` and `OwnerIntermediateKey`. |
| - Check keymgr internal keys after advance operations. |
| - Generate identity / SW output for the Sealing CDI. |
| - No need to test the Attestation CDI in chip-level as the only difference is to |
| use another set of CSR values, and the rest of inputs are the same as the Sealing |
| CDI. |
| - KMAC should finish hashing successfully (not visible to SW) and return digest to |
| keymgr. |
| - Read keymgr CSRs `SW_SHARE*` and verify the return values. |
| - Advance to `Disabled` and verify keymgr enters the state successfully. |
| |
| - For each operation, wait for the interrupt `op_done` to be triggered and check CSR |
| `op_status` is `DONE_SUCCESS`. |
| |
| - Note: there are 3 ways of calculating the expected digest for comparison. Any of them |
| is acceptable. |
| - Use SW to calculate that, and it will also exercise the Ibex. |
| - SW sends all the keys through CSRs to KMAC to generate the degist data. |
| - DV calls C functions to generate and backdoor load to a specific memory location |
| for SW. (Adpot this approach.) |
| |
| X-ref'ed with kmac test. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_keymgr_key_derivation", "chip_sw_keymgr_key_derivation_jitter_en"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_keymgr_sideload_kmac |
| desc: '''Verify the keymgr sideload interface to KMAC. |
| |
| - Configure the keymgr and advance to the `OwnerIntKey` state. |
| - Transmit a sideloaded key to the KMAC. |
| - Configure KMAC to use the sideload key to generate digest data. |
| - Verify the digest for correctness. |
| |
| X-ref'ed with chip_kmac_app_keymgr test. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_keymgr_sideload_kmac"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_keymgr_sideload_aes |
| desc: '''Verify the keymgr sideload interface to AES. |
| |
| Same as `chip_keymgr_sideload_kmac`, except, sideload to AES. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_aes_sideload"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_keymgr_sideload_otbn |
| desc: '''Verify the keymgr sideload interface to OTBN. |
| |
| Load OTBN binary image, the rest is similar to `chip_keymgr_sideload_kmac`, except |
| sideloading to otbn. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_keymgr_sideload_otbn"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_keymgr_sideload_kmac_error |
| desc: ''' |
| Verify the effect of KMAC returning an error during keymgr sideload operation. |
| |
| - Follow the steps in `chip_sw_keymgr_sideload_kmac` test. |
| - While the KMAC is actively computing the digest, glitch the KMAC app sparse FSM to |
| trigger a fault. |
| - Verify that KMAC returns an error signal to the keymgr. |
| - TBD |
| ''' |
| stage: V3 |
| tests: [] |
| } |
| |
| // OTBN (pre-verified IP) integration tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_otbn_op |
| desc: '''Verify an OTBN operation. |
| |
| - SW test directs the OTBN engine to perform an ECDSA operation. |
| - SW validates the reception of the otbn done interrupt once the operation is complete. |
| - SW verifies the correctness of the result with the expected value which is |
| pre-computed using a reference model. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_otbn_ecdsa_op_irq", |
| "chip_sw_otbn_ecdsa_op_irq_jitter_en"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_otbn_rnd_entropy |
| desc: '''Verify OTBN can fetch RND numbers from the entropy src. |
| |
| - SW initializes the entropy subsystem to generate randomness. |
| - SW loads an OTBN app that executes instructions to read the RND bits. |
| - The OTBN app ensures that the values when read consequtively do not match, and its not |
| all 0s or all 1s, as a basic measure to ensure that the entropy subsystem is returning |
| some data. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_otbn_randomness"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_otbn_urnd_entropy |
| desc: '''Verify OTBN can fetch URND numbers from the entropy src. |
| |
| - Similar to chip_otbn_rnd_entropy, but verifies the URND bits. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_otbn_randomness"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_otbn_idle |
| desc: '''Verify the OTBN idle signal to clkmgr. |
| |
| - Write the OTBN clk hint to 0 within clkmgr to indicate OTBN clk can be gated |
| and verify that the OTBN clk hint status within clkmgr reads 0 (OTBN is disabled). |
| - Write the OTBN clk hint to 1 within clkmgr to indicate OTBN clk can be enabled. |
| Verify that the OTBN clk hint status within clkmgr reads 1 (OTBN is enabled). |
| - Start an OTBN operation, write the OTBN clk hint to 0 within clkmgr and verify that |
| the OTBN clk hint status within clkmgr reads 1 (OTBN is enabled) before the |
| OTBN operation is complete. |
| - After the OTBN operation is complete, verify that the OTBN clk hint status within |
| clkmgr now reads 0 again (OTBN is disabled). |
| - Write the OTBN clk hint to 1, read and check the OTBN output for correctness. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_otbn_randomness"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_otbn_mem_scramble |
| desc: '''Verify the OTBN can receive keys from the OTP to scramble the OTBN imem and dmem. |
| |
| - Initialize the entropy_src subsystem to enable OTP_CTRL fetch random data (already |
| done by the test_rom startup code). |
| - Extract random address offsets from RV_CORE_IBEX_RND_DATA. |
| - Wait for OTBN to be idle. |
| - Write random address offsets in OTBN imem and dmem. |
| - Read back the written address offsets and compare against expected values. All values |
| must match, no integrity errors must be triggered. |
| - Have OTBN fetch new keys and nonces from the OTP_CTRL. |
| - Wait for OTBN to be idle. |
| - Read back the written address offsets. Most reads should trigger integrity errors. It |
| is possible that after re-scrambling the integrity bits are still valid. But this is |
| expected to happen rarely. If the number of observed integrity errors is below a |
| chosen threshold, the test fails. |
| - Verify the validity of EDN's output to OTP_CTRL via assertions |
| (unique, non-zero data). |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_otbn_mem_scramble"] |
| } |
| |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // Memory & Controllers // |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| // ROM_CTRL (pre-verified IP) integration tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_rom_access |
| desc: '''Verify that the CPU can access the rom contents. |
| |
| - Verify that the CPU can fetch instructions from the ROM. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_rom_ctrl_integrity_check"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_rom_ctrl_integrity_check |
| desc: '''Verify that the ROM ctrl performs the integrity check of the ROM on power up. |
| |
| - In non-PROD LC state, the computed digest does not have to match the top 8 words in |
| the ROM. Verify that we can successfully power up the chip in this case. |
| - In PROD LC state, verify that the pwrmgr does not fully power up if the computed |
| digest does not match the top 8 words of the ROM. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_rom_ctrl_integrity_check"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_rom_ctrl_kmac_error |
| desc: ''' |
| Verify the effect of KMAC reporting an error during ROM digest computation. |
| |
| - Backdoor load a valid test ROM image and bring the DUT out of reset. |
| - During the ROM checker pwrmgr FSM state, while the ROM controller is actively sending |
| data to KMAC for the digest computation, glitch the KMAC app sparse FSM to trigger a |
| fault. |
| - Verify that KMAC returns an error signal to the ROM controller. |
| - Verify that the ROM controller itself transitions to invalid state and the chip is |
| effectively dead. |
| ''' |
| stage: V3 |
| tests: [] |
| } |
| |
| // SRAM (pre-verified IP) integration tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_sram_scrambled_access |
| desc: '''Verify scrambled memory accesses to both main and retention SRAMs. |
| |
| - Initialize the entropy_src subsystem to enable OTP_CTRL fetch random data (already |
| done by the test_rom startup code). |
| - Trigger both SRAMs to fetch a new key and nonce from the OTP_CTRL |
| - Drive the CPU to perform random accesses to both RAMs and verify these operations |
| complete successfully by using the backdoor interface |
| - Fetch a new key from the OTP_CTRL and ensure that the previous contents cannot be |
| read anymore. |
| - Verify the validity of EDN's output to OTP_CTRL via assertions |
| (unique, non-zero data). |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_sram_ctrl_scrambled_access", |
| "chip_sw_sram_ctrl_main_scrambled_access_jitter_en"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_sleep_sram_ret_contents |
| desc: '''Verify that the data within the retention SRAM survives low power entry-exit. |
| |
| Ensure that the data within the retention SRAM survives ALL low power entry-exit |
| variations. |
| |
| TODO: how to deal with the scramble keys on low power exit? |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_sleep_sram_ret_contents"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_sram_execution |
| desc: '''Verify that CPU can fetch instructions from SRAM if enabled. |
| |
| - Create the following combinations of 8 scenarios: |
| - The fetch enable bit in the HW_CFG partition of OTP controller set and not set. |
| - A life cycle state that enables (TEST_UNLOCKED, DEV or RMA) and disables (PROD) |
| hardware debug. |
| - The execution CSR programmed to be enabled and disabled. |
| |
| - For both, main and the retention SRAM in each of these 8 scenarios: |
| - Load instruction data into the SRAMs. |
| - If the instruction execution is enabled, verify that the CPU can fetch and execute |
| the instruction from the SRAM correctly. |
| - If the instruction execution is not enabled, verify that the SRAM throws an error |
| response via an exception handler. |
| |
| The following table indicates in which of these scenarios should the instruction |
| execution be enabled, for both, main and the retention SRAM instances. |
| |
| |:------------------:|:------------------------:|:--------:|:---------:|:--------:| |
| | 0 | 0 | 0 | disabled | disabled | |
| | 0 | 0 | 1 | disabled | disabled | |
| | 0 | 1 | 0 | enabled | disabled | |
| | 0 | 1 | 1 | enabled | disabled | |
| | 1 | 0 | 0 | disabled | disabled | |
| | 1 | 0 | 1 | enabled | disabled | |
| | 1 | 1 | 0 | disabled | disabled | |
| | 1 | 1 | 1 | enabled | disabled | |
| |
| For the retention SRAM, instruction fetch is completely disabled via design parameter. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_sram_ctrl_execution_main"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_sram_lc_escalation |
| desc: '''Verify the LC escalation path to the SRAMs. |
| |
| - Configure the LC_CTRL to trigger an escalation request to the SRAMs. |
| - Verify that the SRAMs stop accepting and responding to new memory requests. |
| - Reset the system to exit the terminal escalation state. |
| - Re-initialize the SRAMs and verify that they can now respond correctly to |
| any further memory requests. |
| |
| X-ref with chip_sw_all_escalation_resets and chip_sw_data_integrity. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_all_escalation_resets", |
| "chip_sw_data_integrity_escalation"] |
| } |
| |
| // OTP (pre-verified IP) integration tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_otp_ctrl_init |
| desc: '''Verify the OTP ctrl initialization on chip power up. |
| |
| Verify that the chip powers up correctly on POR. |
| - The pwrmgr initiates a handshake with OTP ctrl and later, with LC ctrl in subsequent |
| FSM states. Ensure that the whole power up sequence does not hang. |
| - Verify with connectivity assertion checks, the handshake signals are connected. |
| - Ensure that no interrupts or alerts are triggered. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_lc_ctrl_transition"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_otp_ctrl_keys |
| desc: '''Verify the proliferation of keys to security peripherals. |
| |
| - Verify the correctness of keys provided to SRAM ctrl (main & ret), flash ctrl, keymgr, |
| (note that keymgr does not have handshake), and OTBN. |
| |
| X-ref'ed with the following IP tests that consume these signals: |
| - chip_sw_sram_scrambled_access |
| - chip_sw_flash_scramble |
| - chip_sw_keymgr_key_derivation |
| - chip_sw_otbn_mem_scramble |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_sram_ctrl_scrambled_access", "chip_sw_flash_init", |
| "chip_sw_keymgr_key_derivation", "chip_sw_otbn_mem_scramble"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_otp_ctrl_entropy |
| desc: '''Verify the entropy interface from OTP ctrl to EDN. |
| |
| This is X-ref'ed with the chip_otp_ctrl_keys test, which needs to handshake with the EDN |
| to receive some entropy bits before the keys for SRAM ctrl and OTBN are computed. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_sram_ctrl_scrambled_access", "chip_sw_flash_init", |
| "chip_sw_keymgr_key_derivation", "chip_sw_otbn_mem_scramble"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_otp_ctrl_program |
| desc: '''Verify the program request from lc_ctrl. |
| |
| - Verify that upon an LC state transition request, LC ctrl signals the OTP ctrl with a |
| program request. |
| - Verify that the OTP ctrl generates the LC data output correctly and is sent to the LC |
| ctrl before it is reset. |
| - Verify that the `lc_check_byp_en_i` from LC ctrl is set. |
| - Ensure that the whole operation does not raise any interrupts or alerts or errors. |
| - After reset, verify that the LC state transition completed successfully by reading the |
| LC state and LC count CSRs. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_lc_ctrl_transition"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_otp_ctrl_program_error |
| desc: '''Verify the otp program error. |
| |
| - Initiate an illegal program request from LC ctrl to OTP ctrl by forcing the |
| `lc_otp_program_i`. |
| - Verify that the LC ctrl triggers an alert when the OTP ctrl responds back with a |
| program error. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_lc_ctrl_program_error"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_otp_ctrl_hw_cfg |
| desc: '''Verify the correctness of otp_hw_cfg bus in all peripherals that receive it. |
| |
| Preload the OTP ctrl's `hw_cfg` partition with random data and verify that all |
| consumers of the hardware configuration bits are receiving the correct values. |
| |
| Xref'ed with corresponding IP tests that receive these bits. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_lc_ctrl_otp_hw_cfg"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_otp_ctrl_lc_signals |
| desc: '''Verify the broadcast signals from LC ctrl. |
| |
| - `lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en_i`: verify that the SECRET2 partition is locked. |
| - `lc_seed_hw_rd_en_i`: verify that the keymgr outputs a default value when enabled. |
| - `lc_dft_en_i`: verify that the test interface within OTP ctrl is accessible. |
| - `lc_check_byp_en_i`: verify that the background check during LC ctrl state |
| programming passes when enabled. |
| |
| Note that `lc_escalate_en_i` is verified via a connectivity test. |
| |
| The `lc_seed_hw_rd_en_i` signal can be tested by attempting a keymgr advance operation |
| into the CreatorRootKey state, which should fail since the root key will be tied off to |
| all-zero when the SECRET2 partition is not locked in OTP. |
| |
| X-ref'ed with chip_sw_lc_ctrl_broadcast test, which verifies the connectivity of the LC |
| decoded outputs to other IPs. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: [ |
| // lc_dft_en_i |
| "chip_prim_tl_access", |
| // lc_check_byp_en_i |
| "chip_sw_lc_ctrl_transition", |
| // lc_seed_hw_rd_en_i, lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en_i, also checks lc_keymgr_en_i since it uses |
| // the keymgr. |
| "chip_sw_otp_ctrl_lc_signals_test_unlocked0", |
| "chip_sw_otp_ctrl_lc_signals_dev", |
| "chip_sw_otp_ctrl_lc_signals_prod", |
| "chip_sw_otp_ctrl_lc_signals_rma", |
| ] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_otp_prim_tl_access |
| desc: '''Verify that the SW can read / write the prim tlul interface. |
| |
| - The prim tlul interface is a open source placeholder for the closed source CSRs that |
| will be implemented in a translation 'shim'. |
| - Verify that when `lc_dft_en_i` is On, this region can be read / written to by the SW. |
| When `lc_dft_en_i` is Off, accessing this region will result in a TLUL error. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_prim_tl_access"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_otp_ctrl_vendor_test_csr_access |
| desc: ''' |
| Verify the vendor test control access in raw, test_*, dev, prod, and rma LC states. |
| |
| - Boot the chip successively in raw, test_*, dev, prod and rma LC states. |
| - Verify that the SW is able to access the vendor test control and status registers in |
| raw, test_* and rma LC states. |
| - Verify that in dev / prod LC states, the vendor status always reads back 0s regardless |
| of what is programmed into the vendor test control register. |
| ''' |
| stage: V3 |
| tests: [] |
| } |
| |
| // FLASH (pre-verified IP) integration tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_flash_init |
| desc: '''Verify that flash initialization routine works correctly. |
| |
| - Initialize the flash ctrl by writing 1 to the INIT register. |
| - Poll the status register for the initialization to complete. |
| - Verify that during the init process, the flash ctrl requested keys from OTP. Verify |
| with different sets of key values programmed in OTP. |
| - Verify the flash ctrl can read seeds when lc_seed_hw_rd_en is set, otherwise all 1s. |
| - Verify that the flash ctrl sent the creator and owner seeds to keymgr. Verify with |
| different seed values. |
| |
| - This test needs to execute as a boot rom image. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_flash_init"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_flash_host_access |
| desc: '''Verify that the flash memory contents can be read by the CPU. |
| |
| Nothing extra to do here - most SW based tests fetch code from flash. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_flash_ctrl_access", |
| "chip_sw_flash_ctrl_access_jitter_en"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_flash_ctrl_ops |
| desc: '''Verify the SW can initiate flash operations via the controller. |
| |
| Verify that the CPU can read / program and erase the flash mem. Pick an operation on |
| all data and info partitions. Erase both, bank and page. SW validates the reception of |
| prog empty, prog level, rd full, rd level and op done interrupts. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_flash_ctrl_ops", "chip_sw_flash_ctrl_ops_jitter_en"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_flash_rma_unlocked |
| desc: '''Verify the flash memory contents can be accessed after in RMA unlock. |
| |
| - Provision an RMA_UNLOCK token in OTP. |
| - Repeat the following a few times: |
| - Randomize the otp contents for device id, manufacturing state and RMA_UNLOCK token.. |
| - Reset the chip. |
| - Ensure chip revision, device id and manufacturing state can be read through the LC JTAG. |
| - Enable RMA mode, and verify that the SW can access the flash after RMA completion. |
| |
| - RMA entry should be done through the JTAG interface. |
| |
| - X-ref'ed with manuf_ft_provision_rma_token_and_personalization from the manufacturing |
| testplan. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: [] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_flash_scramble |
| desc: '''Verify flash scrambling via the controller. |
| |
| - Extends the chip_flash_init test. |
| - Verify flash scrambling with different key values programmed in OTP. |
| - Verify read of scrambled contents via both, controller and direct host read. |
| |
| - Program a new scramble key in OTP and reboot - this time we need to backdoor load the |
| flash with new test image that is re-scrambled with the new key. |
| - Need to understand the bootstrapping requirements. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_flash_init"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_flash_idle_low_power |
| desc: '''Verify flash_idle signaling to pwrmgr. |
| |
| - Initiate flash program or erase over the controller. |
| - Program the pwrmgr to go into deep sleep. |
| - Issue a WFI. |
| - Ensure that the low power entry does not happen due to the ongoing flash operation. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_flash_ctrl_idle_low_power"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_flash_keymgr_seeds |
| desc: '''Verify the creator and owner seeds are read on flash init provided lc_hw_seed_rd_en |
| is set. |
| |
| X-ref'ed with keymgr test. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_keymgr_key_derivation"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_flash_lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en |
| desc: '''Verify the lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en signal from LC ctrl. |
| |
| - Transition from TEST_LOCKED to DEV/PROD to ESCALATION/SCRAP state via OTP and verify |
| that this LC signal transitions from 0 to 1 and back to 0. Verify that the SW |
| accessibility of the corresponding partition depending on the signal value. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_flash_ctrl_lc_rw_en"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_flash_creator_seed_wipe_on_rma |
| desc: '''Verify that the creator seed is wiped by the flash ctrl on RMA entry. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_flash_rma_unlocked"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_flash_lc_owner_seed_sw_rw_en |
| desc: '''Verify the lc_owner_seed_sw_rw_en signal from LC ctrl. |
| |
| - Transition from TEST_LOCKED to DEV/PROD to ESCALATION/SCRAP state via OTP and verify |
| that this LC signal transitions from 0 to 1 and back to 0. Verify that the SW |
| accessibility of the corresponding partition depending on the signal value. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_flash_ctrl_lc_rw_en"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_flash_lc_iso_part_sw_rd_en |
| desc: '''Verify the lc_iso_part_sw_rd_en signal from LC ctrl. |
| |
| - Transition from DEV to PROD to ESCALATION/SCRAP state via OTP and verify |
| that this LC signal transitions from 0 to 1 and back to 0. Verify that the SW |
| accessibility of the corresponding partition depending on the signal value. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_flash_ctrl_lc_rw_en"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_flash_lc_iso_part_sw_wr_en |
| desc: '''Verify the lc_creator_seed_sw_wr_en signal from LC ctrl. |
| |
| - Transition from TEST_LOCKED to DEV/PROD to ESCALATION/SCRAP state via OTP and verify |
| that this LC signal transitions from 0 to 1 and back to 0. Verify that the SW |
| accessibility of the corresponding partition depending on the signal value. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_flash_ctrl_lc_rw_en"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_flash_lc_seed_hw_rd_en |
| desc: '''Verify the lc_seed_hw_rd_en signal from LC ctrl. |
| |
| - Transition from TEST_LOCKED to DEV/PROD to ESCALATION/SCRAP state via OTP and verify |
| that this LC signal transitions from 0 to 1 and back to 0. Verify that the flash ctrl |
| does (or does not) read the creator and owner partitions to fetch the seeds for the |
| keymgr. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_flash_ctrl_lc_rw_en"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_flash_lc_escalate_en |
| desc: '''Verify the lc_escalate_en signal from LC ctrl. |
| |
| - Trigger an LC escalation signal by generating an alert. |
| - Verify that all flash accesses are disabled when the escalation kicks in. |
| - Confirm flash accesses are disabled by erroing if the device executes the ISR. |
| - Use assertion based connectivity check to prove that this signal is connected to the |
| flash ctrl. |
| |
| X-ref with chip_sw_all_escalation_resets. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_all_escalation_resets"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_flash_prim_tl_access |
| desc: '''Verify that the SW can read / write the prim tlul interface in flash phy. |
| |
| - The prim tlul interface is a open source placeholder for the closed source CSRs that |
| will be implemented in a translation 'shim'. |
| - Verify that this region can be read / written to by the SW in any LC state. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_prim_tl_access"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_flash_ctrl_clock_freqs |
| desc: '''Verify flash program and erase operations over the ctrl over a range of clock freqs. |
| |
| - Enable jitter on the clock while performing erase, write and read operations |
| to the flash. |
| - This sets the test for closed source where the flash access timing matters. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_flash_ctrl_clock_freqs"] |
| } |
| |
| //////////////////////// |
| // Analog Peripherals // |
| // AST, SENSOR_CTRL // |
| //////////////////////// |
| |
| // AST (pre-verified IP) integration tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_ast_clk_outputs |
| desc: '''Verify that the AST generates the 4 clocks when requested by the clkmgr. |
| |
| Verify the clock frequencies are reasonably accurate. Bring the chip to deep sleep, |
| and verify that upon wakeup reset the clock counters are turned off, measure ctrl |
| regwen is enabled, and errors are not cleared. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_ast_clk_outputs"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_ast_clk_rst_inputs |
| desc: '''Verify the clk and rst inputs to AST (from `clkmgr`). |
| |
| Details TBD. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: [] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_ast_sys_clk_jitter |
| desc: '''Verify that the AST sys clk jitter control. |
| |
| X-ref with chip_sw_clkmgr_jitter |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_clkmgr_jitter", |
| "chip_sw_flash_ctrl_ops_jitter_en", |
| "chip_sw_flash_ctrl_access_jitter_en", |
| "chip_sw_otbn_ecdsa_op_irq_jitter_en", |
| "chip_sw_aes_enc_jitter_en", |
| "chip_sw_hmac_enc_jitter_en", |
| "chip_sw_keymgr_key_derivation_jitter_en", |
| "chip_sw_kmac_mode_kmac_jitter_en", |
| "chip_sw_sram_ctrl_main_scrambled_access_jitter_en", |
| "chip_sw_edn_entropy_reqs_jitter"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_ast_usb_clk_calib |
| desc: '''Verify the USB clk calibration signaling. |
| |
| - First place the AST into a mode where usb clock frequency significantly deviates from |
| the ideal. |
| - Verify the clock is "off" using the clkmgr measurement mechanism. |
| - Then, turn on the usb sof calibration machinery and wait a few mS. |
| - Afterwards, measure the usb clock again using the clkmgr measurement controls, at this |
| point the clock should be significantly more accurate. |
| - Note, while the above is ideal, usbdev chip level testing is not yet ready and this |
| test fakes the usb portion through DV forces. |
| - Note also the real AST calibration logic is not available, so the sof testing in the |
| open source is effectively short-circuited. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_usb_ast_clk_calib"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_ast_alerts |
| desc: '''Verify the alerts from AST aggregating into the sensor_ctrl. |
| |
| X-ref'ed with `chip_sensor_ctrl_ast_alerts`. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_sensor_ctrl_alert"] |
| } |
| |
| // SENSOR_CTRL tests: |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_sensor_ctrl_ast_alerts |
| desc: '''Verify the alerts from AST aggregating into the sensor_ctrl. |
| |
| Check that AST events can be triggered from sensor_ctrl and that |
| the resulting AST outputs are observed in both sensor_ctrl and |
| the alert_handler. |
| |
| For the alert handler case, make sure to test each alert configured |
| as either recoverable or fatal. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_pwrmgr_sleep_sensor_ctrl_alert_wakeup", |
| "chip_sw_sensor_ctrl_alert"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_sensor_ctrl_ast_status |
| desc: '''Verify the io power ok status from AST. |
| |
| Check that when the IO POK status changes, an interrupt is triggered |
| from sensor_ctrl. After triggering, the IO status can be read |
| from a sensor_ctrl register. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_sensor_ctrl_status"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_pwrmgr_sleep_sensor_ctrl_alert_wakeup |
| desc: '''Verify the sensor control is able to wake the device |
| from sleep mode when an alert event is triggered from |
| AST. X-ref'ed chip_sw_pwrmgr_sleep_all_wake_ups. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_pwrmgr_sleep_sensor_ctrl_alert_wakeup"] |
| } |
| |
| ////////////////// |
| // CPU // |
| // RV_CORE_IBEX // |
| ////////////////// |
| |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_nmi_irq |
| desc: '''Verify the NMI interrupt to the CPU and correctness of the cause. |
| |
| Randomly use these two methods (simultaneously or choose one of them) to trigger the |
| NMI interrupt: |
| - Trigger the alert_handler escalation pair that maps to NMI. |
| - Trigger a watchdog bark. |
| |
| Check rv_core_ibex's NMI interrupt register and clear the interrupt. |
| If the NMI interrupt is triggered by alert_handle and the `class_clr_regwen` register |
| is not locked, check that alert_handler can clear this NMI escalation stage. Then make |
| sure that the alert_handler won't move forward to the next escalation stage. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_rv_core_ibex_nmi_irq"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_rv_core_ibex_rnd |
| desc: '''Verify the functionality of the random number generation CSRs. |
| |
| - Enable entropy complex so `RND_DATA` can get entropy. |
| - Perform multiple reads from `RND_DATA` polling `RND_STATUS` in |
| between to only read valid data. Check different random bits |
| are provided each time and that the random data is never zero or all ones. |
| - Ensure `RND_STATUS` indicate invalid data immediately after |
| `RND_DATA` read. |
| - Perform repeated reads from `RND_DATA` without `RND_STATUS` |
| polling to check read when invalid doesn't block. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_rv_core_ibex_rnd"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_rv_core_ibex_address_translation |
| desc: '''Verify the simple address translation functionality. |
| |
| - Setup address translation for both slots on the the I and D |
| side and check correct translation for I and D accesses. |
| - Switch address translation to use different regions that |
| overlap for both slots and check translation again. Ensure some |
| test accesses match both regions, where the lowest indexed one |
| takes priority. |
| - Turn off address translation and confirm regions are no longer |
| being remapped. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_rv_core_ibex_address_translation"] |
| } |
| |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_rv_core_ibex_fault_dump |
| desc: '''Verify the functionality of the ibex fault dump. |
| |
| - Purposely create an ibex exception during execution through reads to an ummapped |
| address. |
| - Ensure the rstmgr fault dump correctly captures the related addresses to the |
| exception. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_rstmgr_cpu_info"] |
| } |
| |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_rv_core_ibex_double_fault |
| desc: '''Verify the functionality of the ibex double fault dump. |
| |
| - Purposely create an ibex double exception during execution, by performing an |
| unmapped read and in the exception handler perform another unmapped read. |
| - Ensure the rstmgr fault dump correctly captures both dumps correctly and indicates |
| the previous dump is valid. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_rstmgr_cpu_info"] |
| } |
| |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_rv_core_ibex_lockstep_glitch |
| desc: '''Verify lockstep checking of the Ibex core. |
| |
| Ensure suitable alerts are triggered when: |
| - Outputs from the lockstep or the main core are corrupted. |
| - Inputs into the lockstep core are corrupted. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2S |
| tests: ["chip_sw_rv_core_ibex_lockstep_glitch"] |
| } |
| |
| //////////////////////////// |
| // System level scenarios // |
| //////////////////////////// |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_example_tests |
| desc: '''Provide example tests for different testing scenarios / needs. |
| |
| These tests do not verify the hardware. They are meant to serve as a guide for |
| developing actual tests under different testing scenarios. These example tests |
| demonstrate the capabilities of the DV infrastructure which enables these scenarios: |
| |
| 1. Implement test in the ROM stage itself |
| 2. Implement test in the flash stage, using test ROM |
| 3. Implement test in the flash stage, using production ROM |
| 4. Enable external maufacturer hooks in existing tests developed in the open source |
| 5. Enable concurrent threads in tests |
| ''' |
| stage: V1 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_example_rom", |
| "chip_sw_example_flash", |
| "chip_sw_uart_smoketest_signed", |
| "chip_sw_example_manufacturer", |
| "chip_sw_example_concurrency" |
| ] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_smoketest |
| desc: '''Run smoke tests developed for each IP. |
| |
| The smoke tests are developed by the SW team to test each IP is |
| alive, and can be actuated by the DIF. We need to ensure that they |
| work in DV as well. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_aes_smoketest", |
| "chip_sw_aon_timer_smoketest", |
| "chip_sw_clkmgr_smoketest", |
| "chip_sw_csrng_smoketest", |
| "chip_sw_entropy_src_smoketest", |
| "chip_sw_gpio_smoketest", |
| "chip_sw_hmac_smoketest", |
| "chip_sw_kmac_smoketest", |
| "chip_sw_otbn_smoketest", |
| "chip_sw_otp_ctrl_smoketest", |
| "chip_sw_pwrmgr_smoketest", |
| "chip_sw_pwrmgr_usbdev_smoketest", |
| "chip_sw_rv_plic_smoketest", |
| "chip_sw_rv_timer_smoketest", |
| "chip_sw_rstmgr_smoketest", |
| "chip_sw_sram_ctrl_smoketest", |
| "chip_sw_uart_smoketest", |
| ] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_rom_functests |
| desc: '''Run some ROM functional tests with test ROM. |
| |
| ROM functional tests test ROM drivers and libraries by exercising |
| these components in the flash stage, launched via the test ROM. They |
| primarily are tested on the FPGA, however, we ensure they run in DV |
| as well. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["rom_keymgr_functest"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_signed |
| desc: '''Run some chip-level tests with ROM. |
| |
| In addition to ROM E2E tests, we select at least one (or a few) |
| tests defined in this file to sign, and run via ROM instead of |
| test ROM. We need to ensure our test infrastructure and ROM can |
| boot and run one (or a few) of the same tests our test ROM can. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_uart_smoketest_signed"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_coremark |
| desc: '''Run the coremark benchmark on the full chip.''' |
| stage: V3 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_coremark"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_boot |
| desc: '''Verify the full flash image download with bootstrap signal set. |
| |
| - SW puts the SPI device in firmware mode |
| - Load a firmware image (bootstrap) through spi input pin to the spi_device memory. |
| - SW verifies the integrity of the image upon reception by reading the spi_device |
| memory. |
| - Ensure the image is executed correctly |
| |
| Note: This flow will be replaced by using spi_device flash mode. |
| For detail, refer to chip_spi_device_flash_mode |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_uart_tx_rx_bootstrap"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_secure_boot |
| desc: '''Verify the secure boot flow. |
| |
| X-ref rom_e2e_smoke. |
| In reality this can be any rom based test, which requires secure boot. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["rom_e2e_smoke"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_lc_scrap |
| desc: '''Ensure it is possible to enter scrap state from every legal life cycle state. |
| |
| - Request transition to SCRAP state using the JTAG interface. |
| - It should be possible to transition from every legal state using external clock. |
| - Where it is allowed, transition using internal clocks should also be checked. |
| - After transition, verify that the device is in SCRAP state through LC read. |
| - Verify while in SCRAP state: |
| - RV JTAG interface is unavailable. |
| - Ibex is not executing. |
| - RV_DM is unreachable by the stub CPU. |
| |
| - X-ref'd with manuf_scrap from the manufacturing testplan. |
| - X-ref'd with chip_lc_test_locked. |
| - X-ref'd with chip_tap_strap_sampling |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: [] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_lc_test_locked |
| desc: '''Transition from TEST_UNLOCKED to TEST_LOCKED using LC JTAG interface. |
| |
| - Check in TEST_UNLOCKED RV JTAG interface is available. |
| - Verify When in TEST_LOCKED state: |
| - RV JTAG interface is unavailable. |
| - Ibex is not executing. |
| - RV_DM is unreachable by the stub CPU. |
| |
| - X-ref'd with manuf_cp_test_lock from the manufacturing testplan. |
| - X-ref'd with chip_lc_scrap. |
| - X-ref'd with chip_tap_strap_sampling |
| - X-ref'd with chip_sw_lc_walkthrough |
| - X-ref'd with chip_rv_dm_lc_disabled |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_lc_walkthrough_testunlocks", |
| "chip_rv_dm_lc_disabled"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_lc_walkthrough |
| desc: '''Walk through the life cycle stages from RAW state and reseting the chip each time. |
| |
| - Pre-load OTP image with RAW lc_state. |
| - Initiate the LC transition to one of the test unlock state. |
| - Program test_unlock_token, test_exit_token, rma_unlock_token into OTP partitions. |
| - Move forward to next valid LC states via JTAG interface or SW interface if CPU is |
| enabled. |
| Verify that the features that should indeed be disabled are indeed disabled. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_lc_walkthrough_dev", |
| "chip_sw_lc_walkthrough_prod", |
| "chip_sw_lc_walkthrough_prodend", |
| "chip_sw_lc_walkthrough_rma", |
| "chip_sw_lc_walkthrough_testunlocks"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_power_max_load |
| desc: '''Concurrency test modeling maximum load conditions. |
| |
| This concurrency test runs multiple blocks at the same time, to simulate |
| maximum load ("power virus test"). Should be combined with low power |
| entry and exit scenarios. |
| |
| The test should be made configurable so that the type of power state and |
| the time spent in a particular power state can be configured via a |
| flag (or similar). This will make it easier to reuse the test for power |
| simulation and characterization later on. |
| |
| The test should set a GPIO (mapped to the IOA2 pin) to high while the power |
| state of interest is active. |
| |
| Blocks / functionality to run simulatenously in this test: |
| |
| - The ADC is continuously sampling new data |
| - Staggered activation of OTBN, aes, KMAC/HMAC. |
| - KMAC / aes would need to take turns being fed data |
| - KMAC activation should be a combination of otp background, key |
| manager background and software |
| - for OTBN, any signature verification / signing event is sufficient |
| - Entropy complex ongoing |
| - reseed / update operation ongoing |
| - Flash scramble ongoing (ideally both instruction and data, but data should be sufficient |
| for now) |
| - instruction scrambling gated by script availability |
| - Simultaneous IO toggling as defined below |
| - ideally for digital activity, 3xUART / I2C modules should be activated |
| - for first pass simplicity can activate IO portion only for now through GPIO |
| - for dedicated pins, focus on SPI device quad activity |
| - USB activity should be activated |
| - for first pass simplicity activate IO portion only for now via pin forcing in usbdev. |
| - Ongoing cpu activity (icache / SRAM scrambling both activated) |
| - servicing ongoing threads and random read/write data to memory |
| - icache needs to be activated, otherwise the system may spend most of its time fetching |
| code |
| - Background checks enabled wherever possible |
| - rstmgr background checks |
| - alert_handler ping checks |
| - OTP background checks |
| - The test should be run both with / without external clock |
| |
| This test should leverage the OTTF test framework for supporting |
| concurrency in a FreeRTOS environment. See also the design docs linked |
| in #14095 for more details on how to approach the implementation. |
| ''' |
| stage: V3 |
| tests: [] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_power_idle_load |
| desc: '''Concurrency test modeling load conditions in idle state |
| |
| This concurrency test models an average idle scenarios. |
| |
| The test should be made configurable so that the type of power state and |
| the time spent in a particular power state can be configured via a |
| flag (or similar). This will make it easier to reuse the test for power |
| simulation and characterization later on. |
| |
| The test should set a GPIO (mapped to the IOA2 pin) to high while the power |
| state of interest is active. |
| |
| The test should cover the following scenarios: |
| |
| - Processor polls for nmi interrupt |
| - Background checks enabled wherever possible |
| - rstmgr background checks |
| - alert_handler ping checks |
| - OTP background checks |
| - Timers (regular and AON) are active |
| - Check whether transactional clocks should be enabled or disabled |
| - Check whether PWM should be active |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_power_idle_load"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_power_sleep_load |
| desc: '''Concurrency test modeling load conditions in idle state |
| |
| This concurrency test models average sleep scenarios. |
| |
| The test should be made configurable so that the type of power state and |
| the time spent in a particular power state can be configured via a |
| flag (or similar). This will make it easier to reuse the test for power |
| simulation and characterization later on. |
| |
| The test should cover the following scenarios: |
| |
| - System can be in deep or light sleep |
| - The system has the following AON / IO activity: |
| - aon_timer active |
| - adc_ctrl active in low power mode |
| - TBD: check whether sysrst_ctrl and pinmux wakeup detectors should be active |
| - TBD: check whether PWM should be active |
| |
| This test should leverage the OTTF test framework for supporting |
| concurrency in a FreeRTOS environment. See also the design docs linked |
| in #14095 for more details on how to approach the implementation. |
| |
| X'ref'ed with power manager sleep / wakeup test. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_pwrmgr_deep_sleep_all_wake_ups"] |
| } |
| |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_exit_test_unlocked_bootstrap |
| desc: '''End to end test to ensure rom boot strap can be performed after |
| transitioning from TEST states to PROD staets. . |
| |
| - Pre-load the device into TEST_UNLOCKED state and ROM_EXEC_EN = 0. |
| - In the same power cycle, advance device to PROD, PROD_END or DEV through LC JTAG request and |
| set ROM_EXEC_EN in OTP to logically true. |
| - Reboot the device and perform boot strap of a simple image, (e.g Hello World). |
| - Ensure boot strap succeeds. |
| |
| X-ref'ed with manuf_ft_exit_token from manufacturing test plan. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_exit_test_unlocked_bootstrap"] |
| } |
| |
| { |
| name: chip_sw_inject_scramble_seed |
| desc: '''End to end test to ensure boot strap can succeed after injecting scramble seeds. |
| |
| - Pre-load the device into PROD, PROD_END or DEV state. |
| - Backdoor load an unscrambled value into flash isolated partition. |
| - In the test program, populate the scramble seeds (flash / sram). |
| - In the test program, populate OTP entries to inform ROM to scramble flash upon next boot. |
| - Reboot the device and perform boot strap of the same test image, ROM should now program |
| the flash image with scramble enabled. |
| - Upon successful boot strap, ROM jumps to the newly programmed image and de-scrambles the |
| instructions. |
| - In the test program, check whether the OTP partition containing the scramble seeds is |
| locked. Also check that the unscrambled value progarmmed into flash isolated partition |
| can be correctly read back when the region is set to scramble disable. |
| - If either of the above checks is incorrect, return error. |
| |
| |
| X-ref'ed with manuf_ft_sku_individualization from manufacturing test plan. |
| ''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["chip_sw_inject_scramble_seed"] |
| } |
| ] |
| } |