blob: 02c501b59056e008e98beca12e65d828a9d3793d [file] [log] [blame]
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Regression script for RISC-V random instruction generator
import argparse
import os
import random
import re
import subprocess
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, "../../vendor/google_riscv-dv/scripts")
sys.path.insert(0, "./riscv_dv_extension")
from lib import *
from ibex_log_to_trace_csv import *
from spike_log_to_trace_csv import *
from ovpsim_log_to_trace_csv import *
from instr_trace_compare import *
def process_cmd(keyword, cmd, opts, enable):
""" Process the compile and simulation command
keyword : Keyword to search
cmd : Command to be processed
opts : Options to replace the keyword
enable : Option enable/disable
Processed command
if enable == "1":
return re.sub(keyword, opts.rstrip(), cmd)
return re.sub(keyword, "", cmd)
def get_simulator_cmd(simulator, simulator_yaml, en_cov, en_wave):
""" Setup the compile and simulation command for the generator
simulator : RTL simulator used to run instruction generator
simulator_yaml : RTL simulator configuration file in YAML format
en_cov : Enable coverage dump
en_wave : Enable waveform
compile_cmd : RTL simulator command to compile the instruction generator
sim_cmd : RTL simulator command to run the instruction generator
print("Processing simulator setup file : %s" % simulator_yaml)
yaml_data = read_yaml(simulator_yaml)
# Search for matched simulator
for entry in yaml_data:
if entry['tool'] == simulator:
print("Found matching simulator: %s" % entry['tool'])
compile_cmd = entry['compile']['cmd']
for i in range(len(compile_cmd)):
compile_cmd[i] = process_cmd("<cov_opts>", compile_cmd[i],
entry['compile']['cov_opts'], en_cov)
compile_cmd[i] = process_cmd("<wave_opts>", compile_cmd[i],
entry['compile']['wave_opts'], en_wave)
sim_cmd = entry['sim']['cmd']
sim_cmd = process_cmd("<cov_opts>", sim_cmd, entry['sim']['cov_opts'], en_cov)
sim_cmd = process_cmd("<wave_opts>", sim_cmd, entry['sim']['wave_opts'], en_wave)
return compile_cmd, sim_cmd
print ("Cannot find RTL simulator %0s" % simulator)
def rtl_compile(compile_cmd, test_list, output_dir, lsf_cmd, opts, verbose):
"""Run the instruction generator
compile_cmd : Compile command
test_list : List of assembly programs to be compiled
output_dir : Output directory of the ELF files
lsf_cmd : LSF command to run compilation
opts : Compile options for the generator
verbose : Verbose logging
# Compile the TB
print ("Compiling TB")
for cmd in compile_cmd:
cmd = re.sub("<out>", output_dir, cmd)
cmd = re.sub("<cmp_opts>", opts, cmd)
if verbose:
print("Compile command: %s" % cmd)
output = run_cmd(cmd)
if verbose:
def rtl_sim(sim_cmd, test_list, output_dir, bin_dir, lsf_cmd, seed, opts, verbose):
"""Run the instruction generator
sim_cmd : Simulation command
test_list : List of assembly programs
output_dir : Simulation output directory
bin_dir : Directory of the ELF files
lsf_cmd : LSF command to run simulation
seed : Seed of RTL simulation
opts : Simulation options
verbose : Verbose logging
# Run the RTL simulation
sim_cmd = re.sub("<out>", output_dir, sim_cmd)
sim_cmd = re.sub("<sim_opts>", opts, sim_cmd)
sim_cmd = re.sub("<cwd>", cwd, sim_cmd)
print ("Running RTL simulation...")
cmd_list = []
for test in test_list:
for i in range(test['iterations']):
rand_seed = get_seed(seed)
test_sim_cmd = re.sub("<seed>", str(rand_seed), sim_cmd)
if "sim_opts" in test:
test_sim_cmd += test['sim_opts']
sim_dir = output_dir + ("/%s.%d" %(test['test'], i))
run_cmd(("mkdir -p %s" % sim_dir))
if verbose:
print("Run dir: %s" % sim_dir)
binary = ("%s/%s.%d.bin" % (bin_dir, test['test'], i))
cmd = lsf_cmd + " " + test_sim_cmd.rstrip() + \
(" +UVM_TESTNAME=%s " % test['rtl_test']) + \
(" +bin=%s " % binary) + \
(" -l sim.log ")
print("Running %s with %s" % (test['rtl_test'], binary))
if verbose:
output = run_cmd(' '.join(cmd.split()))
if verbose:
def compare(test_list, iss, output_dir, verbose):
"""Compare RTL & ISS simulation reult
test_list : List of assembly programs to be compiled
iss : List of instruction set simulators
output_dir : Output directory of the ELF files
verbose : Verbose logging
report = ("%s/regr.log" % output_dir).rstrip()
for test in test_list:
for i in range(0, test['iterations']):
elf = ("%s/asm_tests/%s.%d.o" % (output_dir, test['test'], i))
print("Comparing %s/DUT sim result : %s" % (iss, elf))
run_cmd(("echo 'Test binary: %s' >> %s" % (elf, report)))
uvm_log = ("%s/rtl_sim/%s.%d/sim.log" % (output_dir, test['test'], i))
rtl_log = ("%s/rtl_sim/%s.%d/trace_core_00000000.log" % (output_dir, test['test'], i))
rtl_csv = ("%s/rtl_sim/%s.%d/trace_core_00000000.csv" % (output_dir, test['test'], i))
test_name = "%s.%d" % (test['test'], i)
if 'no_post_compare' in test and test['no_post_compare'] == 1:
check_ibex_uvm_log(uvm_log, "ibex", test_name, report)
process_ibex_sim_log(rtl_log, rtl_csv)
iss_log = ("%s/instr_gen/%s_sim/%s.%d.log" % (output_dir, iss, test['test'], i))
iss_csv = ("%s/instr_gen/%s_sim/%s.%d.csv" % (output_dir, iss, test['test'], i))
if iss == "spike":
process_spike_sim_log(iss_log, iss_csv)
elif iss == "ovpsim":
process_ovpsim_sim_log(iss_log, iss_csv)
print("Unsupported ISS" % iss)
uvm_result = check_ibex_uvm_log(uvm_log, "ibex", test_name, report, False)
if not uvm_result:
check_ibex_uvm_log(uvm_log, "ibex", test_name, report)
if 'compare_opts' in test:
compare_opts = test.get('compare_opts')
in_order_mode = compare_opts.get('in_order_mode', 1)
coalescing_limit = compare_opts.get('coalescing_limit', 0)
verbose = compare_opts.get('verbose', 0)
mismatch = compare_opts.get('mismatch_print_limit', 5)
compare_final = compare_opts.get('compare_final_value_only', 0)
compare_trace_csv(rtl_csv, iss_csv, "ibex", iss, report,
in_order_mode, coalescing_limit, verbose,
mismatch, compare_final)
compare_trace_csv(rtl_csv, iss_csv, "ibex", iss, report)
passed_cnt = run_cmd("grep PASSED %s | wc -l" % report).strip()
failed_cnt = run_cmd("grep FAILED %s | wc -l" % report).strip()
summary = ("%s PASSED, %s FAILED" % (passed_cnt, failed_cnt))
run_cmd(("echo %s >> %s" % (summary, report)))
print("RTL & ISS regression report is saved to %s" % report)
# Parse input arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--o", type=str, default="./out",
help="Output directory name")
parser.add_argument("--testlist", type=str, default="riscv_dv_extension/testlist.yaml",
help="Regression testlist")
parser.add_argument("--test", type=str, default="all",
help="Test name, 'all' means all tests in the list")
parser.add_argument("--seed", type=int, default=-1,
help="Randomization seed, default -1 means random seed")
parser.add_argument("--iterations", type=int, default=0,
help="Override the iteration count in the test list")
parser.add_argument("--simulator", type=str, default="vcs",
help="Simulator used to run the generator, default VCS")
parser.add_argument("--simulator_yaml", type=str, default="yaml/rtl_simulation.yaml",
help="RTL simulator setting YAML")
parser.add_argument("--iss", type=str, default="spike",
help="Instruction set simulator")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true",
help="Verbose logging")
parser.add_argument("--cmp_opts", type=str, default="",
help="Compile options for the generator")
parser.add_argument("--sim_opts", type=str, default="",
help="Simulation options for the generator")
parser.add_argument("--en_cov", type=str, default=0,
help="Enable coverage dump")
parser.add_argument("--en_wave", type=str, default=0,
help="Enable waveform dump")
parser.add_argument("--steps", type=str, default="all",
help="Run steps: compile,sim,compare")
parser.add_argument("--lsf_cmd", type=str, default="",
help="LSF command. Run in local sequentially if lsf \
command is not specified")
args = parser.parse_args()
cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
# Create the output directory
output_dir = ("%s/rtl_sim" % args.o)
bin_dir = ("%s/instr_gen/asm_tests" % args.o)["mkdir", "-p", output_dir])
# Process regression test list
matched_list = []
process_regression_list(args.testlist, args.test,
args.iterations, matched_list)
if len(matched_list) == 0:
sys.exit("Cannot find %s in %s" % (args.test, args.testlist))
compile_cmd = []
sim_cmd = ""
compile_cmd, sim_cmd = get_simulator_cmd(args.simulator, args.simulator_yaml,
args.en_cov, args.en_wave)
# Compile TB
if args.steps == "all" or re.match("compile", args.steps):
rtl_compile(compile_cmd, matched_list, output_dir,
args.lsf_cmd, args.cmp_opts, args.verbose)
# Run RTL simulation
if args.steps == "all" or re.match("sim", args.steps):
rtl_sim(sim_cmd, matched_list, output_dir, bin_dir, args.lsf_cmd,
args.seed, args.sim_opts, args.verbose)
# Compare RTL & ISS simulation result.;
if args.steps == "all" or re.match("compare", args.steps):
compare(matched_list, args.iss, args.o, args.verbose)