blob: dac761fd9d364dc26a8d5afdec8b0e1ef057e9da [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Simple parameterizable gate generator. Used to fill up the netlist with gates that cannot be
// optimized away.
// The module leverages 4bit SBoxes from the PRINCE cipher, and interleaves them with registers,
// resulting in a split of around 50/50 between logic and sequential cells.
// This generator has been tested with 32bit wide data, and produces the following results:
// -------------+-----------+----------
// requested GE | actual GE | GE error
// -------------+-----------+----------
// 500 | 483 | -17
// 1000 | 964 | -36
// 1500 | 1447 | -53
// 2500 | 2892 | 392
// 5000 | 5299 | 299
// 7500 | 8030 | 530
// 10000 | 10393 | 393
// 15000 | 15575 | 575
// 25000 | 26422 | 1422
// 50000 | 52859 | 2859
// 100000 | 105270 | 5270
// Note that the generator is not very accurate for smaller gate counts due to the generate loop
// granularity. Hence, do not use for fever than 500 GE.
// If valid_i constantly set to 1'b1, the gate generator produces around 2.5% smaller designs for
// the configurations listed in the table above.
`include ""
module prim_gate_gen #(
parameter int DataWidth = 32,
parameter int NumGates = 1000
) (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
input valid_i,
input [DataWidth-1:0] data_i,
output logic [DataWidth-1:0] data_o,
output valid_o
// Local parameters and assertions //
// technology specific tuning, do not modify.
// an inner round is comprised of a 2bit rotation, followed by a 4bit SBox Layer.
localparam int NumInnerRounds = 2;
localparam int GatesPerRound = DataWidth * 14;
// an outer round consists of NumInnerRounds, followed by a register.
localparam int NumOuterRounds = (NumGates + GatesPerRound / 2) / GatesPerRound;
// do not use for fewer than 500 GE
`ASSERT(MinimumNumGates_A, NumGates >= 500)
`ASSERT(DataMustBeMultipleOfFour_A, DataWidth % 4 == 0)
// Generator Loops //
logic [NumOuterRounds-1:0][DataWidth-1:0] regs_d, regs_q;
logic [NumOuterRounds-1:0] valid_d, valid_q;
for (genvar k = 0; k < NumOuterRounds; k++) begin : gen_outer_round
logic [NumInnerRounds:0][DataWidth-1:0] inner_data;
if (k==0) begin : gen_first
assign inner_data[0] = data_i;
assign valid_d[0] = valid_i;
end else begin : gen_others
assign inner_data[0] = regs_q[k-1];
assign valid_d[k] = valid_q[k-1];
for (genvar l = 0; l < NumInnerRounds; l++) begin : gen_inner
// 2bit rotation + sbox layer
assign inner_data[l+1] = prim_cipher_pkg::sbox4_32bit({inner_data[l][1:0],
assign regs_d[k] = inner_data[NumInnerRounds];
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : p_regs
if (!rst_ni) begin
regs_q <= '0;
valid_q <= '0;
end else begin
valid_q <= valid_d;
for (int k = 0; k < NumOuterRounds; k++) begin
if (valid_d[k]) begin
regs_q[k] <= regs_d[k];
assign data_o = regs_q[NumOuterRounds-1];
assign valid_o = valid_q[NumOuterRounds-1];
endmodule : prim_gate_gen