blob: 77fdbb79e998c4f1ad2da9a13ff1fbf719c98131 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// This module implements generic reset controls
`include ""
module rstmgr_ctrl
import rstmgr_pkg::*;
import rstmgr_reg_pkg::*;
input clk_i,
input [PowerDomains-1:0] rst_req_i,
input [PowerDomains-1:0] rst_parent_ni, // parent reset
output logic [PowerDomains-1:0] rst_no,
input scanmode_i,
input scan_rst_ni
// the always on root reset
logic rst_aon_n_premux, rst_aon_n;
// the remaining resets
logic [OffDomains-1:0] rst_pd_nd, rst_pd_nq;
// always on handling
prim_flop_2sync #(
) u_aon_rst (
prim_clock_mux2 #(
) u_rst_aon_mux (
assign rst_no[DomainAonSel] = rst_aon_n;
// the non-always-on domains
// These reset whenever the always on domain reset, to ensure power definition consistency.
// By extension, they also reset whenever the root (rst_ni) resets
assign rst_pd_nd = ~rst_req_i[Domain0Sel +: OffDomains];
localparam int DomainPdStartIdx = DomainAonSel + 1;
for(genvar i = 0; i < OffDomains; i++) begin : gen_rst_pd_n
prim_flop_2sync #(
) u_pd_rst (
// when the always on portion resets, always reset the non-always-on portion as well.
.rst_ni(rst_aon_n & rst_parent_ni[DomainPdStartIdx + i]),
prim_clock_mux2 #(
) u_rst_pd_mux (
.clk_o(rst_no[DomainPdStartIdx + i])
endmodule // rstmgr_ctrl