blob: d0a66323bd1c796d48ed9521511beddefae4969e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This file provides common definitions for build output locations in the
# OpenTitan repository; scripts that wish to use it should |source| it at their
# start.
# OpenTitan has two build directories:
# - $OBJ_DIR, which contains all outputs and intermediates of the build
# process, with an unstable directory structure.
# - $BIN_DIR, which contains "executable" outputs of the build process, such as
# binaries, tests, and bitstreams. It has a stable directory structure.
# $OBJ_DIR and $BIN_DIR are the subdirectories build-out and build-bin of
# $BUILD_ROOT, which can be configured to any desired directory. Build artifacts
# can be cleaned out by running |rm -rf $BUILD_ROOT/build-*|.
# We cannot rely on the location of this file for anything, since it is meant to
# be sourced, not executed. As such, we use git to compute $REPO_TOP.
readonly REPO_TOP="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"
readonly OBJ_DIR="$BUILD_ROOT/build-out"
readonly BIN_DIR="$BUILD_ROOT/build-bin"
# PLATFORMS is an array of all of the "device platforms" which OpenTitan
# software can be built for. These include:
# - 'sim-verilator', i.e., Verilator.
# - 'fpga', i.e., a NexysVideo FPGA board.
readonly PLATFORMS=(
# sw_obj_dir takes a platform name as an argument and produces a path to a
# subdirectory of $OBJ_DIR where its build action artifacts should be written.
# The output of this function should be considered scratch space and not stable.
function sw_obj_dir() {
echo "$OBJ_DIR/sw/$1"
# sw_bin_dir takes a platform name as an argument and produces a path to the
# subdirectory of $BIN_DIR where its completed build outputs should be written.
function sw_bin_dir() {
echo "$BIN_DIR/sw/device/$1"
# $HOST_BIN_DIR is a subdirectory of $BIN_DIR where host build outputs (i.e.,
# compiled programs that should run on a host workstation or server) should be
# written.