blob: 3042ffe06e757d918b7d47decd5ecafcc0852d9f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Macro bodies included by for tools that support full SystemVerilog and SVA syntax.
// See for documentation for each of the macros.
`define ASSERT_I(__name, __prop) \
__name: assert (__prop) \
else begin \
`ASSERT_ERROR(__name) \
// Formal tools will ignore the initial construct, so use static assertion as a workaround.
// This workaround terminates design elaboration if the __prop predict is false.
// It calls $fatal() with the first argument equal to 2, it outputs the statistics about the memory
// and CPU time.
`define ASSERT_INIT(__name, __prop) \
`ifdef FPV_ON \
if (!(__prop)) $fatal(2, "Fatal static assertion [%s]: (%s) is not true.", \
(__name), (__prop)); \
`else \
initial begin \
__name: assert (__prop) \
else begin \
`ASSERT_ERROR(__name) \
end \
end \
`define ASSERT_INIT_NET(__name, __prop) \
initial begin \
// When a net is assigned with a value, the assignment is evaluated after \
// initial in Xcelium. Add 1ps delay to check value after the assignment is \
// completed. \
#1ps; \
__name: assert (__prop) \
else begin \
`ASSERT_ERROR(__name) \
end \
end \
`define ASSERT_FINAL(__name, __prop) \
final begin \
__name: assert (__prop || $test$plusargs("disable_assert_final_checks")) \
else begin \
`ASSERT_ERROR(__name) \
end \
`define ASSERT(__name, __prop, __clk = `ASSERT_DEFAULT_CLK, __rst = `ASSERT_DEFAULT_RST) \
__name: assert property (@(posedge __clk) disable iff ((__rst) !== '0) (__prop)) \
else begin \
`ASSERT_ERROR(__name) \
`define ASSERT_NEVER(__name, __prop, __clk = `ASSERT_DEFAULT_CLK, __rst = `ASSERT_DEFAULT_RST) \
__name: assert property (@(posedge __clk) disable iff ((__rst) !== '0) not (__prop)) \
else begin \
`ASSERT_ERROR(__name) \
`define ASSERT_KNOWN(__name, __sig, __clk = `ASSERT_DEFAULT_CLK, __rst = `ASSERT_DEFAULT_RST) \
`ASSERT(__name, !$isunknown(__sig), __clk, __rst)
`define COVER(__name, __prop, __clk = `ASSERT_DEFAULT_CLK, __rst = `ASSERT_DEFAULT_RST) \
__name: cover property (@(posedge __clk) disable iff ((__rst) !== '0) (__prop));
`define ASSUME(__name, __prop, __clk = `ASSERT_DEFAULT_CLK, __rst = `ASSERT_DEFAULT_RST) \
__name: assume property (@(posedge __clk) disable iff ((__rst) !== '0) (__prop)) \
else begin \
`ASSERT_ERROR(__name) \
`define ASSUME_I(__name, __prop) \
__name: assume (__prop) \
else begin \
`ASSERT_ERROR(__name) \