blob: d8267b76ec17d6d96f5f6488b0ac9743055e6636 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
'''pytest-based testing for functions in'''
import os
import pytest
from .utils import _subst_wildcards, subst_wildcards
def test_subst_wildcards():
'''Pytest-compatible test for the subst_wildcards function.'''
# Basic checks
assert subst_wildcards('foo {x} baz', {'x': 'bar'}) == 'foo bar baz'
# Stringify
assert (subst_wildcards('{a}, {b}, {c}, {d}',
{'a': 'a', 'b': True, 'c': 42, 'd': ['{b}', 10]}) ==
'a, 1, 42, 1 10')
# Ignored wildcards (with or without a match in mdict)
assert (subst_wildcards('{a} {b}', {'a': 'aye', 'b': 'bee'},
ignored_wildcards=['a']) ==
'{a} bee')
assert (subst_wildcards('{a} {b}', {'b': 'bee'},
ignored_wildcards=['a']) ==
'{a} bee')
# Environment variables. We will always have PWD and can probably assume
# that this won't itself have any braced substrings.
assert (subst_wildcards('{PWD}', {}) == os.environ['PWD'])
# Missing variable with ignore_error=False, running _subst_wildcards
# instead so that we can catch the error. (We assume that 'biggles' isn't
# in the environment)
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
_subst_wildcards('{biggles} {b}', {'b': 'bee'}, [], False, [])
assert "unknown wildcard, '{biggles}'" in str(excinfo.value)
# ignore_error=True.
assert (subst_wildcards('{biggles} {b}', {'b': 'bee'},
ignore_error=True) ==
'{biggles} bee')
# Check we support (non-circular) recursion
assert (subst_wildcards('{a}', {'a': '{b}', 'b': 'c'}) == 'c')
# Check we spot circular recursion
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
_subst_wildcards('{a}', {'a': '{b}', 'b': '{a}'}, [], False, [])
assert "circular expansion of wildcard '{a}'" in str(excinfo.value)
# Check we also complain about circular recursion with ignore_error
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
_subst_wildcards('{a}', {'a': '{b}', 'b': '{a}'}, [], True, [])
assert "circular expansion of wildcard '{a}'" in str(excinfo.value)
# Computed variable names (probably not a great idea, but it's probably
# good to check this works the way we think)
assert subst_wildcards('{a}b}', {'a': 'a {', 'b': 'bee'}) == 'a bee'
# Some eval_cmd calls (using echo, which should always work)
assert (subst_wildcards('{eval_cmd}echo foo {b}', {'b': 'bar'}) ==
'foo bar')
# Make sure that nested commands work
assert (subst_wildcards('{eval_cmd} {eval_cmd} echo echo a', {}) == 'a')
# Recursive expansion
assert (subst_wildcards('{var}',
'var': '{{foo}_xyz_{bar}}',
'foo': 'p',
'bar': 'q',
'p_xyz_q': 'baz'
}) == 'baz')