blob: 4d30e033c758cf0bd82475b433e4ae3bece03fa3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// HJSON with partition metadata.
// It has been generated with ./util/design/
{ name: "otp_ctrl",
clocking: [
{clock: "clk_i", reset: "rst_ni", primary: true},
{clock: "clk_edn_i", reset: "rst_edn_ni"}
scan: "true", // Enable `scanmode_i` port
scan_reset: "true", // Enable `scan_rst_ni` port
scan_en: "true", // Enable `scan_en_i` port
bus_interfaces: [
{ protocol: "tlul", direction: "device", name: "core" }
{ protocol: "tlul", direction: "device", name: "prim", hier_path: "u_otp.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.u_reg_top" }
available_output_list: [
{ name: "test",
width: 8,
desc: "Test-related GPIOs. Only active in DFT-enabled life cycle states."
// Interrupts and Alerts //
interrupt_list: [
{ name: "otp_operation_done",
desc: "A direct access command or digest calculation operation has completed."
{ name: "otp_error",
desc: "An error has occurred in the OTP controller. Check the !!ERR_CODE register to get more information."
alert_list: [
{ name: "fatal_macro_error",
desc: "This alert triggers if hardware detects an uncorrectable error during an OTP transaction, for example an uncorrectable ECC error in the OTP array.",
{ name: "fatal_check_error",
desc: "This alert triggers if any of the background checks fails. This includes the digest checks and concurrent ECC checks in the buffer registers.",
{ name: "fatal_bus_integ_error",
desc: "This fatal alert is triggered when a fatal TL-UL bus integrity fault is detected."
{ name: "fatal_prim_otp_alert",
desc: "Fatal alert triggered inside the OTP primitive, including fatal TL-UL bus integrity faults of the test interface."
{ name: "recov_prim_otp_alert",
desc: "Recoverable alert triggered inside the OTP primitive."
// Parameters //
param_list: [
// Init file
{ name: "MemInitFile",
desc: "VMEM file to initialize the OTP macro.",
type: "",
default: '""',
expose: "true",
local: "false"
// Random netlist constants
{ name: "RndCnstLfsrSeed",
desc: "Compile-time random bits for initial LFSR seed",
type: "otp_ctrl_pkg::lfsr_seed_t"
randcount: "40",
randtype: "data", // randomize randcount databits
{ name: "RndCnstLfsrPerm",
desc: "Compile-time random permutation for LFSR output",
type: "otp_ctrl_pkg::lfsr_perm_t"
randcount: "40",
randtype: "perm", // random permutation for randcount elements
{ name: "RndCnstScrmblKeyInit",
desc: "Compile-time random permutation for scrambling key/nonce register reset value",
type: "otp_ctrl_pkg::scrmbl_key_init_t"
randcount: "256",
randtype: "data", // random permutation for randcount elements
// Normal parameters
{ name: "NumSramKeyReqSlots",
desc: "Number of key slots",
type: "int",
default: "3",
local: "true"
{ name: "OtpByteAddrWidth",
desc: "Width of the OTP byte address.",
type: "int",
default: "11",
local: "true"
{ name: "NumErrorEntries",
desc: "Number of error register entries.",
type: "int",
default: "10", // partitions + DAI/LCI
local: "true"
{ name: "NumDaiWords",
desc: "Number of 32bit words in the DAI.",
type: "int",
default: "2",
local: "true"
{ name: "NumDigestWords",
desc: "Size of the digest fields in 32bit words.",
type: "int",
default: "2",
local: "true"
{ name: "NumSwCfgWindowWords",
desc: "Size of the TL-UL window in 32bit words. Note that the effective partition size is smaller than that.",
type: "int",
default: "512",
local: "true"
// Memory map Info
{ name: "NumPart",
desc: "Number of partitions",
type: "int",
default: "8",
local: "true"
{ name: "VendorTestOffset",
desc: "Offset of the VENDOR_TEST partition",
type: "int",
default: "0",
local: "true"
{ name: "VendorTestSize",
desc: "Size of the VENDOR_TEST partition",
type: "int",
default: "64",
local: "true"
{ name: "ScratchOffset",
desc: "Offset of SCRATCH",
type: "int",
default: "0",
local: "true"
{ name: "ScratchSize",
desc: "Size of SCRATCH",
type: "int",
default: "56",
local: "true"
{ name: "VendorTestDigestOffset",
desc: "Offset of VENDOR_TEST_DIGEST",
type: "int",
default: "56",
local: "true"
{ name: "VendorTestDigestSize",
desc: "Size of VENDOR_TEST_DIGEST",
type: "int",
default: "8",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgOffset",
desc: "Offset of the CREATOR_SW_CFG partition",
type: "int",
default: "64",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgSize",
desc: "Size of the CREATOR_SW_CFG partition",
type: "int",
default: "800",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgAstCfgOffset",
desc: "Offset of CREATOR_SW_CFG_AST_CFG",
type: "int",
default: "64",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgAstCfgSize",
desc: "Size of CREATOR_SW_CFG_AST_CFG",
type: "int",
default: "156",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgAstInitEnOffset",
desc: "Offset of CREATOR_SW_CFG_AST_INIT_EN",
type: "int",
default: "220",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgAstInitEnSize",
type: "int",
default: "4",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgRomExtSkuOffset",
desc: "Offset of CREATOR_SW_CFG_ROM_EXT_SKU",
type: "int",
default: "224",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgRomExtSkuSize",
type: "int",
default: "4",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgUseSwRsaVerifyOffset",
type: "int",
default: "228",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgUseSwRsaVerifySize",
type: "int",
default: "4",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgKeyIsValidOffset",
desc: "Offset of CREATOR_SW_CFG_KEY_IS_VALID",
type: "int",
default: "232",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgKeyIsValidSize",
type: "int",
default: "8",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgFlashDataDefaultCfgOffset",
type: "int",
default: "240",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgFlashDataDefaultCfgSize",
type: "int",
default: "4",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgFlashInfoBootDataCfgOffset",
type: "int",
default: "244",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgFlashInfoBootDataCfgSize",
type: "int",
default: "4",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgRngEnOffset",
desc: "Offset of CREATOR_SW_CFG_RNG_EN",
type: "int",
default: "248",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgRngEnSize",
desc: "Size of CREATOR_SW_CFG_RNG_EN",
type: "int",
default: "4",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgJitterEnOffset",
desc: "Offset of CREATOR_SW_CFG_JITTER_EN",
type: "int",
default: "252",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgJitterEnSize",
type: "int",
default: "4",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgRetRamResetMaskOffset",
type: "int",
default: "256",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgRetRamResetMaskSize",
type: "int",
default: "4",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgManufStateOffset",
type: "int",
default: "260",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgManufStateSize",
type: "int",
default: "4",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgRomExecEnOffset",
desc: "Offset of CREATOR_SW_CFG_ROM_EXEC_EN",
type: "int",
default: "264",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgRomExecEnSize",
type: "int",
default: "4",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgCpuctrlOffset",
desc: "Offset of CREATOR_SW_CFG_CPUCTRL",
type: "int",
default: "268",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgCpuctrlSize",
type: "int",
default: "4",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgMinSecVerRomExtOffset",
type: "int",
default: "272",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgMinSecVerRomExtSize",
type: "int",
default: "4",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgMinSecVerBl0Offset",
desc: "Offset of CREATOR_SW_CFG_MIN_SEC_VER_BL0",
type: "int",
default: "276",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgMinSecVerBl0Size",
type: "int",
default: "4",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgDefaultBootDataInProdEnOffset",
type: "int",
default: "280",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgDefaultBootDataInProdEnSize",
type: "int",
default: "4",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgDigestOffset",
desc: "Offset of CREATOR_SW_CFG_DIGEST",
type: "int",
default: "856",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorSwCfgDigestSize",
desc: "Size of CREATOR_SW_CFG_DIGEST",
type: "int",
default: "8",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgOffset",
desc: "Offset of the OWNER_SW_CFG partition",
type: "int",
default: "864",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgSize",
desc: "Size of the OWNER_SW_CFG partition",
type: "int",
default: "800",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgRomErrorReportingOffset",
type: "int",
default: "864",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgRomErrorReportingSize",
type: "int",
default: "4",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgRomBootstrapEnOffset",
type: "int",
default: "868",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgRomBootstrapEnSize",
type: "int",
default: "4",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgRomAlertClassEnOffset",
type: "int",
default: "872",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgRomAlertClassEnSize",
type: "int",
default: "4",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgRomAlertEscalationOffset",
type: "int",
default: "876",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgRomAlertEscalationSize",
type: "int",
default: "4",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgRomAlertClassificationOffset",
type: "int",
default: "880",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgRomAlertClassificationSize",
type: "int",
default: "320",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgRomLocalAlertClassificationOffset",
type: "int",
default: "1200",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgRomLocalAlertClassificationSize",
type: "int",
default: "64",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgRomAlertAccumThreshOffset",
type: "int",
default: "1264",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgRomAlertAccumThreshSize",
type: "int",
default: "16",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgRomAlertTimeoutCyclesOffset",
type: "int",
default: "1280",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgRomAlertTimeoutCyclesSize",
type: "int",
default: "16",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgRomAlertPhaseCyclesOffset",
type: "int",
default: "1296",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgRomAlertPhaseCyclesSize",
type: "int",
default: "64",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgRomAlertDigestProdOffset",
type: "int",
default: "1360",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgRomAlertDigestProdSize",
type: "int",
default: "4",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgRomAlertDigestProdEndOffset",
type: "int",
default: "1364",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgRomAlertDigestProdEndSize",
type: "int",
default: "4",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgRomAlertDigestDevOffset",
type: "int",
default: "1368",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgRomAlertDigestDevSize",
type: "int",
default: "4",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgRomAlertDigestRmaOffset",
type: "int",
default: "1372",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgRomAlertDigestRmaSize",
type: "int",
default: "4",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgRomWatchdogBiteThresholdCyclesOffset",
type: "int",
default: "1376",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgRomWatchdogBiteThresholdCyclesSize",
type: "int",
default: "4",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgRomKeymgrRomExtMeasEnOffset",
type: "int",
default: "1380",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgRomKeymgrRomExtMeasEnSize",
type: "int",
default: "4",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgManufStateOffset",
desc: "Offset of OWNER_SW_CFG_MANUF_STATE",
type: "int",
default: "1384",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgManufStateSize",
type: "int",
default: "4",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgDigestOffset",
desc: "Offset of OWNER_SW_CFG_DIGEST",
type: "int",
default: "1656",
local: "true"
{ name: "OwnerSwCfgDigestSize",
desc: "Size of OWNER_SW_CFG_DIGEST",
type: "int",
default: "8",
local: "true"
{ name: "HwCfgOffset",
desc: "Offset of the HW_CFG partition",
type: "int",
default: "1664",
local: "true"
{ name: "HwCfgSize",
desc: "Size of the HW_CFG partition",
type: "int",
default: "80",
local: "true"
{ name: "DeviceIdOffset",
desc: "Offset of DEVICE_ID",
type: "int",
default: "1664",
local: "true"
{ name: "DeviceIdSize",
desc: "Size of DEVICE_ID",
type: "int",
default: "32",
local: "true"
{ name: "ManufStateOffset",
desc: "Offset of MANUF_STATE",
type: "int",
default: "1696",
local: "true"
{ name: "ManufStateSize",
desc: "Size of MANUF_STATE",
type: "int",
default: "32",
local: "true"
{ name: "EnSramIfetchOffset",
desc: "Offset of EN_SRAM_IFETCH",
type: "int",
default: "1728",
local: "true"
{ name: "EnSramIfetchSize",
desc: "Size of EN_SRAM_IFETCH",
type: "int",
default: "1",
local: "true"
{ name: "EnCsrngSwAppReadOffset",
desc: "Offset of EN_CSRNG_SW_APP_READ",
type: "int",
default: "1729",
local: "true"
{ name: "EnCsrngSwAppReadSize",
desc: "Size of EN_CSRNG_SW_APP_READ",
type: "int",
default: "1",
local: "true"
{ name: "EnEntropySrcFwReadOffset",
desc: "Offset of EN_ENTROPY_SRC_FW_READ",
type: "int",
default: "1730",
local: "true"
{ name: "EnEntropySrcFwReadSize",
desc: "Size of EN_ENTROPY_SRC_FW_READ",
type: "int",
default: "1",
local: "true"
{ name: "EnEntropySrcFwOverOffset",
desc: "Offset of EN_ENTROPY_SRC_FW_OVER",
type: "int",
default: "1731",
local: "true"
{ name: "EnEntropySrcFwOverSize",
desc: "Size of EN_ENTROPY_SRC_FW_OVER",
type: "int",
default: "1",
local: "true"
{ name: "HwCfgDigestOffset",
desc: "Offset of HW_CFG_DIGEST",
type: "int",
default: "1736",
local: "true"
{ name: "HwCfgDigestSize",
desc: "Size of HW_CFG_DIGEST",
type: "int",
default: "8",
local: "true"
{ name: "Secret0Offset",
desc: "Offset of the SECRET0 partition",
type: "int",
default: "1744",
local: "true"
{ name: "Secret0Size",
desc: "Size of the SECRET0 partition",
type: "int",
default: "40",
local: "true"
{ name: "TestUnlockTokenOffset",
desc: "Offset of TEST_UNLOCK_TOKEN",
type: "int",
default: "1744",
local: "true"
{ name: "TestUnlockTokenSize",
desc: "Size of TEST_UNLOCK_TOKEN",
type: "int",
default: "16",
local: "true"
{ name: "TestExitTokenOffset",
desc: "Offset of TEST_EXIT_TOKEN",
type: "int",
default: "1760",
local: "true"
{ name: "TestExitTokenSize",
desc: "Size of TEST_EXIT_TOKEN",
type: "int",
default: "16",
local: "true"
{ name: "Secret0DigestOffset",
desc: "Offset of SECRET0_DIGEST",
type: "int",
default: "1776",
local: "true"
{ name: "Secret0DigestSize",
desc: "Size of SECRET0_DIGEST",
type: "int",
default: "8",
local: "true"
{ name: "Secret1Offset",
desc: "Offset of the SECRET1 partition",
type: "int",
default: "1784",
local: "true"
{ name: "Secret1Size",
desc: "Size of the SECRET1 partition",
type: "int",
default: "88",
local: "true"
{ name: "FlashAddrKeySeedOffset",
desc: "Offset of FLASH_ADDR_KEY_SEED",
type: "int",
default: "1784",
local: "true"
{ name: "FlashAddrKeySeedSize",
desc: "Size of FLASH_ADDR_KEY_SEED",
type: "int",
default: "32",
local: "true"
{ name: "FlashDataKeySeedOffset",
desc: "Offset of FLASH_DATA_KEY_SEED",
type: "int",
default: "1816",
local: "true"
{ name: "FlashDataKeySeedSize",
desc: "Size of FLASH_DATA_KEY_SEED",
type: "int",
default: "32",
local: "true"
{ name: "SramDataKeySeedOffset",
desc: "Offset of SRAM_DATA_KEY_SEED",
type: "int",
default: "1848",
local: "true"
{ name: "SramDataKeySeedSize",
desc: "Size of SRAM_DATA_KEY_SEED",
type: "int",
default: "16",
local: "true"
{ name: "Secret1DigestOffset",
desc: "Offset of SECRET1_DIGEST",
type: "int",
default: "1864",
local: "true"
{ name: "Secret1DigestSize",
desc: "Size of SECRET1_DIGEST",
type: "int",
default: "8",
local: "true"
{ name: "Secret2Offset",
desc: "Offset of the SECRET2 partition",
type: "int",
default: "1872",
local: "true"
{ name: "Secret2Size",
desc: "Size of the SECRET2 partition",
type: "int",
default: "88",
local: "true"
{ name: "RmaTokenOffset",
desc: "Offset of RMA_TOKEN",
type: "int",
default: "1872",
local: "true"
{ name: "RmaTokenSize",
desc: "Size of RMA_TOKEN",
type: "int",
default: "16",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorRootKeyShare0Offset",
desc: "Offset of CREATOR_ROOT_KEY_SHARE0",
type: "int",
default: "1888",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorRootKeyShare0Size",
desc: "Size of CREATOR_ROOT_KEY_SHARE0",
type: "int",
default: "32",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorRootKeyShare1Offset",
desc: "Offset of CREATOR_ROOT_KEY_SHARE1",
type: "int",
default: "1920",
local: "true"
{ name: "CreatorRootKeyShare1Size",
desc: "Size of CREATOR_ROOT_KEY_SHARE1",
type: "int",
default: "32",
local: "true"
{ name: "Secret2DigestOffset",
desc: "Offset of SECRET2_DIGEST",
type: "int",
default: "1952",
local: "true"
{ name: "Secret2DigestSize",
desc: "Size of SECRET2_DIGEST",
type: "int",
default: "8",
local: "true"
{ name: "LifeCycleOffset",
desc: "Offset of the LIFE_CYCLE partition",
type: "int",
default: "1960",
local: "true"
{ name: "LifeCycleSize",
desc: "Size of the LIFE_CYCLE partition",
type: "int",
default: "88",
local: "true"
{ name: "LcTransitionCntOffset",
desc: "Offset of LC_TRANSITION_CNT",
type: "int",
default: "1960",
local: "true"
{ name: "LcTransitionCntSize",
desc: "Size of LC_TRANSITION_CNT",
type: "int",
default: "48",
local: "true"
{ name: "LcStateOffset",
desc: "Offset of LC_STATE",
type: "int",
default: "2008",
local: "true"
{ name: "LcStateSize",
desc: "Size of LC_STATE",
type: "int",
default: "40",
local: "true"
// Intermodule Connections //
inter_signal_list: [
// OTP dedicated power connection from AST
{ struct: ""
type: "io"
name: "otp_ext_voltage_h"
act: "none"
default: "'0"
package: "",
// Power sequencing signals to AST
{ struct: "otp_ast_req"
type: "uni"
name: "otp_ast_pwr_seq"
act: "req"
default: "'0"
package: "otp_ctrl_pkg"
desc: "Power sequencing signals to AST (VDD domain)."
// Power sequencing signals from AST
{ struct: "otp_ast_rsp"
type: "uni"
name: "otp_ast_pwr_seq_h"
act: "rcv"
default: "'0"
package: "otp_ctrl_pkg"
desc: "Power sequencing signals coming from AST (VCC domain)."
// EDN interface
{ struct: "edn"
type: "req_rsp"
name: "edn"
act: "req"
package: "edn_pkg"
desc: "Entropy request to the entropy distribution network for LFSR reseeding and ephemeral key derivation."
// Power manager init command
{ struct: "pwr_otp"
type: "req_rsp"
name: "pwr_otp"
act: "rsp"
default: "'0"
package: "pwrmgr_pkg"
desc: "Initialization request/acknowledge from/to power manager."
// Macro-specific test signals to/from LC TAP
{ struct: "lc_otp_vendor_test"
type: "req_rsp"
name: "lc_otp_vendor_test"
act: "rsp"
default: "'0"
package: "otp_ctrl_pkg"
desc: "Vendor test control signals from/to the life cycle TAP."
// LC transition command
{ struct: "lc_otp_program"
type: "req_rsp"
name: "lc_otp_program"
act: "rsp"
default: "'0"
package: "otp_ctrl_pkg"
desc: "Life cycle state transition interface."
// Broadcast to LC
{ struct: "otp_lc_data"
type: "uni"
name: "otp_lc_data"
act: "req"
default: "'0"
package: "otp_ctrl_pkg"
desc: '''
Life cycle state output holding the current life cycle state,
the value of the transition counter and the tokens needed for life cycle transitions.
// Broadcast from LC
{ struct: "lc_tx"
type: "uni"
name: "lc_escalate_en"
act: "rcv"
default: "lc_ctrl_pkg::Off"
package: "lc_ctrl_pkg"
desc: '''
Life cycle escalation enable coming from life cycle controller.
This signal moves all FSMs within OTP into the error state.
{ struct: "lc_tx"
type: "uni"
name: "lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en"
act: "rcv"
default: "lc_ctrl_pkg::Off"
package: "lc_ctrl_pkg"
desc: '''
Provision enable qualifier coming from life cycle controller.
This signal enables SW read / write access to the RMA_TOKEN and CREATOR_ROOT_KEY_SHARE0 and CREATOR_ROOT_KEY_SHARE1.
{ struct: "lc_tx"
type: "uni"
name: "lc_seed_hw_rd_en"
act: "rcv"
default: "lc_ctrl_pkg::Off"
package: "lc_ctrl_pkg"
desc: '''
Seed read enable coming from life cycle controller.
This signal enables HW read access to the CREATOR_ROOT_KEY_SHARE0 and CREATOR_ROOT_KEY_SHARE1.
{ struct: "lc_tx"
type: "uni"
name: "lc_dft_en"
act: "rcv"
default: "lc_ctrl_pkg::Off"
package: "lc_ctrl_pkg"
desc: '''
Test enable qualifier coming from from life cycle controller.
This signals enables the TL-UL access port to the proprietary OTP IP.
{ struct: "lc_tx"
type: "uni"
name: "lc_check_byp_en"
act: "rcv"
default: "lc_ctrl_pkg::Off"
package: "lc_ctrl_pkg"
desc: '''
Life cycle partition check bypass signal.
This signal causes the life cycle partition to bypass consistency checks during life cycle state transitions in order to prevent spurious consistency check failures.
// Broadcast to Key Manager
{ struct: "otp_keymgr_key"
type: "uni"
name: "otp_keymgr_key"
act: "req"
default: "'0"
package: "otp_ctrl_pkg"
desc: "Key output to the key manager holding CREATOR_ROOT_KEY_SHARE0 and CREATOR_ROOT_KEY_SHARE1."
// Broadcast to Flash Controller
{ struct: "flash_otp_key"
type: "req_rsp"
name: "flash_otp_key"
act: "rsp"
default: "'0"
package: "otp_ctrl_pkg"
desc: "Key derivation interface for FLASH scrambling."
// Key request from SRAM scramblers
{ struct: "sram_otp_key"
// TODO: would be nice if this could accept parameters.
// Split this out into an issue.
width: "3"
type: "req_rsp"
name: "sram_otp_key"
act: "rsp"
default: "'0"
package: "otp_ctrl_pkg"
desc: "Array with key derivation interfaces for SRAM scrambling devices."
// Key request from OTBN RAM Scrambler
{ struct: "otbn_otp_key"
type: "req_rsp"
name: "otbn_otp_key"
act: "rsp"
default: "'0"
package: "otp_ctrl_pkg"
desc: "Key derivation interface for OTBN scrambling devices."
// Hardware config partition
{ struct: "otp_hw_cfg"
type: "uni"
name: "otp_hw_cfg"
act: "req"
default: "'0"
package: "otp_ctrl_part_pkg"
desc: "Output of the HW_CFG partition."
// AST observability control
{ struct: "ast_obs_ctrl",
type: "uni",
name: "obs_ctrl",
act: "rcv",
package: "ast_pkg"
desc: "AST observability control signals."
// prim otp observe bus
{ struct: "logic",
type: "uni",
name: "otp_obs",
act: "req",
width: "8",
package: ""
desc: "AST observability bus."
] // inter_signal_list
// Countermeasures //
countermeasures: [
{ name: "BUS.INTEGRITY",
desc: "End-to-end bus integrity scheme."
desc: "Secret partitions are scrambled with a full-round PRESENT cipher."
{ name: "PART.MEM.DIGEST",
desc: "Integrity of buffered partitions is ensured via a 64bit digest."
{ name: "DAI.FSM.SPARSE",
desc: "The direct access interface FSM is sparsely encoded."
{ name: "KDI.FSM.SPARSE",
desc: "The key derivation interface FSM is sparsely encoded."
{ name: "LCI.FSM.SPARSE",
desc: "The life cycle interface FSM is sparsely encoded."
{ name: "PART.FSM.SPARSE",
desc: "The partition FSMs are sparsely encoded."
desc: "The scramble datapath FSM is sparsely encoded."
desc: "The background check timer FSM is sparsely encoded."
{ name: "DAI.CTR.REDUN",
desc: "The direct access interface address counter employs a cross-counter implementation."
desc: "The key derivation interface counter employs a cross-counter implementation."
desc: "The key derivation entropy counter employs a cross-counter implementation."
{ name: "LCI.CTR.REDUN",
desc: "The life cycle interface address counter employs a cross-counter implementation."
{ name: "PART.CTR.REDUN",
desc: "The address counter of buffered partitions employs a cross-counter implementation."
desc: "The srambling datapath counter employs a cross-counter implementation."
desc: "The background integrity check timer employs a duplicated counter implementation."
desc: "The background consistency check timer employs a duplicated counter implementation."
desc: "The background check LFSR is duplicated."
{ name: "DAI.FSM.LOCAL_ESC",
desc: "The direct access interface FSM is moved into an invalid state upon local escalation."
{ name: "LCI.FSM.LOCAL_ESC",
desc: "The life cycle interface FSM is moved into an invalid state upon local escalation."
{ name: "KDI.FSM.LOCAL_ESC",
desc: "The key derivation interface FSM is moved into an invalid state upon local escalation."
desc: "The partition FSMs are moved into an invalid state upon local escalation."
desc: "The scramble datapath FSM is moved into an invalid state upon local escalation."
desc: "The background check timer FSM is moved into an invalid state upon local escalation."
desc: "The direct access interface FSM is moved into an invalid state upon global escalation via life cycle."
desc: "The life cycle interface FSM is moved into an invalid state upon global escalation via life cycle."
desc: "The key derivation interface FSM is moved into an invalid state upon global escalation via life cycle."
desc: "The partition FSMs are moved into an invalid state upon global escalation via life cycle."
desc: "The scramble datapath FSM is moved into an invalid state upon global escalation via life cycle."
desc: "The background check timer FSM is moved into an invalid state upon global escalation via life cycle."
desc: "All partition buffer registers are protected with ECC on 64bit blocks."
desc: "The digest of buffered partitions is recomputed and checked at pseudorandom intervals in the background."
desc: "Unbuffered ('software') partitions can be read-locked via a CSR until the next system reset."
desc: "Secret buffered partitions become unreadable to software once they are locked via the digest."
desc: "All partitions become unwritable by software once they are locked via the digest."
desc: "The life cycle partition is not directly readable nor writable via software."
desc: "The access control signals going from the partitions to the DAI are MUBI encoded."
desc: "The token valid signals going to the life cycle controller are MUBI encoded."
desc: "The life cycle control signals are multibit encoded."
{ name: "TEST.BUS.LC_GATED",
desc: "Prevent access to test signals and the OTP backdoor interface in non-test lifecycle states."
desc: "The direct access CSRs are REGWEN protected."
desc: "The check trigger CSR is REGWEN protected."
desc: "The check CSR is REGWEN protected."
desc: '''
The OTP macro employs a vendor-specific integrity scheme at the granularity of the native 16bit OTP words.
The scheme is able to at least detect single bit errors.
{ name: "MACRO.MEM.CM",
desc: "The OTP macro may contain additional vendor-specific countermeasures."
// Registers //
regwidth: "32",
registers: {
core: [
// Ctrl / Status CSRs //
{ name: "STATUS",
desc: "OTP status register.",
swaccess: "ro",
hwaccess: "hwo",
hwext: "true",
resval: 0,
tags: [ // OTP internal HW can modify status register
fields: [
{ bits: "0"
desc: '''
Set to 1 if an error occurred in this partition.
If set to 1, SW should check the !!ERR_CODE register at the corresponding index.
{ bits: "1"
desc: '''
Set to 1 if an error occurred in this partition.
If set to 1, SW should check the !!ERR_CODE register at the corresponding index.
{ bits: "2"
desc: '''
Set to 1 if an error occurred in this partition.
If set to 1, SW should check the !!ERR_CODE register at the corresponding index.
{ bits: "3"
name: "HW_CFG_ERROR"
desc: '''
Set to 1 if an error occurred in this partition.
If set to 1, SW should check the !!ERR_CODE register at the corresponding index.
{ bits: "4"
desc: '''
Set to 1 if an error occurred in this partition.
If set to 1, SW should check the !!ERR_CODE register at the corresponding index.
{ bits: "5"
desc: '''
Set to 1 if an error occurred in this partition.
If set to 1, SW should check the !!ERR_CODE register at the corresponding index.
{ bits: "6"
desc: '''
Set to 1 if an error occurred in this partition.
If set to 1, SW should check the !!ERR_CODE register at the corresponding index.
{ bits: "7"
desc: '''
Set to 1 if an error occurred in this partition.
If set to 1, SW should check the !!ERR_CODE register at the corresponding index.
{ bits: "8"
name: "DAI_ERROR"
desc: '''
Set to 1 if an error occurred in the DAI.
If set to 1, SW should check the !!ERR_CODE register at the corresponding index.
{ bits: "9"
name: "LCI_ERROR"
desc: '''
Set to 1 if an error occurred in the LCI.
If set to 1, SW should check the !!ERR_CODE register at the corresponding index.
{ bits: "10"
desc: '''
Set to 1 if an integrity or consistency check times out.
This raises an fatal_check_error alert and is an unrecoverable error condition.
{ bits: "11"
desc: '''
Set to 1 if the LFSR timer FSM has reached an invalid state.
This raises an fatal_check_error alert and is an unrecoverable error condition.
{ bits: "12"
desc: '''
Set to 1 if the scrambling datapath FSM has reached an invalid state.
This raises an fatal_check_error alert and is an unrecoverable error condition.
{ bits: "13"
desc: '''
Set to 1 if the key derivation FSM has reached an invalid state.
This raises an fatal_check_error alert and is an unrecoverable error condition.
{ bits: "14"
desc: '''
This bit is set to 1 if a fatal bus integrity fault is detected.
This error triggers a fatal_bus_integ_error alert.
{ bits: "15"
name: "DAI_IDLE"
desc: "Set to 1 if the DAI is idle and ready to accept commands."
{ bits: "16"
desc: "Set to 1 if an integrity or consistency check triggered by the LFSR timer or via !!CHECK_TRIGGER is pending."
{ multireg: {
name: "ERR_CODE",
desc: '''
This register holds information about error conditions that occurred in the agents
interacting with the OTP macro via the internal bus. The error codes should be checked
if the partitions, DAI or LCI flag an error in the !!STATUS register, or when an
!!INTR_STATE.otp_error has been triggered. Note that all errors trigger an otp_error
interrupt, and in addition some errors may trigger either an fatal_macro_error or an
fatal_check_error alert.
count: "NumErrorEntries",
swaccess: "ro",
hwaccess: "hwo",
hwext: "true",
cname: "AGENT",
resval: 0,
tags: [ // OTP internal HW can modify the error code registers
fields: [
bits: "2:0"
enum: [
{ value: "0",
name: "NO_ERROR",
desc: '''
No error condition has occurred.
{ value: "1",
name: "MACRO_ERROR",
desc: '''
Returned if the OTP macro command was invalid or did not complete successfully
due to a macro malfunction.
This error should never occur during normal operation and is not recoverable.
This error triggers an fatal_macro_error alert.
{ value: "2",
desc: '''
A correctable ECC error has occured during an OTP read operation.
The corresponding controller automatically recovers from this error when
issuing a new command.
{ value: "3",
desc: '''
An uncorrectable ECC error has occurred during an OTP read operation.
This error should never occur during normal operation and is not recoverable.
If this error is present this may be a sign that the device is malfunctioning.
This error triggers an fatal_macro_error alert.
{ value: "4",
desc: '''
This error is returned if a programming operation attempted to clear a bit that has previously been programmed to 1.
The corresponding controller automatically recovers from this error when issuing a new command.
Note however that the affected OTP word may be left in an inconsistent state if this error occurs.
This can cause several issues when the word is accessed again (either as part of a regular read operation, as part of the readout at boot, or as part of a background check).
It is important that SW ensures that each word is only written once, since this can render the device useless.
{ value: "5",
desc: '''
This error indicates that a locked memory region has been accessed.
The corresponding controller automatically recovers from this error when issuing a new command.
{ value: "6",
desc: '''
An ECC, integrity or consistency mismatch has been detected in the buffer registers.
This error should never occur during normal operation and is not recoverable.
This error triggers an fatal_check_error alert.
{ value: "7",
desc: '''
The FSM of the corresponding controller has reached an invalid state, or the FSM has
been moved into a terminal error state due to an escalation action via lc_escalate_en_i.
This error should never occur during normal operation and is not recoverable.
If this error is present, this is a sign that the device has fallen victim to
an invasive attack. This error triggers an fatal_check_error alert.
desc: '''
Register write enable for all direct access interface registers.
swaccess: "ro",
hwaccess: "hwo",
hwext: "true",
tags: [ // OTP internal HW will set this enable register to 0 when OTP is not under IDLE
// state, so could not auto-predict its value
fields: [
bits: "0",
desc: ''' This bit is hardware-managed and only readable by software.
The DAI sets this bit temporarily to 0 during an OTP operation such that
the corresponding address and data registers cannot be modified while
the operation is pending.
resval: 1,
desc: "Command register for direct accesses.",
swaccess: "r0w1c",
hwaccess: "hro",
hwqe: "true",
hwext: "true",
resval: 0,
tags: [ // Write to DIRECT_ACCESS_CMD randomly might cause OTP_ERRORs and illegal sequences
fields: [
{ bits: "0",
name: "RD",
desc: '''
Initiates a readout sequence that reads the location specified
by !!DIRECT_ACCESS_ADDRESS. The command places the data read into
!!DIRECT_ACCESS_RDATA_0 and !!DIRECT_ACCESS_RDATA_1 (for 64bit partitions).
{ bits: "1",
name: "WR",
desc: '''
Initiates a programming sequence that writes the data in !!DIRECT_ACCESS_WDATA_0
and !!DIRECT_ACCESS_WDATA_1 (for 64bit partitions) to the location specified by
{ bits: "2",
name: "DIGEST",
desc: '''
Initiates the digest calculation and locking sequence for the partition specified by
desc: "Address register for direct accesses.",
swaccess: "rw",
hwaccess: "hro",
hwqe: "false",
resval: 0,
tags: [ // The enable register "DIRECT_ACCESS_REGWEN" is HW controlled,
// so not able to predict this register value automatically
fields: [
{ bits: "OtpByteAddrWidth-1:0",
desc: '''
This is the address for the OTP word to be read or written through
the direct access interface. Note that the address is aligned to the access size
internally, hence bits 1:0 are ignored for 32bit accesses, and bits 2:0 are ignored
for 64bit accesses.
For the digest calculation command, set this register to the partition base offset.
{ multireg: {
desc: '''Write data for direct accesses.
Hardware automatically determines the access granule (32bit or 64bit) based on which
partition is being written to.
count: "NumDaiWords", // 2 x 32bit = 64bit
swaccess: "rw",
hwaccess: "hro",
hwqe: "false",
cname: "WORD",
resval: 0,
tags: [ // The value of this register is written from "DIRECT_ACCESS_RDATA",
// so could not predict this register value automatically
fields: [
{ bits: "31:0"
{ multireg: {
desc: '''Read data for direct accesses.
Hardware automatically determines the access granule (32bit or 64bit) based on which
partition is read from.
count: "NumDaiWords", // 2 x 32bit = 64bit
swaccess: "ro",
hwaccess: "hwo",
hwext: "true",
cname: "WORD",
resval: 0,
fields: [
{ bits: "31:0"
// Integrity and Consistency Checks //
desc: '''
Register write enable for !!CHECK_TRIGGER.
swaccess: "rw0c",
hwaccess: "none",
fields: [
{ bits: "0",
desc: '''
When cleared to 0, the !!CHECK_TRIGGER register cannot be written anymore.
Write 0 to clear this bit.
resval: 1,
{ name: "CHECK_TRIGGER",
desc: "Command register for direct accesses.",
swaccess: "r0w1c",
hwaccess: "hro",
hwqe: "true",
hwext: "true",
resval: 0,
fields: [
{ bits: "0",
name: "INTEGRITY",
desc: '''
Writing 1 to this bit triggers an integrity check. SW should monitor !!STATUS.CHECK_PENDING
and wait until the check has been completed. If there are any errors, those will be flagged
in the !!STATUS and !!ERR_CODE registers, and via the interrupts and alerts.
{ bits: "1",
desc: '''
Writing 1 to this bit triggers a consistency check. SW should monitor !!STATUS.CHECK_PENDING
and wait until the check has been completed. If there are any errors, those will be flagged
in the !!STATUS and !!ERR_CODE registers, and via interrupts and alerts.
{ name: "CHECK_REGWEN",
desc: '''
swaccess: "rw0c",
hwaccess: "none",
fields: [
{ bits: "0",
desc: '''
When cleared to 0, !!INTEGRITY_CHECK_PERIOD and !!CONSISTENCY_CHECK_PERIOD registers cannot be written anymore.
Write 0 to clear this bit.
resval: 1,
{ name: "CHECK_TIMEOUT",
desc: '''
Timeout value for the integrity and consistency checks.
swaccess: "rw",
hwaccess: "hro",
regwen: "CHECK_REGWEN",
tags: [ // Do not write to this automatically, as it may trigger fatal alert, and cause
// escalation.
fields: [
{ bits: "31:0",
desc: '''
Timeout value in cycles for the for the integrity and consistency checks. If an integrity or consistency
check does not complete within the timeout window, an error will be flagged in the !!STATUS register,
an otp_error interrupt will be raised, and an fatal_check_error alert will be sent out. The timeout should
be set to a large value to stay on the safe side. The maximum check time can be upper bounded by the
number of cycles it takes to readout, scramble and digest the entire OTP array. Since this amounts to
roughly 25k cycles, it is recommended to set this value to at least 100'000 cycles in order to stay on the
safe side. A value of zero disables the timeout mechanism (default).
resval: 0,
desc: '''
This value specifies the maximum period that can be generated pseudo-randomly.
Only applies to the HW_CFG and SECRET* partitions once they are locked.
swaccess: "rw",
hwaccess: "hro",
regwen: "CHECK_REGWEN",
fields: [
{ bits: "31:0",
desc: '''
The pseudo-random period is generated using a 40bit LFSR internally, and this register defines
the bit mask to be applied to the LFSR output in order to limit its range. The value of this
register is left shifted by 8bits and the lower bits are set to 8'hFF in order to form the 40bit mask.
A recommended value is 0x3_FFFF, corresponding to a maximum period of ~2.8s at 24MHz.
A value of zero disables the timer (default). Note that a one-off check can always be triggered via
resval: "0"
desc: '''
This value specifies the maximum period that can be generated pseudo-randomly.
This applies to the LIFE_CYCLE partition and the HW_CFG and SECRET* partitions once they are locked.
swaccess: "rw",
hwaccess: "hro",
regwen: "CHECK_REGWEN",
fields: [
{ bits: "31:0",
desc: '''
The pseudo-random period is generated using a 40bit LFSR internally, and this register defines
the bit mask to be applied to the LFSR output in order to limit its range. The value of this
register is left shifted by 8bits and the lower bits are set to 8'hFF in order to form the 40bit mask.
A recommended value is 0x3FF_FFFF, corresponding to a maximum period of ~716s at 24MHz.
A value of zero disables the timer (default). Note that a one-off check can always be triggered via
resval: "0"
// Dynamic Locks of SW Parititons //
desc: '''
Runtime read lock for the VENDOR_TEST partition.
swaccess: "rw0c",
hwaccess: "hro",
tags: [ // The value of this register can affect the read access of the this
// partition's memory window. Excluding this register from writing can ensure
// memories have read and write access.
fields: [
{ bits: "0",
desc: '''
When cleared to 0, read access to the VENDOR_TEST partition is locked.
Write 0 to clear this bit.
resval: 1,
desc: '''
Runtime read lock for the CREATOR_SW_CFG partition.
swaccess: "rw0c",
hwaccess: "hro",
tags: [ // The value of this register can affect the read access of the this
// partition's memory window. Excluding this register from writing can ensure
// memories have read and write access.
fields: [
{ bits: "0",
desc: '''
When cleared to 0, read access to the CREATOR_SW_CFG partition is locked.
Write 0 to clear this bit.
resval: 1,
desc: '''
Runtime read lock for the OWNER_SW_CFG partition.
swaccess: "rw0c",
hwaccess: "hro",
tags: [ // The value of this register can affect the read access of the this
// partition's memory window. Excluding this register from writing can ensure
// memories have read and write access.
fields: [
{ bits: "0",
desc: '''
When cleared to 0, read access to the OWNER_SW_CFG partition is locked.
Write 0 to clear this bit.
resval: 1,
// Integrity Digests //
{ multireg: {
desc: '''
Integrity digest for the VENDOR_TEST partition.
The integrity digest is 0 by default. Software must write this
digest value via the direct access interface in order to lock the partition.
After a reset, write access to the VENDOR_TEST partition is locked and
the digest becomes visible in this CSR.
count: "NumDigestWords",
swaccess: "ro",
hwaccess: "hwo",
hwext: "true",
cname: "WORD",
resval: 0,
tags: [ // OTP internal HW will update status so can not auto-predict its value.
fields: [
{ bits: "31:0"
{ multireg: {
desc: '''
Integrity digest for the CREATOR_SW_CFG partition.
The integrity digest is 0 by default. Software must write this
digest value via the direct access interface in order to lock the partition.
After a reset, write access to the CREATOR_SW_CFG partition is locked and
the digest becomes visible in this CSR.
count: "NumDigestWords",
swaccess: "ro",
hwaccess: "hwo",
hwext: "true",
cname: "WORD",
resval: 0,
tags: [ // OTP internal HW will update status so can not auto-predict its value.
fields: [
{ bits: "31:0"
{ multireg: {
desc: '''
Integrity digest for the OWNER_SW_CFG partition.
The integrity digest is 0 by default. Software must write this
digest value via the direct access interface in order to lock the partition.
After a reset, write access to the OWNER_SW_CFG partition is locked and
the digest becomes visible in this CSR.
count: "NumDigestWords",
swaccess: "ro",
hwaccess: "hwo",
hwext: "true",
cname: "WORD",
resval: 0,
tags: [ // OTP internal HW will update status so can not auto-predict its value.
fields: [
{ bits: "31:0"
{ multireg: {
name: "HW_CFG_DIGEST",
desc: '''
Integrity digest for the HW_CFG partition.
The integrity digest is 0 by default. The digest calculation can be triggered via the !!DIRECT_ACCESS_CMD.
After a reset, the digest then becomes visible in this CSR, and the corresponding partition becomes write-locked.
count: "NumDigestWords",
swaccess: "ro",
hwaccess: "hwo",
hwext: "true",
cname: "WORD",
resval: 0,
tags: [ // OTP internal HW will update status so can not auto-predict its value.
fields: [
{ bits: "31:0"
{ multireg: {
desc: '''
Integrity digest for the SECRET0 partition.
The integrity digest is 0 by default. The digest calculation can be triggered via the !!DIRECT_ACCESS_CMD.
After a reset, the digest then becomes visible in this CSR, and the corresponding partition becomes write-locked.
count: "NumDigestWords",
swaccess: "ro",
hwaccess: "hwo",
hwext: "true",
cname: "WORD",
resval: 0,
tags: [ // OTP internal HW will update status so can not auto-predict its value.
fields: [
{ bits: "31:0"
{ multireg: {
desc: '''
Integrity digest for the SECRET1 partition.
The integrity digest is 0 by default. The digest calculation can be triggered via the !!DIRECT_ACCESS_CMD.
After a reset, the digest then becomes visible in this CSR, and the corresponding partition becomes write-locked.
count: "NumDigestWords",
swaccess: "ro",
hwaccess: "hwo",
hwext: "true",
cname: "WORD",
resval: 0,
tags: [ // OTP internal HW will update status so can not auto-predict its value.
fields: [
{ bits: "31:0"
{ multireg: {
desc: '''
Integrity digest for the SECRET2 partition.
The integrity digest is 0 by default. The digest calculation can be triggered via the !!DIRECT_ACCESS_CMD.
After a reset, the digest then becomes visible in this CSR, and the corresponding partition becomes write-locked.
count: "NumDigestWords",
swaccess: "ro",
hwaccess: "hwo",
hwext: "true",
cname: "WORD",
resval: 0,
tags: [ // OTP internal HW will update status so can not auto-predict its value.
fields: [
{ bits: "31:0"
// Software Config Partitions //
{ skipto: "0x1000" }
{ window: {
items: "NumSwCfgWindowWords"
swaccess: "ro",
desc: '''
Any read to this window directly maps to the corresponding offset in the creator and owner software
config partitions, and triggers an OTP readout of the bytes requested. Note that the transaction
will block until OTP readout has completed.
// OTP wrapper-specific registers
prim: [
{ name: "CSR0",
desc: ""
swaccess: "rw",
hwaccess: "hro",
hwext: "false",
hwqe: "false",
fields: [
{ bits: "0",
name: "field0",
desc: "",
resval: "0x0",
{ bits: "1",
name: "field1",
desc: "",
resval: "0x0",
{ bits: "2",
name: "field2",
desc: "",
resval: "0x0",
{ bits: "13:4",
name: "field3",
desc: ""
resval: "0x0",
{ bits: "26:16",
name: "field4",
desc: ""
resval: "0x0",
{ name: "CSR1",
desc: ""
swaccess: "rw",
hwaccess: "hro",
hwext: "false",
hwqe: "false",
fields: [
{ bits: "6:0",
name: "field0",
desc: ""
resval: "0x0",
{ bits: "7:7",
name: "field1",
desc: "",
resval: "0x0",
{ bits: "14:8",
name: "field2",
desc: ""
resval: "0x0",
{ bits: "15:15",
name: "field3",
desc: "",
resval: "0x0",
{ bits: "31:16",
name: "field4",
desc: "",
resval: "0x0",
{ name: "CSR2",
desc: ""
swaccess: "rw",
hwaccess: "hro",
hwext: "false",
hwqe: "false",
fields: [
{ bits: "0",
name: "field0",
desc: "",
resval: "0x0",
{ name: "CSR3",
desc: ""
swaccess: "rw",
hwaccess: "hrw",
hwext: "false",
hwqe: "false",
fields: [
{ bits: "2:0",
name: "field0",
desc: ""
swaccess: "rw1c",
resval: "0x0",
{ bits: "13:4",
name: "field1",
desc: "",
swaccess: "rw1c",
resval: "0x0",
{ bits: "16",
name: "field2",
desc: "",
swaccess: "rw1c",
resval: "0x0",
{ bits: "17",
name: "field3",
desc: "",
swaccess: "ro",
resval: "0x0",
{ bits: "18",
name: "field4",
desc: "",
swaccess: "ro",
resval: "0x0",
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