blob: 63abd6dfdae4bf5d9b7f92a0b96c199f928b74df [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Device module.
package spi_device_pkg;
// SPI Operation mode
typedef enum logic [1:0] {
FwMode = 'h0,
FlashMode = 'h1,
PassThrough = 'h2
} spi_mode_e;
// SPI IO mode
typedef enum logic [1:0] {
SingleIO = 2'h 0,
DualIO = 2'h 1,
QuadIO = 2'h 2
} io_mode_e;
// SPI Line Mode (Mode0 <-> Mode3)
// This HWIP does not support Mode1 and Mode2
typedef enum logic {
// Mode0: CPOL=0, CPHA=0
// Data sampled on rising edge and shifted on falling edge
LineMode0 = 1'b 0,
// Mode3: CPOL=1, CPHA=1
// Data sampled on falling edge and shifted on rising edge
LineMode3 = 1'b 1
} line_mode_e;
// SPI Read mode. QUAD uses additional two pins to read
// Bit 0: Single, Bit 1: Dual Bit 2: Quad
typedef logic [2:0] spi_rdmode_t;
typedef logic [7:0] spi_byte_t;
// eSPI utilizes Alert# signal (from device to host)
typedef enum logic [1:0] {
Spi = 2'h0,
Espi = 2'h1,
Tpm = 2'h2
} spi_type_e;
typedef enum logic [1:0] {
AddrByte = 2'h0, // 1 byte for address
AddrWord = 2'h1, // 2 bytes for address
AddrFull = 2'h2 // 3 bytes for address
} spi_addr_size_e;
localparam int MEM_AW = 12; // Memory Address width (Byte based)
// List of supported commands @ Bunker mode (SPI Manufacturing mode)
typedef enum logic [7:0] {
Nop = 8'h00,
WrSts = 8'h01, // Write STATUS1 followed by STATUS2 register
Write = 8'h02, // Write Data
Read = 8'h03, // Limit to a certain speed as read data starts right after addr
WrDi = 8'h04, // Write Disable: Clear WEL to 0
RdSts = 8'h05,
WrEn = 8'h06, // Write Enable: Set WEL to 1
HsRd = 8'h0B, // 8 cycle gap between addr/ rdata
RdSts2 = 8'h35, // Read STATUS2 register
DlRd = 8'h3B, // Dual Read
QdRd = 8'h6B // Quad Read
} spi_rom_cmd_e;
// Sram parameters
parameter int unsigned SramDw = 32;
// Msg region is used for read cmd in Flash and Passthrough region
parameter int unsigned SramMsgDepth = 512; // 2kB
parameter int unsigned SramMailboxDepth = 256; // 1kB for mailbox
// SPI Flash Discoverable Parameter is for host to get the device
// information. It is a separate Command. The device provides a region in
// DPSRAM for SW. The size is 256B
parameter int unsigned SramSfdpDepth = 64;
parameter int unsigned SramPayloadDepth = 64; // 256B for Program
parameter int unsigned SramCmdFifoDepth = 16; // 16 x 1B for Cmd
parameter int unsigned SramAddrFifoDepth = 16; // 16 x 4B for Addr
parameter int unsigned SramTotalDepth = SramMsgDepth + SramMailboxDepth
+ SramSfdpDepth + SramPayloadDepth
+ SramCmdFifoDepth + SramAddrFifoDepth ;
// Sram Depth is set to 1024 to satisfy DPSRAM parameter even though
// SramTotalDepth above is 928.
parameter int unsigned SramDepth = 1024;
parameter int unsigned SramAw = $clog2(SramDepth);
// spi device scanmode usage
typedef enum logic [2:0] {
} scan_mode_e;
endpackage : spi_device_pkg