blob: 1797686b2f16818793fbe4c6b02a1f20f76c869a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// ------------------- W A R N I N G: A U T O - G E N E R A T E D C O D E !! -------------------//
// util/ -t hw/top_earlgrey/data/top_earlgrey.hjson -o hw/top_earlgrey/
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
name: "PINMUX",
clocking: [
{clock: "clk_i", reset: "rst_ni", primary: true},
{clock: "clk_aon_i", reset: "rst_aon_ni"}
bus_interfaces: [
{ protocol: "tlul", direction: "device" }
regwidth: "32",
scan: "true",
alert_list: [
{ name: "fatal_fault",
desc: '''
This fatal alert is triggered when a fatal TL-UL bus integrity fault is detected.
wakeup_list: [
{ name: "aon_wkup_req",
desc: "pin wake request"
{ name: "usb_wkup_req",
desc: "usb wake request"
inter_signal_list: [
// Life cycle inputs
{ struct: "lc_tx"
type: "uni"
name: "lc_hw_debug_en"
act: "rcv"
default: "lc_ctrl_pkg::Off"
package: "lc_ctrl_pkg"
{ struct: "lc_tx"
type: "uni"
name: "lc_dft_en"
act: "rcv"
default: "lc_ctrl_pkg::Off"
package: "lc_ctrl_pkg"
{ struct: "jtag"
type: "req_rsp"
name: "lc_jtag"
act: "req"
package: "jtag_pkg"
{ struct: "jtag"
type: "req_rsp"
name: "rv_jtag"
act: "req"
package: "jtag_pkg"
{ struct: "jtag"
type: "req_rsp"
name: "dft_jtag"
act: "req"
package: "jtag_pkg"
// Testmode signals to AST
{ struct: "dft_strap_test_req",
type: "uni",
name: "dft_strap_test",
act: "req",
package: "pinmux_pkg",
default: "'0"
// DFT indication to stop tap strap sampling
{ struct: "logic",
type: "uni",
name: "dft_hold_tap_sel",
act: "rcv",
package: "",
default: "'0"
// Define pwr mgr <-> pinmux signals
{ struct: "logic",
type: "uni",
name: "sleep_en",
act: "rcv",
package: "",
default: "1'b0"
{ struct: "logic",
type: "uni",
name: "strap_en",
act: "rcv",
package: "",
default: "1'b0"
{ struct: "logic",
type: "uni",
name: "aon_wkup_req",
act: "req",
package: "",
default: "1'b0"
{ struct: "logic",
type: "uni",
name: "usb_wkup_req",
act: "req",
package: "",
default: "1'b0"
{ name: "usb_out_of_rst",
type: "uni",
act: "rcv",
package: "",
struct: "logic",
width: "1"
{ name: "usb_aon_wake_en",
type: "uni",
act: "rcv",
package: "",
struct: "logic",
width: "1"
{ name: "usb_aon_wake_ack",
type: "uni",
act: "rcv",
package: "",
struct: "logic",
width: "1"
{ name: "usb_suspend",
type: "uni",
act: "rcv",
package: "",
struct: "logic",
width: "1"
{ name: "usb_state_debug",
type: "uni",
act: "req",
package: "usbdev_pkg",
struct: "awk_state",
param_list: [
{ name: "AttrDw",
desc: "Pad attribute data width",
type: "int",
default: "13",
local: "true"
{ name: "NMioPeriphIn",
desc: "Number of muxed peripheral inputs",
type: "int",
default: "55",
local: "true"
{ name: "NMioPeriphOut",
desc: "Number of muxed peripheral outputs",
type: "int",
default: "75",
local: "true"
{ name: "NMioPads",
desc: "Number of muxed IO pads",
type: "int",
default: "47",
local: "true"
{ name: "NDioPads",
desc: "Number of dedicated IO pads",
type: "int",
default: "24",
local: "true"
{ name: "NWkupDetect",
desc: "Number of wakeup detectors",
type: "int",
default: "8",
local: "true"
{ name: "WkupCntWidth",
desc: "Number of wakeup counter bits",
type: "int",
default: "8",
local: "true"
// Since the target-specific top-levels often have slightly
// different debug signal positions, we need a way to pass
// this info from the target specific top-level into the pinmux
// logic. The parameter struct below serves this purpose.
{ name: "TargetCfg",
desc: "Target specific pinmux configuration.",
type: "pinmux_pkg::target_cfg_t",
default: "pinmux_pkg::DefaultTargetCfg",
local: "false",
expose: "true"
registers: [
// MIO Inputs //
{ multireg: { name: "MIO_PERIPH_INSEL_REGWEN",
desc: "Register write enable for MIO peripheral input selects.",
count: "NMioPeriphIn",
compact: "false",
swaccess: "rw0c",
hwaccess: "none",
fields: [
{ bits: "0",
name: "EN",
desc: '''
Register write enable bit.
If this is cleared to 0, the corresponding MIO_PERIPH_INSEL
is not writable anymore.
resval: "1",
{ multireg: { name: "MIO_PERIPH_INSEL",
desc: "For each peripheral input, this selects the muxable pad input.",
count: "NMioPeriphIn",
compact: "false",
swaccess: "rw",
hwaccess: "hro",
regwen_multi: "true",
cname: "IN",
fields: [
{ bits: "5:0",
name: "IN",
desc: '''
0: tie constantly to zero, 1: tie constantly to 1,
>=2: MIO pads (i.e., add 2 to the native MIO pad index).
resval: 0,
// MIO Outputs //
{ multireg: { name: "MIO_OUTSEL_REGWEN",
desc: "Register write enable for MIO output selects.",
count: "NMioPads",
compact: "false",
swaccess: "rw0c",
hwaccess: "none",
cname: "MIO_OUTSEL",
fields: [
{ bits: "0",
name: "EN",
desc: '''
Register write enable bit.
If this is cleared to 0, the corresponding MIO_OUTSEL
is not writable anymore.
resval: "1",
{ multireg: { name: "MIO_OUTSEL",
desc: "For each muxable pad, this selects the peripheral output.",
count: "NMioPads",
compact: "false",
swaccess: "rw",
hwaccess: "hro",
regwen_multi: "true",
cname: "OUT",
fields: [
{ bits: "6:0",
name: "OUT",
desc: '''
0: tie constantly to zero, 1: tie constantly to 1, 2: high-Z,
>=3: peripheral outputs (i.e., add 3 to the native peripheral pad index).
resval: 2,
// Random writes to this field may result in pad drive conflicts,
// which in turn leads to propagating Xes and assertion failures.
tags: ["excl:CsrNonInitTests:CsrExclWrite"]
// MIO PAD attributes //
{ multireg: { name: "MIO_PAD_ATTR_REGWEN",
desc: "Register write enable for MIO PAD attributes.",
count: "NMioPads",
compact: "false",
swaccess: "rw0c",
hwaccess: "none",
cname: "MIO_PAD",
fields: [
{ bits: "0",
name: "EN",
desc: '''
Register write enable bit.
If this is cleared to 0, the corresponding !!MIO_PAD_ATTR
is not writable anymore.
resval: "1",
{ multireg: { name: "MIO_PAD_ATTR",
desc: '''
Muxed pad attributes.
This register has WARL behavior since not each pad type may support
all attributes.
count: "NMioPads",
compact: "false",
swaccess: "rw",
hwaccess: "hrw",
hwext: "true",
hwqe: "true",
regwen_multi: "true",
cname: "MIO_PAD",
fields: [
{ bits: "12:0",
name: "ATTR",
desc: '''Bit 0: input/output inversion,
Bit 1: Virtual open drain enable.
Bit 2: Pull enable.
Bit 3: Pull select (0: pull down, 1: pull up).
Bit 4: Keeper enable.
Bit 5: Schmitt trigger enable.
Bit 6: Open drain enable
Bit 7/8: Slew rate (0x0: slowest, 0x3: fastest).
Bit 9/12: Drive strength (0x0: weakest, 0xf: strongest).
resval: 0
// these CSRs have WARL behavior and may not
// read back the same value that was written to them.
// further, they have hardware side effects since they drive the
// pad attributes, and hence no random data should be written to them.
tags: ["excl:CsrAllTests:CsrExclWrite"]
// DIO PAD attributes //
{ multireg: { name: "DIO_PAD_ATTR_REGWEN",
desc: "Register write enable for DIO PAD attributes.",
count: "NDioPads",
compact: "false",
swaccess: "rw0c",
hwaccess: "none",
cname: "DIO_PAD",
fields: [
{ bits: "0",
name: "EN",
desc: '''
Register write enable bit.
If this is cleared to 0, the corresponding !!DIO_PAD_ATTR
is not writable anymore.
resval: "1",
{ multireg: { name: "DIO_PAD_ATTR",
desc: '''
Dedicated pad attributes.
This register has WARL behavior since not each pad type may support
all attributes.
count: "NDioPads",
compact: "false",
swaccess: "rw",
hwaccess: "hrw",
hwext: "true",
hwqe: "true",
regwen_multi: "true",
cname: "DIO_PAD",
fields: [
{ bits: "12:0",
name: "ATTR",
desc: '''Bit 0: input/output inversion,
Bit 1: Virtual open drain enable.
Bit 2: Pull enable.
Bit 3: Pull select (0: pull down, 1: pull up).
Bit 4: Keeper enable.
Bit 5: Schmitt trigger enable.
Bit 6: Open drain enable
Bit 7/8: Slew rate (0x0: slowest, 0x3: fastest).
Bit 9/12: Drive strength (0x0: weakest, 0xf: strongest).
resval: 0
// these CSRs have WARL behavior and may not
// read back the same value that was written to them.
// further, they have hardware side effects since they drive the
// pad attributes, and hence no random data should be written to them.
tags: ["excl:CsrAllTests:CsrExclWrite"]
// MIO PAD sleep mode //
{ multireg: { name: "MIO_PAD_SLEEP_STATUS",
desc: "Register indicating whether the corresponding pad is in sleep mode.",
count: "NMioPads",
swaccess: "rw0c",
hwaccess: "hrw",
cname: "MIO_PAD",
fields: [
{ bits: "0",
name: "EN",
desc: '''
This register is set to 1 if the deep sleep mode of the corresponding
pad has been enabled (!!MIO_PAD_SLEEP_EN) upon deep sleep entry.
The sleep mode of the corresponding pad will remain active until SW
clears this bit.
resval: "0",
{ multireg: { name: "MIO_PAD_SLEEP_REGWEN",
desc: "Register write enable for MIO sleep value configuration.",
count: "NMioPads",
compact: "false",
swaccess: "rw0c",
hwaccess: "none",
cname: "MIO_PAD",
fields: [
{ bits: "0",
name: "EN",
desc: '''
Register write enable bit.
If this is cleared to 0, the corresponding !!MIO_OUT_SLEEP_MODE
is not writable anymore.
resval: "1",
{ multireg: { name: "MIO_PAD_SLEEP_EN",
desc: '''Enables the sleep mode of the corresponding muxed pad.
count: "NMioPads",
compact: "false",
swaccess: "rw",
hwaccess: "hro",
regwen_multi: "true",
cname: "OUT",
fields: [
{ bits: "0",
name: "EN",
resval: 0,
desc: '''
Deep sleep mode enable.
If this bit is set to 1 the corresponding pad will enable the sleep behavior
specified in !!MIO_PAD_SLEEP_MODE upon deep sleep entry, and the corresponding bit
in !!MIO_PAD_SLEEP_STATUS will be set to 1.
The pad remains in deep sleep mode until the corresponding bit in
!!MIO_PAD_SLEEP_STATUS is cleared by SW.
Note that if an always on peripheral is connected to a specific MIO pad,
the corresponding !!MIO_PAD_SLEEP_EN bit should be set to 0.
{ multireg: { name: "MIO_PAD_SLEEP_MODE",
desc: '''Defines sleep behavior of the corresponding muxed pad.
count: "NMioPads",
compact: "false",
swaccess: "rw",
hwaccess: "hro",
regwen_multi: "true",
cname: "OUT",
fields: [
{ bits: "1:0",
name: "OUT",
resval: 2,
desc: "Value to drive in deep sleep."
enum: [
{ value: "0",
name: "Tie-Low",
desc: "The pad is driven actively to zero in deep sleep mode."
{ value: "1",
name: "Tie-High",
desc: "The pad is driven actively to one in deep sleep mode."
{ value: "2",
name: "High-Z",
desc: '''
The pad is left undriven in deep sleep mode. Note that the actual
driving behavior during deep sleep will then depend on the pull-up/-down
configuration of in !!MIO_PAD_ATTR.
{ value: "3",
name: "Keep",
desc: "Keep last driven value (including high-Z)."
// DIO PAD sleep mode //
{ multireg: { name: "DIO_PAD_SLEEP_STATUS",
desc: "Register indicating whether the corresponding pad is in sleep mode.",
count: "NDioPads",
swaccess: "rw0c",
hwaccess: "hrw",
cname: "DIO_PAD",
fields: [
{ bits: "0",
name: "EN",
desc: '''
This register is set to 1 if the deep sleep mode of the corresponding
pad has been enabled (!!DIO_PAD_SLEEP_MODE) upon deep sleep entry.
The sleep mode of the corresponding pad will remain active until SW
clears this bit.
resval: "0",
{ multireg: { name: "DIO_PAD_SLEEP_REGWEN",
desc: "Register write enable for DIO sleep value configuration.",
count: "NDioPads",
compact: "false",
swaccess: "rw0c",
hwaccess: "none",
cname: "DIO_PAD",
fields: [
{ bits: "0",
name: "EN",
desc: '''
Register write enable bit.
If this is cleared to 0, the corresponding !!DIO_PAD_SLEEP_MODE
is not writable anymore.
resval: "1",
{ multireg: { name: "DIO_PAD_SLEEP_EN",
desc: '''Enables the sleep mode of the corresponding dedicated pad.
count: "NDioPads",
compact: "false",
swaccess: "rw",
hwaccess: "hro",
regwen_multi: "true",
cname: "OUT",
fields: [
{ bits: "0",
name: "EN",
resval: 0,
desc: '''
Deep sleep mode enable.
If this bit is set to 1 the corresponding pad will enable the sleep behavior
specified in !!DIO_PAD_SLEEP_MODE upon deep sleep entry, and the corresponding bit
in !!DIO_PAD_SLEEP_STATUS will be set to 1.
The pad remains in deep sleep mode until the corresponding bit in
!!DIO_PAD_SLEEP_STATUS is cleared by SW.
Note that if an always on peripheral is connected to a specific DIO pad,
the corresponding !!DIO_PAD_SLEEP_EN bit should be set to 0.
{ multireg: { name: "DIO_PAD_SLEEP_MODE",
desc: '''Defines sleep behavior of the corresponding dedicated pad.
count: "NDioPads",
compact: "false",
swaccess: "rw",
hwaccess: "hro",
regwen_multi: "true",
cname: "OUT",
fields: [
{ bits: "1:0",
name: "OUT",
resval: 2,
desc: "Value to drive in deep sleep."
enum: [
{ value: "0",
name: "Tie-Low",
desc: "The pad is driven actively to zero in deep sleep mode."
{ value: "1",
name: "Tie-High",
desc: "The pad is driven actively to one in deep sleep mode."
{ value: "2",
name: "High-Z",
desc: '''
The pad is left undriven in deep sleep mode. Note that the actual
driving behavior during deep sleep will then depend on the pull-up/-down
configuration of in !!DIO_PAD_ATTR.
{ value: "3",
name: "Keep",
desc: "Keep last driven value (including high-Z)."
// Wakeup detectors //
{ multireg: { name: "WKUP_DETECTOR_REGWEN",
desc: "Register write enable for wakeup detectors.",
count: "NWkupDetect",
compact: "false",
swaccess: "rw0c",
hwaccess: "none",
fields: [
{ bits: "0",
name: "EN",
desc: '''
Register write enable bit.
If this is cleared to 0, the corresponding WKUP_DETECTOR
configuration is not writable anymore.
resval: "1",
{ multireg: { name: "WKUP_DETECTOR_EN",
desc: '''
Enables for the wakeup detectors.
Note that these registers are synced to the always-on clock.
The first write access always completes immediately.
However, read/write accesses following a write will block until that write has completed.
count: "NWkupDetect",
compact: "false",
swaccess: "rw",
hwaccess: "hro",
regwen_multi: "true",
cname: "DETECTOR",
async: "clk_aon_i",
fields: [
{ bits: "0:0",
name: "EN",
resval: 0,
desc: '''
Setting this bit activates the corresponding wakeup detector.
The behavior is as specified in !!WKUP_DETECTOR,
{ multireg: { name: "WKUP_DETECTOR",
desc: '''
Configuration of wakeup condition detectors.
Note that these registers are synced to the always-on clock.
The first write access always completes immediately.
However, read/write accesses following a write will block until that write has completed.
count: "NWkupDetect",
compact: "false",
swaccess: "rw",
hwaccess: "hro",
regwen_multi: "true",
cname: "DETECTOR",
async: "clk_aon_i",
fields: [
{ bits: "2:0",
name: "MODE",
resval: 0,
desc: "Wakeup detection mode."
enum: [
{ value: "0",
name: "Posedge",
desc: "Trigger a wakeup request when observing a positive edge."
{ value: "1",
name: "Negedge",
desc: "Trigger a wakeup request when observing a negative edge."
{ value: "2",
name: "Edge",
desc: "Trigger a wakeup request when observing an edge in any direction."
{ value: "3",
name: "TimedHigh",
desc: '''
Trigger a wakeup request when pin is driven HIGH for a certain amount
of always-on clock cycles as configured in !!WKUP_DETECTOR_CNT_TH.
{ value: "4",
name: "TimedLow",
desc: '''
Trigger a wakeup request when pin is driven LOW for a certain amount
of always-on clock cycles as configured in !!WKUP_DETECTOR_CNT_TH.
{ bits: "3",
name: "FILTER",
resval: 0,
desc: '''0: signal filter disabled, 1: signal filter enabled. the signal must
be stable for 4 always-on clock cycles before the value is being forwarded.
can be used for debouncing.
{ bits: "4",
name: "MIODIO",
resval: 0,
desc: '''0: select index !!WKUP_DETECTOR_PADSEL from MIO pads,
1: select index !!WKUP_DETECTOR_PADSEL from DIO pads.
{ multireg: { name: "WKUP_DETECTOR_CNT_TH",
desc: '''
Counter thresholds for wakeup condition detectors.
Note that these registers are synced to the always-on clock.
The first write access always completes immediately.
However, read/write accesses following a write will block until that write has completed.
count: "NWkupDetect",
compact: "false",
swaccess: "rw",
hwaccess: "hro",
regwen_multi: "true",
cname: "DETECTOR",
async: "clk_aon_i",
fields: [
{ bits: "WkupCntWidth-1:0",
name: "TH",
resval: 0,
desc: '''Counter threshold for TimedLow and TimedHigh wakeup detector modes (see !!WKUP_DETECTOR).
The threshold is in terms of always-on clock cycles.
{ multireg: { name: "WKUP_DETECTOR_PADSEL",
desc: '''
Pad selects for pad wakeup condition detectors.
This register is NOT synced to the AON domain since the muxing mechanism is implemented in the same way as the pinmux muxing matrix.
count: "NWkupDetect",
compact: "false",
swaccess: "rw",
hwaccess: "hro",
regwen_multi: "true",
cname: "DETECTOR",
fields: [
{ bits: "5:0",
name: "SEL",
resval: 0,
desc: '''Selects a specific MIO or DIO pad (depending on !!WKUP_DETECTOR configuration).
In case of MIO, the pad select index is the same as used for !!PERIPH_INSEL, meaning that index
0 and 1 just select constant 0, and the MIO pads live at indices >= 2. In case of DIO pads,
the pad select index corresponds 1:1 to the DIO pad to be selected.
{ multireg: { name: "WKUP_CAUSE",
desc: '''
Cause registers for wakeup detectors.
Note that these registers are synced to the always-on clock.
The first write access always completes immediately.
However, read/write accesses following a write will block until that write has completed.
count: "NWkupDetect",
swaccess: "rw0c",
hwaccess: "hrw",
cname: "DETECTOR",
async: "clk_aon_i",
fields: [
{ bits: "0",
name: "CAUSE",
resval: 0,
desc: '''Set to 1 if the corresponding detector has detected a wakeup pattern. Write 0 to clear.