blob: db99292bd6b562a0b28802b77d71e883cebbcf80 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// AES low-bandwidth pseudo-random number generator for register clearing
// This module uses an LFSR followed by an aligned permutation, a non-linear layer (PRINCE S-Boxes)
// and another permutation to generate pseudo-random data for the AES module for clearing
// registers (secure wipe). The LFSR can be reseeded using an external interface.
`include ""
module aes_prng_clearing import aes_pkg::*;
parameter int unsigned Width = 64, // At the moment we just support a width of 64.
parameter int unsigned EntropyWidth = edn_pkg::ENDPOINT_BUS_WIDTH,
parameter bit SecSkipPRNGReseeding = 0, // The current SCA setup doesn't provide
// sufficient resources to implement the
// infrastructure required for PRNG reseeding.
// To enable SCA resistance evaluations, we
// need to skip reseeding requests.
parameter clearing_lfsr_seed_t RndCnstLfsrSeed = RndCnstClearingLfsrSeedDefault,
parameter clearing_lfsr_perm_t RndCnstLfsrPerm = RndCnstClearingLfsrPermDefault,
parameter clearing_lfsr_perm_t RndCnstSharePerm = RndCnstClearingSharePermDefault
) (
input logic clk_i,
input logic rst_ni,
// Connections to AES internals, PRNG consumers
input logic data_req_i,
output logic data_ack_o,
output logic [Width-1:0] data_o [NumSharesKey],
input logic reseed_req_i,
output logic reseed_ack_o,
// Connections to outer world, LFSR re-seed
output logic entropy_req_o,
input logic entropy_ack_i,
input logic [EntropyWidth-1:0] entropy_i
logic seed_valid;
logic seed_en;
logic [Width-1:0] seed;
logic lfsr_en;
logic [Width-1:0] lfsr_state;
// In the current SCA setup, we don't have sufficient resources to implement the infrastructure
// required for PRNG reseeding (CSRNG, EDN, etc.). Therefore, we skip any reseeding requests if
// the SecSkipPRNGReseeding parameter is set. Performing the reseeding without proper entropy
// provided from CSRNG would result in quickly repeating, fully deterministic PRNG output,
// which prevents meaningful SCA resistance evaluations.
if (SecSkipPRNGReseeding) begin : gen_skip_prng_reseeding
// Create a lint error to reduce the risk of accidentally enabling this feature.
logic sec_skip_prng_reseeding;
assign sec_skip_prng_reseeding = SecSkipPRNGReseeding;
// LFSR control
assign lfsr_en = data_req_i & data_ack_o;
assign seed_en = SecSkipPRNGReseeding ? 1'b0 : seed_valid;
// The data requests are fed from the LFSR, reseed requests have the highest priority.
assign data_ack_o = reseed_req_i ? 1'b0 : data_req_i;
// Width adaption for reseeding interface. We get EntropyWidth bits at a time.
if (Width/2 == EntropyWidth) begin : gen_buffer
// We buffer the first EntropyWidth bits.
logic [EntropyWidth-1:0] buffer_d, buffer_q;
logic buffer_valid_d, buffer_valid_q;
// Stop requesting entropy once we have reseeded the LFSR.
assign entropy_req_o = SecSkipPRNGReseeding ? 1'b0 : reseed_req_i;
assign reseed_ack_o = SecSkipPRNGReseeding ? reseed_req_i : seed_valid;
// Buffer
assign buffer_valid_d = entropy_req_o && entropy_ack_i ? ~buffer_valid_q : buffer_valid_q;
// Only update the buffer upon receiving the first EntropyWidth bits.
assign buffer_d = entropy_req_o && entropy_ack_i && !buffer_valid_q ? entropy_i : buffer_q;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : reg_buffer
if (!rst_ni) begin
buffer_q <= '0;
buffer_valid_q <= 1'b0;
end else begin
buffer_q <= buffer_d;
buffer_valid_q <= buffer_valid_d;
assign seed = {buffer_q, entropy_i};
assign seed_valid = buffer_valid_q & entropy_req_o & entropy_ack_i;
end else begin : gen_packer
// Upsizing of entropy input to correct width for LFSR reseeding.
// Stop requesting entropy once the desired amount is available.
assign entropy_req_o = SecSkipPRNGReseeding ? 1'b0 : reseed_req_i & ~seed_valid;
assign reseed_ack_o = SecSkipPRNGReseeding ? reseed_req_i : seed_valid;
prim_packer_fifo #(
.InW ( EntropyWidth ),
.OutW ( Width ),
.ClearOnRead ( 1'b0 )
) u_prim_packer_fifo (
.clk_i ( clk_i ),
.rst_ni ( rst_ni ),
.clr_i ( 1'b0 ), // Not needed.
.wvalid_i ( entropy_ack_i ),
.wdata_i ( entropy_i ),
.wready_o ( ), // Not needed, we're always ready to sink data at this point.
.rvalid_o ( seed_valid ),
.rdata_o ( seed ),
.rready_i ( 1'b1 ), // We're always ready to receive the packed output word.
.depth_o ( ) // Not needed.
// LFSR instance
prim_lfsr #(
.LfsrType ( "GAL_XOR" ),
.LfsrDw ( Width ),
.StateOutDw ( Width ),
.DefaultSeed ( RndCnstLfsrSeed ),
.StatePermEn ( 1'b1 ),
.StatePerm ( RndCnstLfsrPerm ),
.NonLinearOut ( 1'b1 )
) u_lfsr (
.clk_i ( clk_i ),
.rst_ni ( rst_ni ),
.seed_en_i ( seed_en ),
.seed_i ( seed ),
.lfsr_en_i ( lfsr_en ),
.entropy_i ( '0 ),
.state_o ( lfsr_state )
assign data_o[0] = lfsr_state;
// A seperate permutation is applied to obtain the pseudo-random data for clearing the second
// share of registers (e.g. key registers or state registers in case masking is enabled).
for (genvar i = 0; i < Width; i++) begin : gen_share_perm
assign data_o[1][i] = lfsr_state[RndCnstSharePerm[i]];
// Width must be 64.
`ASSERT_INIT(AesPrngWidth, Width == 64)
// the code below is not meant to be synthesized,
// but it is intended to be used in simulation and FPV
// Check that the supplied permutation is valid.
logic [Width-1:0] share_perm_test, unused_share_perm_test;
initial begin : p_share_perm_check
share_perm_test = '0;
for (int k = 0; k < Width; k++) begin
share_perm_test[RndCnstSharePerm[k]] = 1'b1;
unused_share_perm_test = share_perm_test;
// All bit positions must be marked with 1.
`ASSERT_I(SharePermutationCheck_A, &share_perm_test)