blob: db75aa164d0b513d0516d2fcd1d62bee90be2a1b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# RISC-V linker parameters.
riscv_linker_script = '@0@/@1@'.format(meson.source_root(), files(['link.ld'])[0])
riscv_linker_args = [
# Ensure we don't include a build-id attribute in the ELF.
# RISC-V startup library. Every RISC-V executable should depend on this target.
riscv_crt = declare_dependency(
link_args: riscv_linker_args,
# This is included as a source, not as a static library, so that the .crt
# section is picked up correctly.
sources: ['_crt.c'],
dependencies: [sw_lib_irq],
# This argument exists solely so that Meson realizes that riscv_linker_script
# is part of the dependency graph. This seems to be the only way to convince
# Meson to behave in this way, for the following reasons:
# - The dependencies arg can only include artifacts from declare_dependency().
# - We can't put linker scripts into the sources list, since Meson has no
# clue how to deal with them.
# - custom_target() doesn't help, because we can't convince Meson to depend on
# a custom_target() unless it produces source files.
# - If we go with static_library, sources needs to be non-empty in order for
# Meson to correctly treat it as a cross-compile target (otherwise, we get
# linker errors). This is because Meson guesses the type of a target based
# off of the file extensions of the source files.
link_with: static_library(
sources: ['empty.c'],
link_depends: [riscv_linker_script],