blob: ed9e7e0ad102fbf7ccc1c9202d8ccb1521a6e283 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Flash Phy Read Module
// This module implements the flash phy read pipeline.
// The read pipeline consists of read buffers, the actual flash read stage, the
// descrambling stage, and finally the response.
// Note this module backpressures the front end, but cannot handle any back end
// back pressuring at the response stage. It is thus assumed it will tell the
// upstream to stop issuing instructions, however once issued, the upstream will
// always accept the response.
// Support for descramble stage
// The allocate and descramble indication received at read stage are saved.
// When the read completes, depending on the 'descramble' indication saved, the
// data is either stored into FIFO (reg + skid) between read and descramble stage,
// or forwarded directly to the buffer (no de-scramble)
// If the storage element between read and de-scramble stages are completely full
// for any reason, then the read stage cannot start.
// When the read stage begins, the galois multiply portion of the de-scramble is
// also kicked off. When the galois multiply stage AND read stage completes, the
// de-scramble is then kicked off.
module flash_phy_rd
import flash_phy_pkg::*;
import prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_t;
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
// configuration interface from flash controller
input buf_en_i,
input ecc_multi_err_en_i,
// interface with arbitration unit
input req_i,
input mubi4_t instr_type_i,
input descramble_i,
input ecc_i,
input prog_i,
input pg_erase_i,
input bk_erase_i,
input [BusBankAddrW-1:0] addr_i,
input flash_ctrl_pkg::flash_part_e part_i,
input [InfoTypesWidth-1:0] info_sel_i,
output logic rdy_o,
output logic data_valid_o,
output logic data_err_o,
output logic [BusWidth-1:0] data_o,
output logic idle_o, // the entire read pipeline is idle
// interface with scramble unit
output logic calc_req_o,
output logic descramble_req_o,
output logic [BankAddrW-1:0] calc_addr_o,
output logic [DataWidth-1:0] scrambled_data_o,
input calc_ack_i,
input descramble_ack_i,
input [DataWidth-1:0] mask_i,
input [DataWidth-1:0] descrambled_data_i,
// interface to actual flash primitive
output logic req_o,
input ack_i, // request has been accepted
input done_i, // actual data return
input [FullDataWidth-1:0] data_i,
// error status reporting
// only single bit error is shown here as multi-bit errors are
// actual data errors and reflected in-band through data_err_o
output logic ecc_single_err_o,
output logic [BusBankAddrW-1:0] ecc_addr_o
// Read buffers
// internal buffer enable
logic buf_en_q;
// muxed de-scrambled and plain-data
logic [PlainDataWidth-1:0] muxed_data;
logic muxed_err;
// muxed data valid signal that takes scrambling into consideration
logic data_valid;
// A buffer allocate is invoked when a new transaction arrives.
// Alloc only happens if the new transaction does not match an existing entry.
logic [NumBuf-1:0] alloc;
// A buffer update is invoked after the completion of the de-scramble stage.
// This updates the buffer that was allocated when a new transaction was initiated.
logic [NumBuf-1:0] update;
rd_buf_t read_buf [NumBuf];
logic [NumBuf-1:0] buf_invalid;
logic [NumBuf-1:0] buf_valid;
logic [NumBuf-1:0] buf_wip;
// The new transaction matches an already allocated buffer.
// The buffer may be valid or work in progress.
logic [NumBuf-1:0] buf_match;
logic no_match;
// There is a stateful operation aimed at valid buffer, that buffer must be flushed
logic [NumBuf-1:0] data_hazard;
// The next buffer allocated is determined in the following way:
// If there is an invalid buffer, use that lowest one
// If there are no invalid buffers, pick a valid buffer
// Work in progress buffer is NEVER replaced.
// There should only be one work in progress buffer at a time
logic [NumBuf-1:0] buf_invalid_alloc;
logic [NumBuf-1:0] buf_valid_alloc;
logic [NumBuf-1:0] buf_alloc;
// flash word address
logic [BankAddrW-1:0] flash_word_addr;
assign flash_word_addr = addr_i[BusBankAddrW-1:LsbAddrBit];
for (genvar i = 0; i < NumBuf; i++) begin: gen_buf_states
assign buf_valid[i] = read_buf[i].attr == Valid;
assign buf_wip[i] = read_buf[i].attr == Wip;
assign buf_invalid[i] = read_buf[i].attr == Invalid;
assign buf_invalid_alloc[0] = buf_invalid[0];
for (genvar i = 1; i < NumBuf; i++) begin: gen_inv_alloc_bufs
assign buf_invalid_alloc[i] = buf_invalid[i] & ~|buf_invalid[i-1:0];
// a prim arbiter is used to somewhat fairly select among the valid buffers
logic [1:0] dummy_data [NumBuf];
for (genvar i = 0; i < NumBuf; i++) begin: gen_dummy
assign dummy_data[i] = '0;
prim_arbiter_tree #(
) i_valid_random (
.req_chk_i(1'b0), // Valid is allowed to drop without ready.
// which buffer to allocate upon a new transaction
assign buf_alloc = |buf_invalid_alloc ? buf_invalid_alloc : buf_valid_alloc;
// do not attempt to generate match unless the transaction is relevant
for (genvar i = 0; i < NumBuf; i++) begin: gen_buf_match
logic part_match;
logic info_sel_match;
assign part_match = read_buf[i].part == part_i;
assign info_sel_match = read_buf[i].info_sel == info_sel_i;
assign buf_match[i] = req_i &
buf_en_q &
(buf_valid[i] | buf_wip[i]) &
(read_buf[i].addr == flash_word_addr) &
part_match &
// A data hazard should never happen to a wip buffer because it implies
// that a read is in progress, so a hazard operation cannot start.
// If bank erase, all buffers must be flushed.
// If page erase, only if the buffer lands in the same page.
// If program, only if it's the same flash word.
logic word_addr_match;
logic page_addr_match;
assign word_addr_match = (read_buf[i].addr == flash_word_addr) &
part_match &
// the read buffer address in on flash word boundary
// while the incoming address in on the bus word boundary
assign page_addr_match = (read_buf[i].addr[WordW +: PageW] == addr_i[BusWordW +: PageW]) &
part_match &
assign data_hazard[i] = buf_valid[i] &
(bk_erase_i |
(prog_i & word_addr_match) |
(pg_erase_i & page_addr_match));
assign no_match = ~|buf_match;
// if new request does not match anything, allocate
assign alloc = no_match ? {NumBuf{req_i & buf_en_q}} & buf_alloc : '0;
// read buffers
// allocate sets state to Wip
// update sets state to valid
// wipe sets state to invalid - this comes from prog
for (genvar i = 0; i < NumBuf; i++) begin: gen_bufs
flash_phy_rd_buffers u_rd_buf (
.alloc_i(rdy_o & alloc[i]),
.update_i(update[i] & ~muxed_err),
// buffer enable cannot be changed unless the entire read pipeline is idle
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
buf_en_q <= 1'b0;
end else if (idle_o) begin
buf_en_q <= buf_en_i;
// Flash read stage
// Flash read stage determines if the transactions are accepted.
// The response fifo is written to when a transaction initiates a flash read OR when a match
// is hit. The information written is just the allocated buffer that would have satisifed the
// transaction, as well as bits that indiate which part of the buffer is the right return data
// This allows a hit transaction to match in-order, and unblock later transactions to begin
// reading from the flash primitive
rsp_fifo_entry_t rsp_fifo_wdata, rsp_fifo_rdata;
logic rsp_fifo_rdy;
logic rsp_fifo_vld;
// saved attributes on flash read
logic [NumBuf-1:0] alloc_q;
rd_attr_t rd_attrs;
// read complete
// since done is broadcast to all the modules, need to know we are actually active
logic rd_busy;
logic rd_done;
assign rd_done = rd_busy & done_i;
// scramble stage ready
logic scramble_stage_rdy;
// if buffer allocated, that is the return source
// if buffer matched, that is the return source
assign rsp_fifo_wdata.buf_sel = |alloc ? buf_alloc : buf_match;
// If width is the same, word_sel is unused
if (WidthMultiple == 1) begin : gen_single_word_sel
assign rsp_fifo_wdata.word_sel = '0;
end else begin : gen_word_sel
assign rsp_fifo_wdata.word_sel = addr_i[0 +: LsbAddrBit];
// store the ecc configuration for this transaction until
// response is ready to be sent.
assign rsp_fifo_wdata.intg_ecc_en = ecc_i;
// response order FIFO
prim_fifo_sync #(
.Width (RspOrderFifoWidth),
.Pass (0),
.Depth (RspOrderDepth)
) i_rsp_order_fifo (
.clr_i (1'b0),
.wvalid_i(req_i && rdy_o),
.wdata_i (rsp_fifo_wdata),
.depth_o (),
.full_o (),
.rready_i(data_valid_o), // pop when a match has been found
.rdata_o (rsp_fifo_rdata)
// Consider converting this to a FIFO for better matching
// The rd_busy flag is effectively a "full" flag anyways of a single
// entry.
logic flash_rdy;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
alloc_q <= '0;
rd_attrs <= '0;
rd_busy <= '0;
end else if (req_o && ack_i) begin
rd_busy <= 1'b1;
alloc_q <= alloc;
rd_attrs.addr <= addr_i[BusBankAddrW-1:LsbAddrBit];
rd_attrs.descramble <= descramble_i;
rd_attrs.ecc <= ecc_i;
rd_attrs.instr_type <= instr_type_i;
end else if (rd_done) begin
rd_busy <= 1'b0;
// flash is ready to accept another transaction
assign flash_rdy = ~rd_busy | rd_done;
// read stages are ready when both the response fifo and the
// data / mask fifos have space for new entries
logic rd_stages_rdy;
assign rd_stages_rdy = rsp_fifo_rdy & scramble_stage_rdy;
// if no buffers matched, accept only if flash is ready and there is space
// if buffer is matched, accept as long as there is space in the rsp fifo
assign rdy_o = no_match ? ack_i & flash_rdy & rd_stages_rdy : rd_stages_rdy;
// issue a transaction to flash only if there is space in read stages,
// there is no buffer match and flash is not currently busy.
assign req_o = req_i & flash_rdy & rd_stages_rdy & no_match;
// Handling Reliability ECC
// only uncorrectable errors are passed on to the fabric
logic data_err;
// scrambled data must pass through ECC first
logic valid_ecc;
logic ecc_multi_err_raw;
logic ecc_multi_err;
logic ecc_single_err;
logic [PlainDataWidth-1:0] data_ecc_chk;
logic [PlainDataWidth-1:0] data_int;
logic data_erased;
// this ECC check is for reliability ECC
assign valid_ecc = rd_done && rd_attrs.ecc;
// When all bits are 1, the data has been erased
// This check is only valid when read data returns.
assign data_erased = rd_done & (data_i == {FullDataWidth{1'b1}});
prim_secded_hamming_76_68_dec u_dec (
.err_o({ecc_multi_err_raw, ecc_single_err})
// For instruction type accesses, always return the transaction error
// For data type accesses, allow the error return to be configurable, as the actual data may
// need to be debugged
import prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_test_true_strict;
assign ecc_multi_err = mubi4_test_true_strict(rd_attrs.instr_type) ?
ecc_multi_err_raw :
ecc_multi_err_raw & ecc_multi_err_en_i;
// If there is a detected multi-bit error or a single bit error, always return the
// ECC corrected result (even though it is possibly wrong).
// There is no data error of any kind (specifically when multi_err is disabled), just
// return the raw data so that it can be debugged.
assign data_int = data_err | ecc_single_err_o ?
data_ecc_chk :
assign data_err = valid_ecc & ecc_multi_err;
// always send out sideband indication on error
assign ecc_single_err_o = valid_ecc & ecc_single_err;
// ecc address return is always the full flash word
assign ecc_addr_o = {rd_attrs.addr, {LsbAddrBit{1'b0}}};
// De-scrambling stage
// Even on ECC error, progress through the stage normally
logic fifo_data_ready;
logic fifo_data_valid;
logic mask_valid;
logic [PlainDataWidth-1:0] fifo_data;
logic [DataWidth-1:0] mask;
logic data_fifo_rdy;
logic mask_fifo_rdy;
logic descram;
logic forward;
logic hint_forward;
logic hint_descram;
logic data_err_q;
logic [NumBuf-1:0] alloc_q2;
assign scramble_stage_rdy = data_fifo_rdy & mask_fifo_rdy;
// data is consumed when:
// 1. When descrambling completes
// 2. Immediately consumed when descrambling not required
// 3. In both cases, when data has not already been forwarded
assign fifo_data_ready = hint_descram ? descramble_req_o & descramble_ack_i :
// descramble is only required if the location is scramble enabled AND it is not erased.
assign descram = rd_done & rd_attrs.descramble & ~data_erased;
// data is forwarded whenever it does not require descrambling and there are no entries in the
// FIFO to ensure the current read cannot run ahead of the descramble.
assign forward = rd_done & ~descram & ~fifo_data_valid;
// storage for read outputs
// This storage element can be fully merged with the fifo below if the time it takes
// to do a read is matched to gf_mult. This is doable and should be considered.
// However it would create a dependency on constraints (multicycle) instead of
// being correct by construction.
// In addition to potential different completion times, the mask storage may also
// be pushed even if it is not required (erase case). The solution for this issue
// is that the mask / data are always pushed, it is then selectively popped based
// on the forward / de-scrambling hints.
// All these problems could be resolved if the timings matched exactly, however
// the user would need to correctly setup constraints on either flash / gf_mult
// timing change.
logic fifo_forward_pop;
assign fifo_forward_pop = hint_forward & fifo_data_valid;
logic [1:0] unused_rd_depth, unused_mask_depth;
logic rd_and_mask_fifo_pop;
assign rd_and_mask_fifo_pop = fifo_data_ready | fifo_forward_pop;
logic descram_q, forward_q;
assign hint_descram = fifo_data_valid & descram_q;
assign hint_forward = fifo_data_valid & forward_q;
//TODO: Cleanup the FIFO popping a bit more
prim_fifo_sync #(
.Width (PlainDataWidth + 3 + NumBuf),
.Pass (0),
.Depth (2),
.OutputZeroIfEmpty (1)
) u_rd_storage (
.clr_i (1'b0),
.wdata_i ({alloc_q, descram, forward, data_err, data_int}),
.depth_o (unused_rd_depth),
.full_o (),
.rdata_o ({alloc_q2, descram_q, forward_q, data_err_q, fifo_data})
// storage for mask calculations
prim_fifo_sync #(
.Width (DataWidth),
.Pass (0),
.Depth (2),
.OutputZeroIfEmpty (1)
) u_mask_storage (
.clr_i (1'b0),
.wvalid_i(calc_req_o & calc_ack_i),
.wdata_i (mask_i),
.depth_o (unused_mask_depth),
.full_o (),
.rdata_o (mask)
// generate the mask calculation request
// mask calculation is done in parallel to the read stage
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
calc_req_o <= '0;
end else if (req_o && descramble_i) begin
calc_req_o <= 1'b1;
end else if (calc_req_o && calc_ack_i) begin
calc_req_o <= 1'b0;
// operand to gf_mult
assign calc_addr_o = rd_attrs.addr;
// generate the descramble request whenever both stages are available
// and there is a need to descramble
assign descramble_req_o = fifo_data_valid & mask_valid & hint_descram;
// scrambled data to de-scramble
assign scrambled_data_o = fifo_data[DataWidth-1:0] ^ mask;
// muxed responses
// When "forward" is true, there is nothing ahead in the pipeline, directly feed data
// and error forward.
// When "forward" is not true, take the output from the descrmable stage, which is
// dependent on the scramble hint.
assign muxed_data = forward ? data_int :
hint_descram ? {fifo_data[PlainDataWidth-1 -: PlainIntgWidth],
descrambled_data_i ^ mask} :
assign muxed_err = forward ? data_err : data_err_q;
// muxed data valid
// if no de-scramble required, return data on read complete
// if data is all empty (erased), also return data on read complete
// if descramble is required, return data when descrambler finishes
// if descramble is not required, but there are transctions ahead, return from fifo when ready
assign data_valid = forward | ~hint_forward & fifo_data_ready;
// Response
logic flash_rsp_match;
logic [NumBuf-1:0] buf_rsp_match;
logic [PlainDataWidth-1:0] buf_rsp_data;
// update buffers
// When forwarding, update entry stored in alloc_q
// When de-scrambling however, the contents of alloc_q may have already updated to the next read,
// so a different pointer is used.
assign update = forward ? alloc_q :
fifo_data_ready ? alloc_q2 : '0;
// match in flash response when allocated buffer is the same as top of response fifo
// if read buffers are not enabled, do not check buffer selection
assign flash_rsp_match = rsp_fifo_vld & data_valid &
(~buf_en_q | rsp_fifo_rdata.buf_sel == update);
// match in buf response when there is a valid buffer that is the same as top of response fifo
for (genvar i = 0; i < NumBuf; i++) begin: gen_buf_rsp_match
assign buf_rsp_match[i] = buf_en_q & rsp_fifo_vld &
(rsp_fifo_rdata.buf_sel[i] & buf_valid[i]);
// select among the buffers
always_comb begin
buf_rsp_data = muxed_data;
for (int i = 0; i < NumBuf; i++) begin
if (buf_rsp_match[i]) begin
buf_rsp_data = read_buf[i].data;
logic [PlainDataWidth-1:0] data_out_muxed;
assign data_out_muxed = |buf_rsp_match ? buf_rsp_data : muxed_data;
if (WidthMultiple == 1) begin : gen_width_one_rd
// When multiple is 1, just pass the read through directly
logic unused_word_sel;
assign data_o = data_err_o ? {BusWidth{1'b1}} : data_out_muxed[DataWidth-1:0];
assign unused_word_sel = rsp_fifo_rdata.word_sel;
end else begin : gen_rd
// Re-arrange data into packed array to pick the correct one
logic [WidthMultiple-1:0][BusWidth-1:0] bus_words_packed;
assign bus_words_packed = data_out_muxed[DataWidth-1:0];
assign data_o = data_err_o ? {BusWidth{1'b1}} : bus_words_packed[rsp_fifo_rdata.word_sel];
// add plaintext decoding here
// plaintext error
logic intg_err;
logic [DataWidth-1:0] unused_data;
logic [3:0] unused_intg;
logic [3:0] truncated_intg;
prim_secded_hamming_72_64_enc u_plain_enc (
.data_o({unused_intg, truncated_intg, unused_data})
assign intg_err = rsp_fifo_rdata.intg_ecc_en ?
truncated_intg != data_out_muxed[DataWidth +: PlainIntgWidth] :
// whenever the response is coming from the buffer, the error is never set
assign data_valid_o = flash_rsp_match | |buf_rsp_match;
assign data_err_o = muxed_err | intg_err;
// the entire read pipeline is idle when there are no responses to return and no
assign idle_o = ~rsp_fifo_vld;
// Assertions
// The buffers are flip flop based, do not allow too many of them
`ASSERT_INIT(MaxBufs_A, NumBuf <= 8)
// match should happen only to 1 buffer
`ASSERT(OneHotMatch_A, $onehot0(buf_match))
// allocate should happen only to 1 buffer at time
`ASSERT(OneHotAlloc_A, $onehot0(alloc))
// update should happen only to 1 buffer at time
`ASSERT(OneHotUpdate_A, $onehot0(update))
// alloc and update should be mutually exclusive for a buffer
`ASSERT(ExclusiveOps_A, (alloc & update) == 0 )
// valid and wip are mutually exclusive
`ASSERT(ExclusiveState_A, (buf_valid & buf_wip) == 0)
// data_hazard and wip should be mutually exclusive
`ASSERT(ExclusiveProgHazard_A, (data_hazard & buf_wip) == 0)
// unless the pipeline is idle, we should not have non-read trasnactions
`ASSERT(IdleCheck_A, !idle_o |-> {prog_i,pg_erase_i,bk_erase_i} == '0)
// Whenever forward is true, hint_descram should always be 0
`ASSERT(ForwardCheck_A, forward |-> hint_descram == '0)
// Whenever response is coming from buffer, ecc error cannot be set
`ASSERT(BufferMatchEcc_A, |buf_rsp_match |-> muxed_err == '0)
// The read storage depth and mask depth should always be the same after popping
`ASSERT(FifoSameDepth_A, rd_and_mask_fifo_pop |=> unused_rd_depth == unused_mask_depth)
// Functional coverage points to add
// exercise both flash_read and de-scramble stages at the same time
// - make sure accesses can be consecutive or random
// exercise back to back transactions, and transactions with varying delays
// exercise data hazard where erase / program requires buffer eviction
endmodule // flash_phy_core