blob: 43636c060d0db104b03c25d137beb7deefad7f7b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package csrng_pkg;
// Application Interfaces
parameter int unsigned GENBITS_BUS_WIDTH = 128;
parameter int unsigned CSRNG_CMD_WIDTH = 32;
parameter int unsigned FIPS_GENBITS_BUS_WIDTH = entropy_src_pkg::FIPS_BUS_WIDTH +
parameter int unsigned MainSmStateWidth = 8;
// instantiation interface
typedef struct packed {
logic csrng_req_valid;
logic [CSRNG_CMD_WIDTH-1:0] csrng_req_bus;
logic genbits_ready;
} csrng_req_t;
typedef struct packed {
logic csrng_req_ready;
logic csrng_rsp_ack;
logic csrng_rsp_sts;
logic genbits_valid;
logic genbits_fips;
logic [GENBITS_BUS_WIDTH-1:0] genbits_bus;
} csrng_rsp_t;
parameter csrng_req_t CSRNG_REQ_DEFAULT = '{default: '0};
parameter csrng_rsp_t CSRNG_RSP_DEFAULT = '{default: '0};
typedef enum logic [2:0] {
INV = 3'h0,
INS = 3'h1,
RES = 3'h2,
GEN = 3'h3,
UPD = 3'h4,
UNI = 3'h5,
GENB = 3'h6,
GENU = 3'h7
} acmd_e;
// Encoding generated with:
// $ ./util/design/ -d 3 -m 15 -n 8 \
// -s 1300573258 --language=sv
// Hamming distance histogram:
// 0: --
// 1: --
// 2: --
// 3: |||||||||||||||||| (32.38%)
// 4: |||||||||||||||||||| (35.24%)
// 5: |||||||| (15.24%)
// 6: |||||| (11.43%)
// 7: ||| (5.71%)
// 8: --
// Minimum Hamming distance: 3
// Maximum Hamming distance: 7
// Minimum Hamming weight: 1
// Maximum Hamming weight: 7
typedef enum logic [MainSmStateWidth-1:0] {
MainSmIdle = 8'b01001110, // idle
MainSmParseCmd = 8'b10111011, // parse the cmd
MainSmInstantPrep = 8'b11000001, // instantiate prep
MainSmInstantReq = 8'b01010100, // instantiate request (takes adata or entropy)
MainSmReseedPrep = 8'b11011101, // reseed prep
MainSmReseedReq = 8'b01011011, // reseed request (takes adata and entropy and Key,V,RC)
MainSmGeneratePrep = 8'b11101111, // generate request (takes adata? and Key,V,RC)
MainSmGenerateReq = 8'b00100100, // generate request (takes adata? and Key,V,RC)
MainSmUpdatePrep = 8'b00110001, // update prep
MainSmUpdateReq = 8'b10010000, // update request (takes adata and Key,V,RC)
MainSmUninstantPrep = 8'b11110110, // uninstantiate prep
MainSmUninstantReq = 8'b01100011, // uninstantiate request
MainSmClrAData = 8'b00000010, // clear out the additional data packer fifo
MainSmCmdCompWait = 8'b10111100, // wait for command to complete
MainSmError = 8'b01111000 // error state, results in fatal alert
} main_sm_state_e;
parameter int CsKeymgrDivWidth = 384;
typedef logic [CsKeymgrDivWidth-1:0] cs_keymgr_div_t;
endpackage : csrng_pkg