blob: 148d67aaadee4ab5a059da94f1db34dc01c35862 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{ name: "i2c"
clock_primary: "clk_i"
bus_interfaces: [
{ protocol: "tlul", direction: "device" }
// INPUT pins
available_inout_list: [
{ name: "sda", desc: "Serial input data bit" }
{ name: "scl", desc: "Serial input clock bit" }
interrupt_list: [
{ name: "fmt_watermark"
desc: "raised when the FMT FIFO depth falls below the low watermark."
{ name: "rx_watermark"
desc: "raised if the RX FIFO is past the high watermark."
{ name: "fmt_overflow"
desc: "raised if the FMT FIFO has overflowed."
{ name: "rx_overflow"
desc: "raised if the RX FIFO has overflowed."
{ name: "nak"
desc: "raised if there is no ACK in response to an address or data write"
{ name: "scl_interference"
desc: "raised if the SCL line drops early (not supported without clock synchronization)."
{ name: "sda_interference"
desc: "raised if the SDA line goes low when host is trying to assert high"
{ name: "stretch_timeout"
desc: "raised if target stretches the clock beyond the allowed timeout period"
{ name: "sda_unstable"
desc: "raised if the target does not assert a constant value of SDA during transmission."
{ name: "trans_complete"
desc: "raised if the host terminates the transaction by issuing STOP or repeated START."
{ name: "tx_empty"
desc: "raised if the target needs data to transmit and TX FIFO is empty."
{ name: "tx_nonempty"
desc: "raised if there are extra bytes left in TX FIFO at the end of a read."
{ name: "tx_overflow"
desc: "raised if TX FIFO has overflowed."
{ name: "acq_overflow"
desc: "raised if ACQ FIFO has overflowed."
{ name: "ack_stop"
desc: "raised if STOP is received after ACK (host sends both signals)."
{ name: "host_timeout"
desc: "raised if the host stops sending the clock during an ongoing transaction."
// REGISTER definition
regwidth: "32"
registers: [
// CTRL register
{ name: "CTRL"
desc: "I2C control register (Functions TBD)"
swaccess: "rw"
hwaccess: "hro"
fields: [
{ bits: "0"
resval: "0"
desc: '''
Enable Host I2C functionality
{ bits: "1"
resval: "0"
desc: '''
Enable Target I2C functionality
{ bits: "2"
resval: "0"
name: "LLPBK"
desc: '''
Enable I2C line loopback test
If line loopback is enabled, the internal design sees ACQ and RX data as "1"
tags: [// Exclude from write-checks: writing 1'b1 to this bit causes interrupts unexpectedly asserted
{ name: "STATUS"
desc: "I2C live status register"
swaccess: "ro"
hwaccess: "hwo"
hwext: "true"
fields: [
{ bits: "0"
name: "FMTFULL"
desc: "FMT buffer is full"
{ bits: "1"
name: "RXFULL"
desc: "RX buffer is full"
{ bits: "2"
name: "FMTEMPTY"
desc: "FMT FIFO is empty"
resval: "1"
{ bits: "5"
name: "RXEMPTY"
desc: "RX FIFO is empty"
resval: "1"
{ bits: "3"
name: "HOSTIDLE"
desc: "Host functionality is idle. No Host transaction is in progress"
resval: "1"
{ bits: "4"
desc: "Target functionality is idle. No Target transaction is in progress"
resval: "1"
{ bits: "6"
name: "TXFULL"
desc: "TX FIFO is full"
{ bits: "7"
name: "ACQFULL"
desc: "ACQ FIFO is full"
{ bits: "8"
name: "TXEMPTY"
desc: "TX FIFO is empty"
resval: "1"
{ bits: "9"
name: "ACQEMPTY"
desc: "ACQ FIFO is empty"
resval: "1"
tags: [// Updated by the hw. Exclude from write-checks.
{ name: "RDATA"
desc: "I2C read data"
swaccess: "ro"
hwaccess: "hrw"
hwext: "true"
hwre: "true"
fields: [
{bits: "7:0"}
tags: [// Updated by the hw. Exclude from init and write-checks.
{ name: "FDATA"
desc: "I2C Format Data"
swaccess: "wo"
hwaccess: "hro"
hwqe: "true"
fields: [
{ bits: "7:0"
name: "FBYTE"
desc: "Format Byte. Directly transmitted if no flags are set."
{ bits: "8"
name: "START"
desc: "Issue a START condition before transmitting BYTE."
{ bits: "9"
name: "STOP"
desc: "Issue a STOP condition after this operation"
{ bits: "10"
name: "READ"
desc: "Read BYTE bytes from I2C. (256 if BYTE==0)"
{ bits: "11"
name: "RCONT"
desc: "Do not NAK the last byte read, let the read operation continue"
{ bits: "12"
name: "NAKOK"
desc: "Do not signal an exception if the current byte is not ACK'd"
{ name: "FIFO_CTRL"
desc: "I2C FIFO control register"
swaccess: "rw"
hwaccess: "hro"
hwqe: "true"
fields: [
{ bits: "0"
swaccess: "wo"
name: "RXRST"
desc: "RX fifo reset. Write 1 to the register resets RX_FIFO. Read returns 0"
{ bits: "1"
swaccess: "wo"
name: "FMTRST"
desc: "FMT fifo reset. Write 1 to the register resets FMT_FIFO. Read returns 0"
{ bits: "4:2"
name: "RXILVL"
desc: '''Trigger level for RX interrupts. If the FIFO depth exceeds
this setting, it raises rx_watermark interrupt.
enum: [
{ value: "0",
name: "rxlvl1",
desc: "1 character"
{ value: "1",
name: "rxlvl4",
desc: "4 characters"
{ value: "2",
name: "rxlvl8",
desc: "8 characters"
{ value: "3",
name: "rxlvl16",
desc: "16 characters"
{ value: "4",
name: "rxlvl30",
desc: "30 characters"
{ bits: "6:5"
name: "FMTILVL"
desc: '''Trigger level for FMT interrupts. If the FIFO depth falls below
this setting, it raises fmt_watermark interrupt.
enum: [
{ value: "0",
name: "fmtlvl1"
desc: "1 character"
{ value: "1",
name: "fmtlvl4",
desc: "4 characters"
{ value: "2",
name: "fmtlvl8",
desc: "8 characters"
{ value: "3",
name: "fmtlvl16",
desc: "16 characters"
{ bits: "7"
swaccess: "wo"
name: "ACQRST"
desc: "ACQ FIFO reset. Write 1 to the register resets it. Read returns 0"
{ bits: "8"
swaccess: "wo"
name: "TXRST"
desc: "TX FIFO reset. Write 1 to the register resets it. Read returns 0"
{ name: "FIFO_STATUS"
desc: "I2C FIFO status register"
swaccess: "ro"
hwaccess: "hwo"
hwext: "true"
fields: [
{ bits: "6:0"
name: "FMTLVL"
desc: "Current fill level of FMT fifo"
{ bits: "22:16"
name: "RXLVL"
desc: "Current fill level of RX fifo"
{ bits: "14:8"
name: "TXLVL"
desc: "Current fill level of TX fifo"
{ bits: "30:24"
name: "ACQLVL"
desc: "Current fill level of ACQ fifo"
tags: [// Updated by the hw. Exclude from write-checks.
{ name: "OVRD"
desc: "I2C override control register"
swaccess: "rw"
hwaccess: "hro"
fields: [
{ bits: "0",
name: "TXOVRDEN",
desc: "Override the SDA and SCL TX signals."
{ bits: "1",
name: "SCLVAL",
desc: "Value for SCL Override. Set to 0 to drive TX Low, and set to 1 for high-Z"
{ bits: "2",
name: "SDAVAL",
desc: "Value for SDA Override. Set to 0 to drive TX Low, and set to 1 for high-Z"
{ name: "VAL"
desc: "Oversampled RX values"
swaccess: "ro"
hwaccess: "hwo"
hwext: "true"
fields: [
{ bits: "15:0"
name: "SCL_RX"
desc: '''
Last 16 oversampled values of SCL. Most recent bit is bit 0, oldest 15.
{ bits: "31:16"
name: "SDA_RX"
desc: '''
Last 16 oversampled values of SDA. Most recent bit is bit 16, oldest 31.
tags: [// Affected by IO pins - exclude from init and write checks.
{ name: "TIMING0"
desc: '''
Detailed I2C Timings (directly corresponding to table 10 in the I2C Specification).
All values are expressed in units of the input clock period.
swaccess: "rw"
hwaccess: "hro"
fields: [
{ bits: "15:0"
name: "THIGH"
desc: "The actual time to hold SCL high in a given pulse"
{ bits: "31:16"
name: "TLOW"
desc: "The actual time to hold SCL low between any two SCL pulses"
{ name: "TIMING1",
desc: '''
Detailed I2C Timings (directly corresponding to table 10 in the I2C Specification).
All values are expressed in units of the input clock period.
swaccess: "rw"
hwaccess: "hro"
fields: [
{ bits: "15:0"
name: "T_R"
desc: "The nominal rise time to anticipate for the bus (depends on capacitance)"
{ bits: "31:16"
name: "T_F"
desc: "The nominal fall time to anticipate for the bus (influences SDA hold times)"
{ name: "TIMING2"
desc: '''
Detailed I2C Timings (directly corresponding to table 10 in the I2C Specification).
All values are expressed in units of the input clock period.
swaccess: "rw"
hwaccess: "hro"
fields: [
{ bits: "15:0"
name: "TSU_STA"
desc: "Actual setup time for repeated start signals"
{ bits: "31:16"
name: "THD_STA"
desc: "Actual hold time for start signals"
{ name: "TIMING3"
desc: '''
Detailed I2C Timings (directly corresponding to table 10, in the I2C Specification).
All values are expressed in units of the input clock period.
swaccess: "rw"
hwaccess: "hro"
fields: [
{ bits: "15:0"
name: "TSU_DAT"
desc: "Actual setup time for data (or ack) bits"
{ bits: "31:16"
name: "THD_DAT"
desc: '''
Actual hold time for data (or ack) bits
(Note, where required, the parameters TVD_DAT is taken to be THD_DAT+T_F)
{ name: "TIMING4"
desc: '''
Detailed I2C Timings (directly corresponding to table 10, in the I2C Specification).
All values are expressed in units of the input clock period.
swaccess: "rw"
hwaccess: "hro"
fields: [
{ bits: "15:0"
name: "TSU_STO"
desc: "Actual setup time for stop signals"
{ bits: "31:16"
name: "T_BUF"
desc: "Actual time between each STOP signal and the following START signal"
{ name: "TIMEOUT_CTRL"
desc: "I2C clock stretching timeout control"
swaccess: "rw"
hwaccess: "hro"
fields: [
{ bits: "30:0"
name: "VAL"
desc: "Clock stretching timeout value (in units of input clock frequency)"
{ bits: "31"
name: "EN"
desc: "Enable timeout feature"
{ name: "TARGET_ID"
desc: "I2C target address and mask pairs"
swaccess: "rw"
hwaccess: "hro"
fields: [
{ bits: "6:0"
name: "ADDRESS0"
desc: "I2C target address number 0"
{ bits: "13:7"
name: "MASK0"
desc: "I2C target mask number 0"
{ bits: "20:14"
name: "ADDRESS1"
desc: "I2C target address number 1"
{ bits: "27:21"
name: "MASK1"
desc: "I2C target mask number 1"
{ name: "ACQDATA"
desc: "I2C target acquired data"
swaccess: "ro"
hwaccess: "hrw"
hwext: "true"
hwre: "true"
fields: [
{ bits: "7:0"
name: "ABYTE"
desc: "Address for accepted transaction or acquired byte"
{ bits: "9:8"
name: "SIGNAL"
desc: "Host issued a START before transmitting ABYTE, a STOP or a RESTART after the preceeding ABYTE"
tags: [// Updated by the hw. Exclude from init and write-checks.
// Without actual I2C traffic, read from this FIFO returns Xs.
{ name: "TXDATA"
desc: "I2C target transmit data"
swaccess: "wo"
hwaccess: "hro"
hwqe: "true"
fields: [
{ bits: "7:0" }
{ name: "STRETCH_CTRL"
desc: "I2C target clock stretching control"
swaccess: "rw"
fields: [
{ bits: "0"
hwaccess: "hro"
name: "EN_ADDR_TX"
desc: "Enable clock stretching after address matching completes for transmit (read)"
{ bits: "1"
hwaccess: "hro"
name: "EN_ADDR_ACQ"
desc: "Enable clock stretching after address matching completes for acquire (write)"
{ bits: "2"
hwaccess: "hrw"
name: "STOP_TX"
desc: "Stop clock stretching for transmit (read) and resume normal operation"
{ bits: "3"
hwaccess: "hrw"
name: "STOP_ACQ"
desc: "Stop clock stretching for acquire (write) and resume normal operation"
desc: "I2C host clock generation timeout value (in units of input clock frequency)"
swaccess: "rw"
hwaccess: "hro"
fields: [
{ bits: "31:0" }