blob: caaa2c70c92040d88bb8cdc07a668a8745dbc945 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
load("@//rules:repo.bzl", "http_archive_or_local")
def rust_repos(rules_rust = None, safe_ftdi = None, serde_annotate = None):
# We use forked/patched Rust Bazel rules to enable caching repository rules
# required for air-gapped Bazel builds. See lowRISC/opentitan:#15300 for
# more details.
name = "rules_rust",
local = rules_rust,
sha256 = "fe8d7e62d093e10d8f87b9fd26e4ee2b8d64667ab6827f41fb38eda640233e0f",
strip_prefix = "rules_rust-add-missing-rv32-shas-20221031_01",
url = "",
name = "safe_ftdi",
local = safe_ftdi,
sha256 = "33c61f3c2303e595c554a0b9ed8ba7ae3088d51052fa5916a9a4767604683b52",
strip_prefix = "safe-ftdi-bazel-20220511_01",
url = "",
name = "serde_annotate",
local = serde_annotate,
sha256 = "8d63b1525607bbdecfa688ea83d6e08ae50387ffe8521a5324ac5b467743eb7a",
strip_prefix = "serde-annotate-0.0.6",
url = "",