blob: 0e874bb8ba74a493205a4ca134e5f26f6fd86c92 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_hmac.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/arch/device.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/base/mmio.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/flash_ctrl.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/runtime/log.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/testing/check.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/testing/test_main.h"
#include "hw/top_earlgrey/sw/autogen/top_earlgrey.h"
#define MAX_FIFO_FILL 10
const test_config_t kTestConfig = {
.can_clobber_uart = false,
static const char kData[142] =
"Every one suspects himself of at least one of "
"the cardinal virtues, and this is mine: I am "
"one of the few honest people that I have ever "
static uint32_t kHmacKey[8] = {0x243f6a88, 0x85a308d3, 0x13198a2e, 0x03707344,
0xa4093822, 0x299f31d0, 0x082efa98, 0xec4e6c89};
static const uint32_t kExpectedShaDigest[8] = {
0xdc96c23d, 0xaf36e268, 0xcb68ff71, 0xe92f76e2,
0xb8a8379d, 0x426dc745, 0x19f5cff7, 0x4ec9c6d6};
static const uint32_t kExpectedHmacDigest[8] = {
0xe4987b39, 0x3f83d390, 0xc2f3bbaf, 0x3195dbfa,
0x23fb480c, 0xb012ae5e, 0xf1394d28, 0x1940ceeb};
* Initialize the HMAC engine. Return `true` if the configuration is valid.
static void test_setup(const dif_hmac_config_t *config, dif_hmac_t *hmac) {
dif_hmac_result_t res = dif_hmac_init(config, hmac);
CHECK(res != kDifHmacBadArg, "Invalid arguments encountered in HMAC init.");
CHECK(res == kDifHmacOk, "Unknown error encountered in HMAC init.");
* Start HMAC in the correct mode. If `key` == NULL use SHA256 mode, otherwise
* use the provided key in HMAC mode.
static void test_start(const dif_hmac_t *hmac, const uint8_t *key) {
dif_hmac_result_t res;
// Let a null key indicate we are operating in SHA256-only mode.
if (key == NULL) {
res = dif_hmac_mode_sha256_start(hmac);
} else {
res = dif_hmac_mode_hmac_start(hmac, key);
CHECK(res != kDifHmacBadArg, "Invalid arguments encountered in HMAC start.");
CHECK(res == kDifHmacOk, "Unknown error encountered in HMAC start.");
* Load a message into the HMAC engine. This function may block if the FIFO
* fills up.
static void push_message(const dif_hmac_t *hmac, const char *data, size_t len) {
int fifo_fill_count = 0;
const char *dp = data;
size_t sent_bytes;
while (dp - data < len) {
dif_hmac_fifo_result_t res =
dif_hmac_fifo_push(hmac, dp, len - (dp - data), &sent_bytes);
CHECK(res != kDifHmacFifoBadArg,
"Invalid arguments encountered while pushing to FIFO.");
if (res == kDifHmacFifoFull) {
} else {
CHECK(res != kDifHmacFifoBadArg,
"Invalid arguments encountered while pushing to FIFO.");
CHECK(res == kDifHmacFifoOk,
"Unknown error encountered while pushing to FIFO.");
CHECK(fifo_fill_count <= MAX_FIFO_FILL,
"FIFO filled up too may times, giving up.");
dp += sent_bytes;
/** Spin while the HMAC FIFO still has entries in it. Once the FIFO is empty we
* can check the message length. Return `true` if there are no errors.
static void wait_for_fifo_empty(const dif_hmac_t *hmac) {
uint32_t fifo_depth;
do {
dif_hmac_result_t res = dif_hmac_fifo_count_entries(hmac, &fifo_depth);
CHECK(res != kDifHmacBadArg,
"Invalid arguments encountered checking FIFO depth.");
CHECK(res == kDifHmacOk, "Unknown error encountered checking FIFO depth.");
} while (fifo_depth > 0);
* Read and compare the length of the message in the HMAC engine to the length
* of the message sent in bits.
static void check_message_length(const dif_hmac_t *hmac,
uint64_t expected_sent_bits) {
uint64_t sent_bits;
dif_hmac_result_t res = dif_hmac_get_message_length(hmac, &sent_bits);
CHECK(res != kDifHmacBadArg,
"Invalid arguments encountered checking message length.");
CHECK(res == kDifHmacOk,
"Unknown error encountered checking message length.");
// TODO: Support 64-bit integers in logging.
CHECK(expected_sent_bits == sent_bits,
"Message length mismatch. Expected %u bits but got %u bits.",
(uint32_t)expected_sent_bits, (uint32_t)sent_bits);
* Kick off the HMAC (or SHA256) run.
static void run_hmac(const dif_hmac_t *hmac) {
dif_hmac_result_t res = dif_hmac_process(hmac);
CHECK(res != kDifHmacBadArg, "Invalid arguments encountered running HMAC.");
CHECK(res == kDifHmacOk, "Unknown error encountered running HMAC.");
* Read the HMAC digest and compare it to the expected result.
static void check_digest(const dif_hmac_t *hmac,
const uint32_t *expected_digest) {
dif_hmac_digest_t digest_result;
bool hmac_done = false;
do {
dif_hmac_digest_result_t res = dif_hmac_digest_read(hmac, &digest_result);
CHECK(res != kDifHmacDigestBadArg,
"Invalid arguments encountered reading HMAC digest.");
hmac_done = (res != kDifHmacDigestProcessing);
if (hmac_done) {
CHECK(res == kDifHmacDigestOk,
"Unknown error encountered reading HMAC digest.");
} while (!hmac_done);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
CHECK(expected_digest[i] == digest_result.digest[i],
"Digest mismatch, expected: 0x%X at index [%i] but got: 0x%X.",
expected_digest[i], i, digest_result.digest[i]);
static void run_test(const dif_hmac_t *hmac, const char *data, size_t len,
const uint8_t *key, const uint32_t *expected_digest) {
test_start(hmac, key);
push_message(hmac, data, len);
check_message_length(hmac, len * 8);
check_digest(hmac, expected_digest);
bool test_main() {
LOG_INFO("Running HMAC DIF test...");
dif_hmac_config_t hmac_config = {
.base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_HMAC_BASE_ADDR),
.digest_endianness = kDifHmacEndiannessBig,
.message_endianness = kDifHmacEndiannessBig,
dif_hmac_t hmac;
test_setup(&hmac_config, &hmac);
LOG_INFO("Running test SHA256 pass 1...");
run_test(&hmac, kData, sizeof(kData), NULL, kExpectedShaDigest);
LOG_INFO("Running test SHA256 pass 2...");
run_test(&hmac, kData, sizeof(kData), NULL, kExpectedShaDigest);
LOG_INFO("Running test HMAC pass 1...");
run_test(&hmac, kData, sizeof(kData), (uint8_t *)(&kHmacKey[0]),
LOG_INFO("Running test HMAC pass 2...");
run_test(&hmac, kData, sizeof(kData), (uint8_t *)(&kHmacKey[0]),
return true;