blob: 13b520b0a430fb9550abd89fb171164ebb989566 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// ------------------- W A R N I N G: A U T O - G E N E R A T E D C O D E !! -------------------//
// util/ -t hw/top_earlgrey/data/top_earlgrey.hjson \
// -o hw/top_earlgrey/ \
// --hjson-only \
// --rnd_cnst_seed 4881560218908238235
name: earlgrey
type: top
rnd_cnst_seed: 4881560218908238235
datawidth: "32"
default: "0"
top: clkmgr_aon_clocks.
ext: ""
name: main
aon: no
freq: "100000000"
name: io
aon: no
freq: "96000000"
name: usb
aon: no
freq: "48000000"
name: aon
aon: yes
freq: "200000"
name: io_div2
aon: no
freq: "48000000"
div: "2"
src: io
name: io_div4
aon: no
freq: "24000000"
div: "4"
src: io
name: powerup
src: top
sw_cg: no
unique: no
clk_io_div4_powerup: io_div4
clk_aon_powerup: aon
clk_main_powerup: main
clk_io_powerup: io
clk_usb_powerup: usb
clk_io_div2_powerup: io_div2
name: trans
src: top
sw_cg: hint
unique: yes
clk_main_aes: main
clk_main_hmac: main
clk_main_kmac: main
clk_main_otbn: main
clk_io_div4_otbn: io_div4
name: infra
src: top
sw_cg: no
unique: no
clk_io_div4_infra: io_div4
clk_main_infra: main
name: secure
src: top
sw_cg: no
unique: no
clk_io_div4_secure: io_div4
clk_aon_secure: aon
clk_main_secure: main
name: peri
src: top
sw_cg: yes
unique: no
clk_io_div4_peri: io_div4
clk_io_div2_peri: io_div2
clk_io_peri: io
clk_aon_peri: aon
clk_usb_peri: usb
name: timers
src: top
sw_cg: no
unique: no
clk_io_div4_timers: io_div4
clk_main_timers: main
clk_aon_timers: aon
name: proc
src: no
sw_cg: no
unique: no
clk_proc_main: main
top: rstmgr_aon_resets.
ext: ""
name: por_aon
gen: false
type: top
shadowed: false
sw: false
path: rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_por_aon_n
clock: aon
name: lc_src
gen: false
type: int
domains: []
shadowed: false
sw: false
path: ""
clock: io_div4
name: sys_src
gen: false
type: int
domains: []
shadowed: false
sw: false
path: ""
clock: io_div4
name: por
gen: true
type: top
shadowed: false
sw: false
path: rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_por_n
parent: por_aon
clock: main
name: por_io
gen: true
type: top
shadowed: false
sw: false
path: rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_por_io_n
parent: por_aon
clock: io
name: por_io_div2
gen: true
type: top
shadowed: false
sw: false
path: rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_por_io_div2_n
parent: por_aon
clock: io_div2
name: por_io_div4
gen: true
type: top
shadowed: false
sw: false
path: rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_por_io_div4_n
parent: por_aon
clock: io_div4
name: por_usb
gen: true
type: top
shadowed: false
sw: false
path: rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_por_usb_n
parent: por_aon
clock: usb
name: lc
gen: true
type: top
shadowed: false
sw: false
path: rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_lc_n
parent: lc_src
clock: main
name: lc_io_div4
gen: true
type: top
shadowed: false
sw: false
path: rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_lc_io_div4_n
parent: lc_src
clock: io_div4
name: sys
gen: true
type: top
shadowed: true
sw: false
path: rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_n
parent: sys_src
clock: main
name: sys_io_div4
gen: true
type: top
shadowed: true
sw: false
path: rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_io_div4_n
parent: sys_src
clock: io_div4
name: sys_aon
gen: true
type: top
shadowed: false
sw: false
path: rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_aon_n
parent: sys_src
clock: aon
name: spi_device
gen: true
type: top
shadowed: false
sw: true
path: rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_spi_device_n
parent: sys_src
clock: io_div2
name: spi_host0
gen: true
type: top
shadowed: false
sw: true
path: rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_spi_host0_n
parent: sys_src
clock: io
name: spi_host1
gen: true
type: top
shadowed: false
sw: true
path: rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_spi_host1_n
parent: sys_src
clock: io_div2
name: usb
gen: true
type: top
shadowed: false
sw: true
path: rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_usb_n
parent: sys_src
clock: usb
name: i2c0
gen: true
type: top
shadowed: false
sw: true
path: rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_i2c0_n
parent: sys_src
clock: io_div2
name: i2c1
gen: true
type: top
shadowed: false
sw: true
path: rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_i2c1_n
parent: sys_src
clock: io_div2
name: i2c2
gen: true
type: top
shadowed: false
sw: true
path: rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_i2c2_n
parent: sys_src
clock: io_div2
num_cores: "1"
name: uart0
type: uart
clk_i: io_div4
rst_ni: sys_io_div4
clock_group: secure
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_secure
domain: "0"
param_decl: {}
param_list: []
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: uart0
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: uart0_tl
index: -1
null: 0x40000000
name: uart1
type: uart
clk_i: io_div4
rst_ni: sys_io_div4
clock_group: secure
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_secure
domain: "0"
param_decl: {}
param_list: []
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: uart1
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: uart1_tl
index: -1
null: 0x40010000
name: uart2
type: uart
clk_i: io_div4
rst_ni: sys_io_div4
clock_group: secure
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_secure
domain: "0"
param_decl: {}
param_list: []
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: uart2
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: uart2_tl
index: -1
null: 0x40020000
name: uart3
type: uart
clk_i: io_div4
rst_ni: sys_io_div4
clock_group: secure
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_secure
domain: "0"
param_decl: {}
param_list: []
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: uart3
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: uart3_tl
index: -1
null: 0x40030000
name: gpio
type: gpio
clk_i: io_div4
clock_group: peri
rst_ni: sys_io_div4
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_peri
domain: "0"
param_decl: {}
param_list: []
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: gpio
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: gpio_tl
index: -1
null: 0x40040000
name: spi_device
type: spi_device
clk_i: io_div4
scan_clk_i: io_div2
clock_group: peri
rst_ni: spi_device
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_peri
scan_clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div2_peri
domain: "0"
param_decl: {}
param_list: []
name: ram_cfg
struct: ram_2p_cfg
package: prim_ram_2p_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: spi_device
default: ""
top_signame: ast_ram_2p_cfg
index: -1
name: passthrough
struct: passthrough
package: spi_device_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: spi_device
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: spi_device_passthrough
index: -1
name: mbist_en
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: spi_device
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: spi_device
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: spi_device_tl
index: -1
null: 0x40050000
name: spi_host0
type: spi_host
clk_i: io_div4
clk_core_i: io
clock_group: peri
rst_ni: spi_host0
rst_core_ni: spi_host0
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_peri
clk_core_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_peri
domain: "0"
param_decl: {}
param_list: []
name: passthrough
struct: passthrough
package: spi_device_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: spi_host0
default: ""
top_signame: spi_device_passthrough
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: spi_host0
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: spi_host0_tl
index: -1
null: 0x40060000
name: spi_host1
type: spi_host
clk_i: io_div4
clk_core_i: io_div2
clock_group: peri
rst_ni: spi_host1
rst_core_ni: spi_host1
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_peri
clk_core_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div2_peri
domain: "0"
param_decl: {}
param_list: []
name: passthrough
struct: passthrough
package: spi_device_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: spi_host1
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: spi_host1
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: spi_host1_tl
index: -1
null: 0x40070000
name: i2c0
type: i2c
clk_i: io_div4
clock_group: peri
rst_ni: i2c0
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_peri
domain: "0"
param_decl: {}
param_list: []
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: i2c0
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: i2c0_tl
index: -1
null: 0x40080000
name: i2c1
type: i2c
clk_i: io_div4
clock_group: peri
rst_ni: i2c1
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_peri
domain: "0"
param_decl: {}
param_list: []
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: i2c1
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: i2c1_tl
index: -1
null: 0x40090000
name: i2c2
type: i2c
clk_i: io_div4
clock_group: peri
rst_ni: i2c2
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_peri
domain: "0"
param_decl: {}
param_list: []
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: i2c2
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: i2c2_tl
index: -1
null: 0x400A0000
name: pattgen
type: pattgen
clk_i: io_div4
clock_group: peri
rst_ni: sys_io_div4
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_peri
domain: "0"
param_decl: {}
param_list: []
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: pattgen
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: pattgen_tl
index: -1
null: 0x400E0000
name: rv_timer
type: rv_timer
clk_i: io_div4
clock_group: timers
rst_ni: sys_io_div4
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_timers
domain: "0"
param_decl: {}
param_list: []
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: rv_timer
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: rv_timer_tl
index: -1
null: 0x40100000
name: usbdev
type: usbdev
clk_i: io_div4
clk_aon_i: aon
clk_usb_48mhz_i: usb
clock_group: peri
rst_ni: sys_io_div4
rst_aon_ni: sys_aon
rst_usb_48mhz_ni: usb
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_peri
clk_aon_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_aon_peri
clk_usb_48mhz_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_usb_peri
domain: "0"
param_decl: {}
param_list: []
name: usb_ref_val
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: usbdev
default: ""
package: ""
external: true
top_signame: usbdev_usb_ref_val
index: -1
name: usb_ref_pulse
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: usbdev
default: ""
package: ""
external: true
top_signame: usbdev_usb_ref_pulse
index: -1
name: usb_out_of_rst
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: usbdev
default: ""
package: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: usbdev_usb_out_of_rst
index: -1
name: usb_aon_wake_en
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: usbdev
default: ""
package: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: usbdev_usb_aon_wake_en
index: -1
name: usb_aon_wake_ack
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: usbdev
default: ""
package: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: usbdev_usb_aon_wake_ack
index: -1
name: usb_suspend
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: usbdev
default: ""
package: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: usbdev_usb_suspend
index: -1
name: usb_state_debug
struct: awk_state
package: usbdev_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: usbdev
default: ""
top_signame: pinmux_aon_usb_state_debug
index: -1
name: ram_cfg
struct: ram_2p_cfg
package: prim_ram_2p_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: usbdev
default: ""
top_signame: ast_ram_2p_cfg
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: usbdev
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: usbdev_tl
index: -1
null: 0x40110000
name: otp_ctrl
type: otp_ctrl
clk_i: io_div4
clk_edn_i: main
clock_group: timers
rst_ni: lc_io_div4
rst_edn_ni: sys
core: 0x40130000
prim: 0x40132000
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_timers
clk_edn_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_timers
domain: "0"
param_decl: {}
memory: {}
name: MemInitFile
desc: VMEM file to initialize the OTP macro.
type: ""
default: '''""'''
expose: "true"
name_top: OtpCtrlMemInitFile
name: RndCnstLfsrSeed
desc: Compile-time random bits for initial LFSR seed
type: otp_ctrl_pkg::lfsr_seed_t
randcount: 40
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstOtpCtrlLfsrSeed
default: 0xf45def7861
randwidth: 40
name: RndCnstLfsrPerm
desc: Compile-time random permutation for LFSR output
type: otp_ctrl_pkg::lfsr_perm_t
randcount: 40
randtype: perm
name_top: RndCnstOtpCtrlLfsrPerm
default: 0x5d294061e29a7c404f4593035a19097666e37072064153623855022d39e0
randwidth: 240
name: otp_ast_pwr_seq
struct: otp_ast_req
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: otp_ctrl
external: true
top_signame: otp_ctrl_otp_ast_pwr_seq
index: -1
name: otp_ast_pwr_seq_h
struct: otp_ast_rsp
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: otp_ctrl
external: true
top_signame: otp_ctrl_otp_ast_pwr_seq_h
index: -1
name: otp_alert
struct: ast_dif
package: ast_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: otp_ctrl
default: ""
external: true
top_signame: otp_alert
index: -1
name: edn
struct: edn
package: edn_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: otp_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: edn0_edn
index: 1
name: pwr_otp
struct: pwr_otp
package: pwrmgr_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: otp_ctrl
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_pwr_otp
index: -1
name: lc_otp_program
struct: lc_otp_program
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: otp_ctrl
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_otp_program
index: -1
name: otp_lc_data
struct: otp_lc_data
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: otp_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: otp_ctrl_otp_lc_data
index: -1
name: lc_escalate_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: otp_ctrl
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_escalate_en
index: -1
name: lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: otp_ctrl
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en
index: -1
name: lc_seed_hw_rd_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: otp_ctrl
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_seed_hw_rd_en
index: -1
name: lc_dft_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: otp_ctrl
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_dft_en
index: -1
name: lc_check_byp_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: otp_ctrl
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_check_byp_en
index: -1
name: otp_keymgr_key
struct: otp_keymgr_key
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: otp_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: otp_ctrl_otp_keymgr_key
index: -1
name: flash_otp_key
struct: flash_otp_key
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: otp_ctrl
top_signame: flash_ctrl_otp
index: -1
name: sram_otp_key
struct: sram_otp_key
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 2
default: "'0"
inst_name: otp_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: one-to-N
top_signame: otp_ctrl_sram_otp_key
index: -1
name: otbn_otp_key
struct: otbn_otp_key
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: otp_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_signame: otp_ctrl_otbn_otp_key
index: -1
name: otp_hw_cfg
struct: otp_hw_cfg
package: otp_ctrl_part_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: otp_ctrl
top_signame: otp_ctrl_otp_hw_cfg
index: -1
name: core_tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: otp_ctrl
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: otp_ctrl_core_tl
index: -1
name: prim_tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: otp_ctrl
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: otp_ctrl_prim_tl
index: -1
name: lc_ctrl
type: lc_ctrl
clk_i: io_div4
clk_kmac_i: main
clock_group: timers
rst_ni: lc_io_div4
rst_kmac_ni: sys
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_timers
clk_kmac_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_timers
domain: "0"
param_decl: {}
memory: {}
name: RndCnstLcKeymgrDivInvalid
desc: Compile-time random bits for lc state group diversification value
type: lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_keymgr_div_t
randcount: 128
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstLcCtrlLcKeymgrDivInvalid
default: 0xfdb92558e2d9c5d24440722325a93144
randwidth: 128
name: RndCnstLcKeymgrDivTestDevRma
desc: Compile-time random bits for lc state group diversification value
type: lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_keymgr_div_t
randcount: 128
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstLcCtrlLcKeymgrDivTestDevRma
default: 0x6faf88f22bccd612d1c09f5c02b2c8d1
randwidth: 128
name: RndCnstLcKeymgrDivProduction
desc: Compile-time random bits for lc state group diversification value
type: lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_keymgr_div_t
randcount: 128
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstLcCtrlLcKeymgrDivProduction
default: 0x79ee911ce801484ba8373086f9dd4eee
randwidth: 128
name: jtag
struct: jtag
package: jtag_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: lc_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: pinmux_aon_lc_jtag
index: -1
name: esc_scrap_state0_tx
struct: esc_tx
package: prim_esc_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: lc_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: alert_handler_esc_tx
index: 1
name: esc_scrap_state0_rx
struct: esc_rx
package: prim_esc_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: lc_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: alert_handler_esc_rx
index: 1
name: esc_scrap_state1_tx
struct: esc_tx
package: prim_esc_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: lc_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: alert_handler_esc_tx
index: 2
name: esc_scrap_state1_rx
struct: esc_rx
package: prim_esc_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: lc_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: alert_handler_esc_rx
index: 2
name: pwr_lc
struct: pwr_lc
package: pwrmgr_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: lc_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_pwr_lc
index: -1
name: otp_lc_data
struct: otp_lc_data
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: otp_ctrl_pkg::OTP_LC_DATA_DEFAULT
inst_name: lc_ctrl
top_signame: otp_ctrl_otp_lc_data
index: -1
name: lc_otp_program
struct: lc_otp_program
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_otp_program
index: -1
name: kmac_data
struct: app
package: kmac_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: lc_ctrl
top_signame: kmac_app
index: 1
name: lc_dft_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_dft_en
index: -1
name: lc_nvm_debug_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_nvm_debug_en
index: -1
name: lc_hw_debug_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_hw_debug_en
index: -1
name: lc_cpu_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_cpu_en
index: -1
name: lc_keymgr_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_keymgr_en
index: -1
name: lc_escalate_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_escalate_en
index: -1
name: lc_clk_byp_req
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_clk_byp_req
index: -1
name: lc_clk_byp_ack
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_clk_byp_ack
index: -1
name: lc_flash_rma_req
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
top_signame: flash_ctrl_rma_req
index: -1
name: lc_flash_rma_seed
struct: lc_flash_rma_seed
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: lc_ctrl
top_signame: flash_ctrl_rma_seed
index: -1
name: lc_flash_rma_ack
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
top_signame: flash_ctrl_rma_ack
index: -1
name: lc_check_byp_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_check_byp_en
index: -1
name: lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en
index: -1
name: lc_owner_seed_sw_rw_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_owner_seed_sw_rw_en
index: -1
name: lc_iso_part_sw_rd_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_iso_part_sw_rd_en
index: -1
name: lc_iso_part_sw_wr_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_iso_part_sw_wr_en
index: -1
name: lc_seed_hw_rd_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_seed_hw_rd_en
index: -1
name: lc_keymgr_div
struct: lc_keymgr_div
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_keymgr_div
index: -1
name: otp_device_id
struct: otp_device_id
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: lc_ctrl
top_signame: lc_ctrl_otp_device_id
index: -1
name: otp_manuf_state
struct: otp_manuf_state
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: lc_ctrl
top_signame: lc_ctrl_otp_manuf_state
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: lc_ctrl
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: lc_ctrl_tl
index: -1
null: 0x40140000
name: alert_handler
type: alert_handler
clk_i: io_div4
clk_edn_i: main
clock_group: timers
rst_ni: sys_io_div4
rst_edn_ni: sys
attr: templated
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_timers
clk_edn_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_timers
domain: "0"
param_decl: {}
memory: {}
name: RndCnstLfsrSeed
desc: Compile-time random bits for initial LFSR seed
type: alert_pkg::lfsr_seed_t
randcount: 32
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstAlertHandlerLfsrSeed
default: 0x7b93136f
randwidth: 32
name: RndCnstLfsrPerm
desc: Compile-time random permutation for LFSR output
type: alert_pkg::lfsr_perm_t
randcount: 32
randtype: perm
name_top: RndCnstAlertHandlerLfsrPerm
default: 0xaf33379628b29df3261a1e1be933ab38a840eee0
randwidth: 160
name: crashdump
struct: alert_crashdump
package: alert_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: alert_handler
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: alert_handler_crashdump
index: -1
name: edn
struct: edn
package: edn_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: alert_handler
default: ""
top_signame: edn0_edn
index: 4
name: esc_rx
struct: esc_rx
package: prim_esc_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 4
inst_name: alert_handler
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: one-to-N
top_signame: alert_handler_esc_rx
index: -1
name: esc_tx
struct: esc_tx
package: prim_esc_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 4
inst_name: alert_handler
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: one-to-N
top_signame: alert_handler_esc_tx
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: alert_handler
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: alert_handler_tl
index: -1
null: 0x40150000
name: pwrmgr_aon
type: pwrmgr
clk_i: io_div4
clk_slow_i: aon
clock_group: powerup
rst_ni: por
rst_slow_ni: por_aon
domain: Aon
attr: templated
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_powerup
clk_slow_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_aon_powerup
param_decl: {}
param_list: []
name: pwr_ast
struct: pwr_ast
package: pwrmgr_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
external: true
top_signame: pwrmgr_ast
index: -1
name: pwr_rst
struct: pwr_rst
package: pwrmgr_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_pwr_rst
index: -1
name: pwr_clk
struct: pwr_clk
package: pwrmgr_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_pwr_clk
index: -1
name: pwr_otp
struct: pwr_otp
package: pwrmgr_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_pwr_otp
index: -1
name: pwr_lc
struct: pwr_lc
package: pwrmgr_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_pwr_lc
index: -1
name: pwr_flash
struct: pwr_flash
package: pwrmgr_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_pwr_flash
index: -1
name: esc_rst_tx
struct: esc_tx
package: prim_esc_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
top_signame: alert_handler_esc_tx
index: 3
name: esc_rst_rx
struct: esc_rx
package: prim_esc_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
top_signame: alert_handler_esc_rx
index: 3
name: pwr_cpu
struct: pwr_cpu
package: pwrmgr_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
top_signame: rv_core_ibex_pwrmgr
index: -1
name: wakeups
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 5
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
package: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: one-to-N
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_wakeups
index: -1
name: rstreqs
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 2
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
package: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: one-to-N
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_rstreqs
index: -1
name: strap
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
package: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_strap
index: -1
name: low_power
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
package: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_low_power
index: -1
name: rom_ctrl
struct: pwrmgr_data
package: rom_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
top_signame: rom_ctrl_pwrmgr_data
index: -1
name: fetch_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_fetch_en
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_tl
index: -1
null: 0x40400000
name: rstmgr_aon
type: rstmgr
clk_i: io_div4
clk_aon_i: aon
clk_main_i: main
clk_io_i: io
clk_usb_i: usb
clk_io_div2_i: io_div2
clk_io_div4_i: io_div4
clock_group: powerup
rst_ni: por_io_div4
domain: Aon
attr: templated
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_powerup
clk_aon_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_aon_powerup
clk_main_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_powerup
clk_io_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_powerup
clk_usb_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_usb_powerup
clk_io_div2_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div2_powerup
clk_io_div4_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_powerup
param_decl: {}
param_list: []
name: por_n
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: rstmgr_aon
default: ""
package: ""
external: true
top_signame: por_n
index: -1
name: pwr
struct: pwr_rst
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: rstmgr_aon
default: ""
package: pwrmgr_pkg
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_pwr_rst
index: -1
name: resets
struct: rstmgr_out
package: rstmgr_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rstmgr_aon
default: ""
top_signame: rstmgr_aon_resets
index: -1
name: rst_cpu_n
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: rstmgr_aon
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: rv_core_ibex_rst_cpu_n
index: -1
name: ndmreset_req
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: rstmgr_aon
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: rv_dm_ndmreset_req
index: -1
name: alert_dump
struct: alert_crashdump
package: alert_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: rstmgr_aon
default: ""
top_signame: alert_handler_crashdump
index: -1
name: cpu_dump
struct: crash_dump
package: ibex_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: rstmgr_aon
default: ""
top_signame: rv_core_ibex_crash_dump
index: -1
name: resets_ast
struct: rstmgr_ast_out
package: rstmgr_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rstmgr_aon
default: ""
external: true
top_signame: rsts_ast
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: rstmgr_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: rstmgr_aon_tl
index: -1
null: 0x40410000
name: clkmgr_aon
type: clkmgr
clk_i: io_div4
clock_group: powerup
rst_ni: por_io_div4
rst_main_ni: por
rst_io_ni: por_io
rst_usb_ni: por_usb
rst_io_div2_ni: por_io_div2
rst_io_div4_ni: por_io_div4
domain: Aon
attr: templated
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_powerup
param_decl: {}
param_list: []
name: clocks
struct: clkmgr_out
package: clkmgr_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: clkmgr_aon
default: ""
top_signame: clkmgr_aon_clocks
index: -1
name: lc_dft_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: clkmgr_aon
default: ""
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_dft_en
index: -1
name: ast_clk_byp_req
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: clkmgr_aon
default: ""
external: true
top_signame: ast_clk_byp_req
index: -1
name: ast_clk_byp_ack
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: clkmgr_aon
default: ""
external: true
top_signame: ast_clk_byp_ack
index: -1
name: lc_clk_byp_req
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: clkmgr_aon
default: ""
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_clk_byp_req
index: -1
name: lc_clk_byp_ack
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: clkmgr_aon
default: ""
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_clk_byp_ack
index: -1
name: jitter_en
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: clkmgr_aon
default: ""
package: ""
external: true
top_signame: clk_main_jitter_en
index: -1
name: clk_main
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: clkmgr_aon
default: ""
package: ""
external: true
top_signame: clk_main
index: -1
name: clk_io
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: clkmgr_aon
default: ""
package: ""
external: true
top_signame: clk_io
index: -1
name: clk_usb
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: clkmgr_aon
default: ""
package: ""
external: true
top_signame: clk_usb
index: -1
name: clk_aon
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: clkmgr_aon
default: ""
package: ""
external: true
top_signame: clk_aon
index: -1
name: clocks_ast
struct: clkmgr_ast_out
package: clkmgr_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: clkmgr_aon
default: ""
external: true
top_signame: clks_ast
index: -1
name: pwr
struct: pwr_clk
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: clkmgr_aon
default: ""
package: pwrmgr_pkg
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_pwr_clk
index: -1
name: idle
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 5
inst_name: clkmgr_aon
default: ""
package: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: one-to-N
top_signame: clkmgr_aon_idle
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: clkmgr_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: clkmgr_aon_tl
index: -1
null: 0x40420000
name: sysrst_ctrl_aon
type: sysrst_ctrl
clk_i: io_div4
clk_aon_i: aon
clock_group: secure
rst_ni: sys_io_div4
rst_aon_ni: sys_aon
domain: Aon
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_secure
clk_aon_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_aon_secure
param_decl: {}
param_list: []
name: gsc_wk
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: sysrst_ctrl_aon
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_wakeups
index: 0
name: gsc_rst
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: sysrst_ctrl_aon
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_rstreqs
index: 0
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: sysrst_ctrl_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: sysrst_ctrl_aon_tl
index: -1
null: 0x40430000
name: adc_ctrl_aon
type: adc_ctrl
clk_i: io_div4
clk_aon_i: aon
clock_group: peri
rst_ni: sys_io_div4
rst_slow_ni: sys_aon
domain: Aon
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_peri
clk_aon_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_aon_peri
param_decl: {}
param_list: []
name: adc
struct: adc_ast
package: ast_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: adc_ctrl_aon
default: ""
external: true
top_signame: adc
index: -1
name: debug_cable_wakeup
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: adc_ctrl_aon
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_wakeups
index: 1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: adc_ctrl_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: adc_ctrl_aon_tl
index: -1
null: 0x40440000
name: pwm_aon
type: pwm
clk_i: io_div4
clk_core_i: aon
clock_group: powerup
rst_ni: sys_io_div4
rst_core_ni: sys_aon
domain: Aon
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_powerup
clk_core_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_aon_powerup
param_decl: {}
param_list: []
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: pwm_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: pwm_aon_tl
index: -1
null: 0x40450000
name: pinmux_aon
type: pinmux
clk_i: io_div4
clk_aon_i: aon
clock_group: powerup
rst_ni: sys_io_div4
rst_aon_ni: sys_aon
domain: Aon
attr: templated
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_powerup
clk_aon_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_aon_powerup
param_decl: {}
memory: {}
name: TargetCfg
desc: Target specific pinmux configuration.
type: pinmux_pkg::target_cfg_t
default: pinmux_pkg::DefaultTargetCfg
expose: "true"
name_top: PinmuxAonTargetCfg
name: lc_hw_debug_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: pinmux_aon
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_hw_debug_en
index: -1
name: lc_dft_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: pinmux_aon
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_dft_en
index: -1
name: lc_jtag
struct: jtag
package: jtag_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: pinmux_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: pinmux_aon_lc_jtag
index: -1
name: rv_jtag
struct: jtag
package: jtag_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: pinmux_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: pinmux_aon_rv_jtag
index: -1
name: dft_jtag
struct: jtag
package: jtag_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: pinmux_aon
default: ""
top_signame: pinmux_aon_dft_jtag
index: -1
name: dft_strap_test
struct: dft_strap_test_req
package: pinmux_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: pinmux_aon
external: true
top_signame: dft_strap_test
index: -1
name: dft_hold_tap_sel
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: pinmux_aon
package: ""
external: true
top_signame: dft_hold_tap_sel
index: -1
name: sleep_en
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: 1'b0
inst_name: pinmux_aon
package: ""
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_low_power
index: -1
name: strap_en
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: 1'b0
inst_name: pinmux_aon
package: ""
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_strap
index: -1
name: aon_wkup_req
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: 1'b0
inst_name: pinmux_aon
package: ""
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_wakeups
index: 2
name: usb_wkup_req
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: 1'b0
inst_name: pinmux_aon
package: ""
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_wakeups
index: 3
name: usb_out_of_rst
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: pinmux_aon
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: usbdev_usb_out_of_rst
index: -1
name: usb_aon_wake_en
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: pinmux_aon
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: usbdev_usb_aon_wake_en
index: -1
name: usb_aon_wake_ack
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: pinmux_aon
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: usbdev_usb_aon_wake_ack
index: -1
name: usb_suspend
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: pinmux_aon
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: usbdev_usb_suspend
index: -1
name: usb_state_debug
struct: awk_state
package: usbdev_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: pinmux_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: pinmux_aon_usb_state_debug
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: pinmux_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: pinmux_aon_tl
index: -1
null: 0x40460000
name: aon_timer_aon
type: aon_timer
clk_i: io_div4
clk_aon_i: aon
clock_group: timers
rst_ni: sys_io_div4
rst_aon_ni: sys_aon
domain: Aon
attr: templated
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_timers
clk_aon_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_aon_timers
param_decl: {}
param_list: []
name: nmi_wdog_timer_bark
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: 1'b0
inst_name: aon_timer_aon
package: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: aon_timer_aon_nmi_wdog_timer_bark
index: -1
name: aon_timer_wkup_req
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: 1'b0
inst_name: aon_timer_aon
package: ""
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_wakeups
index: 4
name: aon_timer_rst_req
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: 1'b0
inst_name: aon_timer_aon
package: ""
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_rstreqs
index: 1
name: lc_escalate_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: aon_timer_aon
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_escalate_en
index: -1
name: sleep_mode
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: aon_timer_aon
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_low_power
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: aon_timer_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: aon_timer_aon_tl
index: -1
null: 0x40470000
name: ast
type: ast
clk_i: io_div4
clock_group: secure
rst_ni: sys_io_div4
attr: reggen_only
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_secure
domain: "0"
param_decl: {}
param_list: []
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: ast
index: -1
null: 0x40480000
name: sensor_ctrl_aon
type: sensor_ctrl
clk_i: io_div4
clock_group: secure
rst_ni: sys_io_div4
domain: Aon
attr: reggen_top
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_secure
param_decl: {}
param_list: []
name: ast_alert
struct: ast_alert
package: ast_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: sensor_ctrl_aon
default: ""
external: true
top_signame: sensor_ctrl_ast_alert
index: -1
name: ast_status
struct: ast_status
package: ast_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: sensor_ctrl_aon
default: ""
external: true
top_signame: sensor_ctrl_ast_status
index: -1
name: ast_init_done
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: sensor_ctrl_aon
default: ""
package: ""
external: true
top_signame: ast_init_done
index: -1
name: ast2pinmux
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 9
inst_name: sensor_ctrl_aon
default: ""
package: ""
external: true
top_signame: ast2pinmux
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: sensor_ctrl_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: sensor_ctrl_aon_tl
index: -1
null: 0x40490000
name: sram_ctrl_ret_aon
type: sram_ctrl
clk_i: io_div4
clk_otp_i: io_div4
clock_group: infra
rst_ni: sys_io_div4
rst_otp_ni: lc_io_div4
domain: Aon
InstrExec: "0"
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_infra
clk_otp_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_infra
memory: {}
name: RndCnstSramKey
desc: Compile-time random reset value for SRAM scrambling key.
type: otp_ctrl_pkg::sram_key_t
randcount: 128
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstSramCtrlRetAonSramKey
default: 0x738f30d9006289a1d7d9d0ce1dd7d7c
randwidth: 128
name: RndCnstSramNonce
desc: Compile-time random reset value for SRAM scrambling nonce.
type: otp_ctrl_pkg::sram_nonce_t
randcount: 128
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstSramCtrlRetAonSramNonce
default: 0xfe8f673fba39bb679d58aa91aeb2691c
randwidth: 128
name: RndCnstSramLfsrPerm
desc: Compile-time random permutation for LFSR output
type: sram_ctrl_pkg::lfsr_perm_t
randcount: 32
randtype: perm
name_top: RndCnstSramCtrlRetAonSramLfsrPerm
default: 0x25da5869dc96fe354f1da55e9123cb082c63b331
randwidth: 160
name: InstrExec
desc: Support execution from SRAM
type: bit
default: "0"
expose: "true"
name_top: SramCtrlRetAonInstrExec
name: sram_otp_key
struct: sram_otp_key
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: sram_ctrl_ret_aon
top_signame: otp_ctrl_sram_otp_key
index: 1
name: sram_scr
struct: sram_scr
package: sram_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: sram_ctrl_ret_aon
end_idx: -1
top_signame: sram_ctrl_ret_aon_sram_scr
index: -1
name: sram_scr_init
struct: sram_scr_init
package: sram_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: sram_ctrl_ret_aon
end_idx: -1
top_signame: sram_ctrl_ret_aon_sram_scr_init
index: -1
name: lc_escalate_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: sram_ctrl_ret_aon
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_escalate_en
index: -1
name: lc_hw_debug_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: sram_ctrl_ret_aon
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_hw_debug_en
index: -1
name: otp_en_sram_ifetch
struct: otp_en
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: sram_ctrl_ret_aon
top_signame: sram_ctrl_ret_aon_otp_en_sram_ifetch
index: -1
name: en_ifetch
struct: tl_instr_en
package: tlul_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: sram_ctrl_ret_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: sram_ctrl_ret_aon_en_ifetch
index: -1
name: intg_error
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: sram_ctrl_ret_aon
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: ram_ret_aon_intg_error
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: sram_ctrl_ret_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: sram_ctrl_ret_aon_tl
index: -1
null: 0x40500000
name: flash_ctrl
type: flash_ctrl
clk_i: main
clk_otp_i: io_div4
clock_group: infra
rst_ni: lc
rst_otp_ni: lc_io_div4
core: 0x41000000
prim: 0x41008000
attr: templated
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_infra
clk_otp_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_infra
domain: "0"
param_decl: {}
memory: {}
name: RndCnstAddrKey
desc: Compile-time random bits for default address key
type: flash_ctrl_pkg::flash_key_t
randcount: 128
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstFlashCtrlAddrKey
default: 0x369ae283eec5e43d4b16446726a27b8f
randwidth: 128
name: RndCnstDataKey
desc: Compile-time random bits for default data key
type: flash_ctrl_pkg::flash_key_t
randcount: 128
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstFlashCtrlDataKey
default: 0x1a07eb42a37dbfb7be9bb6e69a7d3c5f
randwidth: 128
name: RndCnstLfsrSeed
desc: Compile-time random bits for initial LFSR seed
type: flash_ctrl_pkg::lfsr_seed_t
randcount: 32
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstFlashCtrlLfsrSeed
default: 0x96f534d
randwidth: 32
name: RndCnstLfsrPerm
desc: Compile-time random permutation for LFSR output
type: flash_ctrl_pkg::lfsr_perm_t
randcount: 32
randtype: perm
name_top: RndCnstFlashCtrlLfsrPerm
default: 0xc0fb0f38e6bd6744364b005ec493761479f5173a
randwidth: 160
name: flash
struct: flash
package: flash_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: flash_ctrl
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: flash_ctrl_flash
index: -1
name: otp
struct: flash_otp_key
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: flash_ctrl
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: flash_ctrl_otp
index: -1
name: lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: flash_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en
index: -1
name: lc_owner_seed_sw_rw_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: flash_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_owner_seed_sw_rw_en
index: -1
name: lc_iso_part_sw_rd_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: flash_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_iso_part_sw_rd_en
index: -1
name: lc_iso_part_sw_wr_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: flash_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_iso_part_sw_wr_en
index: -1
name: lc_seed_hw_rd_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: flash_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_seed_hw_rd_en
index: -1
name: lc_escalate_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: flash_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_escalate_en
index: -1
name: rma_req
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: flash_ctrl
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: flash_ctrl_rma_req
index: -1
name: rma_ack
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: flash_ctrl
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: flash_ctrl_rma_ack
index: -1
name: rma_seed
struct: lc_flash_rma_seed
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: flash_ctrl
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: flash_ctrl_rma_seed
index: -1
name: pwrmgr
struct: pwr_flash
package: pwrmgr_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: flash_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_pwr_flash
index: -1
name: keymgr
struct: keymgr_flash
package: flash_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: flash_ctrl
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: flash_ctrl_keymgr
index: -1
name: core_tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: flash_ctrl
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: flash_ctrl_core_tl
index: -1
name: prim_tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: flash_ctrl
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: flash_ctrl_prim_tl
index: -1
name: rv_dm
type: rv_dm
clk_i: main
clock_group: infra
rst_ni: lc
rom: 0x00010000
regs: 0x41200000
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_infra
domain: "0"
param_decl: {}
memory: {}
name: IdcodeValue
desc: RISC-V debug module JTAG ID code.
type: logic [31:0]
default: 32'h 0000_0001
expose: "true"
name_top: RvDmIdcodeValue
name: jtag
struct: jtag
package: jtag_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: rv_dm
default: ""
top_signame: pinmux_aon_rv_jtag
index: -1
name: lc_hw_debug_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: rv_dm
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_hw_debug_en
index: -1
name: unavailable
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: 1'b0
inst_name: rv_dm
index: -1
name: ndmreset_req
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rv_dm
default: ""
package: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: rv_dm_ndmreset_req
index: -1
name: dmactive
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rv_dm
index: -1
name: debug_req
struct: logic [rv_dm_reg_pkg::NrHarts-1:0]
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rv_dm
default: ""
package: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: rv_dm_debug_req
index: -1
name: sba_tl_h
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rv_dm
default: ""
top_signame: main_tl_rv_dm__sba
index: -1
name: regs_tl_d
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: rv_dm
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: rv_dm_regs_tl_d
index: -1
name: rom_tl_d
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: rv_dm
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: rv_dm_rom_tl_d
index: -1
name: rv_plic
type: rv_plic
clk_i: main
clock_group: secure
rst_ni: sys
attr: templated
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_secure
domain: "0"
param_decl: {}
param_list: []
name: irq
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rv_plic
default: ""
package: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: rv_plic_irq
index: -1
name: irq_id
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rv_plic
index: -1
name: msip
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rv_plic
default: ""
package: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: rv_plic_msip
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: rv_plic
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: rv_plic_tl
index: -1
null: 0x41010000
name: aes
type: aes
clk_i: main
clk_edn_i: main
clock_group: trans
rst_ni: sys
rst_edn_ni: sys
Masking: "1"
SBoxImpl: aes_pkg::SBoxImplDom
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_aes
clk_edn_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_aes
domain: "0"
memory: {}
name: AES192Enable
desc: Disable (0) or enable (1) support for 192-bit key lengths (AES-192).
type: bit
default: 1'b1
expose: "false"
name_top: AesAES192Enable
name: Masking
Disable (0) or enable (1) first-order masking of the AES cipher core.
Masking requires the use of a masked S-Box, see SBoxImpl parameter.
type: bit
default: "1"
expose: "true"
name_top: AesMasking
name: SBoxImpl
desc: Selection of the S-Box implementation. See
type: aes_pkg::sbox_impl_e
default: aes_pkg::SBoxImplDom
expose: "true"
name_top: AesSBoxImpl
name: SecStartTriggerDelay
Manual start trigger delay, useful for SCA measurements.
A value of e.g. 40 allows the processor to go into sleep before AES starts operation.
type: int unsigned
default: "0"
expose: "true"
name_top: SecAesStartTriggerDelay
name: SecAllowForcingMasks
Forbid (0) or allow (1) forcing the mask to zero via FORCE_ZERO_MASK bit in the Control Register.
Useful for SCA measurements.
Meaningful only if masking is enabled.
type: bit
default: 1'b0
expose: "true"
name_top: SecAesAllowForcingMasks
name: SecSkipPRNGReseeding
Perform (0) or skip (1) PRNG reseeding requests, useful for SCA measurements only.
The current SCA setup doesn't provide sufficient resources to implement the infrastructure required for PRNG reseeding (CSRNG, EDN).
To enable SCA resistance evaluations, we need to skip reseeding requests on the SCA platform.
type: bit
default: 1'b0
expose: "true"
name_top: SecAesSkipPRNGReseeding
name: RndCnstClearingLfsrSeed
desc: Default seed of the PRNG used for register clearing.
type: aes_pkg::clearing_lfsr_seed_t
randcount: 64
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstAesClearingLfsrSeed
default: 0xed204633871cb178
randwidth: 64
name: RndCnstClearingLfsrPerm
desc: Permutation applied to the LFSR of the PRNG used for clearing.
type: aes_pkg::clearing_lfsr_perm_t
randcount: 64
randtype: perm
name_top: RndCnstAesClearingLfsrPerm
default: 0x99b01e35560f2eb97e3047685d6b7bd87b029229da078df923f7d0f46154c34ba9d43c734af2a1eaa8e0f3270944e4d9
randwidth: 384
name: RndCnstClearingSharePerm
desc: Permutation applied to the clearing PRNG output for clearing the second share of registers.
type: aes_pkg::clearing_lfsr_perm_t
randcount: 64
randtype: perm
name_top: RndCnstAesClearingSharePerm
default: 0x7d9cf783c36c02e6cbd0c89a7299bac245b9fb80c85367bb5e53c511341509877fb72286f4e9e3047871a354afad126a
randwidth: 384
name: RndCnstMaskingLfsrSeed
desc: Default seed of the PRNG used for masking.
type: aes_pkg::masking_lfsr_seed_t
randcount: 160
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstAesMaskingLfsrSeed
default: 0xd6e49c544ba9dcdff0245e84d6f5f03ecaef7217
randwidth: 160
name: RndCnstMskgChunkLfsrPerm
desc: Permutation applied to the LFSR chunks of the PRNG used for masking.
type: aes_pkg::mskg_chunk_lfsr_perm_t
randcount: 32
randtype: perm
name_top: RndCnstAesMskgChunkLfsrPerm
default: 0x46fa4bd6dc82beb0a4e30305aa371e9c64e2bf26
randwidth: 160
name: idle
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: aes
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: clkmgr_aon_idle
index: 0
name: lc_escalate_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: aes
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_escalate_en
index: -1
name: edn
struct: edn
package: edn_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: aes
default: ""
top_signame: edn0_edn
index: 5
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: aes
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: aes_tl
index: -1
null: 0x41100000
name: hmac
type: hmac
clk_i: main
clock_group: trans
rst_ni: sys
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_hmac
domain: "0"
param_decl: {}
param_list: []
name: idle
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: hmac
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: clkmgr_aon_idle
index: 1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: hmac
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: hmac_tl
index: -1
null: 0x41110000
name: kmac
type: kmac
EnMasking: "1"
ReuseShare: "0"
clk_i: main
clk_edn_i: main
clock_group: trans
rst_ni: sys
rst_edn_ni: sys
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_kmac
clk_edn_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_kmac
domain: "0"
memory: {}
name: EnMasking
Disable(0) or enable(1) first-order masking of Keccak round.
If masking is enabled, ReuseShare parameter will impact the design.
type: bit
default: "1"
expose: "true"
name_top: KmacEnMasking
name: ReuseShare
If enabled (1), the internal Keccak round logic will re-use the
adjacent shares as entropy in Domain-Oriented Masking AND logic.
It improves the throughput of Keccak, as it only requires small
amount of entropy rather than 1600 bit per round.
This feature is not implemented yet.
type: int
default: "0"
expose: "true"
name_top: KmacReuseShare
name: keymgr_key
struct: hw_key_req
package: keymgr_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: kmac
default: ""
top_signame: keymgr_kmac_key
index: -1
name: app
struct: app
package: kmac_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 3
inst_name: kmac
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: one-to-N
top_signame: kmac_app
index: -1
name: entropy
struct: edn
package: edn_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: kmac
default: ""
top_signame: edn0_edn
index: 3
name: idle
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: kmac
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: clkmgr_aon_idle
index: 2
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: kmac
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: kmac_tl
index: -1
null: 0x41120000
name: keymgr
type: keymgr
clk_i: main
clk_edn_i: main
clock_group: secure
rst_ni: sys
rst_edn_ni: sys
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_secure
clk_edn_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_secure
domain: "0"
param_decl: {}
memory: {}
name: RndCnstLfsrSeed
desc: Compile-time random bits for initial LFSR seed
type: keymgr_pkg::lfsr_seed_t
randcount: 64
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstKeymgrLfsrSeed
default: 0x8536e02c38ed5edf
randwidth: 64
name: RndCnstLfsrPerm
desc: Compile-time random permutation for LFSR output
type: keymgr_pkg::lfsr_perm_t
randcount: 64
randtype: perm
name_top: RndCnstKeymgrLfsrPerm
default: 0x6a27354364ad3bf532784c2725d903ee51f44fabb76f9fb3b2ff7145729959f821ae81803e317863c98b30854d042a6a
randwidth: 384
name: RndCnstRandPerm
desc: Compile-time random permutation for entropy used in share overriding
type: keymgr_pkg::rand_perm_t
randcount: 32
randtype: perm
name_top: RndCnstKeymgrRandPerm
default: 0x239b10b10987253b015a36f15153fe5dcf92f46f
randwidth: 160
name: RndCnstRevisionSeed
desc: Compile-time random bits for revision seed
type: keymgr_pkg::seed_t
randcount: 256
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstKeymgrRevisionSeed
default: 0xcb8bed0d3e48713de5986d0027d13a3a480b63b97279d8d378486795de27f2cf
randwidth: 256
name: RndCnstCreatorIdentitySeed
desc: Compile-time random bits for creator identity seed
type: keymgr_pkg::seed_t
randcount: 256
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstKeymgrCreatorIdentitySeed
default: 0x8127b8ee31063c01e9be104c7777ecc6d68e333feddeac133f24dd2e11738ceb
randwidth: 256
name: RndCnstOwnerIntIdentitySeed
desc: Compile-time random bits for owner intermediate identity seed
type: keymgr_pkg::seed_t
randcount: 256
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstKeymgrOwnerIntIdentitySeed
default: 0xfcc7cc4ec8d98b59e767a253b29311c3e284411ee572a3934ffe951d3b79c1b3
randwidth: 256
name: RndCnstOwnerIdentitySeed
desc: Compile-time random bits for owner identity seed
type: keymgr_pkg::seed_t
randcount: 256
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstKeymgrOwnerIdentitySeed
default: 0x18800440bd414d266de08fc479f858040892b0f3729f7ab9dafe7f2472fb41c8
randwidth: 256
name: RndCnstSoftOutputSeed
desc: Compile-time random bits for software generation seed
type: keymgr_pkg::seed_t
randcount: 256
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstKeymgrSoftOutputSeed
default: 0x653fadb4aee4626498a4c647603c2154be52121d214556318c84c8ec175dab2f
randwidth: 256
name: RndCnstHardOutputSeed
desc: Compile-time random bits for hardware generation seed
type: keymgr_pkg::seed_t
randcount: 256
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstKeymgrHardOutputSeed
default: 0xd5c72146d889aca6973a13272144f3eefeedd9d57e3f829a880463a023ca0c5e
randwidth: 256
name: RndCnstAesSeed
desc: Compile-time random bits for generation seed when aes destination selected
type: keymgr_pkg::seed_t
randcount: 256
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstKeymgrAesSeed
default: 0x7663f6d1fbe7e4402c0329cac3b7d06751f2882df8f3259134067e7a112ffdb3
randwidth: 256
name: RndCnstHmacSeed
desc: Compile-time random bits for generation seed when hmac destination selected
type: keymgr_pkg::seed_t
randcount: 256
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstKeymgrHmacSeed
default: 0xbc5f1a8862845852761603352213b7a034816103a781d0a4f5a0a911c1bcafe
randwidth: 256
name: RndCnstKmacSeed
desc: Compile-time random bits for generation seed when kmac destination selected
type: keymgr_pkg::seed_t
randcount: 256
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstKeymgrKmacSeed
default: 0x63dd2af7ca1c6ae78efcbdc6ada112f1235ee7dba5042c13061068c02cef00b7
randwidth: 256
name: RndCnstOtbnSeed
desc: Compile-time random bits for generation seed when otbn destination selected
type: keymgr_pkg::seed_t
randcount: 256
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstKeymgrOtbnSeed
default: 0x56289223d7e05db35983fe5a262a6e3ab1655d42b3090ae475a2df4171fdfd7c
randwidth: 256
name: RndCnstNoneSeed
desc: Compile-time random bits for generation seed when no destination selected
type: keymgr_pkg::seed_t
randcount: 256
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstKeymgrNoneSeed
default: 0xe9d1b1f891dcab64f5a52883a710b72b92e47f6e0845f450ead8f3095ff32c32
randwidth: 256
name: edn
struct: edn
package: edn_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: keymgr
default: ""
top_signame: edn0_edn
index: 0
name: aes_key
struct: hw_key_req
package: keymgr_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: keymgr
index: -1
name: hmac_key
struct: hw_key_req
package: keymgr_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: keymgr
index: -1
name: kmac_key
struct: hw_key_req
package: keymgr_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: keymgr
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: keymgr_kmac_key
index: -1
name: otbn_key
struct: otbn_key_req
package: keymgr_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: keymgr
index: -1
name: kmac_data
struct: app
package: kmac_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: keymgr
default: ""
top_signame: kmac_app
index: 0
name: otp_key
struct: otp_keymgr_key
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: keymgr
default: ""
top_signame: otp_ctrl_otp_keymgr_key
index: -1
name: otp_device_id
struct: otp_device_id
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: keymgr
default: ""
top_signame: keymgr_otp_device_id
index: -1
name: flash
struct: keymgr_flash
package: flash_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: keymgr
default: ""
top_signame: flash_ctrl_keymgr
index: -1
name: lc_keymgr_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::On
inst_name: keymgr
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_keymgr_en
index: -1
name: lc_keymgr_div
struct: lc_keymgr_div
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: keymgr
default: ""
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_keymgr_div
index: -1
name: rom_digest
struct: keymgr_data
package: rom_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: keymgr
default: ""
top_signame: rom_ctrl_keymgr_data
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: keymgr
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: keymgr_tl
index: -1
null: 0x41130000
name: csrng
type: csrng
clk_i: main
clock_group: secure
rst_ni: sys
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_secure
domain: "0"
param_decl: {}
memory: {}
name: RndCnstCsKeymgrDivNonProduction
desc: Compile-time random bits for csrng state group diversification value
type: csrng_pkg::cs_keymgr_div_t
randcount: 384
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstCsrngCsKeymgrDivNonProduction
default: 0xb6fee0311af608b7123f603c251a36ab2e658548c5420be549da272d96ae771b3a1955e3d4549f3608232d03f93eed0f
randwidth: 384
name: RndCnstCsKeymgrDivProduction
desc: Compile-time random bits for csrng state group diversification value
type: csrng_pkg::cs_keymgr_div_t
randcount: 384
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstCsrngCsKeymgrDivProduction
default: 0xcb942155264f8c121b7387a0a07db44fe8c330ca072829f9970f91074501568220e25ba7743095f2c1194fb74487a86
randwidth: 384
name: SBoxImpl
desc: Selection of the S-Box implementation. See
type: aes_pkg::sbox_impl_e
default: aes_pkg::SBoxImplCanright
expose: "true"
name_top: CsrngSBoxImpl
name: csrng_cmd
struct: csrng
package: csrng_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 2
inst_name: csrng
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: one-to-N
top_signame: csrng_csrng_cmd
index: -1
name: entropy_src_hw_if
struct: entropy_src_hw_if
package: entropy_src_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: csrng
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: csrng_entropy_src_hw_if
index: -1
name: cs_aes_halt
struct: cs_aes_halt
package: entropy_src_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: csrng
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: csrng_cs_aes_halt
index: -1
name: otp_en_csrng_sw_app_read
struct: otp_en
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: csrng
default: ""
top_signame: csrng_otp_en_csrng_sw_app_read
index: -1
name: lc_hw_debug_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: csrng
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_hw_debug_en
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: csrng
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: csrng_tl
index: -1
null: 0x41150000
name: entropy_src
type: entropy_src
clk_i: main
clock_group: secure
rst_ni: sys
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_secure
domain: "0"
param_decl: {}
memory: {}
name: Stub
desc: Stub out the core of entropy_src logic
type: bit
default: "0"
expose: "true"
name_top: EntropySrcStub
name: entropy_src_hw_if
struct: entropy_src_hw_if
package: entropy_src_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: entropy_src
default: ""
top_signame: csrng_entropy_src_hw_if
index: -1
name: cs_aes_halt
struct: cs_aes_halt
package: entropy_src_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: entropy_src
default: ""
top_signame: csrng_cs_aes_halt
index: -1
name: entropy_src_rng
struct: entropy_src_rng
package: entropy_src_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: entropy_src
default: ""
external: true
top_signame: es_rng
index: -1
name: entropy_src_xht
struct: entropy_src_xht
package: entropy_src_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: entropy_src
index: -1
name: otp_en_entropy_src_fw_read
struct: otp_en
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: entropy_src
default: ""
top_signame: entropy_src_otp_en_entropy_src_fw_read
index: -1
name: otp_en_entropy_src_fw_over
struct: otp_en
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: entropy_src
default: ""
top_signame: entropy_src_otp_en_entropy_src_fw_over
index: -1
name: rng_fips
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: entropy_src
default: ""
package: ""
external: true
top_signame: es_rng_fips
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: entropy_src
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: entropy_src_tl
index: -1
null: 0x41160000
name: edn0
type: edn
clk_i: main
clock_group: secure
rst_ni: sys
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_secure
domain: "0"
param_decl: {}
param_list: []
name: csrng_cmd
desc: EDN supports a signal CSRNG application interface.
struct: csrng
package: csrng_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: edn0
default: ""
top_signame: csrng_csrng_cmd
index: 0
name: edn
The collection of peripheral ports supported by edn. The width (4)
indicates the number of peripheral ports on a single instance.
Due to limitations in the parametrization of top-level interconnects
this value is not currently parameterizable. However, the number
of peripheral ports may change in a future revision.
struct: edn
package: edn_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 7
default: "'0"
inst_name: edn0
end_idx: -1
top_type: one-to-N
top_signame: edn0_edn
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: edn0
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: edn0_tl
index: -1
null: 0x41170000
name: edn1
type: edn
clk_i: main
clock_group: secure
rst_ni: sys
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_secure
domain: "0"
param_decl: {}
param_list: []
name: csrng_cmd
desc: EDN supports a signal CSRNG application interface.
struct: csrng
package: csrng_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: edn1
default: ""
top_signame: csrng_csrng_cmd
index: 1
name: edn
The collection of peripheral ports supported by edn. The width (4)
indicates the number of peripheral ports on a single instance.
Due to limitations in the parametrization of top-level interconnects
this value is not currently parameterizable. However, the number
of peripheral ports may change in a future revision.
struct: edn
package: edn_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 7
default: "'0"
inst_name: edn1
end_idx: 1
top_type: partial-one-to-N
top_signame: edn1_edn
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: edn1
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: edn1_tl
index: -1
null: 0x41180000
name: sram_ctrl_main
type: sram_ctrl
clk_i: main
clk_otp_i: io_div4
clock_group: secure
rst_ni: sys
rst_otp_ni: lc_io_div4
InstrExec: "1"
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_secure
clk_otp_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_secure
domain: "0"
memory: {}
name: RndCnstSramKey
desc: Compile-time random reset value for SRAM scrambling key.
type: otp_ctrl_pkg::sram_key_t
randcount: 128
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstSramCtrlMainSramKey
default: 0x1dd6e62190d79f1230d02f643ac42fa7
randwidth: 128
name: RndCnstSramNonce
desc: Compile-time random reset value for SRAM scrambling nonce.
type: otp_ctrl_pkg::sram_nonce_t
randcount: 128
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstSramCtrlMainSramNonce
default: 0x5120695530d16a94098e681252f1c774
randwidth: 128
name: RndCnstSramLfsrPerm
desc: Compile-time random permutation for LFSR output
type: sram_ctrl_pkg::lfsr_perm_t
randcount: 32
randtype: perm
name_top: RndCnstSramCtrlMainSramLfsrPerm
default: 0x2dc87cedcba3e48e7595fc2221a74051acdc4fc1
randwidth: 160
name: InstrExec
desc: Support execution from SRAM
type: bit
default: "1"
expose: "true"
name_top: SramCtrlMainInstrExec
name: sram_otp_key
struct: sram_otp_key
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: sram_ctrl_main
top_signame: otp_ctrl_sram_otp_key
index: 0
name: sram_scr
struct: sram_scr
package: sram_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: sram_ctrl_main
end_idx: -1
top_signame: sram_ctrl_main_sram_scr
index: -1
name: sram_scr_init
struct: sram_scr_init
package: sram_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: sram_ctrl_main
end_idx: -1
top_signame: sram_ctrl_main_sram_scr_init
index: -1
name: lc_escalate_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: sram_ctrl_main
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_escalate_en
index: -1
name: lc_hw_debug_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: sram_ctrl_main
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_hw_debug_en
index: -1
name: otp_en_sram_ifetch
struct: otp_en
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: sram_ctrl_main
top_signame: sram_ctrl_main_otp_en_sram_ifetch
index: -1
name: en_ifetch
struct: tl_instr_en
package: tlul_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: sram_ctrl_main
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: sram_ctrl_main_en_ifetch
index: -1
name: intg_error
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: sram_ctrl_main
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: ram_main_intg_error
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: sram_ctrl_main
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: sram_ctrl_main_tl
index: -1
null: 0x411C0000
name: otbn
type: otbn
clk_i: main
clk_edn_i: main
clk_otp_i: io_div4
clock_group: trans
rst_ni: sys
rst_edn_ni: sys
rst_otp_ni: lc_io_div4
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_otbn
clk_edn_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_otbn
clk_otp_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_otbn
domain: "0"
param_decl: {}
memory: {}
name: Stub
desc: Stub out the core of Otbn logic
type: bit
default: "0"
expose: "true"
name_top: OtbnStub
name: RegFile
desc: Selection of the register file implementation. See
type: otbn_pkg::regfile_e
default: otbn_pkg::RegFileFF
expose: "true"
name_top: OtbnRegFile
name: RndCnstUrndLfsrSeed
desc: Default seed of the PRNG used for URND.
type: otbn_pkg::urnd_lfsr_seed_t
randcount: 256
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstOtbnUrndLfsrSeed
default: 0x983d914e80a925bc15891b60c560a7fb75457e09e258c252c3083125be14e22d
randwidth: 256
name: RndCnstUrndChunkLfsrPerm
desc: Permutation applied to the LFSR chunks of the PRNG used for URND.
type: otbn_pkg::urnd_chunk_lfsr_perm_t
randcount: 64
randtype: perm
name_top: RndCnstOtbnUrndChunkLfsrPerm
default: 0x7e95af64caa87b2e1aed74700fc12c9793c18dcd269ce74beab6096c81addee885340fbd2900a4513cff852d47560db1
randwidth: 384
name: RndCnstOtbnKey
desc: Compile-time random reset value for IMem/DMem scrambling key.
type: otp_ctrl_pkg::otbn_key_t
randcount: 128
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstOtbnOtbnKey
default: 0xfd9c13ac08496db56fbc4894d38bd867
randwidth: 128
name: RndCnstOtbnNonce
desc: Compile-time random reset value for IMem/DMem scrambling nonce.
type: otp_ctrl_pkg::otbn_nonce_t
randcount: 64
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstOtbnOtbnNonce
default: 0x9e4da0e3ff9f3036
randwidth: 64
name: otbn_otp_key
struct: otbn_otp_key
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: otbn
top_signame: otp_ctrl_otbn_otp_key
index: -1
name: edn_rnd
struct: edn
package: edn_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: otbn
default: ""
top_signame: edn1_edn
index: 0
name: edn_urnd
struct: edn
package: edn_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: otbn
default: ""
top_signame: edn0_edn
index: 6
name: idle
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: otbn
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: clkmgr_aon_idle
index: 4
name: idle_otp
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: otbn
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: clkmgr_aon_idle
index: 3
name: ram_cfg
struct: ram_1p_cfg
package: prim_ram_1p_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: otbn
default: ""
top_signame: ast_ram_1p_cfg
index: -1
name: lc_escalate_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: otbn
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_escalate_en
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: otbn
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: otbn_tl
index: -1
null: 0x411D0000
name: rom_ctrl
type: rom_ctrl
clk_i: main
clock_group: infra
rst_ni: sys
rom: 0x00008000
regs: 0x411e0000
label: rom
swaccess: ro
exec: True
byte_write: False
size: 0x4000
SecDisableScrambling: 1'b0
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_infra
domain: "0"
name: BootRomInitFile
desc: Contents of mask ROM
type: ""
default: '''""'''
expose: "true"
name_top: RomCtrlBootRomInitFile
name: RndCnstScrNonce
desc: Fixed nonce used for address / data scrambling
type: bit [63:0]
randcount: 64
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstRomCtrlScrNonce
default: 0x5d7717a4b76a8aff
randwidth: 64
name: RndCnstScrKey
desc: Randomised constant used as a scrambling key for ROM data
type: bit [127:0]
randcount: 128
randtype: data
name_top: RndCnstRomCtrlScrKey
default: 0xb798ab7845c3feab0d2f4c7cf730a567
randwidth: 128
name: SecDisableScrambling
Disable scrambling and checking in rom_ctrl, turning the block into a
simple ROM wrapper. This isn't intended for real chips, but is useful
for small FPGA targets where there's not space for the PRINCE
type: bit
default: 1'b0
expose: "true"
name_top: SecRomCtrlDisableScrambling
name: rom_cfg
struct: rom_cfg
package: prim_rom_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: rom_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: ast_rom_cfg
index: -1
name: pwrmgr_data
struct: pwrmgr_data
package: rom_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rom_ctrl
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: rom_ctrl_pwrmgr_data
index: -1
name: keymgr_data
struct: keymgr_data
package: rom_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rom_ctrl
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: rom_ctrl_keymgr_data
index: -1
name: kmac_data
struct: app
package: kmac_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rom_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: kmac_app
index: 2
name: regs_tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: rom_ctrl
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: rom_ctrl_regs_tl
index: -1
name: rom_tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: rom_ctrl
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: rom_ctrl_rom_tl
index: -1
name: rv_core_ibex
type: rv_core_ibex
PMPEnable: "1"
PMPGranularity: "0"
PMPNumRegions: "16"
MHPMCounterNum: "10"
MHPMCounterWidth: "32"
RV32E: "0"
RV32M: ibex_pkg::RV32MSingleCycle
RV32B: ibex_pkg::RV32BNone
RegFile: ibex_pkg::RegFileFF
BranchTargetALU: "1"
WritebackStage: "1"
ICache: "1"
ICacheECC: "1"
BranchPredictor: "0"
DbgTriggerEn: "1"
SecureIbex: "1"
DmHaltAddr: tl_main_pkg::ADDR_SPACE_RV_DM__ROM + dm::HaltAddress[31:0]
DmExceptionAddr: tl_main_pkg::ADDR_SPACE_RV_DM__ROM + dm::ExceptionAddress[31:0]
PipeLine: "0"
clk_i: main
clk_esc_i: io_div4
clock_group: infra
rst_ni: sys
rst_esc_ni: lc_io_div4
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_infra
clk_esc_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_infra
domain: "0"
memory: {}
name: PMPEnable
desc: Enable PMP
type: bit
default: "1"
expose: "true"
name_top: RvCoreIbexPMPEnable
name: PMPGranularity
type: int unsigned
default: "0"
expose: "true"
name_top: RvCoreIbexPMPGranularity
name: PMPNumRegions
type: int unsigned
default: "16"
expose: "true"
name_top: RvCoreIbexPMPNumRegions
name: MHPMCounterNum
type: int unsigned
default: "10"
expose: "true"
name_top: RvCoreIbexMHPMCounterNum
name: MHPMCounterWidth
type: int unsigned
default: "32"
expose: "true"
name_top: RvCoreIbexMHPMCounterWidth
name: RV32E
type: bit
default: "0"
expose: "true"
name_top: RvCoreIbexRV32E
name: RV32M
type: ibex_pkg::rv32m_e
default: ibex_pkg::RV32MSingleCycle
expose: "true"
name_top: RvCoreIbexRV32M
name: RV32B
type: ibex_pkg::rv32b_e
default: ibex_pkg::RV32BNone
expose: "true"
name_top: RvCoreIbexRV32B
name: RegFile
type: ibex_pkg::regfile_e
default: ibex_pkg::RegFileFF
expose: "true"
name_top: RvCoreIbexRegFile
name: BranchTargetALU
type: bit
default: "1"
expose: "true"
name_top: RvCoreIbexBranchTargetALU
name: WritebackStage
type: bit
default: "1"
expose: "true"
name_top: RvCoreIbexWritebackStage
name: ICache
type: bit
default: "1"
expose: "true"
name_top: RvCoreIbexICache
name: ICacheECC
type: bit
default: "1"
expose: "true"
name_top: RvCoreIbexICacheECC
name: BranchPredictor
type: bit
default: "0"
expose: "true"
name_top: RvCoreIbexBranchPredictor
name: DbgTriggerEn
type: bit
default: "1"
expose: "true"
name_top: RvCoreIbexDbgTriggerEn
name: SecureIbex
type: bit
default: "1"
expose: "true"
name_top: SecRvCoreIbexureIbex
name: DmHaltAddr
type: int unsigned
default: tl_main_pkg::ADDR_SPACE_RV_DM__ROM + dm::HaltAddress[31:0]
expose: "true"
name_top: RvCoreIbexDmHaltAddr
name: DmExceptionAddr
type: int unsigned
default: tl_main_pkg::ADDR_SPACE_RV_DM__ROM + dm::ExceptionAddress[31:0]
expose: "true"
name_top: RvCoreIbexDmExceptionAddr
name: PipeLine
type: bit
default: "0"
expose: "true"
name_top: RvCoreIbexPipeLine
name: rst_cpu_n
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
package: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: rv_core_ibex_rst_cpu_n
index: -1
name: ram_cfg
struct: ram_1p_cfg
package: prim_ram_1p_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
top_signame: ast_ram_1p_cfg
index: -1
name: hart_id
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 32
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: rv_core_ibex_hart_id
index: -1
name: boot_addr
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 32
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: rv_core_ibex_boot_addr
index: -1
name: irq_software
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: rv_plic_msip
index: -1
name: irq_timer
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: rv_core_ibex_irq_timer
index: -1
name: irq_external
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: rv_plic_irq
index: -1
name: esc_tx
struct: esc_tx
package: prim_esc_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
top_signame: alert_handler_esc_tx
index: 0
name: esc_rx
struct: esc_rx
package: prim_esc_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
top_signame: alert_handler_esc_rx
index: 0
name: debug_req
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: rv_dm_debug_req
index: -1
name: crash_dump
struct: crash_dump
package: ibex_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: rv_core_ibex_crash_dump
index: -1
name: lc_cpu_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_cpu_en
index: -1
name: pwrmgr_cpu_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_fetch_en
index: -1
name: pwrmgr
struct: pwr_cpu
package: pwrmgr_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: rv_core_ibex_pwrmgr
index: -1
name: nmi_wdog
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: aon_timer_aon_nmi_wdog_timer_bark
index: -1
name: corei_tl_h
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
top_signame: main_tl_rv_core_ibex__corei
index: -1
name: cored_tl_h
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
top_signame: main_tl_rv_core_ibex__cored
index: -1
name: cfg_tl_d
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: rv_core_ibex_cfg_tl_d
index: -1
cfg: 0x411F0000
name: ram_main
clk_i: main
clock_group: infra
rst_ni: sys
type: ram_1p_scr
base_addr: 0x10000000
size: 0x20000
byte_write: "true"
integ_width: 7
exec: "1"
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
name: tl
inst_name: ram_main
width: 1
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: ram_main_tl
index: -1
struct: sram_scr
package: sram_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
name: sram_scr
act: rsp
inst_name: ram_main
width: 1
default: ""
top_signame: sram_ctrl_main_sram_scr
index: -1
struct: sram_scr_init
package: sram_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
name: sram_scr_init
act: rsp
inst_name: ram_main
width: 1
default: ""
top_signame: sram_ctrl_main_sram_scr_init
index: -1
struct: tl_instr_en
package: tlul_pkg
type: uni
name: en_ifetch
act: rcv
inst_name: ram_main
width: 1
default: ""
top_signame: sram_ctrl_main_en_ifetch
index: -1
struct: logic
package: ""
type: uni
name: intg_error
act: req
inst_name: ram_main
width: 1
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: ram_main_intg_error
index: -1
struct: ram_1p_cfg
package: prim_ram_1p_pkg
type: uni
name: cfg
act: rcv
inst_name: ram_main
width: 1
default: ""
top_signame: ast_ram_1p_cfg
index: -1
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_infra
domain: "0"
name: ram_ret_aon
clk_i: io_div4
clock_group: infra
rst_ni: sys_io_div4
domain: Aon
type: ram_1p_scr
base_addr: 0x40600000
size: 0x1000
byte_write: "true"
integ_width: 7
exec: "0"
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
name: tl
inst_name: ram_ret_aon
width: 1
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: ram_ret_aon_tl
index: -1
struct: sram_scr
package: sram_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
name: sram_scr
act: rsp
inst_name: ram_ret_aon
width: 1
default: ""
top_signame: sram_ctrl_ret_aon_sram_scr
index: -1
struct: sram_scr_init
package: sram_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
name: sram_scr_init
act: rsp
inst_name: ram_ret_aon
width: 1
default: ""
top_signame: sram_ctrl_ret_aon_sram_scr_init
index: -1
struct: tl_instr_en
package: tlul_pkg
type: uni
name: en_ifetch
act: rcv
inst_name: ram_ret_aon
width: 1
default: ""
top_signame: sram_ctrl_ret_aon_en_ifetch
index: -1
struct: logic
package: ""
type: uni
name: intg_error
act: req
inst_name: ram_ret_aon
width: 1
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: ram_ret_aon_intg_error
index: -1
struct: ram_1p_cfg
package: prim_ram_1p_pkg
type: uni
name: cfg
act: rcv
inst_name: ram_ret_aon
width: 1
default: ""
top_signame: ast_ram_1p_cfg
index: -1
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_infra
name: eflash
clk_i: main
clock_group: infra
rst_ni: lc
type: eflash
base_addr: 0x20000000
banks: 2
pages_per_bank: 256
program_resolution: 8
swaccess: ro
struct: flash
type: req_rsp
name: flash_ctrl
act: rsp
inst_name: eflash
width: 1
default: ""
package: flash_ctrl_pkg
top_signame: flash_ctrl_flash
index: -1
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
name: tl
inst_name: eflash
width: 1
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: eflash_tl
index: -1
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
name: lc_nvm_debug_en
inst_name: eflash
width: 1
default: ""
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_nvm_debug_en
index: -1
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
name: flash_bist_enable
inst_name: eflash
width: 1
default: ""
external: true
top_signame: flash_bist_enable
index: -1
struct: logic
package: ""
type: uni
act: rcv
name: flash_power_down_h
inst_name: eflash
width: 1
default: ""
external: true
top_signame: flash_power_down_h
index: -1
struct: logic
package: ""
type: uni
act: rcv
name: flash_power_ready_h
inst_name: eflash
width: 1
default: ""
external: true
top_signame: flash_power_ready_h
index: -1
struct: logic
package: ""
width: "4"
type: uni
act: rcv
name: flash_test_mode_a
inst_name: eflash
index: -1
struct: logic
package: ""
type: uni
act: rcv
name: flash_test_voltage_h
inst_name: eflash
index: -1
struct: ast_dif
package: ast_pkg
type: uni
act: req
name: flash_alert
inst_name: eflash
width: 1
default: ""
external: true
top_signame: flash_alert
index: -1
clk_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_infra
words_per_page: 256
data_width: 64
metadata_width: 12
info_types: 3
size: 0x100000
pgm_resolution_bytes: 64
domain: "0"
name: ast
struct: edn
type: req_rsp
name: edn
act: rsp
package: edn_pkg
inst_name: ast
width: 1
default: ""
top_signame: edn0_edn
index: 2
external: true
struct: lc_tx
type: uni
name: lc_dft_en
act: req
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
inst_name: ast
width: 1
default: ""
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_dft_en
index: -1
external: true
struct: ram_1p_cfg
package: prim_ram_1p_pkg
type: uni
name: ram_1p_cfg
act: rcv
inst_name: ast
width: 1
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: ast_ram_1p_cfg
index: -1
external: true
struct: ram_2p_cfg
package: prim_ram_2p_pkg
type: uni
name: ram_2p_cfg
act: rcv
inst_name: ast
width: 1
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: ast_ram_2p_cfg
index: -1
external: true
struct: rom_cfg
package: prim_rom_pkg
type: uni
name: rom_cfg
act: rcv
inst_name: ast
width: 1
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: ast_rom_cfg
index: -1
external: true
adc_ctrl_aon.adc: adc
ast.edn: ""
ast.lc_dft_en: ""
ast.ram_1p_cfg: ram_1p_cfg
ast.ram_2p_cfg: ram_2p_cfg
ast.rom_cfg: rom_cfg
clkmgr_aon.clk_main: clk_main
clkmgr_aon.clk_io: clk_io
clkmgr_aon.clk_usb: clk_usb
clkmgr_aon.clk_aon: clk_aon
clkmgr_aon.jitter_en: clk_main_jitter_en
clkmgr_aon.ast_clk_byp_req: ast_clk_byp_req
clkmgr_aon.ast_clk_byp_ack: ast_clk_byp_ack
eflash.flash_alert: flash_alert
eflash.flash_bist_enable: flash_bist_enable
eflash.flash_power_down_h: flash_power_down_h
eflash.flash_power_ready_h: flash_power_ready_h
entropy_src.entropy_src_rng: es_rng
entropy_src.rng_fips: es_rng_fips
peri.tl_ast: ast_tl
pinmux_aon.dft_strap_test: dft_strap_test
pinmux_aon.dft_hold_tap_sel: dft_hold_tap_sel
pwrmgr_aon.pwr_ast: pwrmgr_ast
otp_ctrl.otp_ast_pwr_seq: ""
otp_ctrl.otp_ast_pwr_seq_h: ""
otp_ctrl.otp_alert: otp_alert
rstmgr_aon.por_n: por_n
sensor_ctrl_aon.ast_alert: sensor_ctrl_ast_alert
sensor_ctrl_aon.ast_status: sensor_ctrl_ast_status
sensor_ctrl_aon.ast2pinmux: ast2pinmux
sensor_ctrl_aon.ast_init_done: ast_init_done
usbdev.usb_ref_val: ""
usbdev.usb_ref_pulse: ""
clkmgr_aon.clocks_ast: clks_ast
rstmgr_aon.resets_ast: rsts_ast
name: main
clk_main_i: main
clk_fixed_i: io_div4
clock_group: infra
reset: rst_main_ni
rst_main_ni: sys
rst_fixed_ni: sys_io_div4
clk_main_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_infra
clk_fixed_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_infra
domain: "0"
name: rv_core_ibex.corei
type: host
clock: clk_main_i
reset: rst_main_ni
pipeline: "false"
xbar: false
stub: false
inst_type: ""
pipeline_byp: "true"
name: rv_core_ibex.cored
type: host
clock: clk_main_i
reset: rst_main_ni
pipeline: "false"
xbar: false
stub: false
inst_type: ""
pipeline_byp: "true"
name: rv_dm.sba
type: host
clock: clk_main_i
reset: rst_main_ni
pipeline_byp: "false"
xbar: false
stub: false
inst_type: ""
pipeline: "true"
name: rv_dm.regs
type: device
clock: clk_main_i
reset: rst_main_ni
pipeline_byp: "false"
inst_type: rv_dm
base_addr: 0x41200000
size_byte: 0x1000
xbar: false
stub: false
pipeline: "true"
name: rv_dm.rom
type: device
clock: clk_main_i
reset: rst_main_ni
pipeline_byp: "false"
inst_type: rv_dm
base_addr: 0x10000
size_byte: 0x1000
xbar: false
stub: false
pipeline: "true"
name: rom_ctrl.rom
type: device
clock: clk_main_i
reset: rst_main_ni
pipeline: "false"
inst_type: rom_ctrl
base_addr: 0x8000
size_byte: 0x4000
xbar: false
stub: false
pipeline_byp: "true"
name: rom_ctrl.regs
type: device
clock: clk_main_i
reset: rst_main_ni
pipeline: "false"
inst_type: rom_ctrl
base_addr: 0x411e0000
size_byte: 0x1000
xbar: false
stub: false
pipeline_byp: "true"
name: ram_main
type: device
clock: clk_main_i
reset: rst_main_ni
pipeline: "false"
inst_type: ram_1p_scr
base_addr: 0x10000000
size_byte: 0x20000
xbar: false
stub: false
pipeline_byp: "true"
name: eflash
type: device
clock: clk_main_i
reset: rst_main_ni
pipeline: "false"
inst_type: eflash
base_addr: 0x20000000
size_byte: 0x100000
xbar: false
stub: false
pipeline_byp: "true"
name: peri
type: device
clock: clk_fixed_i
reset: rst_fixed_ni
pipeline_byp: "false"
xbar: true
stub: false
pipeline: "true"
base_addr: 0x40000000
size_byte: 0x800000
name: flash_ctrl.core
type: device
clock: clk_main_i
reset: rst_main_ni
pipeline_byp: "false"
inst_type: flash_ctrl
base_addr: 0x41000000
size_byte: 0x1000
xbar: false
stub: false
pipeline: "true"
name: flash_ctrl.prim
type: device
clock: clk_main_i
reset: rst_main_ni
pipeline_byp: "false"
inst_type: flash_ctrl
base_addr: 0x41008000
size_byte: 0x1000
xbar: false
stub: false
pipeline: "true"
name: hmac
type: device
clock: clk_main_i
reset: rst_main_ni
pipeline_byp: "false"
inst_type: hmac
base_addr: 0x41110000
size_byte: 0x1000
xbar: false
stub: false
pipeline: "true"
name: kmac
type: device
clock: clk_main_i
reset: rst_main_ni
pipeline_byp: "false"
inst_type: kmac
base_addr: 0x41120000
size_byte: 0x1000
xbar: false
stub: false
pipeline: "true"
name: aes
type: device
clock: clk_main_i
reset: rst_main_ni
pipeline_byp: "false"
inst_type: aes
base_addr: 0x41100000
size_byte: 0x1000
xbar: false
stub: false
pipeline: "true"
name: entropy_src
type: device
clock: clk_main_i
reset: rst_main_ni
pipeline_byp: "false"
inst_type: entropy_src
base_addr: 0x41160000
size_byte: 0x1000
xbar: false
stub: false
pipeline: "true"
name: csrng
type: device
clock: clk_main_i
reset: rst_main_ni
pipeline_byp: "false"
inst_type: csrng
base_addr: 0x41150000
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xbar: false
stub: false
pipeline: "true"
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clock: clk_main_i
reset: rst_main_ni
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inst_type: edn
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xbar: false
stub: false
pipeline: "true"
name: edn1
type: device
clock: clk_main_i
reset: rst_main_ni
pipeline_byp: "false"
inst_type: edn
base_addr: 0x41180000
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xbar: false
stub: false
pipeline: "true"
name: rv_plic
type: device
clock: clk_main_i
reset: rst_main_ni
inst_type: rv_plic
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base_addr: 0x41010000
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xbar: false
stub: false
pipeline: "true"
name: otbn
type: device
clock: clk_main_i
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pipeline_byp: "false"
inst_type: otbn
base_addr: 0x411d0000
size_byte: 0x10000
xbar: false
stub: false
pipeline: "true"
name: keymgr
type: device
clock: clk_main_i
reset: rst_main_ni
pipeline_byp: "false"
inst_type: keymgr
base_addr: 0x41130000
size_byte: 0x1000
xbar: false
stub: false
pipeline: "true"
name: rv_core_ibex.cfg
type: device
clock: clk_main_i
reset: rst_main_ni
pipeline_byp: "false"
inst_type: rv_core_ibex
base_addr: 0x411f0000
size_byte: 0x1000
xbar: false
stub: false
pipeline: "true"
name: sram_ctrl_main
type: device
clock: clk_main_i
reset: rst_main_ni
pipeline: "false"
inst_type: sram_ctrl
base_addr: 0x411c0000
size_byte: 0x1000
xbar: false
stub: false
pipeline_byp: "true"
clock: clk_main_i
type: xbar
name: tl_rv_core_ibex__corei
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: main
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: main_tl_rv_core_ibex__corei
index: -1
name: tl_rv_core_ibex__cored
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: main
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: main_tl_rv_core_ibex__cored
index: -1
name: tl_rv_dm__sba
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: main
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: main_tl_rv_dm__sba
index: -1
name: tl_rv_dm__regs
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: main
default: ""
top_signame: rv_dm_regs_tl_d
index: -1
name: tl_rv_dm__rom
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: main
default: ""
top_signame: rv_dm_rom_tl_d
index: -1
name: tl_rom_ctrl__rom
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: main
default: ""
top_signame: rom_ctrl_rom_tl
index: -1
name: tl_rom_ctrl__regs
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: main
default: ""
top_signame: rom_ctrl_regs_tl
index: -1
name: tl_ram_main
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: main
default: ""
top_signame: ram_main_tl
index: -1
name: tl_eflash
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: main
default: ""
top_signame: eflash_tl
index: -1
name: tl_peri
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: main
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: main_tl_peri
index: -1
name: tl_flash_ctrl__core
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: main
default: ""
top_signame: flash_ctrl_core_tl
index: -1
name: tl_flash_ctrl__prim
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: main
default: ""
top_signame: flash_ctrl_prim_tl
index: -1
name: tl_hmac
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: main
default: ""
top_signame: hmac_tl
index: -1
name: tl_kmac
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: main
default: ""
top_signame: kmac_tl
index: -1
name: tl_aes
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: main
default: ""
top_signame: aes_tl
index: -1
name: tl_entropy_src
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: main
default: ""
top_signame: entropy_src_tl
index: -1
name: tl_csrng
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: main
default: ""
top_signame: csrng_tl
index: -1
name: tl_edn0
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: main
default: ""
top_signame: edn0_tl
index: -1
name: tl_edn1
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: main
default: ""
top_signame: edn1_tl
index: -1
name: tl_rv_plic
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: main
default: ""
top_signame: rv_plic_tl
index: -1
name: tl_otbn
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: main
default: ""
top_signame: otbn_tl
index: -1
name: tl_keymgr
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: main
default: ""
top_signame: keymgr_tl
index: -1
name: tl_rv_core_ibex__cfg
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: main
default: ""
top_signame: rv_core_ibex_cfg_tl_d
index: -1
name: tl_sram_ctrl_main
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: main
default: ""
top_signame: sram_ctrl_main_tl
index: -1
name: peri
clk_peri_i: io_div4
clock_group: infra
reset: rst_peri_ni
rst_peri_ni: sys_io_div4
clk_peri_i: clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_infra
domain: "0"
name: main
type: host
clock: clk_peri_i
reset: rst_peri_ni
xbar: true
pipeline: "false"
stub: false
inst_type: ""
pipeline_byp: "true"
name: uart0
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clock: clk_peri_i
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pipeline: "false"
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stub: false
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name: uart1
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pipeline: "false"
inst_type: uart
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stub: false
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name: uart3
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pipeline: "false"
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stub: false
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inst_type: spi_host
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stub: false
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inst_type: clkmgr
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stub: false
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reset: rst_peri_ni
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stub: false
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pipeline: "false"
inst_type: otp_ctrl
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clock: clk_peri_i
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stub: false
pipeline_byp: "true"
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clock: clk_peri_i
reset: rst_peri_ni
pipeline: "false"
inst_type: sensor_ctrl
base_addr: 0x40490000
size_byte: 0x1000
xbar: false
stub: false
pipeline_byp: "true"
name: alert_handler
type: device
clock: clk_peri_i
reset: rst_peri_ni
pipeline: "false"
inst_type: alert_handler
base_addr: 0x40150000
size_byte: 0x1000
xbar: false
stub: false
pipeline_byp: "true"
name: sram_ctrl_ret_aon
type: device
clock: clk_peri_i
reset: rst_peri_ni
pipeline: "false"
inst_type: sram_ctrl
base_addr: 0x40500000
size_byte: 0x1000
xbar: false
stub: false
pipeline_byp: "true"
name: aon_timer_aon
type: device
clock: clk_peri_i
reset: rst_peri_ni
pipeline: "false"
inst_type: aon_timer
base_addr: 0x40470000
size_byte: 0x1000
xbar: false
stub: false
pipeline_byp: "true"
name: sysrst_ctrl_aon
type: device
clock: clk_peri_i
reset: rst_peri_ni
pipeline: "false"
inst_type: sysrst_ctrl
base_addr: 0x40430000
size_byte: 0x1000
xbar: false
stub: false
pipeline_byp: "true"
name: adc_ctrl_aon
type: device
clock: clk_peri_i
reset: rst_peri_ni
pipeline: "false"
inst_type: adc_ctrl
base_addr: 0x40440000
size_byte: 0x1000
xbar: false
stub: false
pipeline_byp: "true"
name: ast
type: device
clock: clk_peri_i
reset: rst_peri_ni
pipeline: "false"
inst_type: ast
base_addr: 0x40480000
size_byte: 0x1000
xbar: false
stub: true
pipeline_byp: "true"
clock: clk_peri_i
type: xbar
name: tl_main
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
top_signame: main_tl_peri
index: -1
name: tl_uart0
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
top_signame: uart0_tl
index: -1
name: tl_uart1
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
top_signame: uart1_tl
index: -1
name: tl_uart2
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
top_signame: uart2_tl
index: -1
name: tl_uart3
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
top_signame: uart3_tl
index: -1
name: tl_i2c0
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
top_signame: i2c0_tl
index: -1
name: tl_i2c1
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
top_signame: i2c1_tl
index: -1
name: tl_i2c2
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
top_signame: i2c2_tl
index: -1
name: tl_pattgen
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
top_signame: pattgen_tl
index: -1
name: tl_pwm_aon
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
top_signame: pwm_aon_tl
index: -1
name: tl_gpio
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
top_signame: gpio_tl
index: -1
name: tl_spi_device
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
top_signame: spi_device_tl
index: -1
name: tl_spi_host0
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
top_signame: spi_host0_tl
index: -1
name: tl_spi_host1
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
top_signame: spi_host1_tl
index: -1
name: tl_rv_timer
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
top_signame: rv_timer_tl
index: -1
name: tl_usbdev
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
top_signame: usbdev_tl
index: -1
name: tl_pwrmgr_aon
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_tl
index: -1
name: tl_rstmgr_aon
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
top_signame: rstmgr_aon_tl
index: -1
name: tl_clkmgr_aon
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
top_signame: clkmgr_aon_tl
index: -1
name: tl_pinmux_aon
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
top_signame: pinmux_aon_tl
index: -1
name: tl_ram_ret_aon
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
top_signame: ram_ret_aon_tl
index: -1
name: tl_otp_ctrl__core
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
top_signame: otp_ctrl_core_tl
index: -1
name: tl_otp_ctrl__prim
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
top_signame: otp_ctrl_prim_tl
index: -1
name: tl_lc_ctrl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
top_signame: lc_ctrl_tl
index: -1
name: tl_sensor_ctrl_aon
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
top_signame: sensor_ctrl_aon_tl
index: -1
name: tl_alert_handler
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
top_signame: alert_handler_tl
index: -1
name: tl_sram_ctrl_ret_aon
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
top_signame: sram_ctrl_ret_aon_tl
index: -1
name: tl_aon_timer_aon
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
top_signame: aon_timer_aon_tl
index: -1
name: tl_sysrst_ctrl_aon
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
top_signame: sysrst_ctrl_aon_tl
index: -1
name: tl_adc_ctrl_aon
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
top_signame: adc_ctrl_aon_tl
index: -1
name: tl_ast
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: peri
default: ""
external: true
top_signame: ast_tl
index: -1
name: POR_N
type: InputStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: System reset
idx: 0
name: USB_P
type: BidirTol
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: USB P signal
idx: 1
name: USB_N
type: BidirTol
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: USB N signal
idx: 2
name: CC1
type: InputStd
bank: AVCC
connection: manual
desc: ADC input 1
idx: 3
name: CC2
type: InputStd
bank: AVCC
connection: manual
desc: ADC input 2
idx: 4
type: AnalogIn0
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Flash test voltage input
idx: 5
type: InputStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Flash test mode signal
idx: 6
type: InputStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Flash test mode signal
idx: 7
type: AnalogIn1
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: OTP external voltage input
idx: 8
name: SPI_HOST_D0
type: BidirStd
bank: VIOA
connection: direct
desc: SPI host data
idx: 9
name: SPI_HOST_D1
type: BidirStd
bank: VIOA
connection: direct
desc: SPI host data
idx: 10
name: SPI_HOST_D2
type: BidirStd
bank: VIOA
connection: direct
desc: SPI host data
idx: 11
name: SPI_HOST_D3
type: BidirStd
bank: VIOA
connection: direct
desc: SPI host data
idx: 12
type: BidirStd
bank: VIOA
connection: direct
desc: SPI host clock
idx: 13
type: BidirStd
bank: VIOA
connection: direct
desc: SPI host chip select
idx: 14
name: SPI_DEV_D0
type: BidirStd
bank: VIOA
connection: direct
desc: SPI device data
idx: 15
name: SPI_DEV_D1
type: BidirStd
bank: VIOA
connection: direct
desc: SPI device data
idx: 16
name: SPI_DEV_D2
type: BidirStd
bank: VIOA
connection: direct
desc: SPI device data
idx: 17
name: SPI_DEV_D3
type: BidirStd
bank: VIOA
connection: direct
desc: SPI device data
idx: 18
type: InputStd
bank: VIOA
connection: direct
desc: SPI device clock
idx: 19
name: SPI_DEV_CS_L
type: InputStd
bank: VIOA
connection: direct
desc: SPI device chip select
idx: 20
name: IOA0
type: BidirStd
bank: VIOA
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 0
name: IOA1
type: BidirStd
bank: VIOA
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 1
name: IOA2
type: BidirStd
bank: VIOA
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 2
name: IOA3
type: BidirStd
bank: VIOA
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 3
name: IOA4
type: BidirStd
bank: VIOA
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 4
name: IOA5
type: BidirStd
bank: VIOA
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 5
name: IOA6
type: BidirOd
bank: VIOA
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 6
name: IOA7
type: BidirOd
bank: VIOA
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 7
name: IOA8
type: BidirOd
bank: VIOA
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 8
name: IOB0
type: BidirStd
bank: VIOB
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 9
name: IOB1
type: BidirStd
bank: VIOB
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 10
name: IOB2
type: BidirStd
bank: VIOB
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 11
name: IOB3
type: BidirStd
bank: VIOB
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 12
name: IOB4
type: BidirStd
bank: VIOB
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 13
name: IOB5
type: BidirStd
bank: VIOB
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 14
name: IOB6
type: BidirStd
bank: VIOB
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 15
name: IOB7
type: BidirStd
bank: VIOB
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 16
name: IOB8
type: BidirStd
bank: VIOB
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 17
name: IOB9
type: BidirOd
bank: VIOB
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 18
name: IOB10
type: BidirOd
bank: VIOB
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 19
name: IOB11
type: BidirOd
bank: VIOB
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 20
name: IOB12
type: BidirOd
bank: VIOB
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 21
name: IOC0
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 22
name: IOC1
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 23
name: IOC2
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 24
name: IOC3
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 25
name: IOC4
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 26
name: IOC5
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 27
name: IOC6
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 28
name: IOC7
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 29
name: IOC8
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 30
name: IOC9
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 31
name: IOC10
type: BidirOd
bank: VCC
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 32
name: IOC11
type: BidirOd
bank: VCC
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 33
name: IOC12
type: BidirOd
bank: VCC
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 34
name: IOR0
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 35
name: IOR1
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 36
name: IOR2
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 37
name: IOR3
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 38
name: IOR4
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 39
name: IOR5
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 40
name: IOR6
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 41
name: IOR7
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 42
name: IOR8
type: BidirOd
bank: VCC
connection: direct
desc: Dedicated sysrst_ctrl output (ec_rst_l)
idx: 21
name: IOR9
type: BidirOd
bank: VCC
connection: direct
desc: Dedicated sysrst_ctrl output (pwrb_out)
idx: 22
name: IOR10
type: BidirOd
bank: VCC
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 43
name: IOR11
type: BidirOd
bank: VCC
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 44
name: IOR12
type: BidirOd
bank: VCC
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 45
name: IOR13
type: BidirOd
bank: VCC
connection: muxed
desc: Muxed IO pad
idx: 46
instance: spi_host0
port: sck
connection: direct
desc: ""
attr: BidirStd
instance: spi_host0
port: csb
connection: direct
desc: ""
attr: BidirStd
instance: spi_host0
port: sd[0]
connection: direct
pad: SPI_HOST_D0
desc: ""
attr: BidirStd
instance: spi_host0
port: sd[1]
connection: direct
pad: SPI_HOST_D1
desc: ""
attr: BidirStd
instance: spi_host0
port: sd[2]
connection: direct
pad: SPI_HOST_D2
desc: ""
attr: BidirStd
instance: spi_host0
port: sd[3]
connection: direct
pad: SPI_HOST_D3
desc: ""
attr: BidirStd
instance: spi_device
port: sck
connection: direct
desc: ""
attr: InputStd
instance: spi_device
port: csb
connection: direct
desc: ""
attr: InputStd
instance: spi_device
port: sd[0]
connection: direct
pad: SPI_DEV_D0
desc: ""
attr: BidirStd
instance: spi_device
port: sd[1]
connection: direct
pad: SPI_DEV_D1
desc: ""
attr: BidirStd
instance: spi_device
port: sd[2]
connection: direct
pad: SPI_DEV_D2
desc: ""
attr: BidirStd
instance: spi_device
port: sd[3]
connection: direct
pad: SPI_DEV_D3
desc: ""
attr: BidirStd
instance: usbdev
port: d
connection: manual
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: BidirTol
instance: usbdev
port: dp
connection: manual
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: BidirTol
instance: usbdev
port: dn
connection: manual
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: BidirTol
instance: usbdev
port: sense
connection: manual
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: BidirTol
instance: usbdev
port: se0
connection: manual
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: BidirTol
instance: usbdev
port: dp_pullup
connection: manual
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: BidirTol
instance: usbdev
port: dn_pullup
connection: manual
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: BidirTol
instance: usbdev
port: tx_mode_se
connection: manual
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: BidirTol
instance: usbdev
port: suspend
connection: manual
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: BidirTol
instance: usbdev
port: rx_enable
connection: manual
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: BidirTol
instance: gpio
port: ""
connection: muxed
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: ""
instance: uart0
port: ""
connection: muxed
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: ""
instance: uart1
port: ""
connection: muxed
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: ""
instance: uart2
port: ""
connection: muxed
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: ""
instance: uart3
port: ""
connection: muxed
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: ""
instance: i2c0
port: ""
connection: muxed
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: ""
instance: i2c1
port: ""
connection: muxed
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: ""
instance: i2c2
port: ""
connection: muxed
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: ""
instance: pattgen
port: ""
connection: muxed
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: ""
instance: spi_host1
port: ""
connection: muxed
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: ""
instance: flash_ctrl
port: ""
connection: muxed
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: ""
instance: sensor_ctrl_aon
port: ""
connection: muxed
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: ""
instance: pwm_aon
port: ""
connection: muxed
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: ""
instance: otp_ctrl
port: test[0]
connection: muxed
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: ""
instance: sysrst_ctrl_aon
port: ac_present
connection: muxed
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: ""
instance: sysrst_ctrl_aon
port: ec_rst_in_l
connection: muxed
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: ""
instance: sysrst_ctrl_aon
port: key0_in
connection: muxed
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: ""
instance: sysrst_ctrl_aon
port: key1_in
connection: muxed
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: ""
instance: sysrst_ctrl_aon
port: key2_in
connection: muxed
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: ""
instance: sysrst_ctrl_aon
port: pwrb_in
connection: muxed
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: ""
instance: sysrst_ctrl_aon
port: bat_disable
connection: muxed
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: ""
instance: sysrst_ctrl_aon
port: ec_rst_out_l
connection: direct
pad: IOR8
desc: ""
attr: BidirOd
instance: sysrst_ctrl_aon
port: key0_out
connection: muxed
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: ""
instance: sysrst_ctrl_aon
port: key1_out
connection: muxed
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: ""
instance: sysrst_ctrl_aon
port: key2_out
connection: muxed
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: ""
instance: sysrst_ctrl_aon
port: pwrb_out
connection: direct
pad: IOR9
desc: ""
attr: BidirOd
instance: sysrst_ctrl_aon
port: lid_open
connection: muxed
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: ""
instance: sysrst_ctrl_aon
port: z3_wakeup
connection: muxed
pad: ""
desc: ""
attr: ""
num_wkup_detect: 8
wkup_cnt_width: 8
name: spi_host0_sd
width: 4
type: inout
idx: 0
pad: SPI_HOST_D0
attr: BidirStd
connection: direct
glob_idx: 0
name: spi_host0_sd
width: 4
type: inout
idx: 1
pad: SPI_HOST_D1
attr: BidirStd
connection: direct
glob_idx: 1
name: spi_host0_sd
width: 4
type: inout
idx: 2
pad: SPI_HOST_D2
attr: BidirStd
connection: direct
glob_idx: 2
name: spi_host0_sd
width: 4
type: inout
idx: 3
pad: SPI_HOST_D3
attr: BidirStd
connection: direct
glob_idx: 3
name: spi_device_sd
width: 4
type: inout
idx: 0
pad: SPI_DEV_D0
attr: BidirStd
connection: direct
glob_idx: 4
name: spi_device_sd
width: 4
type: inout
idx: 1
pad: SPI_DEV_D1
attr: BidirStd
connection: direct
glob_idx: 5
name: spi_device_sd
width: 4
type: inout
idx: 2
pad: SPI_DEV_D2
attr: BidirStd
connection: direct
glob_idx: 6
name: spi_device_sd
width: 4
type: inout
idx: 3
pad: SPI_DEV_D3
attr: BidirStd
connection: direct
glob_idx: 7
name: usbdev_d
width: 1
type: inout
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: BidirTol
connection: manual
glob_idx: 8
name: usbdev_dp
width: 1
type: inout
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: BidirTol
connection: manual
glob_idx: 9
name: usbdev_dn
width: 1
type: inout
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: BidirTol
connection: manual
glob_idx: 10
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 0
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 0
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 1
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 2
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 2
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 3
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 3
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 4
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 4
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 5
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 5
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 6
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 6
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 7
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 7
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 8
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 8
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 9
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 9
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 10
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 10
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 11
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 11
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 12
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 12
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 13
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 13
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 14
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 14
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 15
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 15
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 16
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 16
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 17
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 17
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 18
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 18
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 19
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 19
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 20
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 20
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 21
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 21
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 22
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 22
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 23
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 23
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 24
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 24
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 25
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 25
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 26
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 26
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 27
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 27
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 28
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 28
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 29
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 29
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 30
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 30
name: gpio_gpio
width: 32
type: inout
idx: 31
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 31
name: i2c0_sda
width: 1
type: inout
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 32
name: i2c0_scl
width: 1
type: inout
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 33
name: i2c1_sda
width: 1
type: inout
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 34
name: i2c1_scl
width: 1
type: inout
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 35
name: i2c2_sda
width: 1
type: inout
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 36
name: i2c2_scl
width: 1
type: inout
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 37
name: spi_host1_sd
width: 4
type: inout
idx: 0
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 38
name: spi_host1_sd
width: 4
type: inout
idx: 1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 39
name: spi_host1_sd
width: 4
type: inout
idx: 2
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 40
name: spi_host1_sd
width: 4
type: inout
idx: 3
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 41
name: spi_device_sck
width: 1
type: input
idx: -1
attr: InputStd
connection: direct
glob_idx: 11
name: spi_device_csb
width: 1
type: input
idx: -1
attr: InputStd
connection: direct
glob_idx: 12
name: usbdev_sense
width: 1
type: input
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: BidirTol
connection: manual
glob_idx: 13
name: uart0_rx
width: 1
type: input
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 42
name: uart1_rx
width: 1
type: input
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 43
name: uart2_rx
width: 1
type: input
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 44
name: uart3_rx
width: 1
type: input
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 45
name: flash_ctrl_tck
width: 1
type: input
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 46
name: flash_ctrl_tms
width: 1
type: input
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 47
name: flash_ctrl_tdi
width: 1
type: input
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 48
name: sysrst_ctrl_aon_ac_present
width: 1
type: input
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 49
name: sysrst_ctrl_aon_ec_rst_in_l
width: 1
type: input
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 50
name: sysrst_ctrl_aon_key0_in
width: 1
type: input
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 51
name: sysrst_ctrl_aon_key1_in
width: 1
type: input
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 52
name: sysrst_ctrl_aon_key2_in
width: 1
type: input
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 53
name: sysrst_ctrl_aon_pwrb_in
width: 1
type: input
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 54
name: sysrst_ctrl_aon_lid_open
width: 1
type: input
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 55
name: spi_host0_sck
width: 1
type: output
idx: -1
attr: BidirStd
connection: direct
glob_idx: 14
name: spi_host0_csb
width: 1
type: output
idx: -1
attr: BidirStd
connection: direct
glob_idx: 15
name: usbdev_se0
width: 1
type: output
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: BidirTol
connection: manual
glob_idx: 16
name: usbdev_dp_pullup
width: 1
type: output
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: BidirTol
connection: manual
glob_idx: 17
name: usbdev_dn_pullup
width: 1
type: output
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: BidirTol
connection: manual
glob_idx: 18
name: usbdev_tx_mode_se
width: 1
type: output
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: BidirTol
connection: manual
glob_idx: 19
name: usbdev_suspend
width: 1
type: output
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: BidirTol
connection: manual
glob_idx: 20
name: usbdev_rx_enable
width: 1
type: output
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: BidirTol
connection: manual
glob_idx: 21
name: uart0_tx
width: 1
type: output
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 42
name: uart1_tx
width: 1
type: output
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 43
name: uart2_tx
width: 1
type: output
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 44
name: uart3_tx
width: 1
type: output
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 45
name: pattgen_pda0_tx
width: 1
type: output
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 46
name: pattgen_pcl0_tx
width: 1
type: output
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 47
name: pattgen_pda1_tx
width: 1
type: output
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 48
name: pattgen_pcl1_tx
width: 1
type: output
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 49
name: spi_host1_sck
width: 1
type: output
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 50
name: spi_host1_csb
width: 1
type: output
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 51
name: flash_ctrl_tdo
width: 1
type: output
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 52
name: sensor_ctrl_aon_ast_debug_out
width: 9
type: output
idx: 0
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 53
name: sensor_ctrl_aon_ast_debug_out
width: 9
type: output
idx: 1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 54
name: sensor_ctrl_aon_ast_debug_out
width: 9
type: output
idx: 2
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 55
name: sensor_ctrl_aon_ast_debug_out
width: 9
type: output
idx: 3
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 56
name: sensor_ctrl_aon_ast_debug_out
width: 9
type: output
idx: 4
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 57
name: sensor_ctrl_aon_ast_debug_out
width: 9
type: output
idx: 5
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 58
name: sensor_ctrl_aon_ast_debug_out
width: 9
type: output
idx: 6
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 59
name: sensor_ctrl_aon_ast_debug_out
width: 9
type: output
idx: 7
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 60
name: sensor_ctrl_aon_ast_debug_out
width: 9
type: output
idx: 8
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 61
name: pwm_aon_pwm
width: 6
type: output
idx: 0
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 62
name: pwm_aon_pwm
width: 6
type: output
idx: 1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 63
name: pwm_aon_pwm
width: 6
type: output
idx: 2
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 64
name: pwm_aon_pwm
width: 6
type: output
idx: 3
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 65
name: pwm_aon_pwm
width: 6
type: output
idx: 4
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 66
name: pwm_aon_pwm
width: 6
type: output
idx: 5
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 67
name: otp_ctrl_test
width: 8
type: output
idx: 0
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 68
name: sysrst_ctrl_aon_bat_disable
width: 1
type: output
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 69
name: sysrst_ctrl_aon_ec_rst_out_l
width: 1
type: output
idx: -1
pad: IOR8
attr: BidirOd
connection: direct
glob_idx: 22
name: sysrst_ctrl_aon_key0_out
width: 1
type: output
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 70
name: sysrst_ctrl_aon_key1_out
width: 1
type: output
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 71
name: sysrst_ctrl_aon_key2_out
width: 1
type: output
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 72
name: sysrst_ctrl_aon_pwrb_out
width: 1
type: output
idx: -1
pad: IOR9
attr: BidirOd
connection: direct
glob_idx: 23
name: sysrst_ctrl_aon_z3_wakeup
width: 1
type: output
idx: -1
pad: ""
attr: ""
connection: muxed
glob_idx: 73
inouts: 11
inputs: 3
outputs: 10
pads: 23
inouts: 42
inputs: 14
outputs: 32
pads: 47
name: asic
remove_pads: []
add_pads: []
name: tap0
pad: IOC8
desc: TAP strap signal.
idx: 30
name: tap1
pad: IOC5
desc: TAP strap signal.
idx: 27
name: dft0
pad: IOC3
desc: DFT strap signal.
idx: 25
name: dft1
pad: IOC4
desc: DFT strap signal.
idx: 26
name: tck
pad: IOR3
desc: JTAG tck signal.
idx: 38
name: tms
pad: IOR0
desc: JTAG tms signal.
idx: 35
name: trst_n
pad: IOR4
desc: JTAG trst_n signal.
idx: 39
name: tdi
pad: IOR2
desc: JTAG tdi signal.
idx: 37
name: tdo
pad: IOR1
desc: JTAG tdo signal.
idx: 36
name: cw310
name: IO_CLK
type: InputStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Extra clock input for FPGA target
name: IO_JSRST_N
type: InputStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Dedicated JTAG system reset input
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Manual USB signal for FPGA target
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Manual USB signal for FPGA target
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Manual USB signal for FPGA target
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Manual USB UPHY signal for FPGA target
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Manual USB UPHY signal for FPGA target
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Manual USB UPHY signal for FPGA target
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Manual USB UPHY signal for FPGA target
name: IO_UPHY_D_RX
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Manual USB UPHY signal for FPGA target
name: IO_UPHY_OE_N
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Manual USB UPHY signal for FPGA target
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Manual USB UPHY signal for FPGA target
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Manual USB UPHY signal for FPGA target
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Manual clock output for SCA setup
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Manual trigger output for SCA setup
name: tap0
pad: IOC0
desc: TAP strap signal, maps to a stubbed-off MIO.
idx: 22
name: tap1
pad: IOB7
desc: TAP strap signal, maps to MIO pad 16.
idx: 16
name: dft0
pad: IOC1
desc: DFT strap signal, maps to a stubbed-off MIO.
idx: 23
name: dft1
pad: IOC12
desc: DFT strap signal, maps to a stubbed-off MIO.
idx: 34
name: tck
desc: JTAG tck signal, overlaid on SPI_DEV.
idx: 58
name: tms
desc: JTAG tms signal, overlaid on SPI_DEV.
idx: 59
name: trst_n
pad: IOB9
desc: JTAG trst_n signal, maps to MIO pad 18.
idx: 18
name: tdi
pad: SPI_DEV_D0
desc: JTAG tdi signal, overlaid on SPI_DEV.
idx: 51
name: tdo
pad: SPI_DEV_D1
desc: JTAG tdo signal, overlaid on SPI_DEV.
idx: 52
name: nexysvideo
name: IO_CLK
type: InputStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Extra clock input for FPGA target
name: IO_JSRST_N
type: InputStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Dedicated JTAG system reset input
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Manual USB signal for FPGA target
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Manual USB signal for FPGA target
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Manual USB signal for FPGA target
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Manual USB UPHY signal for FPGA target
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Manual USB UPHY signal for FPGA target
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Manual USB UPHY signal for FPGA target
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Manual USB UPHY signal for FPGA target
name: IO_UPHY_D_RX
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Manual USB UPHY signal for FPGA target
name: IO_UPHY_OE_N
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Manual USB UPHY signal for FPGA target
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Manual USB UPHY signal for FPGA target
type: BidirStd
bank: VCC
connection: manual
desc: Manual USB UPHY signal for FPGA target
name: tap0
pad: IOC0
desc: TAP strap signal, maps to a stubbed-off MIO.
idx: 22
name: tap1
pad: IOB7
desc: TAP strap signal, maps to MIO pad 16.
idx: 16
name: dft0
pad: IOC1
desc: DFT strap signal, maps to a stubbed-off MIO.
idx: 23
name: dft1
pad: IOC12
desc: DFT strap signal, maps to a stubbed-off MIO.
idx: 34
name: tck
desc: JTAG tck signal, overlaid on SPI_DEV.
idx: 58
name: tms
desc: JTAG tms signal, overlaid on SPI_DEV.
idx: 59
name: trst_n
pad: IOB9
desc: JTAG trst_n signal, maps to MIO pad 18.
idx: 18
name: tdi
pad: SPI_DEV_D0
desc: JTAG tdi signal, overlaid on SPI_DEV.
idx: 51
name: tdo
pad: SPI_DEV_D1
desc: JTAG tdo signal, overlaid on SPI_DEV.
idx: 52
name: gsc_wk
width: "1"
module: sysrst_ctrl_aon
name: debug_cable_wakeup
width: "1"
module: adc_ctrl_aon
name: aon_wkup_req
width: "1"
module: pinmux_aon
name: usb_wkup_req
width: "1"
module: pinmux_aon
name: aon_timer_wkup_req
width: "1"
module: aon_timer_aon
name: gsc_rst
width: "1"
module: sysrst_ctrl_aon
name: aon_timer_rst_req
width: "1"
module: aon_timer_aon
name: uart0_tx_watermark
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: uart0
name: uart0_rx_watermark
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: uart0
name: uart0_tx_empty
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: uart0
name: uart0_rx_overflow
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: uart0
name: uart0_rx_frame_err
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: uart0
name: uart0_rx_break_err
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: uart0
name: uart0_rx_timeout
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: uart0
name: uart0_rx_parity_err
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: uart0
name: uart1_tx_watermark
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: uart1
name: uart1_rx_watermark
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: uart1
name: uart1_tx_empty
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: uart1
name: uart1_rx_overflow
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: uart1
name: uart1_rx_frame_err
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: uart1
name: uart1_rx_break_err
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: uart1
name: uart1_rx_timeout
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: uart1
name: uart1_rx_parity_err
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: uart1
name: uart2_tx_watermark
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: uart2
name: uart2_rx_watermark
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: uart2
name: uart2_tx_empty
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: uart2
name: uart2_rx_overflow
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: uart2
name: uart2_rx_frame_err
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: uart2
name: uart2_rx_break_err
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: uart2
name: uart2_rx_timeout
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: uart2
name: uart2_rx_parity_err
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: uart2
name: uart3_tx_watermark
width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
type: interrupt
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width: 1
type: interrupt
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width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: uart3
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width: 32
type: interrupt
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
type: interrupt
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width: 1
type: interrupt
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width: 1
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width: 1
type: interrupt
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width: 1
type: interrupt
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
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width: 1
type: interrupt
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width: 1
type: interrupt
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width: 1
type: interrupt
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width: 1
type: interrupt
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width: 1
type: interrupt
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width: 1
type: interrupt
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width: 1
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width: 1
type: interrupt
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width: 1
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width: 1
type: interrupt
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width: 1
type: interrupt
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width: 1
type: interrupt
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width: 1
type: interrupt
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width: 1
type: interrupt
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width: 1
type: interrupt
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width: 1
type: interrupt
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width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: i2c2
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width: 1
type: interrupt
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name: pattgen_done_ch1
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: pattgen
name: usbdev_pkt_received
width: 1
type: interrupt
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width: 1
type: interrupt
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width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: usbdev
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width: 1
type: interrupt
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width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: usbdev
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width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: usbdev
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width: 1
type: interrupt
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width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: usbdev
name: usbdev_rx_full
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: usbdev
name: usbdev_av_overflow
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: usbdev
name: usbdev_link_in_err
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: usbdev
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width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: usbdev
name: usbdev_rx_pid_err
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: usbdev
name: usbdev_rx_bitstuff_err
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: usbdev
name: usbdev_frame
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: usbdev
name: usbdev_connected
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: usbdev
name: usbdev_link_out_err
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: usbdev
name: otp_ctrl_otp_operation_done
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: otp_ctrl
name: otp_ctrl_otp_error
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: otp_ctrl
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width: 1
type: interrupt
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width: 1
type: interrupt
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width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: alert_handler
name: alert_handler_classd
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: alert_handler
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width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: pwrmgr_aon
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width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: sysrst_ctrl_aon
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width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: adc_ctrl_aon
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width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: aon_timer_aon
name: aon_timer_aon_wdog_timer_bark
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: aon_timer_aon
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width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: flash_ctrl
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width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: flash_ctrl
name: flash_ctrl_rd_full
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: flash_ctrl
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width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: flash_ctrl
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width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: flash_ctrl
name: flash_ctrl_err
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: flash_ctrl
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width: 1
type: interrupt
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width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: hmac
name: hmac_hmac_err
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: hmac
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width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: kmac
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width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: kmac
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width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: kmac
name: keymgr_op_done
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: keymgr
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width: 1
type: interrupt
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width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: csrng
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width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: csrng
name: csrng_cs_fatal_err
width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: csrng
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width: 1
type: interrupt
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width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: entropy_src
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width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: entropy_src
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width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: entropy_src
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width: 1
type: interrupt
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width: 1
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width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: edn1
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width: 1
type: interrupt
module_name: edn1
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width: 1
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async: "1"
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async: "1"
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async: "1"
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async: "1"
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async: "1"
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async: "1"
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async: "1"
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async: "1"
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async: "1"
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async: "1"
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async: "1"
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async: "1"
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async: "1"
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async: "1"
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async: "1"
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async: "1"
module_name: aes
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async: "1"
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async: "1"
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async: "1"
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async: "1"
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async: "1"
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type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: usbdev
default: ""
package: ""
external: true
top_signame: usbdev_usb_ref_val
index: -1
name: usb_ref_pulse
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: usbdev
default: ""
package: ""
external: true
top_signame: usbdev_usb_ref_pulse
index: -1
name: usb_out_of_rst
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: usbdev
default: ""
package: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: usbdev_usb_out_of_rst
index: -1
name: usb_aon_wake_en
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: usbdev
default: ""
package: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: usbdev_usb_aon_wake_en
index: -1
name: usb_aon_wake_ack
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: usbdev
default: ""
package: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: usbdev_usb_aon_wake_ack
index: -1
name: usb_suspend
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: usbdev
default: ""
package: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: usbdev_usb_suspend
index: -1
name: usb_state_debug
struct: awk_state
package: usbdev_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: usbdev
default: ""
top_signame: pinmux_aon_usb_state_debug
index: -1
name: ram_cfg
struct: ram_2p_cfg
package: prim_ram_2p_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: usbdev
default: ""
top_signame: ast_ram_2p_cfg
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: usbdev
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: usbdev_tl
index: -1
name: otp_ast_pwr_seq
struct: otp_ast_req
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: otp_ctrl
external: true
top_signame: otp_ctrl_otp_ast_pwr_seq
index: -1
name: otp_ast_pwr_seq_h
struct: otp_ast_rsp
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: otp_ctrl
external: true
top_signame: otp_ctrl_otp_ast_pwr_seq_h
index: -1
name: otp_alert
struct: ast_dif
package: ast_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: otp_ctrl
default: ""
external: true
top_signame: otp_alert
index: -1
name: edn
struct: edn
package: edn_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: otp_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: edn0_edn
index: 1
name: pwr_otp
struct: pwr_otp
package: pwrmgr_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: otp_ctrl
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_pwr_otp
index: -1
name: lc_otp_program
struct: lc_otp_program
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: otp_ctrl
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_otp_program
index: -1
name: otp_lc_data
struct: otp_lc_data
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type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: otp_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: otp_ctrl_otp_lc_data
index: -1
name: lc_escalate_en
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package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: otp_ctrl
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_escalate_en
index: -1
name: lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: otp_ctrl
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en
index: -1
name: lc_seed_hw_rd_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: otp_ctrl
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_seed_hw_rd_en
index: -1
name: lc_dft_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: otp_ctrl
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_dft_en
index: -1
name: lc_check_byp_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: otp_ctrl
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_check_byp_en
index: -1
name: otp_keymgr_key
struct: otp_keymgr_key
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: otp_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: otp_ctrl_otp_keymgr_key
index: -1
name: flash_otp_key
struct: flash_otp_key
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: otp_ctrl
top_signame: flash_ctrl_otp
index: -1
name: sram_otp_key
struct: sram_otp_key
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 2
default: "'0"
inst_name: otp_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: one-to-N
top_signame: otp_ctrl_sram_otp_key
index: -1
name: otbn_otp_key
struct: otbn_otp_key
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: otp_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_signame: otp_ctrl_otbn_otp_key
index: -1
name: otp_hw_cfg
struct: otp_hw_cfg
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type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: otp_ctrl
top_signame: otp_ctrl_otp_hw_cfg
index: -1
name: core_tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: otp_ctrl
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: otp_ctrl_core_tl
index: -1
name: prim_tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: otp_ctrl
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: otp_ctrl_prim_tl
index: -1
name: jtag
struct: jtag
package: jtag_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: lc_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: pinmux_aon_lc_jtag
index: -1
name: esc_scrap_state0_tx
struct: esc_tx
package: prim_esc_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: lc_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: alert_handler_esc_tx
index: 1
name: esc_scrap_state0_rx
struct: esc_rx
package: prim_esc_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: lc_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: alert_handler_esc_rx
index: 1
name: esc_scrap_state1_tx
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package: prim_esc_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: lc_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: alert_handler_esc_tx
index: 2
name: esc_scrap_state1_rx
struct: esc_rx
package: prim_esc_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: lc_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: alert_handler_esc_rx
index: 2
name: pwr_lc
struct: pwr_lc
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type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: lc_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_pwr_lc
index: -1
name: otp_lc_data
struct: otp_lc_data
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: otp_ctrl_pkg::OTP_LC_DATA_DEFAULT
inst_name: lc_ctrl
top_signame: otp_ctrl_otp_lc_data
index: -1
name: lc_otp_program
struct: lc_otp_program
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type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_otp_program
index: -1
name: kmac_data
struct: app
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type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: lc_ctrl
top_signame: kmac_app
index: 1
name: lc_dft_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_dft_en
index: -1
name: lc_nvm_debug_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_nvm_debug_en
index: -1
name: lc_hw_debug_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_hw_debug_en
index: -1
name: lc_cpu_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_cpu_en
index: -1
name: lc_keymgr_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_keymgr_en
index: -1
name: lc_escalate_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_escalate_en
index: -1
name: lc_clk_byp_req
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_clk_byp_req
index: -1
name: lc_clk_byp_ack
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_clk_byp_ack
index: -1
name: lc_flash_rma_req
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
top_signame: flash_ctrl_rma_req
index: -1
name: lc_flash_rma_seed
struct: lc_flash_rma_seed
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: lc_ctrl
top_signame: flash_ctrl_rma_seed
index: -1
name: lc_flash_rma_ack
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
top_signame: flash_ctrl_rma_ack
index: -1
name: lc_check_byp_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_check_byp_en
index: -1
name: lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en
index: -1
name: lc_owner_seed_sw_rw_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_owner_seed_sw_rw_en
index: -1
name: lc_iso_part_sw_rd_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_iso_part_sw_rd_en
index: -1
name: lc_iso_part_sw_wr_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_iso_part_sw_wr_en
index: -1
name: lc_seed_hw_rd_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_seed_hw_rd_en
index: -1
name: lc_keymgr_div
struct: lc_keymgr_div
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: lc_ctrl
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_keymgr_div
index: -1
name: otp_device_id
struct: otp_device_id
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: lc_ctrl
top_signame: lc_ctrl_otp_device_id
index: -1
name: otp_manuf_state
struct: otp_manuf_state
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: lc_ctrl
top_signame: lc_ctrl_otp_manuf_state
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: lc_ctrl
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: lc_ctrl_tl
index: -1
name: crashdump
struct: alert_crashdump
package: alert_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: alert_handler
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: alert_handler_crashdump
index: -1
name: edn
struct: edn
package: edn_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: alert_handler
default: ""
top_signame: edn0_edn
index: 4
name: esc_rx
struct: esc_rx
package: prim_esc_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 4
inst_name: alert_handler
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: one-to-N
top_signame: alert_handler_esc_rx
index: -1
name: esc_tx
struct: esc_tx
package: prim_esc_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 4
inst_name: alert_handler
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: one-to-N
top_signame: alert_handler_esc_tx
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: alert_handler
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: alert_handler_tl
index: -1
name: pwr_ast
struct: pwr_ast
package: pwrmgr_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
external: true
top_signame: pwrmgr_ast
index: -1
name: pwr_rst
struct: pwr_rst
package: pwrmgr_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_pwr_rst
index: -1
name: pwr_clk
struct: pwr_clk
package: pwrmgr_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_pwr_clk
index: -1
name: pwr_otp
struct: pwr_otp
package: pwrmgr_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_pwr_otp
index: -1
name: pwr_lc
struct: pwr_lc
package: pwrmgr_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_pwr_lc
index: -1
name: pwr_flash
struct: pwr_flash
package: pwrmgr_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_pwr_flash
index: -1
name: esc_rst_tx
struct: esc_tx
package: prim_esc_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
top_signame: alert_handler_esc_tx
index: 3
name: esc_rst_rx
struct: esc_rx
package: prim_esc_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
top_signame: alert_handler_esc_rx
index: 3
name: pwr_cpu
struct: pwr_cpu
package: pwrmgr_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
top_signame: rv_core_ibex_pwrmgr
index: -1
name: wakeups
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 5
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
package: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: one-to-N
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_wakeups
index: -1
name: rstreqs
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 2
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
package: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: one-to-N
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_rstreqs
index: -1
name: strap
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
package: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_strap
index: -1
name: low_power
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
package: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_low_power
index: -1
name: rom_ctrl
struct: pwrmgr_data
package: rom_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
top_signame: rom_ctrl_pwrmgr_data
index: -1
name: fetch_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_fetch_en
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: pwrmgr_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_tl
index: -1
name: por_n
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: rstmgr_aon
default: ""
package: ""
external: true
top_signame: por_n
index: -1
name: pwr
struct: pwr_rst
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: rstmgr_aon
default: ""
package: pwrmgr_pkg
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_pwr_rst
index: -1
name: resets
struct: rstmgr_out
package: rstmgr_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rstmgr_aon
default: ""
top_signame: rstmgr_aon_resets
index: -1
name: rst_cpu_n
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: rstmgr_aon
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: rv_core_ibex_rst_cpu_n
index: -1
name: ndmreset_req
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: rstmgr_aon
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: rv_dm_ndmreset_req
index: -1
name: alert_dump
struct: alert_crashdump
package: alert_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: rstmgr_aon
default: ""
top_signame: alert_handler_crashdump
index: -1
name: cpu_dump
struct: crash_dump
package: ibex_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: rstmgr_aon
default: ""
top_signame: rv_core_ibex_crash_dump
index: -1
name: resets_ast
struct: rstmgr_ast_out
package: rstmgr_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rstmgr_aon
default: ""
external: true
top_signame: rsts_ast
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: rstmgr_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: rstmgr_aon_tl
index: -1
name: clocks
struct: clkmgr_out
package: clkmgr_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: clkmgr_aon
default: ""
top_signame: clkmgr_aon_clocks
index: -1
name: lc_dft_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: clkmgr_aon
default: ""
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_dft_en
index: -1
name: ast_clk_byp_req
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: clkmgr_aon
default: ""
external: true
top_signame: ast_clk_byp_req
index: -1
name: ast_clk_byp_ack
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: clkmgr_aon
default: ""
external: true
top_signame: ast_clk_byp_ack
index: -1
name: lc_clk_byp_req
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: clkmgr_aon
default: ""
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_clk_byp_req
index: -1
name: lc_clk_byp_ack
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: clkmgr_aon
default: ""
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_clk_byp_ack
index: -1
name: jitter_en
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: clkmgr_aon
default: ""
package: ""
external: true
top_signame: clk_main_jitter_en
index: -1
name: clk_main
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: clkmgr_aon
default: ""
package: ""
external: true
top_signame: clk_main
index: -1
name: clk_io
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: clkmgr_aon
default: ""
package: ""
external: true
top_signame: clk_io
index: -1
name: clk_usb
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: clkmgr_aon
default: ""
package: ""
external: true
top_signame: clk_usb
index: -1
name: clk_aon
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: clkmgr_aon
default: ""
package: ""
external: true
top_signame: clk_aon
index: -1
name: clocks_ast
struct: clkmgr_ast_out
package: clkmgr_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: clkmgr_aon
default: ""
external: true
top_signame: clks_ast
index: -1
name: pwr
struct: pwr_clk
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: clkmgr_aon
default: ""
package: pwrmgr_pkg
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_pwr_clk
index: -1
name: idle
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 5
inst_name: clkmgr_aon
default: ""
package: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: one-to-N
top_signame: clkmgr_aon_idle
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: clkmgr_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: clkmgr_aon_tl
index: -1
name: gsc_wk
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: sysrst_ctrl_aon
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_wakeups
index: 0
name: gsc_rst
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: sysrst_ctrl_aon
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_rstreqs
index: 0
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: sysrst_ctrl_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: sysrst_ctrl_aon_tl
index: -1
name: adc
struct: adc_ast
package: ast_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: adc_ctrl_aon
default: ""
external: true
top_signame: adc
index: -1
name: debug_cable_wakeup
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: adc_ctrl_aon
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_wakeups
index: 1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: adc_ctrl_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: adc_ctrl_aon_tl
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: pwm_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: pwm_aon_tl
index: -1
name: lc_hw_debug_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: pinmux_aon
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_hw_debug_en
index: -1
name: lc_dft_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: pinmux_aon
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_dft_en
index: -1
name: lc_jtag
struct: jtag
package: jtag_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: pinmux_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: pinmux_aon_lc_jtag
index: -1
name: rv_jtag
struct: jtag
package: jtag_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: pinmux_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: pinmux_aon_rv_jtag
index: -1
name: dft_jtag
struct: jtag
package: jtag_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: pinmux_aon
default: ""
top_signame: pinmux_aon_dft_jtag
index: -1
name: dft_strap_test
struct: dft_strap_test_req
package: pinmux_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: pinmux_aon
external: true
top_signame: dft_strap_test
index: -1
name: dft_hold_tap_sel
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: pinmux_aon
package: ""
external: true
top_signame: dft_hold_tap_sel
index: -1
name: sleep_en
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: 1'b0
inst_name: pinmux_aon
package: ""
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_low_power
index: -1
name: strap_en
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: 1'b0
inst_name: pinmux_aon
package: ""
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_strap
index: -1
name: aon_wkup_req
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: 1'b0
inst_name: pinmux_aon
package: ""
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_wakeups
index: 2
name: usb_wkup_req
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: 1'b0
inst_name: pinmux_aon
package: ""
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_wakeups
index: 3
name: usb_out_of_rst
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: pinmux_aon
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: usbdev_usb_out_of_rst
index: -1
name: usb_aon_wake_en
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: pinmux_aon
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: usbdev_usb_aon_wake_en
index: -1
name: usb_aon_wake_ack
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: pinmux_aon
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: usbdev_usb_aon_wake_ack
index: -1
name: usb_suspend
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: pinmux_aon
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: usbdev_usb_suspend
index: -1
name: usb_state_debug
struct: awk_state
package: usbdev_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: pinmux_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: pinmux_aon_usb_state_debug
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: pinmux_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: pinmux_aon_tl
index: -1
name: nmi_wdog_timer_bark
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: 1'b0
inst_name: aon_timer_aon
package: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: aon_timer_aon_nmi_wdog_timer_bark
index: -1
name: aon_timer_wkup_req
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: 1'b0
inst_name: aon_timer_aon
package: ""
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_wakeups
index: 4
name: aon_timer_rst_req
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
default: 1'b0
inst_name: aon_timer_aon
package: ""
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_rstreqs
index: 1
name: lc_escalate_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: aon_timer_aon
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_escalate_en
index: -1
name: sleep_mode
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: aon_timer_aon
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_low_power
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: aon_timer_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: aon_timer_aon_tl
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: ast
index: -1
name: ast_alert
struct: ast_alert
package: ast_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: sensor_ctrl_aon
default: ""
external: true
top_signame: sensor_ctrl_ast_alert
index: -1
name: ast_status
struct: ast_status
package: ast_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: sensor_ctrl_aon
default: ""
external: true
top_signame: sensor_ctrl_ast_status
index: -1
name: ast_init_done
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: sensor_ctrl_aon
default: ""
package: ""
external: true
top_signame: ast_init_done
index: -1
name: ast2pinmux
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 9
inst_name: sensor_ctrl_aon
default: ""
package: ""
external: true
top_signame: ast2pinmux
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: sensor_ctrl_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: sensor_ctrl_aon_tl
index: -1
name: sram_otp_key
struct: sram_otp_key
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: sram_ctrl_ret_aon
top_signame: otp_ctrl_sram_otp_key
index: 1
name: sram_scr
struct: sram_scr
package: sram_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: sram_ctrl_ret_aon
end_idx: -1
top_signame: sram_ctrl_ret_aon_sram_scr
index: -1
name: sram_scr_init
struct: sram_scr_init
package: sram_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: sram_ctrl_ret_aon
end_idx: -1
top_signame: sram_ctrl_ret_aon_sram_scr_init
index: -1
name: lc_escalate_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: sram_ctrl_ret_aon
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_escalate_en
index: -1
name: lc_hw_debug_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: sram_ctrl_ret_aon
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_hw_debug_en
index: -1
name: otp_en_sram_ifetch
struct: otp_en
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: sram_ctrl_ret_aon
top_signame: sram_ctrl_ret_aon_otp_en_sram_ifetch
index: -1
name: en_ifetch
struct: tl_instr_en
package: tlul_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: sram_ctrl_ret_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: sram_ctrl_ret_aon_en_ifetch
index: -1
name: intg_error
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: sram_ctrl_ret_aon
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: ram_ret_aon_intg_error
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: sram_ctrl_ret_aon
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: sram_ctrl_ret_aon_tl
index: -1
name: flash
struct: flash
package: flash_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: flash_ctrl
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: flash_ctrl_flash
index: -1
name: otp
struct: flash_otp_key
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: flash_ctrl
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: flash_ctrl_otp
index: -1
name: lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: flash_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en
index: -1
name: lc_owner_seed_sw_rw_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: flash_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_owner_seed_sw_rw_en
index: -1
name: lc_iso_part_sw_rd_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: flash_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_iso_part_sw_rd_en
index: -1
name: lc_iso_part_sw_wr_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: flash_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_iso_part_sw_wr_en
index: -1
name: lc_seed_hw_rd_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: flash_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_seed_hw_rd_en
index: -1
name: lc_escalate_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: flash_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_escalate_en
index: -1
name: rma_req
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: flash_ctrl
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: flash_ctrl_rma_req
index: -1
name: rma_ack
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: flash_ctrl
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: flash_ctrl_rma_ack
index: -1
name: rma_seed
struct: lc_flash_rma_seed
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: flash_ctrl
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: flash_ctrl_rma_seed
index: -1
name: pwrmgr
struct: pwr_flash
package: pwrmgr_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: flash_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_pwr_flash
index: -1
name: keymgr
struct: keymgr_flash
package: flash_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: flash_ctrl
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: flash_ctrl_keymgr
index: -1
name: core_tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: flash_ctrl
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: flash_ctrl_core_tl
index: -1
name: prim_tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: flash_ctrl
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: flash_ctrl_prim_tl
index: -1
name: jtag
struct: jtag
package: jtag_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: rv_dm
default: ""
top_signame: pinmux_aon_rv_jtag
index: -1
name: lc_hw_debug_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: rv_dm
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_hw_debug_en
index: -1
name: unavailable
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: 1'b0
inst_name: rv_dm
index: -1
name: ndmreset_req
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rv_dm
default: ""
package: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: rv_dm_ndmreset_req
index: -1
name: dmactive
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rv_dm
index: -1
name: debug_req
struct: logic [rv_dm_reg_pkg::NrHarts-1:0]
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rv_dm
default: ""
package: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: rv_dm_debug_req
index: -1
name: sba_tl_h
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rv_dm
default: ""
top_signame: main_tl_rv_dm__sba
index: -1
name: regs_tl_d
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: rv_dm
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: rv_dm_regs_tl_d
index: -1
name: rom_tl_d
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: rv_dm
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: rv_dm_rom_tl_d
index: -1
name: irq
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rv_plic
default: ""
package: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: rv_plic_irq
index: -1
name: irq_id
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rv_plic
index: -1
name: msip
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rv_plic
default: ""
package: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: rv_plic_msip
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: rv_plic
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: rv_plic_tl
index: -1
name: idle
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: aes
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: clkmgr_aon_idle
index: 0
name: lc_escalate_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: aes
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_escalate_en
index: -1
name: edn
struct: edn
package: edn_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: aes
default: ""
top_signame: edn0_edn
index: 5
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: aes
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: aes_tl
index: -1
name: idle
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: hmac
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: clkmgr_aon_idle
index: 1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: hmac
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: hmac_tl
index: -1
name: keymgr_key
struct: hw_key_req
package: keymgr_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: kmac
default: ""
top_signame: keymgr_kmac_key
index: -1
name: app
struct: app
package: kmac_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 3
inst_name: kmac
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: one-to-N
top_signame: kmac_app
index: -1
name: entropy
struct: edn
package: edn_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: kmac
default: ""
top_signame: edn0_edn
index: 3
name: idle
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: kmac
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: clkmgr_aon_idle
index: 2
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: kmac
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: kmac_tl
index: -1
name: edn
struct: edn
package: edn_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: keymgr
default: ""
top_signame: edn0_edn
index: 0
name: aes_key
struct: hw_key_req
package: keymgr_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: keymgr
index: -1
name: hmac_key
struct: hw_key_req
package: keymgr_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: keymgr
index: -1
name: kmac_key
struct: hw_key_req
package: keymgr_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: keymgr
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: keymgr_kmac_key
index: -1
name: otbn_key
struct: otbn_key_req
package: keymgr_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: keymgr
index: -1
name: kmac_data
struct: app
package: kmac_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: keymgr
default: ""
top_signame: kmac_app
index: 0
name: otp_key
struct: otp_keymgr_key
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: keymgr
default: ""
top_signame: otp_ctrl_otp_keymgr_key
index: -1
name: otp_device_id
struct: otp_device_id
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: keymgr
default: ""
top_signame: keymgr_otp_device_id
index: -1
name: flash
struct: keymgr_flash
package: flash_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: keymgr
default: ""
top_signame: flash_ctrl_keymgr
index: -1
name: lc_keymgr_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::On
inst_name: keymgr
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_keymgr_en
index: -1
name: lc_keymgr_div
struct: lc_keymgr_div
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: keymgr
default: ""
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_keymgr_div
index: -1
name: rom_digest
struct: keymgr_data
package: rom_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: keymgr
default: ""
top_signame: rom_ctrl_keymgr_data
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: keymgr
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: keymgr_tl
index: -1
name: csrng_cmd
struct: csrng
package: csrng_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 2
inst_name: csrng
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: one-to-N
top_signame: csrng_csrng_cmd
index: -1
name: entropy_src_hw_if
struct: entropy_src_hw_if
package: entropy_src_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: csrng
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: csrng_entropy_src_hw_if
index: -1
name: cs_aes_halt
struct: cs_aes_halt
package: entropy_src_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: csrng
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: csrng_cs_aes_halt
index: -1
name: otp_en_csrng_sw_app_read
struct: otp_en
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: csrng
default: ""
top_signame: csrng_otp_en_csrng_sw_app_read
index: -1
name: lc_hw_debug_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: csrng
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_hw_debug_en
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: csrng
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: csrng_tl
index: -1
name: entropy_src_hw_if
struct: entropy_src_hw_if
package: entropy_src_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: entropy_src
default: ""
top_signame: csrng_entropy_src_hw_if
index: -1
name: cs_aes_halt
struct: cs_aes_halt
package: entropy_src_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: entropy_src
default: ""
top_signame: csrng_cs_aes_halt
index: -1
name: entropy_src_rng
struct: entropy_src_rng
package: entropy_src_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: entropy_src
default: ""
external: true
top_signame: es_rng
index: -1
name: entropy_src_xht
struct: entropy_src_xht
package: entropy_src_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: entropy_src
index: -1
name: otp_en_entropy_src_fw_read
struct: otp_en
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: entropy_src
default: ""
top_signame: entropy_src_otp_en_entropy_src_fw_read
index: -1
name: otp_en_entropy_src_fw_over
struct: otp_en
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: entropy_src
default: ""
top_signame: entropy_src_otp_en_entropy_src_fw_over
index: -1
name: rng_fips
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: entropy_src
default: ""
package: ""
external: true
top_signame: es_rng_fips
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: entropy_src
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: entropy_src_tl
index: -1
name: csrng_cmd
desc: EDN supports a signal CSRNG application interface.
struct: csrng
package: csrng_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: edn0
default: ""
top_signame: csrng_csrng_cmd
index: 0
name: edn
The collection of peripheral ports supported by edn. The width (4)
indicates the number of peripheral ports on a single instance.
Due to limitations in the parametrization of top-level interconnects
this value is not currently parameterizable. However, the number
of peripheral ports may change in a future revision.
struct: edn
package: edn_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 7
default: "'0"
inst_name: edn0
end_idx: -1
top_type: one-to-N
top_signame: edn0_edn
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: edn0
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: edn0_tl
index: -1
name: csrng_cmd
desc: EDN supports a signal CSRNG application interface.
struct: csrng
package: csrng_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: edn1
default: ""
top_signame: csrng_csrng_cmd
index: 1
name: edn
The collection of peripheral ports supported by edn. The width (4)
indicates the number of peripheral ports on a single instance.
Due to limitations in the parametrization of top-level interconnects
this value is not currently parameterizable. However, the number
of peripheral ports may change in a future revision.
struct: edn
package: edn_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 7
default: "'0"
inst_name: edn1
end_idx: 1
top_type: partial-one-to-N
top_signame: edn1_edn
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: edn1
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: edn1_tl
index: -1
name: sram_otp_key
struct: sram_otp_key
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: sram_ctrl_main
top_signame: otp_ctrl_sram_otp_key
index: 0
name: sram_scr
struct: sram_scr
package: sram_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: sram_ctrl_main
end_idx: -1
top_signame: sram_ctrl_main_sram_scr
index: -1
name: sram_scr_init
struct: sram_scr_init
package: sram_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: sram_ctrl_main
end_idx: -1
top_signame: sram_ctrl_main_sram_scr_init
index: -1
name: lc_escalate_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: sram_ctrl_main
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_escalate_en
index: -1
name: lc_hw_debug_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: sram_ctrl_main
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_hw_debug_en
index: -1
name: otp_en_sram_ifetch
struct: otp_en
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: sram_ctrl_main
top_signame: sram_ctrl_main_otp_en_sram_ifetch
index: -1
name: en_ifetch
struct: tl_instr_en
package: tlul_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: sram_ctrl_main
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: sram_ctrl_main_en_ifetch
index: -1
name: intg_error
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: sram_ctrl_main
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: ram_main_intg_error
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: sram_ctrl_main
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: sram_ctrl_main_tl
index: -1
name: otbn_otp_key
struct: otbn_otp_key
package: otp_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
default: "'0"
inst_name: otbn
top_signame: otp_ctrl_otbn_otp_key
index: -1
name: edn_rnd
struct: edn
package: edn_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: otbn
default: ""
top_signame: edn1_edn
index: 0
name: edn_urnd
struct: edn
package: edn_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: otbn
default: ""
top_signame: edn0_edn
index: 6
name: idle
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: otbn
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: clkmgr_aon_idle
index: 4
name: idle_otp
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: otbn
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: clkmgr_aon_idle
index: 3
name: ram_cfg
struct: ram_1p_cfg
package: prim_ram_1p_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: otbn
default: ""
top_signame: ast_ram_1p_cfg
index: -1
name: lc_escalate_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::Off
inst_name: otbn
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_escalate_en
index: -1
name: tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: otbn
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: otbn_tl
index: -1
name: rom_cfg
struct: rom_cfg
package: prim_rom_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: rom_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: ast_rom_cfg
index: -1
name: pwrmgr_data
struct: pwrmgr_data
package: rom_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rom_ctrl
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: rom_ctrl_pwrmgr_data
index: -1
name: keymgr_data
struct: keymgr_data
package: rom_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rom_ctrl
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: rom_ctrl_keymgr_data
index: -1
name: kmac_data
struct: app
package: kmac_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rom_ctrl
default: ""
top_signame: kmac_app
index: 2
name: regs_tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: rom_ctrl
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: rom_ctrl_regs_tl
index: -1
name: rom_tl
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: rom_ctrl
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: rom_ctrl_rom_tl
index: -1
name: rst_cpu_n
struct: logic
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
package: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: rv_core_ibex_rst_cpu_n
index: -1
name: ram_cfg
struct: ram_1p_cfg
package: prim_ram_1p_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
top_signame: ast_ram_1p_cfg
index: -1
name: hart_id
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 32
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: rv_core_ibex_hart_id
index: -1
name: boot_addr
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 32
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: rv_core_ibex_boot_addr
index: -1
name: irq_software
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: rv_plic_msip
index: -1
name: irq_timer
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: rv_core_ibex_irq_timer
index: -1
name: irq_external
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: rv_plic_irq
index: -1
name: esc_tx
struct: esc_tx
package: prim_esc_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
top_signame: alert_handler_esc_tx
index: 0
name: esc_rx
struct: esc_rx
package: prim_esc_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
top_signame: alert_handler_esc_rx
index: 0
name: debug_req
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: rv_dm_debug_req
index: -1
name: crash_dump
struct: crash_dump
package: ibex_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: rv_core_ibex_crash_dump
index: -1
name: lc_cpu_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_cpu_en
index: -1
name: pwrmgr_cpu_en
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
top_signame: pwrmgr_aon_fetch_en
index: -1
name: pwrmgr
struct: pwr_cpu
package: pwrmgr_pkg
type: uni
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: rv_core_ibex_pwrmgr
index: -1
name: nmi_wdog
struct: logic
type: uni
act: rcv
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
package: ""
top_signame: aon_timer_aon_nmi_wdog_timer_bark
index: -1
name: corei_tl_h
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
top_signame: main_tl_rv_core_ibex__corei
index: -1
name: cored_tl_h
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
top_signame: main_tl_rv_core_ibex__cored
index: -1
name: cfg_tl_d
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: rv_core_ibex
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: rv_core_ibex_cfg_tl_d
index: -1
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
name: tl
inst_name: ram_main
width: 1
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: ram_main_tl
index: -1
struct: sram_scr
package: sram_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
name: sram_scr
act: rsp
inst_name: ram_main
width: 1
default: ""
top_signame: sram_ctrl_main_sram_scr
index: -1
struct: sram_scr_init
package: sram_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
name: sram_scr_init
act: rsp
inst_name: ram_main
width: 1
default: ""
top_signame: sram_ctrl_main_sram_scr_init
index: -1
struct: tl_instr_en
package: tlul_pkg
type: uni
name: en_ifetch
act: rcv
inst_name: ram_main
width: 1
default: ""
top_signame: sram_ctrl_main_en_ifetch
index: -1
struct: logic
package: ""
type: uni
name: intg_error
act: req
inst_name: ram_main
width: 1
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: ram_main_intg_error
index: -1
struct: ram_1p_cfg
package: prim_ram_1p_pkg
type: uni
name: cfg
act: rcv
inst_name: ram_main
width: 1
default: ""
top_signame: ast_ram_1p_cfg
index: -1
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
name: tl
inst_name: ram_ret_aon
width: 1
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: ram_ret_aon_tl
index: -1
struct: sram_scr
package: sram_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
name: sram_scr
act: rsp
inst_name: ram_ret_aon
width: 1
default: ""
top_signame: sram_ctrl_ret_aon_sram_scr
index: -1
struct: sram_scr_init
package: sram_ctrl_pkg
type: req_rsp
name: sram_scr_init
act: rsp
inst_name: ram_ret_aon
width: 1
default: ""
top_signame: sram_ctrl_ret_aon_sram_scr_init
index: -1
struct: tl_instr_en
package: tlul_pkg
type: uni
name: en_ifetch
act: rcv
inst_name: ram_ret_aon
width: 1
default: ""
top_signame: sram_ctrl_ret_aon_en_ifetch
index: -1
struct: logic
package: ""
type: uni
name: intg_error
act: req
inst_name: ram_ret_aon
width: 1
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_type: broadcast
top_signame: ram_ret_aon_intg_error
index: -1
struct: ram_1p_cfg
package: prim_ram_1p_pkg
type: uni
name: cfg
act: rcv
inst_name: ram_ret_aon
width: 1
default: ""
top_signame: ast_ram_1p_cfg
index: -1
struct: flash
type: req_rsp
name: flash_ctrl
act: rsp
inst_name: eflash
width: 1
default: ""
package: flash_ctrl_pkg
top_signame: flash_ctrl_flash
index: -1
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
name: tl
inst_name: eflash
width: 1
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: eflash_tl
index: -1
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
name: lc_nvm_debug_en
inst_name: eflash
width: 1
default: ""
top_signame: lc_ctrl_lc_nvm_debug_en
index: -1
struct: lc_tx
package: lc_ctrl_pkg
type: uni
act: rcv
name: flash_bist_enable
inst_name: eflash
width: 1
default: ""
external: true
top_signame: flash_bist_enable
index: -1
struct: logic
package: ""
type: uni
act: rcv
name: flash_power_down_h
inst_name: eflash
width: 1
default: ""
external: true
top_signame: flash_power_down_h
index: -1
struct: logic
package: ""
type: uni
act: rcv
name: flash_power_ready_h
inst_name: eflash
width: 1
default: ""
external: true
top_signame: flash_power_ready_h
index: -1
struct: logic
package: ""
width: "4"
type: uni
act: rcv
name: flash_test_mode_a
inst_name: eflash
index: -1
struct: logic
package: ""
type: uni
act: rcv
name: flash_test_voltage_h
inst_name: eflash
index: -1
struct: ast_dif
package: ast_pkg
type: uni
act: req
name: flash_alert
inst_name: eflash
width: 1
default: ""
external: true
top_signame: flash_alert
index: -1
name: tl_rv_core_ibex__corei
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: main
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: main_tl_rv_core_ibex__corei
index: -1
name: tl_rv_core_ibex__cored
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: main
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: main_tl_rv_core_ibex__cored
index: -1
name: tl_rv_dm__sba
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: rsp
width: 1
inst_name: main
default: ""
end_idx: -1
top_signame: main_tl_rv_dm__sba
index: -1
name: tl_rv_dm__regs
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: main
default: ""
top_signame: rv_dm_regs_tl_d
index: -1
name: tl_rv_dm__rom
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
act: req
width: 1
inst_name: main
default: ""
top_signame: rv_dm_rom_tl_d
index: -1
name: tl_rom_ctrl__rom
struct: tl
package: tlul_pkg
type: req_rsp
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struct: tl
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act: req
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index: -1
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struct: tl
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act: req
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default: ""
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act: req
width: 1
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act: req
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index: -1
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index: -1
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index: -1
name: tl_lc_ctrl
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act: req
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struct: tl
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act: req
width: 1
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default: ""
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index: -1
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act: req
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struct: tl
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index: -1
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index: -1
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package: ""
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package: entropy_src_pkg
struct: cs_aes_halt_req
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width: 1
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act: req
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width: 1
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struct: lc_tx
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width: 1
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act: req
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package: lc_ctrl_pkg
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width: 1
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act: rcv
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act: req
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width: 1
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act: req
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width: 1
type: uni
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act: req
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default: tlul_pkg::TL_INSTR_EN_DEFAULT
package: ""
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package: ""
struct: logic
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width: 2
type: req_rsp
end_idx: -1
act: rsp
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width: 1
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act: rcv
suffix: ""
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width: 1
type: req_rsp
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act: req
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end_idx: -1
act: req
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width: 1
type: req_rsp
end_idx: -1
act: req
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end_idx: -1
act: req
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width: 1
type: req_rsp
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act: req
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end_idx: -1
act: req
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act: req
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act: req
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package: ""
struct: logic
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package: ""
struct: logic
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act: req
suffix: ""
default: lc_ctrl_pkg::LC_TX_DEFAULT
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width: 1
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end_idx: -1
act: req
suffix: ""
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width: 1
type: uni
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act: req
suffix: ""
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package: ""
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package: ""
struct: logic
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package: ""
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package: ""
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struct: awk_state
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width: 1
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act: req
suffix: ""
default: usbdev_pkg::AWK_STATE_DEFAULT
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act: rsp
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default: ""
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act: rsp
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width: 1
type: req_rsp
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act: rsp
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suffix: ""
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width: 1
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end_idx: -1
act: req
suffix: ""
default: keymgr_pkg::HW_KEY_REQ_DEFAULT
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type: req_rsp
end_idx: -1
act: rsp
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type: req_rsp
end_idx: -1
act: rsp
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package: ""
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act: req
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act: req
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width: 1
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act: req
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end_idx: -1
act: req
suffix: rsp
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width: 1
type: req_rsp
end_idx: -1
act: req
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end_idx: -1
act: req
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struct: lc_tx
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width: 1
type: uni
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act: req
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struct: lc_tx
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act: req
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struct: lc_tx
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act: req
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width: 1
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act: req
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struct: lc_tx
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width: 1
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act: rcv
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width: 1
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width: 1
type: uni
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width: 1
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width: 1
type: uni
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struct: lc_tx
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width: 1
type: uni
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package: ""
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width: 1
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width: 1
type: uni
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package: ""
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width: 1
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