blob: 729141a4575c56f1f867f0f14477c1b8bc340905 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// One chip level interface to rule them all, and in the IOs, bind them...
// The top_earlgrey SoC provides a bunch of fixed-function and muxed IO pads. The interface serves
// as the gateway connection between the chip IOs and ALL functions mapped to the fixed and muxed
// IOs. It creates sub-interfaces for all functions and connects them all to the chip IOs together.
// The pin mapping to each function is provided in the following spreadsheet:
// All functional interfaces are internally (or externally, in this interface) gated off from
// driving the IOs at the same time. Since there are more functions than IOs, it is the test
// writer's responsibility to ensure that multiple functions that use the same IOs are not active at
// the same time. This interface provides an X-detection logic on all IOs to ensure there are no
// multiple drivers.
// This interface MUST be bound to the chip level DUT, since it references the DUT-internal signals
// via partial hierarchical paths.
interface chip_if;
import chip_common_pkg::*;
import top_earlgrey_pkg::*;
import dv_utils_pkg::*;
import uvm_pkg::*;
`include "dv_macros.svh"
`include "uvm_macros.svh"
// TODO: Move these to `include "./chip_hier_macros.svh". Deprecate ../tb/chip_hier_macros.svh.
// TODO: In Xcelium, the bind is not exposing the internal hierarchies to chip_if.
// TODO: Autogen this in top_<top>_pkg.
`ifdef XCELIUM
`define TOP_HIER tb.dut.top_earlgrey
`define TOP_HIER top_earlgrey
`define ADC_CTRL_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_adc_ctrl_aon
`define AES_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_aes
`define ALERT_HANDLER_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_alert_handler
`define AON_TIMER_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_aon_timer_aon
`define AST_HIER u_ast
`define CLKMGR_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_clkmgr_aon
`define CPU_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_rv_core_ibex
`define CPU_CORE_HIER `CPU_HIER.u_core
`define CPU_TL_ADAPT_D_HIER `CPU_HIER.tl_adapter_host_d_ibex
`define CSRNG_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_csrng
`define ENTROPY_SRC_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_entropy_src
`define EDN_HIER(i) `TOP_HIER.u_edn``i
`define FLASH_CTRL_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_flash_ctrl
`define GPIO_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_gpio
`define HMAC_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_hmac
`define I2C_HIER(i) `TOP_HIER.u_i2c``i
`define IBEX_HIER `CPU_CORE_HIER.u_ibex_core
`define IBEX_CSRS_HIER `IBEX_HIER.cs_registers_i
`define KMAC_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_kmac
`define KEYMGR_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_keymgr
`define LC_CTRL_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_lc_ctrl
`define OTP_CTRL_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_otp_ctrl
`define OTBN_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_otbn
`define PATTGEN_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_pattgen
`define PINMUX_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_pinmux_aon
`define PWM_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_pwm_aon
`define PWRMGR_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_pwrmgr_aon
`define ROM_CTRL_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_rom_ctrl
`define RSTMGR_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_rstmgr_aon
`define RV_CORE_IBEX_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_rv_core_ibex
`define RV_DM_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_rv_dm
`define RV_PLIC_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_rv_plic
`define RV_TIMER_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_rv_timer
`define SENSOR_CTRL_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_sensor_ctrl
`define SPI_DEVICE_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_spi_device
`define SPI_HOST_HIER(i) `TOP_HIER.u_spi_host``i
`define SRAM_CTRL_MAIN_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_sram_ctrl_main
`define SRAM_CTRL_RET_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_sram_ctrl_ret_aon
`define SYSRST_CTRL_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_sysrst_ctrl_aon
`define UART_HIER(i) `TOP_HIER.u_uart``i
`define USBDEV_HIER `TOP_HIER.u_usbdev
// Identifier for logs.
string MsgId = $sformatf("%m");
// Identifier for the envorinment to which this interface is passed on via uvm_config_db.
string env_name = "env";
// Directly connected to chip IOs.
// DO NOT manipulate this signal in test sequences directly. Use the individual functional
// interfaces below instead.
wire [top_earlgrey_pkg::DioPadCount-1:0] dios;
wire [top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadCount-1:0] mios;
// Functional interface: for testing ALL chip IOs, such as pinmux and padctrl tests.
pins_if#(.Width(top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadCount), .PullStrength("Weak")) mios_if(.pins(mios));
pins_if#(.Width(top_earlgrey_pkg::DioPadCount), .PullStrength("Weak")) dios_if(.pins(dios));
// Functional (dedicated) interface (input): AST misc.
wire ast_misc;
pins_if #(.Width(1), .PullStrength("Weak")) ast_misc_if(.pins(ast_misc));
// Weak pulls for DIOs.
// These weak pulls enable all DIOs to reflect a legal value. Active low signals are pulled up,
// the rest are pulled down.
// The reason for having these is because the agent interface may be connected but may not be
// "active", i.e. know what to drive. Secondly, the agent interfaces may be disconnected in favor
// of using the "bit-bang" interface dios_if for tests such as pin wake up and pad attributes. If
// weak pulls serve as a fall back when dios_if is connected, but it is not actively driving the
// chip IOs. These situations result in X-prop / SVA errors thrown by the design.
// TODO: Fix the design / SVAs or the interface agents so that no default pulls are needed at all.
function automatic void cfg_default_weak_pulls_on_dios(bit enable);
if (enable) begin
// Enable weak pull downs on DIOs.
dios_if.pins_pd = '1;
// These are active low, so pull up.
dios_if.pins_pu[top_earlgrey_pkg::DioPadPorN] = 1;
dios_if.pins_pu[top_earlgrey_pkg::DioPadUsbP] = 1;
dios_if.pins_pu[top_earlgrey_pkg::DioPadIor8] = 1;
dios_if.pins_pu[top_earlgrey_pkg::DioPadIor9] = 1;
// No need of pulls for the SPI host peripheral.
dios_if.pins_pd[top_earlgrey_pkg::DioPadSpiHostCsL:top_earlgrey_pkg::DioPadSpiHostD0] = '0;
end else begin
initial begin
// X-check monitor on the muxed chip IOs.
// Chip IOs must always either be undriven or driven to a known value. Xs indicate multiple
// drivers, which is an issue likely caused by multiple functions simultaneously attempting to
// control the shared (muxed) pads.
for (genvar i = top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoa0; i < top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadCount; i++)
begin : gen_mios_x_check
wire glitch_free_io;
assign #1ps glitch_free_io = mios[i];
top_earlgrey_pkg::mio_pad_e named_io = top_earlgrey_pkg::mio_pad_e'(i);
always (* xprop_off *) @(glitch_free_io) begin
if (glitch_free_io === 1'bx) begin
`uvm_error(MsgId, $sformatf("Detected an X on %0s",
end : gen_mios_x_check
// Functional interfaces.
// The section below creates functional interfaces and connects the signals to the `d|mios` wires.
// Depending on the type of the IO, the following signaling choices are made:
// - For all dedicated and muxed IOs that are spare pins:
// - Create pins_if instance, since it internally has direction controls. If a dedicated IO has
// fixed direction, we still create a pins_if instance so that the default weak pulls
// implemented in d|mios_if work properly.
// - IO peripheral interfaces:
// - Create the corresponding IO interface, such as uart_if.
// - Ideally, the interface agent must internally provide direction control, especially for
// signals driven into the chip.
// - If that is infeasible, then create a control signal locally.
// - Internal probes and forces:
// - Create `logic` or equivalent data type signals, or create the UVM agent interfaces.
// DO NOT USE logic datatype to drive the d|mios signals directly.
// On the muxed IOs, multiple functional interfaces are connected to the same `mios` wires. A
// single `mios` wire cannot be driven by more than one function at the same time. This must be
// properly by the test sequence, which will enable the direction control for the required
// interfaces based on the test's needs at the right times. If multiple drivers are found, the
// unknown monitor above will throw a fatal error and exit the simulation.
// Functional (dedicated) interface (input): power on reset input.
pins_if #(.Width(1), .PullStrength("Weak")) por_n_if(.pins(dios[top_earlgrey_pkg::DioPadPorN]));
// Functional (dedicated) interface (inout): USB.
// TODO!
// Functional (dedicated) interface (input): CC1, CC2.
pins_if #(.Width(2), .PullStrength("Weak")) cc_if(
// Functional (dedicated) interface (analog input): flash test volt.
pins_if #(.Width(1), .PullStrength("Weak")) flash_test_volt_if(
// Functional (dedicated) interface (input): flash test mode0.
pins_if #(.Width(2), .PullStrength("Weak")) flash_test_mode_if(
// Functional (dedicated) interface (analog input): OTP ext volt.
pins_if #(.Width(1), .PullStrength("Weak")) otp_ext_volt_if(
// Functional (dedicated) interface: SPI host interface (drives traffic into the chip).
bit enable_spi_host = 1;
bit enable_spi_tpm;
spi_if spi_host_if(
.sio (dios[top_earlgrey_pkg::DioPadSpiDevD3:top_earlgrey_pkg::DioPadSpiDevD0])
assign dios[top_earlgrey_pkg::DioPadSpiDevClk] = enable_spi_host | enable_spi_tpm ?
spi_host_if.sck : 1'bz;
assign dios[top_earlgrey_pkg::DioPadSpiDevCsL] = enable_spi_host ? spi_host_if.csb[0] : 1'bz;
assign mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoa7] = enable_spi_tpm ? spi_host_if.csb[1] : 1'bz;
initial begin
uvm_config_db#(virtual spi_if)::set(null, "*.env.m_spi_host_agent*", "vif", spi_host_if);
do begin
spi_host_if.disconnect(!enable_spi_host & !enable_spi_tpm);
@(enable_spi_host | enable_spi_tpm);
end while (1);
// Functional (dedicated) interface: SPI device 0 interface (receives traffic from the chip).
// TODO: Update spi_if to emit all signals as inout ports and internal drivers on all ports.
bit [NUM_SPI_HOSTS-1:0] __enable_spi_device;
spi_if spi_device0_if(
.sio (dios[top_earlgrey_pkg::DioPadSpiHostD3:
assign spi_device0_if.sck = __enable_spi_device[0] ?
dios[top_earlgrey_pkg::DioPadSpiHostClk] : 1'bz;
assign spi_device0_if.csb = __enable_spi_device[0] ?
{'1, dios[top_earlgrey_pkg::DioPadSpiHostCsL]} : '1;
initial begin
uvm_config_db#(virtual spi_if)::set(null, "*.env.m_spi_device_agents0*", "vif", spi_device0_if);
do begin
end while(1);
// Functional (muxed) interface: SPI device 1 interface (receives traffic from the chip).
spi_if spi_device1_if(
.sio ({mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob6], // sio[3]
mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob5], // sio[2]
mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob4], // sio[1]
mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob3]}) // sio[0]
assign spi_device1_if.sck = __enable_spi_device[1] ?
mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob0] : 1'bz;
assign spi_device1_if.csb = __enable_spi_device[1] ?
{'1, mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob1]} : '1;
initial begin
uvm_config_db#(virtual spi_if)::set(null, "*.env.m_spi_device_agents1*", "vif", spi_device1_if);
do begin
end while(1);
// Enables tb spi_device, which connects to dut spi_host
function automatic void enable_spi_device(int inst_num, bit enable);
`DV_CHECK_FATAL(inst_num inside {[0:NUM_SPI_HOSTS-1]}, , MsgId)
`uvm_info(MsgId, $sformatf("enable spi device %0d", inst_num), UVM_LOW)
__enable_spi_device[inst_num] = enable;
endfunction : enable_spi_device
// Functional (dedicated) interface (inout): EC reset.
pins_if #(.Width(1), .PullStrength("Weak")) ec_rst_l_if(
// Functional (dedicated) interface (inout): flash write protect.
pins_if #(.Width(1), .PullStrength("Weak")) flash_wp_l_if(
// Functional (dedicated) interface (inout): power button.
pins_if #(.Width(1), .PullStrength("Weak")) pwrb_in_if(
); // TODO: move to R0.
// Functional (muxed) interface: sysrst_ctrl.
// TODO: Replace with sysrst_ctrl IP level interface.
// TODO; combine all into 1 single sysrst_ctrl_if.
pins_if #(.Width(8), .PullStrength("Weak")) sysrst_ctrl_if(
.pins({mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIor6], mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIor5],
mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoc9], mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoc7],
mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob9], mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob8],
mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob6], mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob3]})
// Functional (muxed) interface: DFT straps.
pins_if #(.Width(2), .PullStrength("Weak")) dft_straps_if(
// Functional (muxed) interface: TAP straps.
pins_if #(.Width(2), .PullStrength("Weak")) tap_straps_if(
.pins({mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoc5], mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoc8]})
// Weakly pulldown TAP & DFT strap pins in DFT-enabled LC states.
// The TAP strap sampling logic continuously samples the strap values in DFT-enabled LC
// state to allow fast-switching back and forth between LC and RV_DM TAPs. The TAP strap pins are
// muxed IOs which are unconnected to any interface by default, leaving them in an undriven state.
// The test may put the chip in such an LC state for various reasons. Such tests may not even
// set the TAP strap pins or exercise the JTAG interface. The side-effect of this is, when the
// continuous strap sampling logic samples an undriven value, it results in X-propagation. To
// avoid that, it is necessary to weakly pull down the strap pins. The DFT strap pins have a
// same issue, except that it is sampled only once during power up.
// The pinmux version of lc_dft_en is used below because it goes through synchronizers.
wire pinmux_lc_dft_en = (`PINMUX_HIER.u_pinmux_strap_sampling.lc_dft_en[0] == lc_ctrl_pkg::On);
wire pinmux_lc_hw_debug_en = `PINMUX_HIER.u_pinmux_strap_sampling.pinmux_hw_debug_en_o ==
wire pwrmgr_fast_pwr_state_strap_en = `PINMUX_HIER.u_pinmux_strap_sampling.strap_en_q;
initial begin
forever @(pwrmgr_fast_pwr_state_strap_en or pinmux_lc_dft_en) begin
// TAP straps are continuously sampled in active power.
if (pinmux_lc_dft_en || pwrmgr_fast_pwr_state_strap_en) begin
tap_straps_if.pins_pd = '1;
end else begin
tap_straps_if.pins_pd = '0;
// DFT straps are sampled only once, during a specific pwrmgr FSM state.
if (pinmux_lc_dft_en && pwrmgr_fast_pwr_state_strap_en) begin
dft_straps_if.pins_pd = '1;
end else begin
dft_straps_if.pins_pd = '0;
// Set JTAG TAP straps during the next powerup.
// The function waits for the pwrmgr fast FSM state to reach the strap sampling state and sets the
// JTAG TAP strap pins to the desired values. This function must be called after asserting POR
// or just before a new low power entry. The strap pins are set the moment pwrmgr FSM reaches the
// strap sampling state. The strap interface is disconnected from the chip IOs immediately once
// the pwrmgr advances to the next state, so that the chip IOs are freed up for other uses.
// In DFT-enabled LC state, the TAP straps are continuously sampled to allow switching back and
// forth between RV_DM and LC TAPs. For this usecase, the test sequence can set the TAP straps
// directly using the tap_straps_if interface.
// This method is non-blocking - it immediately returns back to the caller after spawning a
// thread. Care must be taken to ensure the calling thread is not killed unless desired.
function automatic void set_tap_straps_on_powerup(chip_jtag_tap_e tap_strap);
fork begin
wait (pwrmgr_fast_pwr_state_strap_en);;
wait (!pwrmgr_fast_pwr_state_strap_en);
end join_none
// Set DFT straps during the next powerup.
// Similar in behavior to set_tap_straps_on_next_powerup(), but used for setting the DFT straps.
function automatic void set_dft_straps_on_powerup(bit [1:0] dft_strap);
fork begin
wait (pwrmgr_fast_pwr_state_strap_en);;
wait (!pwrmgr_fast_pwr_state_strap_en);
end join_none
// Functional (muxed) interface: SW straps.
pins_if #(.Width(3), .PullStrength("Weak")) sw_straps_if(
// Functional (muxed) interface: GPIOs.
// The pins allocated for GPIOs overlap with several other functions, but that is ok. For pre-Si
// DV, the directed tests that verify the GPIOs are not likely to also enable other functions that
// overlap with these pins. If they do, we could set masks and limit the GPIOs to a smaller
// subset. The selection below prevents as much contention as possible on the IOs, considering
// various modes the testbench AND the device can be in.
pins_if #(.Width(NUM_GPIOS), .PullStrength("Weak")) gpios_if(
.pins({mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIor13], mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIor12],
mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIor11], mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIor10],
mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIor7], mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIor6],
mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIor5], mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIor4],
mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIor3], mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIor2],
mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIor1], mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIor0],
mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoc12], mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoc11],
mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoc10], mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoc9],
mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob12], mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob11],
mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob10], mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob9],
mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob8], mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob7],
mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob6], mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoa8],
mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoa7], mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoa6],
mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoa5], mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoa4],
mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoa3], mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoa2],
mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoa1], mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoa0]})
// Functional (muxed) interface: JTAG (valid during debug enabled LC state only).
// To connect the JTAG interface to chip IOs, just set the TAP strap to the desired value.
// Whether the desired JTAG TAP will actually selected or not depends on the LC state and the
// window of time when the TAP straps are set. It is upto the test sequence to orchestrate it
// correctly. Disconnect the TAP strap interface to free up the muxed IOs.
wire __enable_jtag = |tap_straps_if.pins_oe;
jtag_if jtag_if();
assign mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIor0] = __enable_jtag ? jtag_if.tms : 1'bz;
assign jtag_if.tdo = __enable_jtag ? mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIor1] : 1'bz;
assign mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIor2] = __enable_jtag ? jtag_if.tdi : 1'bz;
assign mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIor3] = __enable_jtag ? jtag_if.tck : 1'bz;
assign mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIor4] = __enable_jtag ? jtag_if.trst_n : 1'bz;
function automatic void set_tdo_pull(bit value);
if (value) begin
mios_if.pins_pd[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIor1] = 0;
mios_if.pins_pu[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIor1] = 1;
end else begin
mios_if.pins_pu[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIor1] = 0;
mios_if.pins_pd[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIor1] = 1;
// Functional (muxed) interface: Flash controller JTAG.
bit enable_flash_ctrl_jtag, flash_ctrl_jtag_enabled;
jtag_if flash_ctrl_jtag_if();
// TODO: Revisit this logic.
wire lc_hw_debug_en = (`LC_CTRL_HIER.lc_hw_debug_en_o == lc_ctrl_pkg::On);
assign flash_ctrl_jtag_enabled = enable_flash_ctrl_jtag && lc_hw_debug_en;
assign mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob0] = flash_ctrl_jtag_enabled ?
flash_ctrl_jtag_if.tms : 1'bz;
assign flash_ctrl_jtag_if.tdo = flash_ctrl_jtag_enabled ?
mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob1] : 1'bz;
assign mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob2] = flash_ctrl_jtag_enabled ?
flash_ctrl_jtag_if.tdi : 1'bz;
assign mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob3] = flash_ctrl_jtag_enabled ?
flash_ctrl_jtag_if.tck : 1'bz;
// Functional (muxed) interface: AST2PAD.
pins_if #(.Width(9), .PullStrength("Weak")) ast2pad_if(
.pins({mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoa0], mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoa1],
mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob3], mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob4],
mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob5], mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoc0],
mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoc4], mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoc7],
// Functional (muxed) interface: PAD2AST.
pins_if #(.Width(8), .PullStrength("Weak")) pad2ast_if(
.pins({mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoa4], mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoa5],
mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob0], mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob1],
mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob2], mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoc1],
mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoc2], mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoc3]})
// Functional (muxed) interface: Pin wake up signal.
// TODO: For these tests, use chip_pins_if instead, so that any pin can be configured to wakeup.
pins_if #(.Width(1), .PullStrength("Weak")) pinmux_wkup_if(
// Functional (muxed) interface: UARTs.
localparam int AssignedUartTxIos[NUM_UARTS] = {
top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoc4, top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob5,
top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoa5, top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoa1
localparam int AssignedUartRxIos[NUM_UARTS] = {
top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoc3, top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob4,
top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoa4, top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoa0
bit [NUM_UARTS-1:0] __enable_uart; // Internal signal.
for (genvar i = 0; i < NUM_UARTS; i++) begin : gen_uart_if_conn
uart_if uart_if();
assign mios[AssignedUartRxIos[i]] = __enable_uart[i] ? uart_if.uart_rx : 1'bz;
assign uart_if.uart_tx = __enable_uart[i] ? mios[AssignedUartTxIos[i]] : 1'b1;
initial begin
uvm_config_db#(virtual uart_if)::set(null, $sformatf("*.env.m_uart_agent%0d*", i),
"vif", uart_if);
end : gen_uart_if_conn
// Connects / disconnects the UART interfaces to / from the chip IOs.
// The pinmux must be programmed to connect the UART peripheral to the IO pins referenced above,
// in addition to UART interface being connected to the chip IOs. There may be a delay between
// these two events. When the test sequence enables UART on the chip IOs, we immediately flip
// the default pull on the assigned chip IOs to weak pullup to ensure protocol compliance.
function automatic void enable_uart(int inst_num, bit enable);
`DV_CHECK_FATAL(inst_num inside {[0:NUM_UARTS-1]}, , MsgId)
mios_if.pins_pu[AssignedUartTxIos[inst_num]] = enable;
mios_if.pins_pu[AssignedUartRxIos[inst_num]] = enable;
__enable_uart[inst_num] = enable;
// Functional (muxed) interface: I2Cs.
bit [NUM_I2CS-1:0] __enable_i2c = {NUM_I2CS{1'b0}}; // Internal signal.
// {ioa7, ioa8}, {iob9, iob10}, {iob11, iob12} are the i2c connections
localparam int AssignedI2cSclIos [NUM_I2CS] = {
localparam int AssignedI2cSdaIos [NUM_I2CS] = {
// This part unfortunately has to be hardcoded since the macro cannot interpret a genvar.
wire [NUM_I2CS-1:0]i2c_clks = {`I2C_HIER(2).clk_i, `I2C_HIER(1).clk_i, `I2C_HIER(0).clk_i};
wire [NUM_I2CS-1:0]i2c_rsts = {`I2C_HIER(2).rst_ni, `I2C_HIER(1).rst_ni, `I2C_HIER(0).rst_ni};
for (genvar i = 0; i < NUM_I2CS; i++) begin : gen_i2c_if
i2c_if i2c_if(
// connect to agents
initial begin
uvm_config_db#(virtual i2c_if)::set(null, $sformatf("*.env.m_i2c_agent%0d*", i),
"vif", i2c_if);
function automatic void enable_i2c(int inst_num, bit enable);
`DV_CHECK_FATAL(inst_num inside {[0:NUM_I2CS-1]}, , MsgId)
mios_if.pins_pu[AssignedI2cSclIos[inst_num]] = enable;
mios_if.pins_pd[AssignedI2cSclIos[inst_num]] = 0;
mios_if.pins_pu[AssignedI2cSdaIos[inst_num]] = enable;
mios_if.pins_pd[AssignedI2cSdaIos[inst_num]] = 0;
__enable_i2c[inst_num] = enable;
// Functional (muxed) interface: PWM.
localparam int AssignedPwmIos[NUM_PWM_CHANNELS] = {
top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob10, top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob11, top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIob12,
top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoc10, top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoc11, top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoc12
for (genvar i = 0; i < NUM_PWM_CHANNELS; i++) begin : gen_pwm_if_conn
pwm_if pwm_if(.clk (`CLKMGR_HIER.clocks_o.clk_aon_powerup),
.pwm (mios[AssignedPwmIos[i]]));
initial begin
uvm_config_db#(virtual pwm_if)::set(null, $sformatf("*.env.m_pwm_monitor%0d*", i), "vif",
end : gen_pwm_if_conn
// Functional (muxed) interface: PATTGEN
// each channel has pda, pcl
bit __enable_pattgen = 0;
pattgen_if #(NUM_PATTGEN_CH) pattgen_if();
assign pattgen_if.rst_ni = `PATTGEN_HIER.rst_ni;
assign pattgen_if.clk_i = `PATTGEN_HIER.clk_i;
assign pattgen_if.pda_tx = !__enable_pattgen ? {NUM_PATTGEN_CH{1'bz}} :
assign pattgen_if.pcl_tx = !__enable_pattgen ? {NUM_PATTGEN_CH{1'bz}} :
initial begin
uvm_config_db#(virtual pattgen_if)::set(null, "*.env.m_pattgen_agent*", "vif", pattgen_if);
function automatic void enable_pattgen(bit enable);
__enable_pattgen = enable;
// Functional (muxed) interface: external clock source.
// The reset port is passive only.
clk_rst_if#("ExtClkDriver") ext_clk_if(
.clk (mios[top_earlgrey_pkg::MioPadIoc6]),
// Internal probes / monitors.
wire sys_clk = `CLKMGR_HIER.clocks_o.clk_main_powerup;
wire sys_rst_n = `RSTMGR_HIER.resets_o.rst_sys_n[0];
clk_rst_if sys_clk_rst_if(.clk(sys_clk), .rst_n(sys_rst_n));
wire cpu_clk = `CPU_HIER.clk_i;
wire cpu_rst_n = `CPU_HIER.rst_ni;
clk_rst_if cpu_clk_rst_if(.clk(cpu_clk), .rst_n(cpu_rst_n));
wire aon_clk = `CLKMGR_HIER.clocks_o.clk_aon_powerup;
wire aon_rst_n = `RSTMGR_HIER.resets_o.rst_por_aon_n[0];
clk_rst_if aon_clk_por_rst_if(.clk(aon_clk), .rst_n(aon_rst_n));
wire usb_clk = `USBDEV_HIER.clk_i;
wire usb_rst_n = `USBDEV_HIER.rst_ni;
clk_rst_if usb_clk_rst_if(.clk(usb_clk), .rst_n(usb_rst_n));
wire io_div4_clk = `CLKMGR_HIER.clocks_o.clk_io_div4_powerup;
wire io_div4_rst_n = `RSTMGR_HIER.resets_o.rst_por_io_div4_n[0];
clk_rst_if io_div4_clk_rst_if(.clk(io_div4_clk), .rst_n(io_div4_rst_n));
wire lc_ready = `LC_CTRL_HIER.u_reg.u_status_ready.qs;
wire pwrmgr_low_power = `PWRMGR_HIER.low_power_o;
wire pwrmgr_cpu_fetch_en = `PWRMGR_HIER.fetch_en_o == lc_ctrl_pkg::On;
wire pwrmgr_fast_pwr_state_active = `PWRMGR_HIER.u_fsm.state_q
== pwrmgr_pkg::FastPwrStateActive;
wire rom_ctrl_done = `PWRMGR_HIER.rom_ctrl_i.done == prim_mubi_pkg::MuBi4True;
wire rom_ctrl_good = `PWRMGR_HIER.rom_ctrl_i.good == prim_mubi_pkg::MuBi4True;
wire rv_core_ibex_icache_otp_key_req = `RV_CORE_IBEX_HIER.icache_otp_key_o.req;
wire rv_core_ibex_icache_otp_key_ack = `RV_CORE_IBEX_HIER.icache_otp_key_i.ack;
wire sram_main_init_done = `SRAM_CTRL_MAIN_HIER.u_reg_regs.status_init_done_qs;
wire sram_ret_init_done = `SRAM_CTRL_RET_HIER.u_reg_regs.status_init_done_qs;
wire flash_core1_host_req = `FLASH_CTRL_HIER.u_eflash.gen_flash_cores[1].u_core.host_req_i;
wire adc_data_valid = `AST_HIER.u_adc.adc_d_val_o;
// alert_esc_if alert_if[NUM_ALERTS](.clk (`ALERT_HANDLER_HIER.clk_i),
// .rst_n(`ALERT_HANDLER_HIER.rst_ni));
// for (genvar i = 0; i < NUM_ALERTS; i++) begin : gen_alert_rx_conn
// assign alert_if[i].alert_rx = `ALERT_HANDLER_HIER.alert_rx_o[i];
// end
alerts_if alerts_if(.clk(`ALERT_HANDLER_HIER.clk_i), .rst_ni(`ALERT_HANDLER_HIER.rst_ni),
// TODO: use pwrmgr_low_power, internal aon clk / rst monitor instead.
pwrmgr_low_power_if pwrmgr_low_power_if(.clk (`CLKMGR_HIER.clocks_o.clk_aon_powerup),
.rst_n (`RSTMGR_HIER.resets_o.rst_por_io_div4_n[0]));
assign pwrmgr_low_power_if.low_power = `PWRMGR_HIER.low_power_o;
assign pwrmgr_low_power_if.in_sleep = `PWRMGR_HIER.u_fsm.state_q
== pwrmgr_pkg::FastPwrStateLowPower;
assign pwrmgr_low_power_if.deep_powerdown = ~`PWRMGR_HIER.pwr_ast_i.main_pok;
// clkmgr related: SW controlled clock gating contol signals reflecting the actual status
// of these clocks.
wire aes_clk_is_enabled = `CLKMGR_HIER.u_reg.hw2reg.clk_hints_status.clk_main_aes_val.d;
wire hmac_clk_is_enabled = `CLKMGR_HIER.u_reg.hw2reg.clk_hints_status.clk_main_hmac_val.d;
wire kmac_clk_is_enabled = `CLKMGR_HIER.u_reg.hw2reg.clk_hints_status.clk_main_kmac_val.d;
wire otbn_clk_is_enabled = `CLKMGR_HIER.u_reg.hw2reg.clk_hints_status.clk_main_otbn_val.d;
wire usbdev_clk_is_enabled = `CLKMGR_HIER.u_reg.reg2hw.clk_enables.clk_usb_peri_en.q;
wire io_clk_is_enabled = `CLKMGR_HIER.u_reg.reg2hw.clk_enables.clk_io_peri_en.q;
wire io_div2_clk_is_enabled = `CLKMGR_HIER.u_reg.reg2hw.clk_enables.clk_io_div2_peri_en.q;
wire io_div4_clk_is_enabled = `CLKMGR_HIER.u_reg.reg2hw.clk_enables.clk_io_div4_peri_en.q;
// Ibex monitors.
ibex_pkg::pmp_mseccfg_t pmp_mseccfg;
ibex_pkg::pmp_cfg_t pmp_cfg[16];
wire [31:0] pmp_addr[16];
// TODO: merge with probed_cpu_csrs_t below.
assign pmp_mseccfg = `IBEX_CSRS_HIER.g_pmp_registers.pmp_mseccfg_q;
for(genvar i = 0; i < 16; i++) begin : gen_ibex_pmp_cfg_conn
assign pmp_cfg[i] = `IBEX_CSRS_HIER.g_pmp_registers.pmp_cfg[i];
assign pmp_addr[i] = `IBEX_CSRS_HIER.g_pmp_registers.pmp_addr[i];
end : gen_ibex_pmp_cfg_conn
wire mstatus_mie = `IBEX_CSRS_HIER.mstatus_q.mie;
// Probed Ibex CSRs.
typedef struct packed {
logic [31:0][31:0] gprs;
// Debug CSRs.
jtag_rv_debugger_pkg::rv_core_csr_dcsr_t dcsr;
logic [31:0] dpc;
logic [31:0] dscratch0;
logic [31:0] dscratch1;
// Machine mode CSRs.
logic [31:0] mstatus;
logic [31:0] mepc;
logic [31:0] mcause;
} probed_cpu_csrs_t;
wire probed_cpu_csrs_t probed_cpu_csrs;
for (genvar i = 0; i < 32; i++) begin : gen_probed_cpu_csrs_conn
assign probed_cpu_csrs.gprs[i] = `CPU_CORE_HIER.gen_regfile_ff.register_file_i.rf_reg[i][31:0];
assign probed_cpu_csrs.dcsr = jtag_rv_debugger_pkg::rv_core_csr_dcsr_t'(
assign probed_cpu_csrs.dpc =
assign probed_cpu_csrs.dscratch0 =
assign probed_cpu_csrs.dscratch1 =
assign probed_cpu_csrs.mstatus =
assign probed_cpu_csrs.mepc =
assign probed_cpu_csrs.mcause =
// Stub CPU envorinment.
// The initial value is sought from a plusarg. It can however, be set by the sequence on the fly
// as well. If enabled, the following things happen:
// 1. The clock to the CPU is forced off.
// 2. The address translation modules in rv_core_ibex are held in reset.
// 3. The TL agent interface takes over the tl_d interface on the adapter.
bit stub_cpu;
tl_if cpu_d_tl_if(.clk(cpu_clk), .rst_n(cpu_rst_n));
initial begin
void'($value$plusargs("stub_cpu=%0b", stub_cpu));
forever begin
if (stub_cpu) begin
// silence the main cpu clock to ensure there are no transactions.
// also silence the translation modules as they contain arbiters
// that are unhappy with X's, which can happen if csr_rw happens to
// hit the right register during testing.
// We cannot kill all clocks to CPU_CORE because the DV hijack point
// is in front of a FIFO, so potentially this can kill transactions
// being buffered.
force `CPU_CORE_HIER.clk_i = 1'b0;
force `CPU_HIER.u_ibus_trans.rst_ni = 1'b0;
force `CPU_HIER.u_dbus_trans.rst_ni = 1'b0;
force `CPU_TL_ADAPT_D_HIER.tl_out = cpu_d_tl_if.h2d;
force cpu_d_tl_if.d2h = `CPU_TL_ADAPT_D_HIER.tl_i;
// TL command integrity gen is in the design data path. TL driver provides correct cmd intg.
// Here forces it to random value to ensure that design generates the cmd intg
forever begin : stub_cpu_cmd_intg_thread
if (cpu_d_tl_if.h2d.a_valid) begin
force `CPU_TL_ADAPT_D_HIER.tl_out.a_user.cmd_intg = $urandom;
end else begin
release `CPU_TL_ADAPT_D_HIER.tl_out.a_user.cmd_intg;
end else begin
// when en_sim_sram == 1, need to make sure the access to sim_sram doesn't appear on
// cpu_d_tl_if, otherwise, we may have unmapped access as scb doesn't regnize addresses of
// sim_sram. `CPU_HIER.tl_d_* is the right place to avoid seeing sim_sram accesses
force cpu_d_tl_if.h2d = `CPU_HIER.cored_tl_h_o;
force cpu_d_tl_if.d2h = `CPU_HIER.cored_tl_h_i;
disable stub_cpu_cmd_intg_thread;
// Pass interface handles to uvm_config_db.
// Since the chip_if handle itself will be passed to the chip env, there is no need to set
// sub-interface handles that are consumed by the chip env. Only pass the sub-interface handles
// for external interface agents.
initial begin
// TODO: Update once jtag_riscv_agent is replaced with jtag_dmi_agent / SBA accessor.
uvm_config_db#(virtual jtag_if)::set(null, "*.env.m_jtag_riscv_agent*", "vif", jtag_if);
uvm_config_db#(virtual tl_if)::set(
null, "*.env.m_tl_agent_chip_reg_block*", "vif", cpu_d_tl_if);
// foreach (alert_if[i]) begin
// uvm_config_db#(virtual alert_esc_if)::set(null, $sformatf("*.env.m_alert_agent_%0s",
// LIST_OF_ALERTS[i]), "vif", alert_if[i]);
// end
// Helper methods.
// Disconnects all interfaces from chip IOs.
// Provides the test sequence a fresh start to connect specific interfaces needed by the test.
// The por_n_if is exempt from this. The disconnection of default pulls using dios_if is
// conditioned on the `disconnect_default_pulls` arg.
function automatic void disconnect_all_interfaces(bit disconnect_default_pulls);
`uvm_info(MsgId, "Disconnecting all interfaces from the chip IOs", UVM_LOW)
if (disconnect_default_pulls) dios_if.disconnect();
enable_flash_ctrl_jtag = 0;
enable_spi_host = 1'b 0;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_UARTS; i++) enable_uart(.inst_num(i), .enable(0));
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SPI_HOSTS; i++) enable_spi_device(.inst_num(i), .enable(0));
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_I2CS; i++) enable_i2c(.inst_num(i), .enable(0));
ext_clk_if.set_active(0, 0);
// Verifies an LC control signal broadcast by the LC controller.
function automatic void check_lc_ctrl_enable_signal(lc_ctrl_signal_e signal, bit expected_value);
lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t value;
case (signal)
LcCtrlSignalDftEn: value = `LC_CTRL_HIER.lc_dft_en_o;
LcCtrlSignalNvmDebugEn: value = `LC_CTRL_HIER.lc_nvm_debug_en_o;
LcCtrlSignalHwDebugEn: value = `LC_CTRL_HIER.lc_hw_debug_en_o;
LcCtrlSignalCpuEn: value = `LC_CTRL_HIER.lc_cpu_en_o;
LcCtrlSignalCreatorSeedEn:value = `LC_CTRL_HIER.lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en_o;
LcCtrlSignalOwnerSeedEn: value = `LC_CTRL_HIER.lc_owner_seed_sw_rw_en_o;
LcCtrlSignalIsoRdEn: value = `LC_CTRL_HIER.lc_iso_part_sw_rd_en_o;
LcCtrlSignalIsoWrEn: value = `LC_CTRL_HIER.lc_iso_part_sw_wr_en_o;
LcCtrlSignalSeedRdEn: value = `LC_CTRL_HIER.lc_seed_hw_rd_en_o;
LcCtrlSignalKeyMgrEn: value = `LC_CTRL_HIER.lc_keymgr_en_o;
LcCtrlSignalEscEn: value = `LC_CTRL_HIER.lc_escalate_en_o;
LcCtrlSignalCheckBypEn: value = `LC_CTRL_HIER.lc_check_byp_en_o;
default: `uvm_fatal(MsgId, $sformatf("Bad choice: %0s",
if (expected_value ~^ (value == lc_ctrl_pkg::On)) begin
`uvm_info(MsgId, $sformatf("LC control signal %0s: value = %0s matched",,, UVM_HIGH)
end else begin
`uvm_error(MsgId, $sformatf("LC control signal %0s: value = %0s mismatched",,
// Verifies all LC control signals broadcast by the LC controller.
function automatic void check_lc_ctrl_all_enable_signals(
bit [LcCtrlSignalNumTotal-1:0] expected_values);
foreach (expected_values[i]) begin
check_lc_ctrl_enable_signal(lc_ctrl_signal_e'(i), expected_values[i]);
// Returns string path to an IP block instance.
// TODO: Autogen this in top_<top>_pkg.
function automatic string get_hier_path(top_earlgrey_pkg::peripheral_e peripheral);
string path = dv_utils_pkg::get_parent_hier($sformatf("%m"));
case (peripheral)
PeripheralAdcCtrlAon: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`ADC_CTRL_HIER)};
PeripheralAes: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`AES_HIER)};
PeripheralAlertHandler: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`ALERT_HANDLER_HIER)};
PeripheralAonTimerAon: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`AON_TIMER_HIER)};
PeripheralAst: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`AST_HIER)};
PeripheralClkmgrAon: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`CLKMGR_HIER)};
PeripheralCsrng: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`CSRNG_HIER)};
PeripheralEdn0: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`EDN_HIER(0))};
PeripheralEdn1: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`EDN_HIER(1))};
PeripheralEntropySrc: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`ENTROPY_SRC_HIER)};
PeripheralFlashCtrl: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`FLASH_CTRL_HIER)};
PeripheralGpio: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`GPIO_HIER)};
PeripheralHmac: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`HMAC_HIER)};
PeripheralI2c0: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`I2C_HIER(0))};
PeripheralI2c1: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`I2C_HIER(1))};
PeripheralI2c2: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`I2C_HIER(2))};
PeripheralKeymgr: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`KEYMGR_HIER)};
PeripheralKmac: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`KMAC_HIER)};
PeripheralLcCtrl: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`LC_CTRL_HIER)};
PeripheralOtbn: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`OTBN_HIER)};
PeripheralOtpCtrl: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`OTP_CTRL_HIER)};
PeripheralPattgen: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`PATTGEN_HIER)};
PeripheralPinmuxAon: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`PINMUX_HIER)};
PeripheralPwmAon: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`PWM_HIER)};
PeripheralPwrmgrAon: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`PWRMGR_HIER)};
PeripheralRomCtrl: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`ROM_CTRL_HIER)};
PeripheralRstmgrAon: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`RSTMGR_HIER)};
PeripheralRvCoreIbex: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`RV_CORE_IBEX_HIER)};
PeripheralRvDm: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`RV_DM_HIER)};
PeripheralRvPlic: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`RV_PLIC_HIER)};
PeripheralRvTimer: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`RV_TIMER_HIER)};
PeripheralSensorCtrl: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`SENSOR_CTRL_HIER)};
PeripheralSpiDevice: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`SPI_DEVICE_HIER)};
PeripheralSpiHost0: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`SPI_HOST_HIER(0))};
PeripheralSpiHost1: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`SPI_HOST_HIER(1))};
PeripheralSramCtrlMain: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`SRAM_CTRL_MAIN_HIER)};
PeripheralSramCtrlRetAon: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`SRAM_CTRL_RET_HIER)};
PeripheralSysrstCtrlAon: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`SYSRST_CTRL_HIER)};
PeripheralUart0: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`UART_HIER(0))};
PeripheralUart1: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`UART_HIER(1))};
PeripheralUart2: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`UART_HIER(2))};
PeripheralUart3: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`UART_HIER(3))};
PeripheralUsbdev: path = {path, ".", `DV_STRINGIFY(`USBDEV_HIER)};
default: `uvm_fatal(MsgId, $sformatf("Bad peripheral: %0s",
return path;
// Disable SVAs in certain hierarchies specific to tests.
bit chip_padctrl_attributes_test_sva_disable;
bit chip_sw_sleep_pin_mio_dio_val_sva_disable;
* Helper methods for forcing internal signals.
* The macros invoked below create a static function to sample / force / release an internal
* signal. Please see definition in `hw/dv/sv/dv_utils/dv_macros.svh` for more details.
// Signal probe function for LC program error signal in OTP ctrl.
`OTP_CTRL_HIER.u_otp_ctrl_lci.lc_err_o, 1)
// Signal probe function for wait cycle mask in alert handler.
// Signal probe function for keymgr key state.
// Signal probe function for RX idle detection in usbdev.
// Signal probe function for se0 signal in usbdev.
// Signal probe function for link reset signal in usbdev.
// Signal probe function for SOF valid signal in usbdev.
// Signal probe function for peripheral to MIO in pinmux.
wire [UVM_HDL_MAX_WIDTH-1:0] mio_to_periph = `PINMUX_HIER.mio_to_periph_o;
// Signal probe function for peripheral to MIO output enable in pinmux.
// Signal probe function for peripheral to DIO in pinmux.
wire [UVM_HDL_MAX_WIDTH-1:0] dio_to_periph = `PINMUX_HIER.dio_to_periph_o;
// We cannot force bits 12:13 since they are inputs. So we split the probe functions into two.
// TODO: Find a more elegant solution for this.
// Signal probe function for peripheral to DIO output enable in pinmux.
// Signal probe function for `vendor_test_ctrl` request from LC_CTRL to OTP_CTRL.
`undef TOP_HIER
`undef AES_HIER
`undef AST_HIER
`undef CPU_HIER
`undef EDN_HIER
`undef GPIO_HIER
`undef HMAC_HIER
`undef I2C_HIER
`undef KMAC_HIER
`undef OTBN_HIER
`undef PWM_HIER
`undef RV_DM_HIER
`undef UART_HIER