blob: dc3f1b776ff1ce7c869fbb34a04e53b6a6f60e58 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
class i2c_base_test extends cip_base_test #(.ENV_T(i2c_env),
// the base class dv_base_test creates the following instances:
// i2c_env_cfg: cfg
// i2c_env: env
// the base class also looks up UVM_TEST_SEQ plusarg to create and
// run that seq in the run_phase; as such, nothing more needs to be done
virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
if_mode_e mode = Device;
test_timeout_ns = 600_000_000; // 600ms
`DV_GET_ENUM_PLUSARG(if_mode_e, mode, i2c_agent_mode)
`uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("set i2c agent mode to %s",, UVM_MEDIUM)
cfg.m_i2c_agent_cfg.if_mode = mode;
void'($value$plusargs("use_intr_handler=%0b", cfg.use_intr_handler));
void'($value$plusargs("slow_acq=%0b", cfg.slow_acq));
void'($value$plusargs("i2c_wr_pct=%0d", cfg.wr_pct));
void'($value$plusargs("i2c_rd_pct=%0d", cfg.rd_pct));
void'($value$plusargs("i2c_bad_addr_pct=%0d", cfg.bad_addr_pct));
endfunction : build_phase
endclass : i2c_base_test