blob: 425d93529996c1e72a0bd07846e9f02d78a4319c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// AES cipher core control
// This module controls the AES cipher core including the key expand module.
`include ""
module aes_cipher_control import aes_pkg::*;
parameter bit Masking = 0,
parameter sbox_impl_e SBoxImpl = SBoxImplLut
) (
input logic clk_i,
input logic rst_ni,
// Input handshake signals
input sp2v_e in_valid_i,
output sp2v_e in_ready_o,
// Output handshake signals
output sp2v_e out_valid_o,
input sp2v_e out_ready_i,
// Control and sync signals
input logic cfg_valid_i,
input ciph_op_e op_i,
input key_len_e key_len_i,
input sp2v_e crypt_i,
output sp2v_e crypt_o,
input sp2v_e dec_key_gen_i,
output sp2v_e dec_key_gen_o,
input logic prng_reseed_i,
output logic prng_reseed_o,
input logic key_clear_i,
output logic key_clear_o,
input logic data_out_clear_i,
output logic data_out_clear_o,
input logic mux_sel_err_i,
input logic sp_enc_err_i,
output logic alert_o,
// Control signals for masking PRNG
output logic prng_update_o,
output logic prng_reseed_req_o,
input logic prng_reseed_ack_i,
// Control and sync signals for cipher data path
output state_sel_e state_sel_o,
output sp2v_e state_we_o,
output sp2v_e sub_bytes_en_o,
input sp2v_e sub_bytes_out_req_i,
output sp2v_e sub_bytes_out_ack_o,
output add_rk_sel_e add_rk_sel_o,
// Control and sync signals for key expand data path
output ciph_op_e key_expand_op_o,
output key_full_sel_e key_full_sel_o,
output sp2v_e key_full_we_o,
output key_dec_sel_e key_dec_sel_o,
output sp2v_e key_dec_we_o,
output sp2v_e key_expand_en_o,
input sp2v_e key_expand_out_req_i,
output sp2v_e key_expand_out_ack_o,
output logic key_expand_clear_o,
output logic [3:0] key_expand_round_o,
output key_words_sel_e key_words_sel_o,
output round_key_sel_e round_key_sel_o
// Signals
logic [3:0] rnd_ctr_d, rnd_ctr_q;
logic [3:0] rnd_ctr_rem_d, rnd_ctr_rem_q;
logic [3:0] rnd_ctr_sum;
logic [3:0] num_rounds_d, num_rounds_q;
logic rnd_ctr_parity, rnd_ctr_parity_d, rnd_ctr_parity_q;
logic rnd_ctr_err, rnd_ctr_err_sum, rnd_ctr_err_parity;
sp2v_e crypt_d, crypt_q;
sp2v_e dec_key_gen_d, dec_key_gen_q;
logic prng_reseed_d, prng_reseed_q;
logic key_clear_d, key_clear_q;
logic data_out_clear_d, data_out_clear_q;
sp2v_e sub_bytes_out_req;
sp2v_e key_expand_out_req;
sp2v_e in_valid;
sp2v_e out_ready;
sp2v_e crypt;
sp2v_e dec_key_gen;
logic mux_sel_err;
logic mr_err;
logic sp_enc_err;
// Sparsified FSM signals. These are needed for connecting the individual bits of the Sp2V
// signals to the single-rail FSMs.
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_in_valid;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_in_ready;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_out_valid;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_out_ready;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_crypt;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_dec_key_gen;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_state_we;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_sub_bytes_en;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_sub_bytes_out_req;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_sub_bytes_out_ack;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_key_full_we;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_key_dec_we;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_key_expand_en;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_key_expand_out_req;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_key_expand_out_ack;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_crypt_d;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_crypt_q;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_dec_key_gen_d;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_dec_key_gen_q;
// Multi-rail signals. These are outputs of the single-rail FSMs and need combining.
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_alert;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_prng_update;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_prng_reseed_req;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_key_expand_clear;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_prng_reseed_d;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_key_clear_d;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_data_out_clear_d;
state_sel_e [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_state_sel;
add_rk_sel_e [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_add_rk_sel;
key_full_sel_e [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_key_full_sel;
key_dec_sel_e [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_key_dec_sel;
key_words_sel_e [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_key_words_sel;
round_key_sel_e [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_round_key_sel;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0][3:0] mr_rnd_ctr_d;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0][3:0] mr_rnd_ctr_rem_d;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0][3:0] mr_num_rounds_d;
// FSM //
// Convert sp2v_e signals to sparsified inputs.
assign sp_in_valid = {in_valid};
assign sp_out_ready = {out_ready};
assign sp_crypt = {crypt};
assign sp_dec_key_gen = {dec_key_gen};
assign sp_sub_bytes_out_req = {sub_bytes_out_req};
assign sp_key_expand_out_req = {key_expand_out_req};
assign sp_crypt_q = {crypt_q};
assign sp_dec_key_gen_q = {dec_key_gen_q};
// For every bit in the Sp2V signals, one separate rail is instantiated. The inputs and outputs
// of every rail are buffered to prevent aggressive synthesis optimizations.
for (genvar i = 0; i < Sp2VWidth; i++) begin : gen_fsm
if (SP2V_LOGIC_HIGH[i] == 1'b1) begin : gen_fsm_p
aes_cipher_control_fsm_p #(
.Masking ( Masking ),
.SBoxImpl ( SBoxImpl )
) u_aes_cipher_control_fsm_i (
.clk_i ( clk_i ),
.rst_ni ( rst_ni ),
.in_valid_i ( sp_in_valid[i] ), // Sparsified
.in_ready_o ( sp_in_ready[i] ), // Sparsified
.out_valid_o ( sp_out_valid[i] ), // Sparsified
.out_ready_i ( sp_out_ready[i] ), // Sparsified
.cfg_valid_i ( cfg_valid_i ),
.op_i ( op_i ),
.key_len_i ( key_len_i ),
.crypt_i ( sp_crypt[i] ), // Sparsified
.dec_key_gen_i ( sp_dec_key_gen[i] ), // Sparsified
.prng_reseed_i ( prng_reseed_i ),
.key_clear_i ( key_clear_i ),
.data_out_clear_i ( data_out_clear_i ),
.mux_sel_err_i ( mux_sel_err ),
.sp_enc_err_i ( sp_enc_err ),
.rnd_ctr_err_i ( rnd_ctr_err ),
.alert_o ( mr_alert[i] ), // OR-combine
.prng_update_o ( mr_prng_update[i] ), // OR-combine
.prng_reseed_req_o ( mr_prng_reseed_req[i] ), // OR-combine
.prng_reseed_ack_i ( prng_reseed_ack_i ),
.state_sel_o ( mr_state_sel[i] ), // OR-combine
.state_we_o ( sp_state_we[i] ), // Sparsified
.sub_bytes_en_o ( sp_sub_bytes_en[i] ), // Sparsified
.sub_bytes_out_req_i ( sp_sub_bytes_out_req[i] ), // Sparsified
.sub_bytes_out_ack_o ( sp_sub_bytes_out_ack[i] ), // Sparsified
.add_rk_sel_o ( mr_add_rk_sel[i] ), // OR-combine
.key_full_sel_o ( mr_key_full_sel[i] ), // OR-combine
.key_full_we_o ( sp_key_full_we[i] ), // Sparsified
.key_dec_sel_o ( mr_key_dec_sel[i] ), // OR-combine
.key_dec_we_o ( sp_key_dec_we[i] ), // Sparsified
.key_expand_en_o ( sp_key_expand_en[i] ), // Sparsified
.key_expand_out_req_i ( sp_key_expand_out_req[i] ), // Sparsified
.key_expand_out_ack_o ( sp_key_expand_out_ack[i] ), // Sparsified
.key_expand_clear_o ( mr_key_expand_clear[i] ), // OR-combine
.key_words_sel_o ( mr_key_words_sel[i] ), // OR-combine
.round_key_sel_o ( mr_round_key_sel[i] ), // OR-combine
.rnd_ctr_q_i ( rnd_ctr_q ),
.rnd_ctr_d_o ( mr_rnd_ctr_d[i] ), // OR-combine
.rnd_ctr_rem_q_i ( rnd_ctr_rem_q ),
.rnd_ctr_rem_d_o ( mr_rnd_ctr_rem_d[i] ), // OR-combine
.num_rounds_q_i ( num_rounds_q ),
.num_rounds_d_o ( mr_num_rounds_d[i] ), // OR-combine
.crypt_q_i ( sp_crypt_q[i] ), // Sparsified
.crypt_d_o ( sp_crypt_d[i] ), // Sparsified
.dec_key_gen_q_i ( sp_dec_key_gen_q[i] ), // Sparsified
.dec_key_gen_d_o ( sp_dec_key_gen_d[i] ), // Sparsified
.prng_reseed_q_i ( prng_reseed_q ),
.prng_reseed_d_o ( mr_prng_reseed_d[i] ), // AND-combine
.key_clear_q_i ( key_clear_q ),
.key_clear_d_o ( mr_key_clear_d[i] ), // AND-combine
.data_out_clear_q_i ( data_out_clear_q ),
.data_out_clear_d_o ( mr_data_out_clear_d[i] ) // AND-combine
end else begin : gen_fsm_n
aes_cipher_control_fsm_n #(
.Masking ( Masking ),
.SBoxImpl ( SBoxImpl )
) u_aes_cipher_control_fsm_i (
.clk_i ( clk_i ),
.rst_ni ( rst_ni ),
.in_valid_ni ( sp_in_valid[i] ), // Sparsified
.in_ready_no ( sp_in_ready[i] ), // Sparsified
.out_valid_no ( sp_out_valid[i] ), // Sparsified
.out_ready_ni ( sp_out_ready[i] ), // Sparsified
.cfg_valid_i ( cfg_valid_i ),
.op_i ( op_i ),
.key_len_i ( key_len_i ),
.crypt_ni ( sp_crypt[i] ), // Sparsified
.dec_key_gen_ni ( sp_dec_key_gen[i] ), // Sparsified
.prng_reseed_i ( prng_reseed_i ),
.key_clear_i ( key_clear_i ),
.data_out_clear_i ( data_out_clear_i ),
.mux_sel_err_i ( mux_sel_err ),
.sp_enc_err_i ( sp_enc_err ),
.rnd_ctr_err_i ( rnd_ctr_err ),
.alert_o ( mr_alert[i] ), // OR-combine
.prng_update_o ( mr_prng_update[i] ), // OR-combine
.prng_reseed_req_o ( mr_prng_reseed_req[i] ), // OR-combine
.prng_reseed_ack_i ( prng_reseed_ack_i ),
.state_sel_o ( mr_state_sel[i] ), // OR-combine
.state_we_no ( sp_state_we[i] ), // Sparsified
.sub_bytes_en_no ( sp_sub_bytes_en[i] ), // Sparsified
.sub_bytes_out_req_ni ( sp_sub_bytes_out_req[i] ), // Sparsified
.sub_bytes_out_ack_no ( sp_sub_bytes_out_ack[i] ), // Sparsified
.add_rk_sel_o ( mr_add_rk_sel[i] ), // OR-combine
.key_full_sel_o ( mr_key_full_sel[i] ), // OR-combine
.key_full_we_no ( sp_key_full_we[i] ), // Sparsified
.key_dec_sel_o ( mr_key_dec_sel[i] ), // OR-combine
.key_dec_we_no ( sp_key_dec_we[i] ), // Sparsified
.key_expand_en_no ( sp_key_expand_en[i] ), // Sparsified
.key_expand_out_req_ni ( sp_key_expand_out_req[i] ), // Sparsified
.key_expand_out_ack_no ( sp_key_expand_out_ack[i] ), // Sparsified
.key_expand_clear_o ( mr_key_expand_clear[i] ), // OR-combine
.key_words_sel_o ( mr_key_words_sel[i] ), // OR-combine
.round_key_sel_o ( mr_round_key_sel[i] ), // OR-combine
.rnd_ctr_q_i ( rnd_ctr_q ),
.rnd_ctr_d_o ( mr_rnd_ctr_d[i] ), // OR-combine
.rnd_ctr_rem_q_i ( rnd_ctr_rem_q ),
.rnd_ctr_rem_d_o ( mr_rnd_ctr_rem_d[i] ), // OR-combine
.num_rounds_q_i ( num_rounds_q ),
.num_rounds_d_o ( mr_num_rounds_d[i] ), // OR-combine
.crypt_q_ni ( sp_crypt_q[i] ), // Sparsified
.crypt_d_no ( sp_crypt_d[i] ), // Sparsified
.dec_key_gen_q_ni ( sp_dec_key_gen_q[i] ), // Sparsified
.dec_key_gen_d_no ( sp_dec_key_gen_d[i] ), // Sparsified
.prng_reseed_q_i ( prng_reseed_q ),
.prng_reseed_d_o ( mr_prng_reseed_d[i] ), // AND-combine
.key_clear_q_i ( key_clear_q ),
.key_clear_d_o ( mr_key_clear_d[i] ), // AND-combine
.data_out_clear_q_i ( data_out_clear_q ),
.data_out_clear_d_o ( mr_data_out_clear_d[i] ) // AND-combine
// Convert sparsified outputs to sp2v_e type.
assign in_ready_o = sp2v_e'(sp_in_ready);
assign out_valid_o = sp2v_e'(sp_out_valid);
assign state_we_o = sp2v_e'(sp_state_we);
assign sub_bytes_en_o = sp2v_e'(sp_sub_bytes_en);
assign sub_bytes_out_ack_o = sp2v_e'(sp_sub_bytes_out_ack);
assign key_full_we_o = sp2v_e'(sp_key_full_we);
assign key_dec_we_o = sp2v_e'(sp_key_dec_we);
assign key_expand_en_o = sp2v_e'(sp_key_expand_en);
assign key_expand_out_ack_o = sp2v_e'(sp_key_expand_out_ack);
assign crypt_d = sp2v_e'(sp_crypt_d);
assign dec_key_gen_d = sp2v_e'(sp_dec_key_gen_d);
// Combine single-bit FSM outputs.
// OR: One bit is sufficient to drive the corresponding output bit high.
assign alert_o = |mr_alert;
assign prng_update_o = |mr_prng_update;
assign prng_reseed_req_o = |mr_prng_reseed_req;
assign key_expand_clear_o = |mr_key_expand_clear;
// AND: Only if all bits are high, the corresponding status is signaled which will lead to
// the clearing of these trigger bits.
assign prng_reseed_d = &mr_prng_reseed_d;
assign key_clear_d = &mr_key_clear_d;
assign data_out_clear_d = &mr_data_out_clear_d;
// Combine multi-bit, sparse FSM outputs. We simply OR them together. If the FSMs don't provide
// the same outputs, two cases are possible:
// - An invalid encoding results: A downstream checker will fire, see mux_sel_err_i.
// - A valid encoding results: The outputs are compared below to cover this case, see mr_err;
always_comb begin : combine_sparse_signals
state_sel_o = state_sel_e'({StateSelWidth{1'b0}});
add_rk_sel_o = add_rk_sel_e'({AddRKSelWidth{1'b0}});
key_full_sel_o = key_full_sel_e'({KeyFullSelWidth{1'b0}});
key_dec_sel_o = key_dec_sel_e'({KeyDecSelWidth{1'b0}});
key_words_sel_o = key_words_sel_e'({KeyWordsSelWidth{1'b0}});
round_key_sel_o = round_key_sel_e'({RoundKeySelWidth{1'b0}});
mr_err = 1'b0;
for (int i = 0; i < Sp2VWidth; i++) begin
state_sel_o = state_sel_e'({state_sel_o} | {mr_state_sel[i]});
add_rk_sel_o = add_rk_sel_e'({add_rk_sel_o} | {mr_add_rk_sel[i]});
key_full_sel_o = key_full_sel_e'({key_full_sel_o} | {mr_key_full_sel[i]});
key_dec_sel_o = key_dec_sel_e'({key_dec_sel_o} | {mr_key_dec_sel[i]});
key_words_sel_o = key_words_sel_e'({key_words_sel_o} | {mr_key_words_sel[i]});
round_key_sel_o = round_key_sel_e'({round_key_sel_o} | {mr_round_key_sel[i]});
if (state_sel_o != mr_state_sel[i] ||
add_rk_sel_o != mr_add_rk_sel[i] ||
key_full_sel_o != mr_key_full_sel[i] ||
key_dec_sel_o != mr_key_dec_sel[i] ||
key_words_sel_o != mr_key_words_sel[i] ||
round_key_sel_o != mr_round_key_sel[i]) begin
mr_err = 1'b1;
// Collect errors in mux selector signals.
assign mux_sel_err = mux_sel_err_i | mr_err;
// Combine counter signals. We simply OR them together. If the FSMs don't provide the same
// outputs, this will be detected by the round counter protection logic below.
always_comb begin : combine_counter_signals
rnd_ctr_d = '0;
rnd_ctr_rem_d = '0;
num_rounds_d = '0;
for (int i = 0; i < Sp2VWidth; i++) begin
rnd_ctr_d |= mr_rnd_ctr_d[i];
rnd_ctr_rem_d |= mr_rnd_ctr_rem_d[i];
num_rounds_d |= mr_num_rounds_d[i];
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : reg_fsm
if (!rst_ni) begin
prng_reseed_q <= 1'b0;
key_clear_q <= 1'b0;
data_out_clear_q <= 1'b0;
end else begin
prng_reseed_q <= prng_reseed_d;
key_clear_q <= key_clear_d;
data_out_clear_q <= data_out_clear_d;
// Use separate signal for key expand operation, forward round.
assign key_expand_op_o = (dec_key_gen_d == SP2V_HIGH ||
dec_key_gen_q == SP2V_HIGH) ? CIPH_FWD : op_i;
assign key_expand_round_o = rnd_ctr_q;
// Let the main controller know whate we are doing.
assign crypt_o = crypt_q;
assign dec_key_gen_o = dec_key_gen_q;
assign prng_reseed_o = prng_reseed_q;
assign key_clear_o = key_clear_q;
assign data_out_clear_o = data_out_clear_q;
// Round Counter Protection //
// To protect the round counter against fault injection, we use two counters:
// - rnd_ctr_d/q counts the executed rounds. It is initialized to 0 and counts up.
// - rnd_ctr_rem_d/q counts the remaining rounds. It is initialized to num_rounds_q and counts
// down.
// In addition, we use one parity bit for the rnd_ctr_d/q counter.
// An alert is signaled and the FSM goes into the terminal error state if
// i) the sum of the counters doesn't add up, i.e. rnd_ctr_q + rnd_ctr_rem_q != num_rounds_q, or
// ii) the parity information is incorrect.
// The following primitives are used to place size-only constraints on the
// flops in order to prevent optimizations on the protected round counter.
prim_flop #(
) u_rnd_ctr_regs (
.d_i ( rnd_ctr_d ),
.q_o ( rnd_ctr_q )
prim_flop #(
) u_rnd_ctr_rem_regs (
.d_i ( rnd_ctr_rem_d ),
.q_o ( rnd_ctr_rem_q )
prim_flop #(
) u_num_rounds_regs (
.d_i ( num_rounds_d ),
.q_o ( num_rounds_q )
prim_flop #(
) u_rnd_ctr_par_reg (
.d_i ( rnd_ctr_parity_d ),
.q_o ( rnd_ctr_parity_q )
// Generate parity bits and sum.
assign rnd_ctr_parity_d = ^rnd_ctr_d;
assign rnd_ctr_parity = ^rnd_ctr_q;
assign rnd_ctr_sum = rnd_ctr_q + rnd_ctr_rem_q;
// Detect faults.
assign rnd_ctr_err_sum = (rnd_ctr_sum != num_rounds_q) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
assign rnd_ctr_err_parity = (rnd_ctr_parity != rnd_ctr_parity_q) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
assign rnd_ctr_err = rnd_ctr_err_sum | rnd_ctr_err_parity;
// Sparsely Encoded Signals //
// We use sparse encodings for various critical signals and must ensure that:
// 1. The synthesis tool doesn't optimize away the sparse encoding.
// 2. The sparsely encoded signal is always valid. More precisely, an alert or SVA is triggered
// if a sparse signal takes on an invalid value.
// 3. The alert signal remains asserted until reset even if the sparse signal becomes valid again
// This is achieved by driving the control FSM into the terminal error state whenever any
// sparsely encoded signal becomes invalid.
// If any sparsely encoded signal becomes invalid, the cipher core further immediately de-asserts
// the out_valid_o signal to prevent any data from being released.
// The following primitives are used to place a size-only constraint on the
// flops in order to prevent optimizations on these status signals.
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] crypt_q_raw;
prim_flop #(
.Width ( Sp2VWidth ),
.ResetValue ( Sp2VWidth'(SP2V_LOW) )
) u_crypt_regs (
.clk_i ( clk_i ),
.rst_ni ( rst_ni ),
.d_i ( crypt_d ),
.q_o ( crypt_q_raw )
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] dec_key_gen_q_raw;
prim_flop #(
.Width ( Sp2VWidth ),
.ResetValue ( Sp2VWidth'(SP2V_LOW) )
) u_dec_key_gen_regs (
.clk_i ( clk_i ),
.rst_ni ( rst_ni ),
.d_i ( dec_key_gen_d ),
.q_o ( dec_key_gen_q_raw )
// We use vectors of sparsely encoded signals to reduce code duplication.
localparam int unsigned NumSp2VSig = 8;
sp2v_e [NumSp2VSig-1:0] sp2v_sig;
sp2v_e [NumSp2VSig-1:0] sp2v_sig_chk;
logic [NumSp2VSig-1:0][Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp2v_sig_chk_raw;
logic [NumSp2VSig-1:0] sp2v_sig_err;
assign sp2v_sig[0] = in_valid_i;
assign sp2v_sig[1] = out_ready_i;
assign sp2v_sig[2] = crypt_i;
assign sp2v_sig[3] = dec_key_gen_i;
assign sp2v_sig[4] = sp2v_e'(crypt_q_raw);
assign sp2v_sig[5] = sp2v_e'(dec_key_gen_q_raw);
assign sp2v_sig[6] = sub_bytes_out_req_i;
assign sp2v_sig[7] = key_expand_out_req_i;
// Individually check sparsely encoded signals.
for (genvar i = 0; i < NumSp2VSig; i++) begin : gen_sel_buf_chk
aes_sel_buf_chk #(
.Num ( Sp2VNum ),
.Width ( Sp2VWidth )
) u_aes_sp2v_sig_buf_chk_i (
.clk_i ( clk_i ),
.rst_ni ( rst_ni ),
.sel_i ( sp2v_sig[i] ),
.sel_o ( sp2v_sig_chk_raw[i] ),
.err_o ( sp2v_sig_err[i] )
assign sp2v_sig_chk[i] = sp2v_e'(sp2v_sig_chk_raw[i]);
assign in_valid = sp2v_sig_chk[0];
assign out_ready = sp2v_sig_chk[1];
assign crypt = sp2v_sig_chk[2];
assign dec_key_gen = sp2v_sig_chk[3];
assign crypt_q = sp2v_sig_chk[4];
assign dec_key_gen_q = sp2v_sig_chk[5];
assign sub_bytes_out_req = sp2v_sig_chk[6];
assign key_expand_out_req = sp2v_sig_chk[7];
// Collect encoding errors.
// We instantiate the checker modules as close as possible to where the sparsely encoded signals
// are used. Here, we collect also encoding errors detected in other places of the cipher core.
assign sp_enc_err = |sp2v_sig_err | sp_enc_err_i;
// Assertions //
// Selectors must be known/valid
`ASSERT_KNOWN(AesCiphOpKnown, op_i)