| *~ |
| *.bak |
| *.swp |
| *.swo |
| tags |
| __pycache__ |
| /.vscode |
| opentitan-docs |
| |
| # fusesoc result |
| build/ |
| |
| # build directories with special suffixes |
| build*/ |
| |
| # Generated register headers |
| hw/ip/*/sw |
| |
| # JasperGold FPV Result |
| jgproject/ |
| |
| # CDC result |
| ._dbname |
| ._idebug_exit_script |
| idebugcfg.db |
| idebugcfg.db-journal |
| ivision.ws |
| meridian_project/ |
| mrdc.his |
| |
| # FPGA splice intermediate files |
| *.jou |
| |
| # Simulation Results |
| *.log |
| vdCovLog/ |
| INCA_libs/ |
| *.shm/ |
| .simvision/ |
| *.history |
| irun.key |
| *.svcf |
| *.fsdb |
| *.rc |
| out/ |
| scratch/ |
| ucli.key |
| novas.conf |
| verdiLog/ |
| ascent_project/ |
| ascentlint.rpt |
| .idebugrc |
| idebugFiles/ |
| |
| # verilator/gtkwave waveforms and wave lists |
| *.fst |
| *.gtkw |
| |
| # Foundry library |
| hw/foundry/ |
| |
| # ROM_EXT signer vendored in dependencies |
| sw/host/rom_ext_image_signer/vendored_dependencies |
| |
| # Autogen files for non-Earlgrey tops |
| hw/top_englishbreakfast/**/autogen/ |
| hw/top_englishbreakfast/ip/alert_handler/dv/alert_handler_env_pkg__params.sv |
| hw/top_englishbreakfast/ip/sensor_ctrl/rtl/* |
| hw/top_englishbreakfast/ip/xbar_main/xbar_main.core |
| hw/top_englishbreakfast/ip/xbar_peri/xbar_peri.core |
| |
| # Rust Cargo build system files. |
| sw/host/**/target |
| rust-project.json |
| |
| # Bazel-related cache and output directories |
| bazel-* |
| |
| # Site-specific bazel configuration |
| .bazelrc-site |
| |
| # Compilation database generated from build system |
| compile_commands.json |
| |
| # Local binaries that should not be committed to the codebase |
| .bin/ |
| |
| # Clangd index directory. |
| .cache/clangd/ |
| |
| # mdbook builds into `./book` directories, let's ignore them |
| book |
| |
| # Hugo Lock |
| .hugo_build.lock |