| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // |
| // Galois type LFSR ([1], internal XOR gates, very fast). |
| // Parameterizable width from 4 to 64 bits. |
| // Coefficients obtained from [2]. |
| // |
| // Refs: [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear-feedback_shift_register |
| // [2] https://users.ece.cmu.edu/~koopman/lfsr/ |
| |
| module prim_lfsr #( |
| // Lfsr width |
| parameter int unsigned LfsrDw = 32, |
| // Width of input to be XOR'd into state (lfsr_q[InDw-1:0]) |
| parameter int unsigned InDw = 8, |
| // Width of output tap (from lfsr_q[OutDw-1:0]) |
| parameter int unsigned OutDw = 8, |
| // Lfsr reset state, must be nonzero! |
| parameter logic [LfsrDw-1:0] Seed = LfsrDw'(1), |
| // Custom polynomial coeffs |
| parameter logic [LfsrDw-1:0] Custom = '0 |
| ) ( |
| input clk_i, |
| input rst_ni, |
| input en_i, |
| input [InDw-1:0] data_i, |
| output logic [OutDw-1:0] data_o |
| ); |
| |
| // automatically generated with get-lfsr-coeffs.py script |
| localparam int unsigned LUT_OFF = 4; |
| localparam logic [63:0] COEFFS [0:60] = '{ 64'h9, |
| 64'h12, |
| 64'h21, |
| 64'h41, |
| 64'h8E, |
| 64'h108, |
| 64'h204, |
| 64'h402, |
| 64'h829, |
| 64'h100D, |
| 64'h2015, |
| 64'h4001, |
| 64'h8016, |
| 64'h10004, |
| 64'h20013, |
| 64'h40013, |
| 64'h80004, |
| 64'h100002, |
| 64'h200001, |
| 64'h400010, |
| 64'h80000D, |
| 64'h1000004, |
| 64'h2000023, |
| 64'h4000013, |
| 64'h8000004, |
| 64'h10000002, |
| 64'h20000029, |
| 64'h40000004, |
| 64'h80000057, |
| 64'h100000029, |
| 64'h200000073, |
| 64'h400000002, |
| 64'h80000003B, |
| 64'h100000001F, |
| 64'h2000000031, |
| 64'h4000000008, |
| 64'h800000001C, |
| 64'h10000000004, |
| 64'h2000000001F, |
| 64'h4000000002C, |
| 64'h80000000032, |
| 64'h10000000000D, |
| 64'h200000000097, |
| 64'h400000000010, |
| 64'h80000000005B, |
| 64'h1000000000038, |
| 64'h200000000000E, |
| 64'h4000000000025, |
| 64'h8000000000004, |
| 64'h10000000000023, |
| 64'h2000000000003E, |
| 64'h40000000000023, |
| 64'h8000000000004A, |
| 64'h100000000000016, |
| 64'h200000000000031, |
| 64'h40000000000003D, |
| 64'h800000000000001, |
| 64'h1000000000000013, |
| 64'h2000000000000034, |
| 64'h4000000000000001, |
| 64'h800000000000000D }; |
| |
| logic [LfsrDw-1:0] lfsr_d, lfsr_q; |
| |
| // Custom Galois polynomial |
| // re-seed the LFSR in case it enters the all-zero state |
| if (Custom) begin : gen_custom |
| assign lfsr_d = (en_i && !lfsr_q) ? Seed : |
| (en_i) ? LfsrDw'(data_i) ^ ({LfsrDw{lfsr_q[0]}} & |
| Custom[LfsrDw-1:0]) ^ (lfsr_q >> 1) : |
| lfsr_q; |
| end else begin : gen_lut |
| assign lfsr_d = (en_i && !lfsr_q) ? Seed : |
| (en_i) ? LfsrDw'(data_i) ^ ({LfsrDw{lfsr_q[0]}} & |
| COEFFS[LfsrDw-LUT_OFF][LfsrDw-1:0]) ^ (lfsr_q >> 1) : |
| lfsr_q; |
| end |
| |
| assign data_o = lfsr_q[OutDw-1:0]; |
| |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : p_reg |
| if (!rst_ni) begin |
| lfsr_q <= Seed; |
| end else begin |
| lfsr_q <= lfsr_d; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // assertions |
| `ASSERT_INIT(InputWidth, LfsrDw >= InDw) |
| `ASSERT_INIT(OutputWidth, LfsrDw >= OutDw) |
| `ASSERT_INIT(MinLfsrWidth, LfsrDw >= $low(COEFFS)+LUT_OFF) |
| `ASSERT_INIT(MaxLfsrWidth, LfsrDw <= $high(COEFFS)+LUT_OFF) |
| // check that the most significant bit of polynomial is 1 |
| `ASSERT_INIT(CoeffNzCheck, (Custom && Custom[LfsrDw-1]) || |
| (!Custom) && COEFFS[LfsrDw-LUT_OFF][LfsrDw-1]) |
| `ASSERT_INIT(SeedNzCheck, Seed) |
| // check that an all zero LFSR is correctly reseeded |
| `ASSERT(LfsrNzCheck, en_i && !lfsr_q |=> lfsr_q, clk_i, !rst_ni) |
| |
| endmodule |