| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| `include "prim_assert.sv" |
| |
| module rom_ctrl |
| import rom_ctrl_reg_pkg::NumAlerts; |
| import prim_rom_pkg::rom_cfg_t; |
| #( |
| parameter BootRomInitFile = "", |
| parameter logic [NumAlerts-1:0] AlertAsyncOn = {NumAlerts{1'b1}}, |
| parameter bit [63:0] RndCnstScrNonce = '0, |
| parameter bit [127:0] RndCnstScrKey = '0, |
| |
| // Disable all (de)scrambling operation. This disables both the scrambling block and the boot-time |
| // checker. Don't use this in a real chip, but it's handy for small FPGA targets where we don't |
| // want to spend area on unused scrambling. |
| parameter bit SecDisableScrambling = 1'b0 |
| ) ( |
| input clk_i, |
| input rst_ni, |
| |
| // ROM configuration parameters |
| input rom_cfg_t rom_cfg_i, |
| |
| input tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t rom_tl_i, |
| output tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t rom_tl_o, |
| |
| input tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t regs_tl_i, |
| output tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t regs_tl_o, |
| |
| // Alerts |
| input prim_alert_pkg::alert_rx_t [NumAlerts-1:0] alert_rx_i, |
| output prim_alert_pkg::alert_tx_t [NumAlerts-1:0] alert_tx_o, |
| |
| // Connections to other blocks |
| output rom_ctrl_pkg::pwrmgr_data_t pwrmgr_data_o, |
| output rom_ctrl_pkg::keymgr_data_t keymgr_data_o, |
| input kmac_pkg::app_rsp_t kmac_data_i, |
| output kmac_pkg::app_req_t kmac_data_o |
| ); |
| |
| import rom_ctrl_pkg::*; |
| import rom_ctrl_reg_pkg::*; |
| import prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_t, prim_mubi_pkg::MuBi4True; |
| import prim_util_pkg::vbits; |
| |
| // ROM_CTRL_ROM_SIZE is auto-generated by regtool and comes from the bus window size, measured in |
| // bytes of content (i.e. 4 times the number of 32 bit words). |
| localparam int unsigned RomSizeByte = ROM_CTRL_ROM_SIZE; |
| localparam int unsigned RomSizeWords = RomSizeByte >> 2; |
| localparam int unsigned RomIndexWidth = vbits(RomSizeWords); |
| |
| // DataWidth is normally 39, representing 32 bits of actual data plus 7 ECC check bits. If |
| // scrambling is disabled ("insecure mode"), we store a raw 32-bit image and generate ECC check |
| // bits on the fly. |
| localparam int unsigned DataWidth = SecDisableScrambling ? 32 : 39; |
| |
| mubi4_t rom_select_bus; |
| |
| logic [RomIndexWidth-1:0] rom_rom_index, rom_prince_index; |
| logic rom_req; |
| logic [DataWidth-1:0] rom_scr_rdata; |
| logic [DataWidth-1:0] rom_clr_rdata; |
| logic rom_rvalid; |
| |
| logic [RomIndexWidth-1:0] bus_rom_rom_index, bus_rom_prince_index; |
| logic bus_rom_req; |
| logic bus_rom_gnt; |
| logic [DataWidth-1:0] bus_rom_rdata; |
| logic bus_rom_rvalid, bus_rom_rvalid_raw; |
| |
| logic [RomIndexWidth-1:0] checker_rom_index; |
| logic checker_rom_req; |
| logic [DataWidth-1:0] checker_rom_rdata; |
| |
| logic internal_alert; |
| |
| // Pack / unpack kmac connection data ======================================== |
| |
| logic [63:0] kmac_rom_data; |
| logic kmac_rom_rdy; |
| logic kmac_rom_vld; |
| logic kmac_rom_last; |
| logic kmac_done; |
| logic [255:0] kmac_digest; |
| logic kmac_err; |
| |
| if (!SecDisableScrambling) begin : gen_kmac_scramble_enabled |
| // The usual situation, with scrambling enabled. Collect up output signals for kmac and split up |
| // the input struct into separate signals. |
| |
| // Neglecting any first / last block effects, and assuming that ROM_CTRL can always fill the |
| // KMAC message FIFO while a KMAC round is running, the total processing time for a 32kB ROM is |
| // calculated as follows: |
| // |
| // (Padding Overhead) x (ROM Size) / (Block Size) x (Block Processing Time + KMAC Absorb Time) |
| // |
| // ROM_CTRL can only read out one 32 or 39 bit (with ECC) word per cycle, so if we were to zero |
| // pad this to align with the 64bit KMAC interface, the padding overhead would amount to 2x |
| // in this equation: |
| // |
| // 2 x 32 kByte / (1600 bit - 2x 256bit) x (96 cycles + (1600 bit - 2x 256bit) / 64bit)) = |
| // 2 x 32 x 1024 x 8bit / 1088bit x (96 cycles + 17 cycles) = |
| // 2 x 262144 bit / 1088 bit x 113 cycles = |
| // 2 x 27226.35 cycles |
| // |
| // Luckily, the KMAC interface allows to transmit data with a byte enable mask, and only the |
| // enabled bytes will be packed into the message FIFO. Assuming that the processing is the |
| // bottleneck, we can thus reduce the overhead of 2x in that equation to 1x or 5/8x if we only |
| // set 4 or 5 byte enables (4 for 32bit, 5 for 39bit)! |
| localparam int NumBytes = (DataWidth + 7) / 8; |
| |
| assign kmac_data_o = '{valid: kmac_rom_vld, |
| data: kmac_rom_data, |
| strb: kmac_pkg::MsgStrbW'({NumBytes{1'b1}}), |
| last: kmac_rom_last}; |
| |
| assign kmac_rom_rdy = kmac_data_i.ready; |
| assign kmac_done = kmac_data_i.done; |
| assign kmac_digest = kmac_data_i.digest_share0[255:0] ^ kmac_data_i.digest_share1[255:0]; |
| assign kmac_err = kmac_data_i.error; |
| |
| logic unused_kmac_digest; |
| assign unused_kmac_digest = ^{ |
| kmac_data_i.digest_share0[kmac_pkg::AppDigestW-1:256], |
| kmac_data_i.digest_share1[kmac_pkg::AppDigestW-1:256] |
| }; |
| |
| end : gen_kmac_scramble_enabled |
| else begin : gen_kmac_scramble_disabled |
| // Scrambling is disabled. Stub out all KMAC connections and waive the ignored signals. |
| |
| assign kmac_data_o = '0; |
| assign kmac_rom_rdy = 1'b0; |
| assign kmac_done = 1'b0; |
| assign kmac_digest = '0; |
| assign kmac_err = 1'b0; |
| |
| logic unused_kmac_inputs; |
| assign unused_kmac_inputs = ^{kmac_data_i}; |
| |
| logic unused_kmac_outputs; |
| assign unused_kmac_outputs = ^{kmac_rom_vld, kmac_rom_data, kmac_rom_last}; |
| |
| end : gen_kmac_scramble_disabled |
| |
| // TL interface ============================================================== |
| |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t tl_rom_h2d_upstream, tl_rom_h2d_downstream; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t tl_rom_d2h; |
| |
| logic rom_reg_integrity_error; |
| |
| rom_ctrl_rom_reg_top u_rom_top ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .tl_i (rom_tl_i), |
| .tl_o (rom_tl_o), |
| .tl_win_o (tl_rom_h2d_upstream), |
| .tl_win_i (tl_rom_d2h), |
| |
| .intg_err_o (rom_reg_integrity_error), // SEC_CM: BUS.INTEGRITY |
| |
| .devmode_i (1'b1) |
| ); |
| |
| // This buffer ensures that when we calculate bus_rom_prince_index by snooping on |
| // tl_rom_h2d_upstream, we get a value that's buffered from the thing that goes into both the ECC |
| // check and the addr_o output of u_tl_adapter_rom. That way, an injected 1- or 2-bit fault that |
| // affects bus_rom_prince_index must either affect the ECC check (causing it to fail) OR it cannot |
| // affect bus_rom_rom_index (so the address-tweakable scrambling will mean the read probably gets |
| // garbage). |
| // |
| prim_buf #( |
| .Width($bits(tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t)) |
| ) u_tl_rom_h2d_buf ( |
| .in_i (tl_rom_h2d_upstream), |
| .out_o (tl_rom_h2d_downstream) |
| ); |
| |
| // Bus -> ROM adapter ======================================================== |
| |
| logic rom_integrity_error; |
| |
| tlul_adapter_sram #( |
| .SramAw(RomIndexWidth), |
| .SramDw(32), |
| .Outstanding(2), |
| .ByteAccess(0), |
| .ErrOnWrite(1), |
| .CmdIntgCheck(1), |
| .EnableRspIntgGen(1), |
| .EnableDataIntgGen(SecDisableScrambling), |
| .EnableDataIntgPt(!SecDisableScrambling), // SEC_CM: BUS.INTEGRITY |
| .SecFifoPtr (1) // SEC_CM: TLUL_FIFO.CTR.REDUN |
| ) u_tl_adapter_rom ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| |
| .tl_i (tl_rom_h2d_downstream), |
| .tl_o (tl_rom_d2h), |
| .en_ifetch_i (prim_mubi_pkg::MuBi4True), |
| .req_o (bus_rom_req), |
| .req_type_o (), |
| .gnt_i (bus_rom_gnt), |
| .we_o (), |
| .addr_o (bus_rom_rom_index), |
| .wdata_o (), |
| .wmask_o (), |
| .intg_error_o (rom_integrity_error), |
| .rdata_i (bus_rom_rdata), |
| .rvalid_i (bus_rom_rvalid), |
| .rerror_i (2'b00) |
| ); |
| |
| // Snoop on the "upstream" TL transaction to infer the address to pass to the PRINCE cipher. |
| assign bus_rom_prince_index = (tl_rom_h2d_upstream.a_valid ? |
| tl_rom_h2d_upstream.a_address[2 +: RomIndexWidth] : |
| '0); |
| |
| // Unless there has been an injected fault, bus_rom_prince_index and bus_rom_rom_index should have |
| // the same value. |
| `ASSERT(BusRomIndicesMatch_A, bus_rom_prince_index == bus_rom_rom_index) |
| |
| // The mux =================================================================== |
| |
| logic mux_alert; |
| |
| rom_ctrl_mux #( |
| .AW (RomIndexWidth), |
| .DW (DataWidth) |
| ) u_mux ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .sel_bus_i (rom_select_bus), |
| .bus_rom_addr_i (bus_rom_rom_index), |
| .bus_prince_addr_i (bus_rom_prince_index), |
| .bus_req_i (bus_rom_req), |
| .bus_gnt_o (bus_rom_gnt), |
| .bus_rdata_o (bus_rom_rdata), |
| .bus_rvalid_o (bus_rom_rvalid_raw), |
| .chk_addr_i (checker_rom_index), |
| .chk_req_i (checker_rom_req), |
| .chk_rdata_o (checker_rom_rdata), |
| .rom_rom_addr_o (rom_rom_index), |
| .rom_prince_addr_o (rom_prince_index), |
| .rom_req_o (rom_req), |
| .rom_scr_rdata_i (rom_scr_rdata), |
| .rom_clr_rdata_i (rom_clr_rdata), |
| .rom_rvalid_i (rom_rvalid), |
| .alert_o (mux_alert) |
| ); |
| |
| // Squash all responses from the ROM to the bus if there's an internal integrity error from the |
| // checker FSM or the mux. This avoids having to handle awkward corner cases in the mux: if |
| // something looks bad, we'll complain and hang the bus transaction. |
| // |
| // Note that the two signals that go into internal_alert are both sticky. The mux explicitly |
| // latches its alert_o output and the checker FSM jumps to an invalid scrap state when it sees an |
| // error which, in turn, sets checker_alert. |
| // |
| assign bus_rom_rvalid = bus_rom_rvalid_raw & !internal_alert; |
| |
| // The ROM itself ============================================================ |
| |
| if (!SecDisableScrambling) begin : gen_rom_scramble_enabled |
| |
| rom_ctrl_scrambled_rom #( |
| .MemInitFile (BootRomInitFile), |
| .Width (DataWidth), |
| .Depth (RomSizeWords), |
| .ScrNonce (RndCnstScrNonce), |
| .ScrKey (RndCnstScrKey) |
| ) u_rom ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .req_i (rom_req), |
| .rom_addr_i (rom_rom_index), |
| .prince_addr_i (rom_prince_index), |
| .rvalid_o (rom_rvalid), |
| .scr_rdata_o (rom_scr_rdata), |
| .clr_rdata_o (rom_clr_rdata), |
| .cfg_i (rom_cfg_i) |
| ); |
| |
| end : gen_rom_scramble_enabled |
| else begin : gen_rom_scramble_disabled |
| |
| // If scrambling is disabled then instantiate a normal ROM primitive (no PRINCE cipher etc.). |
| // Note that this "raw memory" doesn't have ECC bits either. |
| |
| prim_rom_adv #( |
| .Width (DataWidth), |
| .Depth (RomSizeWords), |
| .MemInitFile (BootRomInitFile) |
| ) u_rom ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .req_i (rom_req), |
| .addr_i (rom_rom_index), |
| .rvalid_o (rom_rvalid), |
| .rdata_o (rom_scr_rdata), |
| .cfg_i (rom_cfg_i) |
| ); |
| |
| // There's no scrambling, so "scrambled" and "clear" rdata are equal. |
| assign rom_clr_rdata = rom_scr_rdata; |
| |
| // Since we're not generating a keystream, we don't use the rom_prince_index at all |
| logic unused_prince_index; |
| assign unused_prince_index = ^rom_prince_index; |
| |
| end : gen_rom_scramble_disabled |
| |
| // Zero expand checker rdata to pass to KMAC |
| assign kmac_rom_data = {{64-DataWidth{1'b0}}, checker_rom_rdata}; |
| |
| // Register block ============================================================ |
| |
| rom_ctrl_regs_reg2hw_t reg2hw; |
| rom_ctrl_regs_hw2reg_t hw2reg; |
| logic reg_integrity_error; |
| |
| rom_ctrl_regs_reg_top u_reg_regs ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .tl_i (regs_tl_i), |
| .tl_o (regs_tl_o), |
| .reg2hw (reg2hw), |
| .hw2reg (hw2reg), |
| .intg_err_o (reg_integrity_error), // SEC_CM: BUS.INTEGRITY |
| .devmode_i (1'b1) |
| ); |
| |
| // The checker FSM =========================================================== |
| |
| logic [255:0] digest_q, exp_digest_q; |
| logic [255:0] digest_d; |
| logic digest_de; |
| logic [31:0] exp_digest_word_d; |
| logic exp_digest_de; |
| logic [2:0] exp_digest_idx; |
| |
| logic checker_alert; |
| |
| if (!SecDisableScrambling) begin : gen_fsm_scramble_enabled |
| |
| rom_ctrl_fsm #( |
| .RomDepth (RomSizeWords), |
| .TopCount (8) |
| ) u_checker_fsm ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .digest_i (digest_q), |
| .exp_digest_i (exp_digest_q), |
| .digest_o (digest_d), |
| .digest_vld_o (digest_de), |
| .exp_digest_o (exp_digest_word_d), |
| .exp_digest_vld_o (exp_digest_de), |
| .exp_digest_idx_o (exp_digest_idx), |
| .pwrmgr_data_o (pwrmgr_data_o), |
| .keymgr_data_o (keymgr_data_o), |
| .kmac_rom_rdy_i (kmac_rom_rdy), |
| .kmac_rom_vld_o (kmac_rom_vld), |
| .kmac_rom_last_o (kmac_rom_last), |
| .kmac_done_i (kmac_done), |
| .kmac_digest_i (kmac_digest), |
| .kmac_err_i (kmac_err), |
| .rom_select_bus_o (rom_select_bus), |
| .rom_addr_o (checker_rom_index), |
| .rom_req_o (checker_rom_req), |
| .rom_data_i (checker_rom_rdata[31:0]), |
| .alert_o (checker_alert) |
| ); |
| |
| end : gen_fsm_scramble_enabled |
| else begin : gen_fsm_scramble_disabled |
| |
| // If scrambling is disabled, there's no checker FSM. |
| |
| assign digest_d = '0; |
| assign digest_de = 1'b0; |
| assign exp_digest_word_d = '0; |
| assign exp_digest_de = 1'b0; |
| assign exp_digest_idx = '0; |
| |
| assign pwrmgr_data_o = PWRMGR_DATA_DEFAULT; |
| // Send something other than '1 or '0 because the key manager has an "all ones" and an "all |
| // zeros" check. |
| assign keymgr_data_o = '{data: {128{2'b10}}, valid: 1'b1}; |
| |
| assign kmac_rom_vld = 1'b0; |
| assign kmac_rom_last = 1'b0; |
| |
| // Always grant access to the bus. Setting this to a constant should mean the mux gets |
| // synthesized away completely. |
| assign rom_select_bus = MuBi4True; |
| |
| assign checker_rom_index = '0; |
| assign checker_rom_req = 1'b0; |
| assign checker_alert = 1'b0; |
| |
| logic unused_fsm_inputs; |
| assign unused_fsm_inputs = ^{kmac_rom_rdy, kmac_done, kmac_digest, digest_q, exp_digest_q}; |
| |
| end : gen_fsm_scramble_disabled |
| |
| // Register data ============================================================= |
| |
| // DIGEST and EXP_DIGEST registers |
| |
| // Repack signals to convert between the view expected by rom_ctrl_reg_pkg for CSRs and the view |
| // expected by rom_ctrl_fsm. Register 0 of a multi-reg appears as the low bits of the packed data. |
| for (genvar i = 0; i < 8; i++) begin: gen_csr_digest |
| localparam int unsigned TopBitInt = 32 * i + 31; |
| localparam bit [7:0] TopBit = TopBitInt[7:0]; |
| |
| assign hw2reg.digest[i].d = digest_d[TopBit -: 32]; |
| assign hw2reg.digest[i].de = digest_de; |
| |
| assign hw2reg.exp_digest[i].d = exp_digest_word_d; |
| assign hw2reg.exp_digest[i].de = exp_digest_de && (i[2:0] == exp_digest_idx); |
| |
| assign digest_q[TopBit -: 32] = reg2hw.digest[i].q; |
| assign exp_digest_q[TopBit -: 32] = reg2hw.exp_digest[i].q; |
| end |
| |
| logic bus_integrity_error; |
| assign bus_integrity_error = rom_reg_integrity_error | rom_integrity_error | reg_integrity_error; |
| |
| assign internal_alert = checker_alert | mux_alert; |
| |
| // FATAL_ALERT_CAUSE register |
| assign hw2reg.fatal_alert_cause.checker_error.d = internal_alert; |
| assign hw2reg.fatal_alert_cause.checker_error.de = internal_alert; |
| assign hw2reg.fatal_alert_cause.integrity_error.d = bus_integrity_error; |
| assign hw2reg.fatal_alert_cause.integrity_error.de = bus_integrity_error; |
| |
| // Alert generation ========================================================== |
| |
| logic [NumAlerts-1:0] alert_test; |
| assign alert_test[AlertFatal] = reg2hw.alert_test.q & |
| reg2hw.alert_test.qe; |
| |
| logic [NumAlerts-1:0] alerts; |
| assign alerts[AlertFatal] = bus_integrity_error | checker_alert | mux_alert; |
| |
| for (genvar i = 0; i < NumAlerts; i++) begin: gen_alert_tx |
| prim_alert_sender #( |
| .AsyncOn(AlertAsyncOn[i]), |
| .IsFatal(i == AlertFatal) |
| ) u_alert_sender ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .alert_test_i ( alert_test[i] ), |
| .alert_req_i ( alerts[i] ), |
| .alert_ack_o ( ), |
| .alert_state_o ( ), |
| .alert_rx_i ( alert_rx_i[i] ), |
| .alert_tx_o ( alert_tx_o[i] ) |
| ); |
| end |
| |
| // Asserts =================================================================== |
| // |
| // "ROM" TL interface: The d_valid and a_ready signals should be unconditionally defined. The |
| // other signals in rom_tl_o (which are the other D channel signals) should be defined if d_valid. |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(RomTlODValidKnown_A, rom_tl_o.d_valid) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(RomTlOAReadyKnown_A, rom_tl_o.a_ready) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN_IF(RomTlODDataKnown_A, rom_tl_o, rom_tl_o.d_valid) |
| |
| // "regs" TL interface: The d_valid and a_ready signals should be unconditionally defined. The |
| // other signals in rom_tl_o (which are the other D channel signals) should be defined if d_valid. |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(RegsTlODValidKnown_A, regs_tl_o.d_valid) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(RegsTlOAReadyKnown_A, regs_tl_o.a_ready) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN_IF(RegsTlODDataKnown_A, regs_tl_o, regs_tl_o.d_valid) |
| |
| // The assert_tx_o output should have a known value when out of reset |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(AlertTxOKnown_A, alert_tx_o) |
| |
| // Assertions to check that we've wired up our alert bits correctly |
| if (!SecDisableScrambling) begin : gen_asserts_with_scrambling |
| gen_fsm_scramble_enabled. |
| u_checker_fsm.u_compare.u_state_regs, |
| alert_tx_o[AlertFatal]) |
| gen_fsm_scramble_enabled. |
| u_checker_fsm.u_state_regs, |
| alert_tx_o[AlertFatal]) |
| gen_fsm_scramble_enabled. |
| u_checker_fsm.u_compare.u_prim_count_addr, |
| alert_tx_o[AlertFatal]) |
| end |
| |
| // The pwrmgr_data_o output (the "done" and "good" signals) should have a known value when out of |
| // reset. (In theory, the "good" signal could be unknown when !done, but the stronger and simpler |
| // assertion is also true, so we use that) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(PwrmgrDataOKnown_A, pwrmgr_data_o) |
| |
| // The valid signal for keymgr_data_o should always be known when out of reset. The rest of the |
| // struct (a data signal) should be known whenever the valid signal is true. |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(KeymgrDataOValidKnown_A, keymgr_data_o.valid) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN_IF(KeymgrDataODataKnown_A, keymgr_data_o, keymgr_data_o.valid) |
| |
| // The valid signal for kmac_data_o should always be known when out of reset. The rest of the |
| // struct (data, strb and last) should be known whenever the valid signal is true. |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(KmacDataOValidKnown_A, kmac_data_o.valid) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN_IF(KmacDataODataKnown_A, kmac_data_o, kmac_data_o.valid) |
| |
| // Check that pwrmgr_data_o.good is stable when kmac_data_o.valid is asserted |
| `ASSERT(StabilityChkKmac_A, kmac_data_o.valid && $past(kmac_data_o.valid) |
| |-> $stable(pwrmgr_data_o.good)) |
| |
| // Check that pwrmgr_data_o.good is stable when keymgr_data_o.valid is asserted |
| `ASSERT(StabilityChkkeymgr_A, keymgr_data_o.valid && $past(keymgr_data_o.valid) |
| |-> $stable(pwrmgr_data_o.good)) |
| |
| // Check that pwrmgr_data_o.done is never de-asserted once asserted |
| `ASSERT(PwrmgrDataChk_A, $rose(pwrmgr_data_o.done == prim_mubi_pkg::MuBi4True) |-> |
| always !$fell(pwrmgr_data_o.done == prim_mubi_pkg::MuBi4True), |
| clk_i, !rst_ni || internal_alert) |
| |
| // Check that keymgr_data_o.valid is never de-asserted once asserted |
| `ASSERT(KeymgrValidChk_A, $rose(keymgr_data_o.valid) |-> always !$fell(keymgr_data_o.valid), |
| clk_i, !rst_ni || internal_alert) |
| |
| // Check that rom_tl_o.d_valid is not asserted unless pwrmgr_data_o.done is asseterd. |
| // This check ensures that all tl accesses are blocked until rom check is completed. You might |
| // think we could check for a_ready, but that doesn't work because the TL to SRAM adapter has a |
| // 1-entry cache that accepts the transaction (but doesn't reply) |
| `ASSERT(TlAccessChk_A, |
| (pwrmgr_data_o.done == prim_mubi_pkg::MuBi4False) |-> |
| (!rom_tl_o.d_valid || (rom_tl_o.d_valid && rom_tl_o.d_error))) |
| |
| // Check that whenever there is an alert triggered and FSM state is Invalid, there is no response |
| // to read requests. |
| if (!SecDisableScrambling) begin : gen_fsm_scramble_enabled_asserts |
| |
| `ASSERT(BusLocalEscChk_A, |
| (gen_fsm_scramble_enabled.u_checker_fsm.state_d == rom_ctrl_pkg::Invalid) |
| |-> always(!bus_rom_rvalid)) |
| end |
| |
| // Alert assertions for reg_we onehot check |
| u_reg_regs, alert_tx_o[AlertFatal]) |
| |
| // Alert assertions for redundant counters. |
| u_tl_adapter_rom.u_rspfifo.gen_normal_fifo.u_fifo_cnt.gen_secure_ptrs.u_wptr, |
| alert_tx_o[AlertFatal]) |
| u_tl_adapter_rom.u_rspfifo.gen_normal_fifo.u_fifo_cnt.gen_secure_ptrs.u_rptr, |
| alert_tx_o[AlertFatal]) |
| endmodule |